Asbestos: Strange Sights

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Operator Record
Strange Sights
Asbestos icon.png
The Archosauria love outsiders!

Unlock conditions
  • Raise Asbestos to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Asbestos.
Female Tiacauh B icon.png
Frank Archosauria
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Happy Archosauria
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Serious Archosauria
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Shy Archosauria
Acahualla Village A
Jungle Entrance
Acahualla Waterfall
Summary: See new sights, meet new people. The sights that Asbestos sees, see her too.

<Background 1>
Inam Here. Gavial told me you're with Rhodes Island too.
My lieutenants are all businessmen. I've taught them a little Sargonian. Talk to them if you need anything.
Asbestos Alright. But why's that one staring at me?
Inam We don't get many guests here, so it's a bit of an occasion.
It is for me, at least!
[Two female Archosaurian Tiacauhs looked at Asbestos.]
Shy Archosauria Look at that tail!
Frank Archosauria Long and fleshy... It looks so soft and flexible too... Are those orange patterns on it?
Look, she's carrying all that stuff with her tail! And lifting that heavy door with one hand! Wow!
She must be really good at wrestling. That tail looks like it could break a tree in half. She's so beautiful!
I've never seen someone like that. I wanna be friends with her!
Shy Archosauria Wait, you're going up to her just like that? I, I'm not sure... whoa...
<Background fades out and in>
[A male Archosaurian Tiacauh armorer is demonstrating his armor's sturdiness...]
Happy Archosauria Metal Crab armor, Metal Crab greaves! Their hard shells stop any attack!
[...while a male Archosaurian Tiacauh weaponsmith is demonstrating his weapons' strength.]
Serious Archosauria Sawfin tooth hammer and Sawfin bone sword! Their sharp edges cut through anything!
Asbestos ......
Shy Archosauria (She's coming...!)
[Asbestos walks toward the female Archosaurians.]
Frank Archosauria Hey, hello!
Asbestos Something wrong?
Frank Archosauria Oh! Well, I like your tail!
Asbestos ?
My tail? The hell are you talking about?
I'm busy. Outta my way!
Shy Archosauria (Whoa! She's scary...)
Frank Archosauria Oh, wait!
No need to be angry, right? I said I like you!
What about you? Don't you think my tail's nice? People say I've got a cool tail!
Asbestos Ha? What're you on about now?
Go play in the mud with your friend.
Shy Archosauria You speak our language? In a pretty rowdy way, though...
Frank Archosauria I'm not playing in the mud! Did you think I'm a kid or something?
[The frank female Archosauria assertively approaches Asbestos.]
Frank Archosauria ...We'll have a fight!
Asbestos Seriously, what's wrong with you?
[Asbestos is trying to force her way through...]
Asbestos Outta my way!
[...but the Archosauria blocks her...]
Asbestos Are you nuts?
Fine, you're nice, your tail's nice, super nice!
[...before hitting the Savra...]
Asbestos Oh? C'mon, gimme a break!
[...who retaliates with a punch, and a fight breaks out between them.]
Shy Archosauria It's a fight!
[The Archosaurian armorer watches the fight...]
Happy Archosauria Hey, watch out–woo, that's right, get your tail round her neck!
[ does the weaponsmith.]
Serious Archosauria Oh no, my oil–hey, that was neat, using oil to slip out!
Group of Archosauria Woo! Fight! Fight!
<Background 2>
Asbestos ......
[The two female Archosaurians from before are watching Asbestos while hiding behind a bush.]
Frank Archosauria Quick, this bush will hide us.
Shy Archosauria Haven't you guys fought enough yesterday? Why do I have to be here too?
And what about you two?
Happy Archosauria She bought a bunch of stuff. Of course we want to check it out.
Frank Archosauria She took a few scales off my tail last time!
She bought all that stuff, but she's living in a shed out here instead of in the village?
Not a bad spot though. That tree isn't too far from the river, but not so close that it would get flooded.
Asbestos ......
Shy Archosauria S-She caught a huge bug!
She's frying it!
She's putting it on bread!
She ate it!
Frank Archosauria Ughh...
Asbestos ......
Happy Archosauria Look at her, she's putting rocks in her soup.
That's the kind of salty rock that gives it more flavor. How did she know about them? I don't think anyone in the village told her.
Serious Archosauria Hey, she knows about those vines that you told me about too. The ones that have a tangy sweetness when you chew them.
Asbestos ......
Serious Archosauria Is she going out to catch fins?
Happy Archosauria Maybe striped fins, but sawfins aren't so easy to catch. I've caught a few with my tail, but it hurts quite a bit.
