Bryophyta: Day & Night at Fashion Street

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Operator Record
Day & Night at Fashion Street
Bryophyta icon.png

Summer ends with a song, but time treats all equally—they'll grow up on their own, bit by bit.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Bryophyta to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Bryophyta.
Little Black Sheep 5 icon.png
Cheerful Creature
Old Male Siestan icon.png
Cold Drinks Shop Owner
Male Tourist icon.png
White Volcano
Siesta Fashion Street
Siesta Fashion Street Night
Siesta Unfinished Plate
Enis is about to embark on a journey far from home. Before that, he wants to create some unforgettable memories for his family.
<Background 1>
[A transmission can be heard in the distance.]
Radio Broadcast It's already been two weeks since we said 'so long' to our volcano. My dear Siestans, do you already miss that spectacular eruption?
I wonder, what was going through everyone's minds at that moment? After all, it was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence—or at least I certainly hope so!
'Thank goodness I'm still alive!' 'That's it? It's over already?' ...Or maybe, 'Adios, Old Siesta!'
To be honest, there was only one thing on MY mind at the time: What would it be like to reach out and grab a chunk of that volcanic cloud from the sky? Would it have tasted like a tomato, or a strawberry-flavored marshmallow?
Enis It's almost ready. Want to add anything? Strawberry jam or ketchup?
Lut Give it to me with cotton candy!
Enis That's not a thing, Captain Lut. Here you go.
Lut I'm not the captain today, I'm the colonel.
Enis Fine by me, Colonel Lut. Hopefully you like strawberry jam. Which would you like, Liv?
Liv ...
Enis Liv?
Liv (Do you want some too?)
(But Enis only made so much. If you also have some, then there won't be enough for Harley!)
(How about this: I'll give you half of mine. Sound good?)
Enis ...
(Is Liv... having a conversation with thin air?)
(She's not sleeptalking, is she?)
(Maybe I should just make it half-and-half.)
Here you go, Liv. Half jam, half ketchup.
Lut That's no fair, Enis!
Enis Fine, fine. Ketchup for Colonel Lut as well.
Now for a pop quiz—
If me and Harley aren't home, and you two have to cook for yourselves, what's the first thing you do after you're done?
Lut Turn off the stove—
That one's too easy. You asked the same question the day before.
Enis And your answer, Liv?
[Liv runs away.]
Enis Hey, Liv— Don't start running off after only taking a single bite! Liv!
...Now why the heck would she just run off like that?
(Liv's been acting strange all day... Could she be spacing out because she's upset that I'm leaving?)
(Maybe I need to sit down and have a talk with her. Might be worth taking her to a pet store before I go, see if I can find her a friend to keep her company.)
Whoa! My fried egg...
Lut Enis! Didn't I just say to turn off the stove after you finish cooking?
Enis Ahaha... Y'know how it goes: do as I say, not as I do.
Lut *sigh*... One of you ran off without finishing her breakfast, and the other messed up his own breakfast.
But Colonel Lut here sat down at the table and ate his breakfast without a fuss. Don't I deserve a reward?
[Harley appears.]
Harley What would you like?
Lut A D32 steel warrior.
Harley Heh, well, I happen to have my own idea. How about I conveniently forget that you used my lip balm to scribble all over the drinks menu?
Lut That wasn't me, Harley! H-How about we compromise? I'll just ask Enis to make me another omelet!
Harley Good kids don't haggle. The more you try, the less you're getting out of me.
Lut Hmph! Fine, then I'm leaving too!
Enis Where are you going to play today, Lut?
Lut Not telling!
Enis ...
Harley Is this one mine?
Enis Yup. With pepper, as usual.
Harley Just give me that overcooked mess you have sitting in the pan over there.
Enis Hey, it's not that burnt... I can still eat it.
Lut (Reaches for cup)
Enis Wait, Lut! That's... Don't drink that!
Lut ...Huh?
Enis (Sniffs)
Harley! How many times have I told you not to leave leftover drinks on the bar? The kids aren't—
Harley Yeah, yeah. A sip or two of orange ale's not gonna kill them; stop being such a worrywart. You've turned into more of a mom than me lately.
People who can't take it easy before 'the Big Day' can't possibly become globetrotting explorers.
