Leto: Hide-and-Seek

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Operator Record
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So far, Leto has only cried once in her whole life.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Leto to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Leto.
Blank icon.svg
RI Room
RI Training Compound
RI Cafeteria
RI Bridge
Aircraft A
Leto's mother is planning her next outdoor adventure after her condition has stabilized, but the usually easy-going Leto raises a rare objection, and so Tatyana proposes to play a game with her daughter.
<Background 1>
Leto A game?
Tatyana That's right.
You don't want Mamochka to leave for her adventure, right? I don't want to make my darling crybaby weep by vanishing into thin air either, so let's play a little game.
Leto I'm not a crybaby!
Tatyana Really?
I remember the wailing at our reunion on the landship bridge, isn't that what you'd call a—
Leto Stop, stop, stop! It's not like I'm trying to keep you from stepping out, but you haven't fully recovered yet! So what's with the game?
Tatyana Oripathy can't be cured, so what even counts as 'fully recovered'?
Leto But...
Tatyana I know you're concerned about me, but the best medicine for us adventurers is always a sight we've never seen before.
Leto ......
Tatyana Most importantly, do you think you could really stop me from going if I really wanted to?
Leto Fine, I get it.
So, what game is this?
Tatyana A simple one. Hide and seek.
Tomorrow, I'll hide somewhere on the ship. Find me in the afternoon, and I'll stay.
But if you don't, you have to give up on trying to stop me.
Leto Hey, this landship is humongous!
Tatyana You can ask anyone to help you out. Does that make it fair?
Leto Aw—fine!
Tatyana I'll go pack up my luggage then. You should get an early night, lapochka.
Leto Hmph, don't get too happy yet. I'll definitely find you.
Tatyana Now that's my daughter. I'll be waiting for you.
Leto Alright, better get an early night.
I have to find Mamochka tomorrow.
[Waking up from the bed]
Oh, I should probably message the gang before I sleep.
'Look out for my mamochka tomorrow. More deets in the cafeteria.'
Alright, sent.
Sheesh, Mamochka makes me look like a good girl by comparison.
Time to snooze.
<Background black>
Mamochka, are you going out again?
Yes, be good at your aunt's place. Mamochka will bring you a souvenir.
I want to go with you.
No can do. It's too dangerous for you. When you're older and stronger, I'll take you along with me.
Of course, I promise.
<Background 2>
Zima Didn't see her.
Leto Yeah, figured.
Zima What's that supposed to mean?!
Rosa I'm afraid I didn't see her either.
Leto Aren't you pretty chummy with her?
Rosa We occasionally exchange makeup tips, that's all.
Leto What about you, Anna?
Istina Sorry.
Leto Lada... forget it, I'm guessing you didn't see Mamochka either. Seems like she's serious about this.
Gummy Huh? I saw her.
Leto What?!
Gummy Yeah, she came pretty early for breakfast.
Leto You should've told me!
Gummy But you were still sleeping. Also, you didn't tell me to let you know ASAP.
Leto Ugh, fine.
Did she mention where she was headed?
Gummy I was cooking then, so I didn't really catch it... but I heard her mention Instructor Dobermann.
Leto Instructor Dobermann? Come to think of it, she is helping Mamochka with her rehab.
Thanks. Let me know if anything else happens—
Rosa Just a moment.
Leto Huh?
Rosa You have yet to explain to us what's going on.
Leto Ugh, fine.
<Background fades out and in>
Zima Huh. So it's just a game? I thought something serious was going down.
Leto It's not just a game! If I lose, Mamochka's going out on her adventure!
Rosa Why not let her go? Wouldn't it be good for her?
Leto You're asking why? Mamochka has Oripathy, you know.
Gummy But—she showed us her physical results last time we ate together, and said her condition's stable now.
Leto Even so, you can't just take off right away, right?!
Anna's, what's with that look?
Istina Nothing. I just thought it was quite strange to hear that coming from your mouth, when you're the flightiest one here.
Leto ......
Agh, anyway, just let me know if you see her before dinner!
I'll head over to Instructor Dobermann first.
[Rushing footsteps]
Zima Rosalind becomes a totally different person the moment you bring up her mother.
Rosa It's the one thing she's guilty about, after all.
Gospozha Tatyana Larina contracted Oripathy on her account, so it's no wonder she's rather hung up about it.
Zima But—
Rosa Do you think Gospozha Larina requires our concern?
Zima Fine... she probably wouldn't back down even with all of us united.
Rosa So, let's just help Rosalind out, and leave the rest to them.
<Background 3>
Leto Instructor Dobermann!
Dobermann Morning, Leto.
Leto Did you see my mamochka today?
Dobermann Señora Tatyana? I did see her earlier.
Leto Is she still around?
Dobermann No, we only had a brief chat before she left, probably went to get ready for her trip.
Leto Did she talk about anything else besides that?