Maybe outsiders can learn about the rocks and vines, but when it comes to fins–
[Asbestos catches some fins jumping out of the water.]
Asbestos Ha!
Serious Archosauria How did she do that?
She... I....
Happy Archosauria Pff.
Let's go and find some vines.
Serious Archosauria ......
<Background fades out and in>
Two hours later
[The shy Archosauria approaches Asbestos.]
Shy Archosauria Um, uh...
Asbestos Still tailing me? Did you think I didn't see you?
What about your friend? Eaten by fins?
Shy Archosauria Er, no, she saw you eat the bugs and got hungry too, but–
Looks like she ate the wrong kind!
C-Can you help us out?
Asbestos Eh?!
What is WRONG with you people?
Shy Archosauria It was because you ate them...
Asbestos ......
So what kind did she eat? How many?
Shy Archosauria Not sure... and just a few.
Asbestos Did she vomit? Is she conscious? Are there any spots on her skin? Swelling?
Shy Archosauria Er...
Asbestos Forget it, I'll take a look myself.
<Background fades out and in>
[Asbestos checks on the frank Archosauria.]
Asbestos No fever, no rashes. Take this herb and boil it in water. It'll make her throw up.
Give her plenty of water.
<Background fades out and in>
Shy Archosauria She threw up three times until there was nothing left, then fell asleep.
Is she gonna be okay?
Asbestos Just give her more water and stop yapping already!
Shy Archosauria ......
Happy Archosauria ......
Serious Archosauria ......
Happy Archosauria The fire is so warm.
Serious Archosauria I want to sing.
Happy Archosauria Heh, me too!
[The male Archosaurians sing around the campfire.]
Happy Archosauria We love a muscle that's big and whole~♪
Serious Archosauria You farm, and I hunt~ There's teeth white and tough in my little runts~♪
Asbestos !
Seriously, why are you people still here? What am I, your mom?
Happy Archosauria Are you saying you're our mother? What do you mean?
Serious Archosauria Maybe it's the tail? She's got a tail too. Maybe we're relatives!
Happy Archosauria Where are you from, Mom?
Shy Archosauria W-Why do you eat bugs, Mom?
Happy Archosauria And why come here? You bought my stuff too. Are you gonna live here?
Asbestos Just– *Sigh*... I...
I'm not your mom, and I'm here to climb the waterfall.
Serious Archosauria You've gotta be kidding, no one's ever climbed it!
Asbestos Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Serious Archosauria Then why are you climbing it? You'll die! And what for? Are there more fins up there?
Asbestos ...For the view.
Shy Archosauria The view? From the waterfall? Can't you find those anywhere?
Asbestos ......
It's exciting. Climbing it'll be fun.
Happy Archosauria What? How is that exciting? We're happy enough just living here and getting our three meals a day.
Serious Archosauria Yeah, this is where we live. Plus, what if there's a bunch of poisonous bugs up there? You'll die! That's not exciting.
Shy Archosauria Yeah, you'll die! Don't be silly!
Asbestos Er... I...
Shy Archosauria We saw you eat bugs. Did you spend all your money shopping a few days ago? But you can make money if you catch a bunch of fins!
Serious Archosauria Yeah, follow Inam and you'll make lots of money!
Shy Archosauria And your parents will be sad if you die!
Asbestos Parents? They ain't around anymore.
Shy Archosauria Oh.
Asbestos But what's with all this death talk? Never said I was gonna die.
Shy Archosauria Oh, that's good.
Happy Archosauria Then let's keep singing! Do you want to learn our songs?
[The male Archosaurians resume singing,]
Serious Archosauria You farm–♪
Asbestos (Deep breath)
[After taking a deep breath, Asbestos shouts,]
Asbestos Oh for god's sake stop talking already even that girl wasn't as noisy as you people I should've gotten some duct tape to shut you up for good!
Happy Archosauria Whoa! What did she say? That wasn't Sargonian, was it?
Serious Archosauria Did one of her eyes just change color?
[The frank Archosauria wakes up...]
Frank Archosauria Argh! Ugh! Uhhhh...
Asbestos Finally! She's awake! Now you can take her and scram!
Shy Archosauria Are you alright?
Frank Archosauria Ugh... guh...
[...but she passes out again.]
Asbestos Shit, and out like a light again.
Whatever. You have doctors, don't you? Stop wasting time with me.
Now piss off.
Shy Archosauria Alright, thank you, miss!
Serious Archosauria (Doesn't change the fact that she's weird through. Maybe we should knock her out and take her away in a sack if things don't go well.)
Asbestos Hell no!
<Background 3>
[Asbestos wakes up.]
Asbestos Oh, it's morning.
Yesterday was so tiring... I should go before those guys come back.
