Top Operator Transfer Permit

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The Top Operator Transfer Permit, also known as Thank-You Celebration Headhunting Permit, is a special recruitment item in Arknights.

Item description
Allows you to select a 6-star Operator from a past Headhunting Pool up to and including "{banner}."

A lot of tablework went into this Top Operator Transfer Permit from Rhodes Island's HR distribution; a 100% guarantee on the aid you receive is no small ask.


The Top Operator Transfer Permit is included alongside the Rhodes Island Headhunting Pack, which can be purchased at the Packs Store for US$29.99 during a Celebration event.

When used, the player will be able to pick a non-limited 6★ Operator introduced in the past headhunting banners up until and including the banner that precedes the previous Celebration event to be added into their roster:

  1. 1st Anniversary Celebration: Enthusiasm, Expansion, Explosion (Blaze)
  2. Fan Appreciation Event[note 1]: Illusions of the Past (Phantom)
  3. Under Tides: Fractured Light (Blemishine)
  4. Near Light[note 1]: Erg Passenger (Passenger)
  5. Stultifera Navis: A Wanderer in the Wind (Fartooth)
  6. Il Siracusano[note 1]: Roaring Cliffrunner (Horn)
  7. Lone Trail: Bearings and Sparks (Stainless)
  8. Zwillingstürme im Herbst[note 1]: As In My Adumbration (Ines)
  9. 5th Anniversary Celebration (CN)[note 2]: From Gleams and Smoke I Emerge (Hoederer)


  • Due to the changed ordering of events in the Global server which made Children of Ursus and Twilight of Wolumonde preceding Darknights Memoir (DM precedes SV and TW in the CN server), Rosa and Suzuran are included in the first Thank-You Celebration Operator Permit, contrary to the original CN version of the item that didn't include both Operators.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 As "Thank-You Celebration Operator Permit"
  2. Likely will be rebranded into the 2nd Fan Appreciation Event or the Episode 14 release event in the Global server

See also