Enis That's a completely different issue...
Harley Musicians before a performance don't have the time to worry about other people having their strings on right. Sort out your own affairs before worrying about us.
You'll be leaving in a few days. Have you figured out the work situation yet?
<Background 2A>
Enis Three, two, one... Hup!
Messenger Hey hey hey, slow down... I've got this side secured. On my mark, lift—
Enis And liiiift—
Phew... Alright, that should be the last box. The terminal shows there's still a batch of goods yet to be delivered to Siesta. Once everything arrives, would you mind moving it all to the warehouse and taking a detailed inventory?
Messenger Don't worry, it's an order from Mountaincomm Trade. As long as there's money to be made, you can count on me.
Oh, but a whole bunch of urgent shipments have been coming in recently. Without you to split the workload with, I might be out making nighttime deliveries...
So, Enis, are you absolutely positive about leaving Siesta?
Enis Mmhmm. I've made up my mind.
Messenger Sure didn't see that coming... Guess that means the journey to revitalize Siesta's tourism industry is short another pair of capable hands.
C'mere, gimme a hug. Have a safe journey.
Enis ...
What's with all the touchy-feely stuff? It's not like I'm never coming back...
Messenger You're an old friend I'm used to meeting every day. 'Course I don't want to see you go!
Must be even harder for your family, though, seeing how tight you all are. We only just finished sorting out Fashion Street's grand renovation, and now they have to say goodbye again. It truly is just...
Enis Mm...
Harley actually didn't make much of a fuss over it. She was kind of a free spirit when she was younger, so I figure she wants me to go out there and take my shot.
As for the siblings, it might take them some time to adjust.
It's been on my mind the last few days, too—is there anything I can leave for them?
Messenger Hey, Enis, that kid walking down the road talking to herself... Is that your sister?
Enis That she is... Strange.
Lemme go take a look.
<Background 3>
The towering crane stretches out its long arms, its hanging cable slowly cutting through the unbroken, pillowy clouds in the sky.
In the distance, Mount Siesta intermittently coughs up plumes of gray smoke. It's been wheezing like that ever since its tantrum two weeks ago.
Liv The jam half of the omelet is yours.
Grandpa Tom didn't open the store today, so I wasn't able to get you any ice cream.
But the jam tastes really good, too. Enis made it himself. Enis...
Enis ...Liv? Why'd she come out to the undeveloped plot again?
She ran over here by herself when the volcano erupted... Could the tsunami back then have given her some sort of trauma? No, she'd be avoiding this place then...
It's closer here, and I can almost hear her clearly. I hope she doesn't notice me...
Huh? She seems to have... some sort of furry creature with her? Is that what Liv was talking to this whole time?
Cheerful Creature *nom* *nom*
Liv This is a little clay doll that Enis made for me. She has curly hair and a tiny flower tucked behind her ear. Do you think she looks like me? Enis said he made her with magic.
He's a liar. He doesn't know any magic. In the storybooks, magicians have all sorts of mystical, amazing powers, and they definitely never get sick.
Cheerful Creature (Grunts in dissatisfaction)
Liv Huh? Are you saying that even magicians can get sick?
Then, I'd rather Enis not be a magician.
I just wish he never got the stone disease.
Cheerful Creature (Grunts softly)
Liv The doctor lady said that it isn't that serious. But he ended up sleeping in the hospital for three whole days back then...
I heard from the adults on Fashion Street that people who get stone disease slowly turn to rock. Then they can't move or talk, and end up turning to sand and blowing away with the wind.
I... don't want that to happen to Enis.
Cheerful Creature (Nuzzles up close)
Liv Lately, he's been acting really strange. He seems so nervous. Do you think it's because of the 'Oripathy'?
Good thing he'll be leaving soon. To ship called Rhodes Island.
Cheerful Creature (Grunts in confusion)
Liv ...Of course not. Of course I don't want him to go.
But, Harley said there's lots and lots of amazing doctors on that ship, and I'm sure they'll find a cure for Enis's stone disease!
As long as he gets better, everything will be okay.
As for Fashion Street... You and Harley will be with me, right? Yeah, that's right. And that dummy Lut. We can all wait for Enis to come back, together.
Cheerful Creature (Nods)
Enis ...