[Asbestos packs up her belongings.]
Asbestos Looks like that's everything. Time to move!
[Asbestos heads out.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Asbestos arrives at a waterfall.]
Asbestos And here we are.
It's even more daunting up close. What am I getting myself into?
Well, here goes nothing!
The surroundings are silent, save for the deafening roar of the waterfall. Asbestos climbs against the raging current, tugging at her rope, the top of which is swallowed by the splashing foam.
It is always the same–climbing towards unknown heights, or descending into unknown depths.
She knows that there is a stunning view at her destination, but not what difficulties that she might encounter on the way.
It could be a slip, a fall, wild beasts, snowstorms, or perhaps some disaster or challenge she could never imagine.
Asbestos (The current's too strong. I can't find my footing!)
(There's a branch there!)
(Good, it's pretty solid. I should be able to avoid the currents by following it...)
So slippery!
She knows how it feels to lose her balance in rapid currents, pushing her lungs to the limit in suffocating whirlpools.
She knows how it feels to keep climbing through the night after breaking her arm from a fall halfway up, just to catch a glimpse of the sunrise from the top.
She knows how it feels to slip and fall on a glacier, the ice chips ripping through her skin.
But she also remembers seeing the rays of the setting sun reflect upon the icy surface when she stood up again, accompanied by a sweet icy breeze.
At that moment, Asbestos no longer cared about her bleeding wounds. All the pain and suffering, all the hardship–it was all worth it.
[Asbestos stops at a gap in the waterfall.]
Asbestos *Cough* *Cough*...
Aye, that was one hell of a shower... good thing there's a gap here.
But I'm still alive! And almost there!
Here we go!
Acahualla Birdseye.png
Every time she gets up again, she is thinking the same thing.
It was bloody worth it.
<Background 4>
Half an hour later
Shy Archosauria *gasp*... *gasp*...
Frank Archosauria I'm exhausted...
Happy Archosauria I took a look around. No poisonous bugs, so she won't die. Oh, and these vines grow here too? Wow, there's a lot of them!
It's such a great place up here! So many vines growing here!
Serious Archosauria Haha, you may be fierce, but you're pretty darn good!
Frank Archosauria Hey, back off!
I had my eyes on her first!
Oh, and sorry about the other day. Kanna told me you outsiders don't like fighting. I shouldn't have hit you.
But your tail is really cool!
Asbestos Oh, for the love of–!
Just shut up and take in the view!
The Archosauria are wet and muddy, with pieces of grass in their hair.
A wind from the canyon blows the grass into the sky, until it disappears in the distance.
They see a sight they have never seen before–their own home.
Shy Archosauria Look over there!
Happy Archosauria Wow! Look at that!
Their hearts are filled with myriad emotions. Beautiful, stunning, spectacular–or perhaps something beyond what any word could describe. Just like the outsider who gazes at the view in fascination, their cries of joy echo through the canyon.
Asbestos Woo!
It's beautiful.
Serious Archosauria Wow...
I want to sing.
Let's surround her! Join hands and sing!
[The Archosaurians form a circle around Asbestos and sings,]
Happy Archosauria Your waterfall is rushing, there's fins for your plate~♪
Serious Archosauria You swing about your tail, so the fins take the bait~♪
Shy Archosauria Climb up your waterfall, it's such a pretty sight~♪
Frank Archosauria It's such a pretty sight, oh, such a pretty sight~♪
Asbestos !
Ha. Fine.
[Asbestos joins in the singing.]
Asbestos Such a pretty sight~♪
Hey, stop spinning!
<Background 2>
Frank Archosauria Cheer and laugh, till we make the sky sing~♪
Shy Archosauria Make the sky sing~♪
Happy Archosauria We'll be going!
Serious Archosauria Goodbye, friend!
[Asbestos takes her leave.]
Asbestos Yeah, yeah, later guys!
<Background fades out and in>
[While Asbestos walks out of the jungle...]
Asbestos So tired.
Where do they get the energy for all that noise? I'd rather climb ten waterfalls.
Now, what should I write for this one?
<Background 1>
One month later
Inam Magazine delivery from Asbestos! There's one for everyone! Her travel journal's inside.
Group of Archosauria ?
Inam A travel journal is a record you keep of what you see and experience when you visit a new place.
Wow, she grades the sights pretty harshly. And she looked so happy when she came down from the waterfall.
It's in Rim Billitonian. I'll translate it. There's a new section: "Meet the Locals." You guys are in it!
Group of Archosauria We're in a book!
Inam Ahem! It opens like this:
<Background black>
[Asbestos states in the magazine that...]
Asbestos "They're noisy, but fun."