Blaze: Will You?

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Operator Record
Will You?
Blaze icon.png

Countless people have traveled this road too, or perhaps are about to.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Blaze to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Blaze.
RI Operator icon.png
Guard Operator
RI Medic icon.png
Medic Operator
Reserve Operator - Sniper icon.png
Sniper Operator
Mafioso icon.png
Gang Member
Lungmen Back Alley
RI Corridor
Blaze could become a Rhodes Island elite operator, and Kal'tsit will find out for herself if it's what Blaze wants.
<Background 1>
[A squad of Rhodes Island combatants are trying to escape from a mob of Siracusan mafiosi pursuing them, but went into a roadblock.]
Medic Operator It's no use! The road is blocked up ahead!
Guard Operator They're coming from that direction as well. This isn't working. We aren't getting anywhere!
[The mafiosi catches up with the R.I. squad.]
Gang Member That's as far as you go!
Gang Member Nowhere to run. Now hand them over!
Sniper Operator Dammit...
We can't let them take the Infected! Hold on, I'll take out the hostiles blocking the way upfront. Use the opportunity to break through them!
Guard Operator Hey, don't do it! Come back!
Calm down! This is no time to be a hero!
Medic Operator That's right! You're injured!
Sniper Operator But–!
Guard Operator No buts. Ace will come back us up for sure! Don't panic!
[Someone shouts at the R.I. squad.]
??? –You got that right!
Medic Operator It's her!
Gang Member Huh?!
Gang Member Watch out! Argh, it's damn hot–
[A wall and roadblock close to the mafiosi suddenly got cut open.]
Sniper Operator Suddenly it's getting hotter in here. What's going on...? Hold on, what happened to the wall over there and the barricade... They got sliced apart?!
Guard Operator That's our backup.
[The roadblock gets destroyed as Blaze shows up.]
Blaze Feeling toasty? Sorry about that. It took me some work to cut these things apart. I might've overdone it.
I'm still learning to control the heat. I'll try harder next time.
Sniper Operator That chainsaw... You're with Ace–
Medic Operator Thank goodness, it's Blaze!
Guard Operator Ha, fashionably late.
Blaze Yeah, here I am!
Sorry for keeping you all waiting. It took me a little longer than I expected to deal with the other bad guys. The teams will regroup here soon.
Guard Operator Okay, let's charge through them. Stick to the plan.
Gang Member How is this even possible? Those barriers were made of some real special stuff! Did she seriously cut right through that?!
Blaze Sorry, buddy. Honestly, I didn't expect it to go that well myself. All I did was slicing from top to bottom–
Seriously, we don't have to fight to the death here, right? How about this? You leave my friends alone and let us take the Infected, and you guys get to go unharmed.
I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to.
Gang Member ......
[The mafiosi attacks Blaze, but she dodged them.]
Blaze What a meanie. Just lash out without saying a word? It's really not that hard to talk it out, is it?
Guard Operator Blaze, there's no talking to these guys. Get ready to break through!
Blaze Got it! Let me raise the temperature a bit more–
One last thing. I'm really sorry this is how things turned out, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
[Blaze unleashes a powerful explosive attack at the mafiosi...]
<Background 2>
Blaze O-Owww...
Ugh, my arm. Oww.
I used that technique I've been working on. I guess I pushed myself a little too far... Hurts so much I thought I broke my arm.
I guess the thrust's a little off? Did I miscalculate? But...
[Weedy shows up.]
Weedy What are you doing here talking to yourself?
Blaze Whoa!
Weedy Huh?!
Blaze Oh... It's you, Weedy. You spooked me.
Weedy Well, you spooked me.
What's the matter? Am I not supposed to be here?
Blaze N-No, that's not what I meant. It's just... I don't usually see you around this time.
It's not often you step outside that workshop of yours when it's not lunch or dinnertime.
Sometimes you don't even come out to eat, and I couldn't drag you out of there no matter how hard I try.
Weedy Don't exaggerate. I come outside for fresh air sometimes.
Also, if I ever see you in my lab with your outside shoes, I'll snatch your entrance permission.
Blaze R-Right, I'll keep that in mind!
Weedy Also.
Blaze Also?
Weedy Could you at least... wear your clothes right? Look how messed up you got here.
Blaze Huh? My clothes? Where? Here?
Weedy ......