And here I was thinking she didn't want me to leave. But she's actually been worried about my condition this whole time.
Get it together, Enis. You can't go making your sister worry about you—
Cheerful Creature (Turns head)
Enis Shoot—
The fuzzy thing... noticed me?
Speaking of which, I think I saw that exact same creature when the tsunami hit.
So it wasn't just a dream after all... Are they the ones who protected me, Liv, and all of Siesta?
Liv also made a new friend.
[Enis' phone rings.]
Enis Hmm?
This is... a text message from Grandpa Tom?
<Background 2A>
[Enis knocks on the door to Grandpa Tom's shop.]
Enis Grandpa Tom!
Grandpa Tom?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Shh! Pipe down!
I'm up here, on the awning. Look up.
Enis ...
What are you doing up there? You sent so many exclamation marks I thought this was urgent... You didn't open the shop today either, so I was fearing the worst—
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Not my fault you've got an overactive imagination, brat! I've got plenty of life in me yet!
Now cut the crap and get up here already!
Enis Huh? What for...?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner You'll know when you get up here, you stinkin' rascal!
Enis Alright then...
[Enis climbs up to the roof of the shop.]
Enis What's the big deal about this awning anyway? Surely you didn't invite me up here to catch some afternoon Siestan rays.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Look over there—
Enis Hmm? Isn't that little boy...
Lut? What's he doing in front of the music shop?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Working. Been seeing him a lot lately. Seems like he's helping attract customers.
Enis Working? Him, of all people?
Now that I think about it though, I haven't seen him much lately. And he's been pretty tight-lipped whenever I asked him what he's been doing. I was wondering.
Is it because he doesn't have enough spending money? Don't tell me he's saving up for that D32 steel warrior...
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Oi, oi. You're the older brother, aren't you? If you wanna treat them like your own kids, you'd best pay attention to how fast they grow!
Enis How fast... they grow?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Uh-huh. The boy seems to have taken an interest in musical instruments. As expected of a kid who grew up on Fashion Street.
The music shop's owner mentioned to me that he was asking about the price of a guitar, and said he wanted to learn.
Seems like the guitar skills Harley keeps under wraps these days have finally been passed down.
Enis But he's too young for that... If he really wants one, he could've just asked me.
I'll talk to the shop owner.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Oi, you blockhead. Don't put a damper on his enthusiasm.
You big brother types are always so stuck up. Wanting to do everything for your siblings, acting like they couldn't live without you.
If you ask me, it's the other way around. You can't live without them!
Enis But... that's how our relationship's always been.
It's precisely because I'm leaving that I should do whatever I can for them. I can take care of something as simple as buying a guitar.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Even if you do, you gonna teach him to play too? And if you can manage that, why not learn for him too while you're at it? May as well make his musical dreams come true in his place!
Enis Huh...
If you put it that way... I suppose Liv has her new friend, and Lut has something he wants to do. Maybe they really don't need me as much as they did before.
All of a sudden, it feels like... my heart's breaking—
Cold Drinks Shop Owner No matter how reluctant you are to let go of the kiddos, time waits for no one. Like it or not, they'll grow up sooner or later.
They'll decide on a direction for their own lives, just like you're deciding to leave Siesta now.
Enis But I don't want to miss out on seeing them grow up either...
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Look at the way Lut is introducing those products to tourists, all serious and stuff. Doesn't he remind you of someone?
Enis Who?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Back on the beaches of Old Siesta, a certain young Enis selling bottled soda to tourists wherever he went.
Enis ...
Cold Drinks Shop Owner It's true that you might not be able to be with your siblings in the days to come. But during your time together, you've already left a subtle mark on how they think and act.
As they grow up, the memories y'all made in the 'White Volcano' will accompany them in your place.
Enis Our memories... the 'White Volcano.'
I think I get it now... So that's why Harley was so opposed to tearing it down before.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner That said, you were a way smarter kid than Lut.
I mean, you'd secretly swap out all the condiments at the BBQ shack to spicy ones, and then stand around peddling your ice-cold sodas like you did nothing wrong.
Enis I can't believe you still remember that...
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Who'd ever forget taking a bite of lava-hot BBQ?
Enis I just wanted the store to sell out quick.
That way we'd be able to get off work early, so Harley could get back to practicing her new songs with her old bandmates, and I'd be able to go swimming with Lut and Liv.
