Bena: The Simple Wish

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Operator Record
The Simple Wish
Bena icon.png

Children's wishes are by and large simple stuff, and even if things change, they stay plain and innocent.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Bena to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Bena.
Annie icon.png
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Dolly icon.png
Old Ursine Woman icon.png
Morte icon.png
Female Leithanian B icon.png
Male Lungmenite icon.png
Slum Dweller
RI Room
RI Corridor
Living Room
Lungmen Uptown Night
Mansion Room
Bena receives a blank check from Grandmother in the mail, all signed but not a single number filled in. She needs to give Grandmother her reply.
<Background 1>
Bena's room, Rhodes Island Landship
Bena Hmm-hmm-hmm... ♪
The children have been safekeeping quite the nouveau things as of late.
A model of Rhodes Island—a camera—
And this rather valuable-seeming gold coin.
You just don't see sweeties and milk teeth as often these days.
But new things might need to be handled a little differently compared to the old. Will it make any trouble if we don't go by the books, I wonder...?
When I can, I should drop back in on Grandmother sometime. And ask her if she's got any idea while I'm there.
[Annie enters the room.]
Annie Bena.
Bena What is it, Annie? I'm occupied.
Annie Castle of Dreams delivery fairy.
Bena Delivery fairy? Is it time we made good on some Rhodes Island grown-up's childhood wish?
Annie Not a grown-up's.
Bena Then whose?
Annie Bena.
Bena Oh, a child called Bena's... I thought I was familiar with every child aboard, but I don't think any of them were named Bena.
Annie Yours, Bena.
Bena Huh? Mine?
I certainly don't remember entrusting any safekeepings to Granny.
Annie You did.
Bena I just told you I didn't.
Harrumph... Let me take a look, then.
Annie Alright.
[Annie gives Bena a letter.]
Bena What have we here... a letter?
(Tears open envelope)
[Bena reads the letter.]
Bena Seemingly not... all these boxes... and Grandmother's signature.
Annie This is a check.
Bena A check? What's that?
Annie You make a wish with it.
Fill in a number, and you get money.
Bena Sounds like the sort of thing grown-ups would be fond of.
But what's Grandmother sent me this for?
Annie To make a wish.
Bena No, that can't be right...
Oh, I know!
She must've found that fruit pit I hid under her pillow last time I went to the Castle!
Oh-hoh-hoh, trust Granny to send this sort of nonsense as a practical joke.
Annie ......
Bena (Sets check aside)
Well, she certainly succeeded with flying colors this time.

Hmm. Now, where was I?

Annie Bena, give Grandmother your reply.
Bena A gold coin... hmm, how did we handle gold coins again...?
Annie ......
Bena, I'm off to fetch the lucky doll.
Bena Yes, yes, be careful out of doors, don't get lost.
Hrmm. What does the manual say—
[Bena proceeds with her tasks.]
Annie ......
<Background fades out and in>
Bena I think that should do it.
Annie, my work is done! Let's go out and play!
Come on, chop-chop while we can! There'll be evening classes soon!
The silly girl's ditched me to have her own fun again.
[Bena gets up.]
Bena Well, after spending so long sat on my bottom, a little exercise is in order.
Let's see where we'll be tagging Annie today.
<Background 2>
[Bena cluelessly walks through Rhodes Island's corridors.]
Bena Hmm... another fork in the road.
Time I asked Sir Barkel—mm, actually, let's shake it up for today.
(Digs out protractor)
Bena, Bena, oh lost Miss Prim♪ Where to go? Just listen to ♪ her ♪
Here comes Dame Ingres♪ The way she'll confer♪
(Tosses protractor)
Hm-hm, this way it is.
(Picks up protractor)
[Bena walks in the direction where the protractor landed.]
<Background 3>
[Bena enters the gaming room.]
Bena I just knew you'd be here. Have you been filching toys from Kirara's again?
The nerve of sneaking out to play here without telling me... hmm?
[Bena takes a pink doll from Annie.]
Bena Well, well... a child's doll? Whose is it?
Annie I don't know. It was in the playmate pile.
Bena It does seem a little uncanny, I'll say...
Annie It's fine.
Want to play?
Bena Gladly.
Annie But you have class, Bena.
Bena ......
Annie If you're late, you have to give a presentation to everyone.
Bena Urk... You should be coming to class with me! That way we'd have a trick for any nag.
Annie Annie is a puppet.
Puppets don't go to class.
Bena Harrumph...
The teacher tonight has a sense of humor, so a quick prank should fly. It won't be totally boring.
I'll be off, then. Remember to return soon; I want to see you waiting in our room tonight.
Annie Mhm.
Bena Hmm... what was the way to evening class again...?
Annie Exit, turn right, go straight.
And you're there.
Bena Ah, oh-ho, thank you, Annie.