What are you doing? Wait, stop pulling so hard. You're making it worse!
I can't take this... Stop! I'll fix it for you!
[Weedy tidies up Blaze's clothes.]
Blaze Hehe, thanks.
You're way too sensitive about this stuff, you know that? You even managed to get Closure to wash her hands after work. That's no easy feat...
Oh, right, perfect timing. Weedy, you're good with the book studying stuff, right?
Weedy I do research... Does that count as studying?
Blaze Yes, of course! Why wouldn't it count?
See, there's something I wanted to ask you about...
Weedy Now that doesn't happen every day. Go ahead.
Blaze Uh, it's actually a question about gravitational acceleration. Also, I need a formula for figuring out parasitic drag and energy expansion. You have to know this stuff, right? Mind teaching me?
Huh? What's the matter? Why are you touching my forehead...?
Weedy Hm... Doesn't seem like you have a fever.
I'm surprised to see you interested in this topic.
How strange. I thought it was sunny today? Did it start raining all of a sudden?
Blaze Don't be like that. It's not that I'm into it, but I don't really have a choice here. This is actually useful.
Whatever, just take a look at this.
Weedy What is it...? Have you been reading this?
This is all advanced stuff, and the questions listed here...
Sorry, I take that back.
Blaze Hm? Take what back?
Weedy You're actually studying hard. One cannot come up with these questions just by leafing through the book. I must apologize.
Blaze Eh? Hahaha, no need. Why so serious? I don't mind at all.
You're not the only one who says stuff like that.
I mean, I'm really not all that smart. It takes a lot of work to learn this stuff, and researching on stuff like that is just not my thing.
Weedy But you...
Blaze I don't have a choice. There are lots of things I wanna do, so I gotta get stronger, and I'll try anything that could help me get there.
Hehe, I mean, this is just studying. It's so much easier than being Ace's punching bag on the training grounds, right?
??? Oh, so you talk about me behind my back like that?
Blaze Agh!
[Ace shows up.]
Ace Well, I'm glad to see you so full of ginger, Blaze, but enough screwing around. You're being a bad influence on Weedy.
Blaze Ace!
Weedy Hello, Ace.
Blaze I'm not being a bad influence on her. I'm just telling the truth!
When you and Mechanist took me out for special training last time, I almost got sliced into two, right through my belly button!
Ace Well, we were tuning your new weapon for you. Making it as destructive as you wanted it to be wasn't an easy thing. Mechanist spent days at his workbench just to get it done.
You should've seen the sketches he shredded. He used so much paper, Logistics gave him an earful.
Blaze That's not good.
But I really gotta thank him for giving me this big guy. It feels so natural while I'm slicing things up... And if it wasn't for this, I guess I wouldn't have been able to use that new technique of mine.
Look! I brought some Siracusan cheese back as souvenir. It has some really unique flavor, supposedly. I'll take some to Mechanist later.
Weedy (Sniffs)
Ace Haha, I can't say for sure he's going to like this...
Oh, right, Weedy.
Weedy Yes?
Ace It's the application you filed with Engineering the other day. We got the materials from Closure already.
Weedy –!
I was just about to ask...
Ace To be honest, I would never have thought we'd get a request like that.
But if that's what you want, and Closure is willing to vouch for the things you make, who am I to say no?
Weedy So, does that mean... I...
Ace You're a regular operator now.
Weedy Thank you...
Blaze Eh? What's going on? You want to go out into the field, Weedy?
Weedy Do you have a problem with that?
Blaze Oh, no, of course not! I look forward to fighting with you. I'd never look down on you.
It's only that... well... Are you sure you can keep up?
Weedy I, too, want some change once in a while.
I may be weak, but I have certain areas I excel at. Though I may trail everyone else when it comes to physical capabilities, don't underestimate what my water cannons can do. They might just have more thrust than you do, Blaze.
Blaze Sounds reliable enough to me! If we ever go out on a mission together, I'm counting on you to have my back!
Weedy I'll think about it...
Ahem, so do you still need me to help you with those questions? If so, bring them over tonight, and I'll take a look.
I should get going now.
[Weedy leaves.]
Blaze Hm? What? Is she... shy?
Ace You should try not to say that in front of her.
Blaze Of course I won't. I've got manners.
Hm... I should go back to get my mission logs in order. I had to use my new technique when things got desperate, but it feels like something was still missing.