Speaking of which, those two had just joined the family at the time. Their tiny little hands couldn't even hold onto the floats, so I had to strap the floats to their backs so they could flop around in the shallow water while holding onto my arms.
And in the blink of an eye, they're... Time sure flies, doesn't it?
These are all... our family memories.
Thanks, Grandpa Tom! I'm gonna head over to the waterpark construction site real quick!
I finally figured out what I want to do before I leave!
[Enis jumps off the roof and leaves.]
Cold Drinks Shop Owner ...
Young folks sure have a lot of energy.
I remember when you first came to Siesta. Just like Enis, you seemed like an endless bundle of energy.
So, what'd you think of my choice of words?
[The door to the shop opens.]
The door handle of the cold drinks shop slowly turns, and the door begins to open.
A woman walks out of the shop and looks at the old shopkeeper leisurely basking in the sun on the awning.
[Harley approaches the shop owner.]
Harley Spoken like a sage.
I'd expect nothing less from Tom, the man older than Fashion Street itself. What are some minor family troubles to him?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Thanks to your notes, I didn't make a total fool of myself.
But if you had everything all figured out, why not talk to Enis yourself? Why make an outsider like me give him that push on the back?
Harley ...
Good question.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Hahaha. You were actually in a pretty good mood when you said goodbye to Chuck. Drinkin' and singing just as always.
But it's totally different when it's your son's turn to leave the nest. Dunno if it's because you're a mother or... maybe you should've swapped places with Chuck, who's out there livin' his best life.
Harley As if! My traveling days ended the moment I became a mom.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner ...
Harley I owe you a glass of something nice.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Then let me try your new creation, the 'Cotton Sunset.'
Harley Mind a little chili powder?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Wouldn't have it any other way.
<Background 1>
*clink, clink*
*swish, swish*
Enis Mm...
I think this is what the house number sign was like before. Hmm, the length doesn't seem quite right. Need to trim it a little bit over here.
No good, the wood's too soft. I'll have to use stone after all.
Let me see... There's still some rocks I can use from the ones I brought over from the construction site.
This piece looks decent enough. Alright, better finish up before they get back!
Can't wait to see the looks on their faces.
Huh... Why am I getting a nosebleed again?
Maybe it's because I'm brimming with energy and enthusiasm!
Harley Enis!
Enis Huh? H-Harley? Why are you back so early—
Harley Those rocks, the lumps of mud... You little— Are you secretly practicing your Arts again? Did the doctor's words go in one ear and out the other?
Enis Wait! I can explain!
[Enis reveals to Harley his work.]
Enis (Wipes nosebleed)
Look. Chisel, hammer, saw.. I made these with my own two hands! No Arts involved!
Harley ...
What's all this?
Enis Can't tell yet, right? All you need to do is raise this 'roof' up, and—
Tadah! Welcome back to the original 'White Volcano'!
How does it look? What about this model over here? I made every little piece of this, bit by bit! Look at this sign—doesn't it look identical to the one that was on old Fashion Street?
Unfortunately my sculpting skills aren't quite up to par... The little refrigerator's handle is a bit crooked.
Harley So, this is the surprise you wanted to leave for us before you go?
Enis It isn't something I made alone.
It's not done yet. It's still missing a few of its most important parts. The rest needs to be finished together, as a family.
This is for you.
Harley A clay doll? Is this supposed to be me? What's with the fro?
Enis It was originally supposed to be braids, but I accidentally lopped 'em off so I figured I might as well change it to a fro... Besides, didn't you have that really puffy hairstyle when I was a kid? I always thought it was pretty neat.
Harley I've seen worse.
But the OG 'White Volcano' didn't look like that. The beach chairs and inflatable boats were only added after the expansion.
Enis More precisely, after Liv and Lut were born.
But it was only then that 'White Volcano' became complete. These are supposed to be our memories.
[Lut and Liv appear.]
Lut & Liv We're back!
Lut Huh? What's that?
Liv It's a mini 'White Volcano'!
Enis I made a miniature of it. How's it look? Pretty sweet, right?
Lut Standing in front of the door... Is that you and Harley?
Liv They're tiny clay figures!