Annie Happy classes.
Bena Yes, happy as can be~
[After Bena left, Annie turns to the doll which responds to her.]
Annie The wish?
An apple.
Morte (Nods)
Annie Not now.
Tomorrow. Bena's wish.
Morte (Scratches head with knife)
Annie My wish.
Can I make her remember this?
(Takes out check)
She promised Granny. She needs to remember.
Morte ......
(Looks at check, then at Annie)
Annie Will it be challenging?
Negative feelings? Nightmares?
Morte (Nods)
Annie Bena will be fine.
I'm by her side.
<Background 1>
[Bena enters her room.]
Bena Huff... Well, today's class was interesting.
The teacher asked us what wishes we have, and the things started pouring out of everyone's mouths. Then we all wrote them down onto letters and handed them to the teacher, who arranged that we could come and fetch them in ten years' time.
My, my, that's our job to the T.
I collected plenty of articles as we went along, so Grandmother's sure to be pleased.
Annie Bena, bad girl.
Bena What? If Iris were attending that class, she'd have done the same thing.
I just saw a move or two ahead, you see? Haha!
Mmf. Still, as voluntary as it is... I can't argue taking classes in the evening is a little...
Let's go to bed, Annie...
Annie Alright.
Would you like a lullaby?
Bena No thank you. I'm no child, you know.
Annie Alright.
Good night, Bena.
Bena Good night, Annie.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background black>
Daddy Darling, how are you...?
Mummy *cough*, *cough* *cough*...
Daddy She's asleep.
?? ......
Mummy I... I feel so sorry for her...
Daddy Us both, darling, us both...
We can only hope to keep the malady from reaching her too...
We'll be in Victoria soon, and then...
Our... little ■■... won't be... infected...
?? Daddy! Daddy!
<Background 4>
?? Is this, um... a fountain?
Daddy ■■, Daddy and Mummy are going to buy some food from a shop over there. Just sit here and rest yourself for now.
?? No... don't go...
Mummy Be good... here, an apple...
?? I don't want it. I just want Mummy and Daddy to stay.
Mummy We'll come right back...
?? Daddy? Mummy?!
No... don't...
Don't... leave me...
I don't care about Oripathy!
I just want... just want to be with Mummy and Daddy...
Don't go...
*sniffle*... *sob*...
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Bena ......
Annie Your eyes are wet.
Do you feel bad?
Bena Yes...
Annie Would you like a lullaby?
Bena No...
Annie Alright.
Bena Annie...
Annie Yes?
Bena Hug...
Annie Alright.
Bena You're all the family I have...
Annie You have Granny too.
Bena Granny's... Granny's too wicked...
Annie And Iris.
Bena Nngh... Iris is too nice.
And I thought we were clear we didn't have anything to do with each other.
Annie Iris bakes you custard tarts.
Bena Mgh... Iris does make delicious tarts.
She can technically count, then.
Annie And now you're not alone.
Bena ......
Be honest. Where did you learn all that babying talk?
Annie Kirara's game discs.
Bena Isn't she more fond of those action games?
Annie Kirara plays anything.
Bena Really?
Annie Yes.
Bena I'll have to take a peek at her collection next time.
Annie Alright.
Bena For now, let's get some sleep. Proper sleep.
Annie Alright.
Remember to give Grandmother your reply tomorrow.
Bena ......
Annie ......
Rock-a-bye~♪ Rock-a-bye~♪ There's a moon round and bright~♪
(Hums lullaby)
Bena Zzzz...
Annie ......
<Background fades out and in>
Bena Mmm...
[Bena wakes up.]
Bena *yawn*...
Annie Good morning, Bena.
Bena Nmgh... morning...
Annie Are we going out to play?
Bena Play? Oh, of course...
Annie ......
I found the lucky doll for us.
Bena Oh...
Lucky doll... That latest fad?
Pink, with two little knives, stitches and patches all over, who you can make a wish to if you happen to meet? And then your next few days are awfully lucky, was it?
Annie Alright.
Bena Sounds like the perfect wool to pull over children's eyes.
Annie It's real.
Bena And you don't suppose the doll has a Castle of Dreams-type place trailing it about, too...
Wasn't that the one yesterday?!
Annie Yes.
Bena Does it really work?
Annie Yes.
Bena So you found it yesterday. Has your wish come true?
Annie Mm.
Bena Has it, or has it not?
Annie Mm.
Bena Oh, don't learn to keep mum as well, Annie, that won't do!
*sigh* Come on, we're going to find that doll together.
Annie Alright.
Bena But from what I heard, it was awfully hard to find it. Sometimes it even runs away when it's seen. Do you really think you can fetch it again?
Annie Yes.
We're friends.
Bena Hmph... So you've started making friends behind my back to boot. Naughty.
Annie Follow me.