The feel? No, it's probably a numbers problem...
Ace So that's why you checked out these advanced textbooks? I know you're not fond of formulas and numbers.
Blaze Of course I don't like them, and I've been tearing my hair out over them!
But I don't have a choice! My Arts aren't the kind you can just throw all over the place without thinking. If I want to do my job well, I have to work harder.
Ace Haha, oh yeah? That's great. A load off my shoulders.
Right, Mechanist is working on improvements too. Be sure to talk to him. He'll take a look.
Blaze No problem. I'll go check on him right away! And even if he keeps me knocking on his door for hours again, I'm not going to complain.
Ace I doubt he'll put you through that. You'll get to see him pretty soon.
Blaze Hm?
Ace Has Dr. Kal'tsit talked to you about that yet?
Blaze Oh... That?
<Background fades out and in>
<Flashback starts here>
[Blaze goes to Kal'tsit's side.]
Blaze Dr. Kal'tsit, I heard you needed me.
What's the matter? You seem pretty solemn. Is it something important?
Kal'tsit Yes, I think this is very important indeed, both for you and Rhodes Island.
Blaze ......
Well, crap. You talking like that is making me a little nervous.
Kal'tsit Blaze, how long has it been since you came on board?
Blaze Hm... Let me see... Almost a year.
Time flies.
Kal'tsit Time leaves us all behind.
Your growth in the past year has been apparent to all of us. Even if it wasn't your intention to prove anything with your actions, you have indeed shown us what you are capable of.
Ace and many other operators all think very highly of you.
Blaze Why are we talking about this all of a sudden? I'm starting to blush...
Kal'tsit Your body temperature is normal.
Blaze I'm doing what I can to hold it back here!
Kal'tsit ......
I suppose you already know what I summoned you for.
Blaze I have my guesses...
Kal'tsit Very well. I'll get to the point.
Ever since Rhodes Island was established, we've had many members come and go. I won't say much about that.
We welcome those who share our ideology, but, of course, ideologies are not to be imposed on anyone.
That said... We need members who can walk this journey with us.
Blaze, it's natural if you aren't ready, and none of us will force you to do anything.
But if you are ready...
Come to the lower deck of the bridge and open the door to the left of the stairs. We will be waiting for you there.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Blaze That's what she said...
Ace, do you know what Dr. Kal'tsit was talking about?
Ace You really need me to tell you? I thought you said you had your guesses?
Blaze I do, but... I don't know for sure.
There are only so many things that Dr. Kal'tsit would talk to me about, especially all formally like that.
So I guess maybe she's giving me a chance to do what you do?
Ace More or less. Looks like you know the score.
Blaze I'm not stupid.
Well, how should I put this? It's like a dream. It doesn't feel real.
Ace Hm?
Blaze Like, I've never thought of myself as stronger than anyone else here. I still have a ways to go to match any of you.
Ace Blaze, you–
[Amiya runs toward Blaze's side.]
Amiya Oh, Blaze, there you are!
I've been looking for you!
Blaze Hm? Oh, it's the little rabbit!
You're looking for me? Hey, careful. Don't trip... Look how bouncy you are! You're just a delight!
Amiya Eh? B-Blaze, stahp squishing mah face!
Blaze Come on. What's the harm?
Ace (Looks like I needn't say anything then...)
(Amiya, I'm leaving her to you.)
Well then, I'll see you later.
[Ace leaves.]
Blaze Huh? Wait, Ace...
He's gone. Where's the fire?
Amiya Ace probably still has work to finish.
R-Right, Blaze! Have you eaten yet? The cafeteria made your favorite stir-fry today. Would you like to go together?
Also, I borrowed the CD you said you liked from Operator Elysium... Want to listen to it together?
Blaze Whoa, you mean his favorite? Of course!
But... What's the matter, little rabbit? You seem way too enthusiastic today.
Amiya Hmm... Is it obvious?
Blaze Super obvious!
Amiya Um, sorry, Blaze... I overheard your conversation with Ace...
Blaze Hm? Oh...
Don't worry so much about that. Smile. Yep, that's right. Turn the frown upside down. There's no need to apologize. I wasn't trying to hide anything anyway.
Well, you heard it yourself. I have a good idea why Dr. Kal'tsit wants to see me.
If my hunch is correct, you probably know what this is about, right, Amiya?