Dobermann I think she knew you'd come here, and asked me to pass this to you.
Leto These are—?
Dobermann Climbing ropes.
Leto Is this what she usually uses?
Dobermann Yes. Well, you have your own classes and missions, so it's no surprise this is new information to you.
Señora Tatyana may not be exceptionally strong, but she is extremely nimble. She holds the record for scaling that wall over there.
Leto ......
Can I try too?
Dobermann I figured you'd ask. Come with me.
<Background fades out and in>
Dobermann Alright, the rope's set. Go ahead.
Leto Mamochka probably hid something on top of the wall, if she left these ropes for me.
Right, just watch me climb this quick and we'll see what she's hiding up there!
[Rustling clothes and Leto fallen down]
Dobermann Rock climbing isn't as simple as it looks. You have to find your fulcrum and control your balance. It's not something you can brute force your way through.
Leto ......
I got it! The next one—
I can't reach that one at all!
[Rustling clothes and Leto fallen down]
Dobermann You have to propel yourself up with your momentum. You shouldn't be standing on that hold either.
Leto Momentum?
Oh—I get it!
Hah, so that's the way!
Heheh, half way up now!
Next one! Watch me!
That was dangerous, but no matter. Just a little more to go!
If I want to go up from here, you'd normally step on this hold, and then climb up from there.
Hm? Seems like it'd be faster if I use this other one—
Hehe, let's give it a shot!
Watch me!
[Clothes rustling]
Leto Heh! Safe and sound!
Now let's see—
Aha, I knew it.
A book quietly sits on the platform at the top of the climbing wall.
Leto makes her way over and realizes she has seen this book before.
She picks up the book and walks to the platform's edge. She has a good view of the entire training room from this spot.
But, she suddenly gets a feeling—
What Mamochka saw while sitting here was definitely not the training room, but some scenery etched into her mind.
Because the book she just picked up is a travel magazine—with an article mentioned on the cover written by her mother.
Mamochka, what's this?
A travel magazine. Mamochka has an article published in it.
An article?
Mhm. My job is to turn my adventures into essays. Look, this is a photo from my last expedition.
Wow, it's pretty.
Right? This is how I keep us fed. It used to be something I had the most fun doing, but now, I have to work as hard as I can for the both of us.
Mamochka, you should take it easy.
Don't you worry. I'm happy going to these places, just like I'm happy when you're with me. Oh, how nice it'd be if we could go discover a new place together one day!
Yeah, I want to go together with you, Mamochka!
Haha, you'll have to grow up big and strong first, little Roza!
<Background 3>
[Something dropped]
Dobermann Leto, did you find something?
Leto Technically yes, but also no...
Dobermann This magazine—
Leto Her travel article's in it.
Dobermann ......
Leto, do you resent your mother for not staying with you?
Leto Well... Mamochka travels a lot, so it's true she isn't with me much, but her absence feels different from me not having a father.
Because Mamochka always comes home with a ton of interesting stories for me.
Words I've never heard before, sights I've never seen—Hearing Mamochka talk about all that stuff is much more interesting than if she were to just stay with me.
Dobermann I see.
And that's why you're so hung up on this. Both you and Señora Tatyana have always had an extraordinary mother-daughter relationship.
But Oripathy has tied a knot in your bond.
Leto Mhm.
I know what Mamochka wants, and I know it's the best for both of us, and yet—
She wouldn't be sick if she didn't go into Chernobog to find me.
I just can't manage to convince myself.
Which is why I try to stop her from going out on adventures instead.
I know how exactly I could keep her here, but I actually don't want her to stay.
Dobermann ......
She'll understand you, I'm sure.
She wouldn't be playing this game with you otherwise, no?
I think she's prepared an answer for you.
Leto ...Yeah.
[Comms buzzing]
Rosa Rosalind, I did a little investigating. It seems your mother has left a lot of smokescreens around.
I don't think you'll find her in time, if you check them one-by-one.
Are there any unusual clues she might have left you?
Leto Unusual...?
From what I know about Mamochka, she'd definitely leave me some hint in this kinda game...
<Background 1>
Tatyana Really?
I remember the wailing at our reunion on the landship bridge, isn't that what you'd call a—
<Background 3>
Leto Ah!
I got it!
Rosa You got it?
Leto Oh, the bridge!
[Rushing footsteps]
<Background black>
Rosalind, my lapochka!
Mamochka?! Wh-What are you doing here?!
I heard something happened in Chernobog and came as soon as I could, but the place was already in ruins by the time I arrived. I couldn't find you no matter how hard I tried, but I'm so glad you're not hurt!
Heheh, why would I be? But how did you even end up here, Mamochka?
Well... it's a long story. Anyway, I heard from a Rhodes Island doctor that you were here.
Why would Rhodes Island—Wait, Mamochka?! Those crystals—Why do you have Oripathy?!