Bena Right, let's be going.
<Background 3>
[Annie and Bena enter the gaming room.]
Bena Erm... why are we here again?
Annie This is the dolls' nest.
Bena Ah-ha, so it is!
What a mountainous pile of playmates.
Let me see where that little rapscallion is hidden.
[Bena takes a doll looking like the High Priest.]
Bena Not this one.
[Bena puts the doll away and takes a doll looking like a Bitey.]
Bena Nor this one, I don't think.
[Again, Bena puts the doll away and takes a doll looking like Dolly.]
"Doll" Beehhh~
Bena This one's woolly!
Hum. So there are sound-making dolls nowadays?
Err... the color's right, but it hasn't any knives, and it's not shabby, so I wouldn't think so...
[Bena puts the doll away and begins to dig into the doll pile until she finds the pink doll with knives.]
Bena Ah, you're the one!
Morte ......
Annie This is Morte, Bena.
Bena There's a hint of evil about it...
(Lifts up Morte)
What exquisite needlework. And sewn with some marvelous cloth, too.
Its owner must care for it very much.
Morte ......
Annie Morte says you can make your wish.
Bena A wish... Ooh, let me think.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Mummy We'll come right back...
<Background fades out and in>
Slum Dweller Get out of my sight and never come back!
<Background 5>
Grandmother Let this be your home from now on, little lamb.
<Background fades out and in>
Iris Hello, I'm Iris. We'll be friends from now on.
<Background fades out and in>
??? ......
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Bena There's oodles of toys in the playroom, and plenty of people to play with them together, so what's the harm in staying a little longer?
Well, then—
Bena & Annie I'll have an apple.
[Shamare enters the gaming room.]
Shamare There you are, Morte.
Morte ......
Shamare An apple?
Bena (Ah, I remember her. Shamare, I think? Hilariously difficult to get along with.)
Annie (She just doesn't like to talk.)
Bena (Last time I asked if she wanted to safekeep anything, she put a curse on me!)
Annie (Because you kept pestering her. It was very annoying.)
Bena (It's called affection!)
Shamare ......
Your apple.
Bena Th—Thank you...
Shamare Come on, Morte.
Morte ......
(Falls limply into Bena's arms)
Shamare Hmm.
Bena I—I didn't do anything.
Shamare I know.
(Takes Morte)
It's Morte. I can only patch it up. It'll always fall apart.
(Takes out sewing kit and book)
Bena ......
Annie Bena.
Bena I know, I'm thinking too.
Annie ......
Bena Alright, alright, I'll go and do it.
Shamare, preparing your symbols and doing this patchwork must be a terrible burden.
I can handle the patchwork half for you. Think of it as thanks for the apple.
Shamare How did you know...?
Morte (Plays dead)
Annie I guessed.
Because someone made me too.
Shamare ......
Then you take Morte. I'll draw my symbols.
(Hands over sewing kit)
[Shamare leaves.]
Bena Good, a complete set of tools. Looks like it gets damaged quite often.
Speaking of which, Annie.
Annie Mm?
Bena Does needlework like this hurt it?
Annie Does it hurt me?
Bena Hmm... I'm fairly sure it does. I can feel it.
Annie But that's alright. I'm still here.
You're still here, Bena.
Bena Annie...
Annie Mm?
Bena Next time, could you just ask Kirara to lend me that adventure game for a few days?
Look at you. Your mouth is covered in honey.
Annie Mm.
Bena *sigh* Let's get started. I'd feel bad about eating her apples before I finish darning, after all.
Annie Mm.
Shamare Finally, imprint the symbol...
We're done.
Morte ......
Shamare It says you sewed it very well.
Thank you.
Bena No, no, it's nothing. I'm a dab hand when it comes to handiwork, you know.
Shamare Let's go home, Morte.
[Shamare leaves with Morte.]
Morte ......
Annie Bye, Morte.
Morte (Brandishes a miniature knife at Bena)
Bena What's that supposed to mean?
Annie Thumbs up.
Bena I still get that uncanny feeling...
*sigh* Who knew wishes could come real so fast?
Oh, the apple.
How sweet.
I'm surprised she likes her apples this sweet. You'd never guess from how unapproachable she is.
Annie Bena, no judging books by their covers.
Bena Fair enough.
Do you think it's sweet?
Annie Yes. Very sweet.
Bena That's good.
Let's sit here a little while longer, and then we're off to Rhodes Island for a grand adventure, okay?
Annie Alright.
But before that, there's something you need to do, Bena.
(Takes out check)
Bena That's the... check, that... Grandmother sent me.
Annie Yes.
Give Grandmother your reply.
Bena Are pranks the sort of thing you reply to, now...?
Annie Yes.
Bena Fine, then, let's—
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 5>
Grandmother I forgot to ask. Little lamb, what's your name?