Enis Mmhmm, that's right! Members of the adventure team, where are your dolls? Put 'em over here!
And our two new little friends as well—
Liv Whoa... It's a fluffy little sheep doll!
Lut Plus a D32 steel warrior!
Enis No, no. This is Colonel Orirock!
He followed us home, his stony heart moved after seeing how hard Colonel Lut was working at the music shop, even at his young age!
Lut ...
(How'd Enis find out? Did you spill the beans?!)
Liv (I... I swear it wasn't me! You must've let it slip 'cause you're so dumb!)
Enis Ahem... Um, in any case! Colonel Orirock over here, just like me, is eagerly looking forward to Colonel Lut purchasing his first guitar and beginning his musical journey.
Lut, by the time I get back, you better have learned a few songs from Harley!
Harley Hey. I never agreed to teach him.
Lut Guitar?
...What guitar?
Enis Huh? Didn't you go to the instruments shop because you wanted to buy a guitar?
Liv I guess Enis is even dumber than you are, Lut.
I think you should just tell him.
The young boy shrugs, takes a small wooden box from his little backpack, and places it in Enis's hands.
Upon it is a neat array of smooth metal sheets, its end tapering off in a beautiful arc, just like the waves bestowed upon the beach by the ocean.
On the box's surface is the 'White Volcano' logo, drawn with colored pens. Pasted next to it is a pink fluffy sheep, looking like it's about to eat it in one bite.
Enis This is... a kalimba?
Are you giving it to me?
Lut Mhm. This was the deal between me and the shop owner. Liv here drew the logo.
Enis ...
[Enis suddenly embraces Lut and Liv.]
Enis (Hugs)
Lut Urk...
Liv Hey! Enis! Too tight!
Enis Lut... Liv... Thank you so much.
Harley Wonderful.
Looks like Lut and Liv know you well enough to understand that you're a musical dunce who can barely even play the kalimba.
Enis ...Harley, can we not kill the good vibes for now?
<Background 2B>
Enis Alright, mission accomplished!

I guess we can put this miniature in front of the store, like a kind of mascot.
After the waterpark is built, tourists will come by and ask, 'what's this little house?'

Harley You should be more worried about drunkards puking all over it, instead of imagining people admiring your masterpiece.
Enis Well, I trust you'll be able to prevent that!
After all, this is the only way I'm gonna be here with you for a while: as this little doll living inside the model.
Harley Hmph. Just stay well. That's the best gift you can get us.
Also, don't you think there's still something missing from it?
Enis Hmm?
...My goodness!
I forgot to put Chuck in!
[A man hastily runs up to Enis]
Messenger Enis! Rush delivery for you!
Thank heaven n' earth that the last one was made out to you. Otherwise I'd be out here griping how tedious this whole day's been.
Enis A rush delivery? I wonder who it's from...
The sender is... Ch-Chuck?!
With great anticipation, the youth opens the cardboard box sent from afar.
Wrapped up in layers of old newspapers is a little straw doll made from dried vines.
Enis It looks a bit like Chuck, huh?
Wait, his backpack... seems to be made from folded paper? There's something written inside.
[Enis unfolds the paper.]
Enis 'Son, I heard you were leaving 'White Volcano'?'
'Tell Harley I left a little 'golden happiness' in our family bank account.'
Harley That's just like him.
I hope he meant lodging money for Lut and Liv's next semester, and not a bill of debt.
Enis 'The locals made this straw doll for me when I was in Bolívar. Does it look as buff as me?'
A sudden gust of wind blows by, and the straw man's limbs flop around like reeds.
Its hat of leaves also blows right off, revealing a bald head underneath.
Enis 'Have him see you off in my place!'
'Being on the road isn't an easy thing. So, have you figured out where you're going? And how you're going to get there?'
'I look forward to hearing your answer by the next time we get together.'
A few regulars lift the entryway's curtains, and the mother invites them to take a seat before the sound of ice cubes dancing in the shaker fills the room.
The laughter of his young siblings reaches his ears. For a moment, it's as if he is whisked away to the beach, back to the little store of his childhood.
The young man looks towards the end of Fashion Street, and before he knows it, the setting sun's afterglow has already composed the score for a perfectly ordinary night.
Enis ...
Finally, it's time to go.
Now then, what will the future have in store?