Ah. Oopsies. I-it's nothing, really. Don't worry, your Mamochka was just careless—
...Mamochka, did you get sick because of me?
N-No, it was from an adventure...
Ma... it's all my fault—
Oh, don't cry. A little illness is nothing, as long as you're okay.
*sob* Uwaaaaaaah———!
<Background 4>
Leto Mamochka talked about when she first arrived at Rhodes Island! I should've connected the dots last night!
I turned into a sobbing mess while hugging my mamochka right here!
Rosa But I don't see anyone else here?
Leto ......
Human Resources Operator Oh, Leto and Rosa. What are you girls doing up here?
Leto Have you seen my mamochka?
Human Resources Operator Hm? Tatyana? Can't say I have.
Leto Hmph.
Human Resources Operator But she did leave a bag here, and I was worrying over it. Why don't you hand it back to her?
Leto Huh?
Lemme take a look!
Human Resources Operator Over here, it's pretty heavy.
[Something being uncovered]
Rosa This is—
A brand new outdoor camping set, and a book series on polyglot secrets?
Leto Hmph. She had me figured out, and knew I would come here.
Huh? There's a letter too.
'For my dear daughter'. Whoa, she even drew a smiley. It's mocking me.
Rosa Gospozha Larina would indeed do such a thing, knowing her.
You should open it.
Leto ......
[Pages being unfurled]
Lapochka, your aunt told me I should be spending more time with you.
But you know how I am. I'm well aware I'm not doing a great job as a mother—I've tried, but in the end, I felt it was impossible.
I've agonized over this for a long time, but the one who sweeps all the agony away is you.
You always greet me when I come home, with your smile full of anticipation and joy washing all my anxieties away.
You eagerly listen to every tale I tell you.
The funny school stories you tell me always make me laugh out loud.
You tell me with your actions—it's alright for me to act like this, and we can base our relationship on that.
You don't know this, but it's a way for Mamochka to redeem herself, and I'm not exaggerating.
Because this means I can love both you and my work.
Of course, we have fun together, but when we're apart, I'll be happy if I know you are too. And you'll be happy if you know I'm happy.
Isn't this how we've been the last few years?
I know you feel guilt over my Oripathy, and that's why you're always volunteering to see those sights in my stead.
But losing you is what I fear most. As long as you're healthy and happy, this illness isn't much at all.
And now, we've both found our own meaningful paths to walk on, in a sense.
So, I hope you can look after your own life better, just like you have in the past.
Become a beacon, just like 'General Leto'.
And likewise, your Mamochka will take good care of herself.
<Background 5>
Tatyana My daughter should have found the letter by now.
Even if she didn't, someone else will, and they'll have passed it to her.
Don't blame Mamochka, lapochka.
We've never needed so many words between us, right?
Asbestos Being your daughter's hardly the easiest job in the world.
Tatyana Ah, here you are, little Asbest.
Asbestos You can drop the 'little'. I insist.
You never intended to let your daughter find you in the first place, huh?
Tatyana She is dear to me, but so are my adventures.
This aircraft is a part of Rhodes Island, so I technically didn't lie to her, did I?
As it goes in the family—we always mean what we say!
Asbestos Suit yourself. I just think it's pretty miserable for her.
Tatyana Just you wait. You'll understand in the future when you find your own fork in your path, little Asbest.
Asbestos Heh, the only future I see is dying on an expedition.
Tatyana What a coincidence. I used to think the same.
Asbestos For real though, why didn't you go looking for Magallan? Why tag along with me?
Tatyana The route little Maggy was taking does have its charms, but I still prefer a more challenging environment.
Don't you think our tastes are pretty similar in that regard?
Asbestos Hmph, I should've dumped you here and set off on my own.
Tatyana The Doctor would be sad to hear that, you know?
Asbestos Who cares.
Tatyana *sigh* I actually planned to go out alone, if the Doctor hadn't insisted otherwise.
Buuuut, if you really aren't too keen to tag along with me, I could perhaps have a word with the Doctor...
Asbestos Gah. Arghhhh. Alright, alright, we'll go together, yeah?
Tatyana That's more like it!
Pilot Are we ready to go, ladies?
Tatyana Let's go!
Asbestos *sigh*... I have a feeling this expedition is gonna be the second noisiest of my life.
<Background 4>
Leto ......
[Rushing footsteps]
Zima Rosalind!
Nothing here either. You... what's up?
Leto ...Uh, forget about it.
Zima Huh? But—
Leto I lost. Mamochka's too crafty.
Gummy Tissue for you, Rosalind.
Leto I'm not crying though.
I swore on that day to never cry again.
I'll smash every annoying thing into bits with a smile on my face.
Zima Hmph. Acting tough?
Leto Yeah? Got a problem with that?
Argh, let's get a move on already! It's chow time!
Dinner's on me today, and I'll eat Mamochka's share too!
<Background fades out and in>