?? I—I don't know... they call me things like little wretch, or bastard girl, or Caprinae imp...
Grandmother Those aren't names. Forget about those.
From now on, if anyone dares bully you again, use the Arts and the self-defense Granny's taught you to sort them out.
?? But, Granny, you haven't... taught me yet...
Grandmother Ho-ho-ho, all in due time, little lamb, all in due time. Granny will teach you everything.
For now, let's give you a name.
Hm... how about... we call you "Bena"?
Bena Be... na. Bena. It sounds pretty. And... rings a bell.
Grandmother There was once a pair of dearly close children who were soon to part, who entrusted to Granny a letter to safekeep.
Should they be wed, their letter would be returned to them on the day their child was born, care of the Castle of Dreams.
It was the most complicated request I'd taken in a long while.
Bena So, did they marry each other?
Grandmother They did, little lamb, and they gave birth to an adorable little girl, and on that letter was written this girl's name.
Grandmother "Bena".
Bena But—they wouldn't know how many children they were going to have. What if they were twins?
Grandmother There were a great many names on that letter, little lamb.
Bena So if—if they had a second girl, what would she be named?
Grandmother "Annie".
You see, little lamb? This is the work Granny does.
Someone has to be watching. Someone has to make good.
But Granny's old, now, and can't keep up with it anymore.
Little lamb, would you like to learn? To take on a little of Granny's work for her?
Bena Of course, Granny. Am I learning to post letters?
Grandmother No, little lamb, that you needn't learn.
"The art of safekeeping". That's what I'd like you to learn.
Bena "The art of safekeeping"?
Grandmother To preserve an item untouched, unchanging over decades and centuries, to be returned to one's hands just the same as when it had left.
Would you like to learn it?
Bena Yes, Granny.
Grandmother Wonderful, my studious little lamb.
Then allow me to commence the first lesson.
Everything, with no exception, has to begin from a wish.
Come make a wish, little lamb. Preserve a thing for future you.
What would you like to leave, to your future self?
Bena I... I want...
I want money. Lots and lots of money.
Then I can search for my mummy and daddy, and I can have an even nicer life.
Grandmother A fine wish, little lamb. Truly, a fine one.
Granny will gladly fulfill this wish of yours.
Bena Will you? Thank you, Granny!
Grandmother like to wager with you, too.
To wager whether, on the day you get it, you'll wish it was something different, something even more precious.
Bena What's more precious than lots and lots of money?
Grandmother Something or other, little lamb.
(Takes out check)
This is a check.
Granny will sign it now.
When the day comes, hmm... how long away do you want it?
Bena Umm... five years?
Grandmother Very well, five years.
Five years from now, the moment it reaches you, you write on it however much money it is you want, then take it to a bank, and the money will be yours.
I'll be looking forward to your answer.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Bena Harrumph...
Annie Do you remember now?
Bena Yes...
Ah! You did this, didn't you!
Annie Annie's done a lot of things.
Bena That funny lucky doll business with Morte, that was you!
Annie No.
Shamare's trying hard to turn her curses into blessings.
Annie borrowed it for a bit.
Bena So you wished to have me remember to reply to Grandmother?
Annie Yes. But it didn't work very well.
The wish became something else.
The apple, I imagine...
It was Annie's fault.
Bena Mnnn... never mind. It didn't matter too much anyhow. I forgive you.
Annie Thank you, Bena.
Bena Now, let's put our heads together and think up our response to Granny.
Annie How much money do you want, Bena?
Bena Money...?
Annie, is money very useful?
Annie It's useful, and useless.
Bena Even if we were able to buy up all of Rhodes Island, or the entire Castle of Dreams, or the whole of Victoria, I feel like what's bound to happen would happen anyway. Especially the bad things.
Annie Mm.
Bena Ah! I know!
Seeing as I thought it was a prank in the first place, we'll prank her right back!
Fetch me a pen, Annie.
Annie I have it right here.
Bena Now get some apple juice. I hear apple juice can write invisible letters. This way, I can really play a joke on Granny.
Annie I just squeezed some from the leftover core.
Bena You do understand me.
Hmm... what do we write in this box, now?
Annie Numbers?
Bena Let's go with this—
Eat apples... smile everyday... fool about...
Annie Shall we post it back?
Bena Post it back? This is the most marvelous practical joke ever. How could we post it back?
Iris was wanting to go back and see Granny soon, wasn't she?
I'll return with her.
And I'll hand it back to Granny in person, and see how she reacts. That'll be interesting.
What do you think, Annie?
Annie You'll have to pretend you completely forgot about it, too.
Put on a little "act."
Grandmother will be sure to furrow her brows.
Bena Oh, you're right! Now THAT'S a worthy spectacle!
I'm already dying to see the confusion on her face!
Hee-hee-hee, how fun.
The plan is set.