Amiya Yeah...
Blaze I knew it.
Were you trying to cheer me up because you were worried it was giving me too much stress? You're so cute, Amiya!
Amiya Please stop saying that...
Blaze Okay, I'll knock it off. Let's get serious.
I'm really not that confident in myself, and I really think I have a ways to go, too.
Look, the thing is... if I didn't have the weapon that Mechanist designed, I don't think I could've been any help to my team at all.
I mean it, Amiya. Can I really do it?
Amiya When I heard you ask Ace just now, I thought I had to tell you how I feel...
Blaze I'm listening, Amiya. I always listen to what you have to say.
Amiya Are you working hard because you're trying to earn some kind of title, Blaze?
Blaze Of course not.
Amiya Right? Blaze, you're putting in so much work not to become something. It's actually the opposite. It's because you are who you are that we think you are the right person for the job...
And everyone trusts you already, don't they?
Everyone who came back from the mission in Siracusa told me this–
"It's all thanks to Blaze."
"If it wasn't for her cutting open that wall, we couldn't have finished the mission."
Blaze T-That doesn't say anything about me. It's all thanks to what Mechanist gave me...
Amiya But no one else could've used such massive equipment as well as you did.
Blaze Uhh...
Amiya If it wasn't for you, Ace might've gone with a safer plan.
See? Everyone trusts you, and you are an inseparable part of the team now. This is the most important thing.
Blaze Amiya...
Amiya I'm just trying to say–We aren't giving you the title so that you can take the job.
It's your own actions that decided all of this, Blaze. You chose to become a certain kind of person, and you have chosen to take on that responsibility.
If all we wanted was combat capability, we could've asked somebody else. If we wanted a big pile of muscle, we didn't have to ask you.
Blaze Does that mean what I think it means?
Amiya Uh, no, probably not...
I-I'm just trying to say that strength isn't the only thing Rhodes Island is looking for!
You should believe in yourself, Blaze, and believe in us!
If you've made your decision, I'm ready to go with you.
Blaze ......
Okay, okay... Sheesh, my whole face is going red.
Enough, little rabbit. I know what you're trying to say.
You're right. Jeez, you really have a way with words.
Amiya Ehehe...
Blaze Okay, it's almost time. I gotta pull it together and go to my meeting now.
've never once thought of running away, you know?
Amiya Oh, I-I'll come with you!
Blaze Great! Let's take a relaxing walk together. How come you look like you're more nervous than I am?
Amiya D-Do I...?
Blaze Yep. Smile! That frown ruins your cute little face.
Amiya Nn... hehe.
Blaze There we go.
Trust me. I won't disappoint you.
<Background black>
Blaze walks down the long, dim hallway. The light above her head gently sways as the landship continues its march forward, causing her shadow on the ground to waver side to side as well.
Amiya has accompanied her on the entire journey to this door.
Then she swings it open.
The staircase leading down is long and dark, as though truly bottomless. Blaze takes a deep breath and begins her descent, leaving Amiya behind.
She must walk the rest of the way by herself.
At the bottom of the staircase, Blaze can make out a long table in a room that structurally seems cold as ice, with a warm, yellow light casting upon its steel beams.
A few familiar figures, some less so, stand under the lamplight.
From the shadows, a person that Blaze is all too familiar with steps forward, just as she expected her to.
Kal'tsit Here you are.
Blaze I expected this to be a formal event, but this is quite the party...
Both Ace and Mechanist. Uh... and this is... Logos?
Logos We're not exchanging cards...
Blaze Now I feel so much more relaxed with you guys here. I was pretty scared when I opened the door.
Ace I recommended you for the job, so of course I'm here.
Mechanist Ha, I didn't know you were such a coward.
Blaze Easy for you to say from that side of the table!
Mechanist Okay, enough. Let's get down to business, and once this is done, come with me to the workshop. I want to tune that guy for you a little more.
Blaze Okay, I got a present for you, too.
Ace Come on, stop interrupting.
Logos Let's get started.
Kal'tsit To brass tacks, then.
Blaze I'm listening.
Kal'tsit Rhodes Island Frontline Combat Squad, Team Ace, Blaze.
With everyone in this room as witnesses, I need to know how you feel, and what your decision is.
Kal'tsit Operator Blaze, will you become one of Rhodes Island's elite operators?