Bibeak: Shell Break

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Operator Record
Shell Break
Bibeak icon.png

A fowlbeast is not truly born if it does not break free of its own eggshell and see the blue sky with its own eyes.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Bibeak to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Bibeak.
Reserve Operator - Melee icon.png
Rhodes Island Field Operator A
RI Operator icon.png
Rhodes Island Field Operator B
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Villager A
Male Kuranta B icon.png
Villager B
Male Old Kuranta A icon.png
Villager C
Wildlands Morning
Village Outskirts
Village House
Bibeak takes the first step towards a new life, but some things don't go as planned.
<Background 1>
[While Bibeak and Orchid travels through the wilderness in a car...]
Bibeak Orchid... I, I'm still nervous.
Orchid Happens to everyone on their first mission. Don't worry, I'm here for you.
Trust the time you've spent in the training room. You could give anyone a run for their money with your sword.
Bibeak Gloompincers are really fierce, aren't they? If the villagers couldn't chase them away, I...
Orchid I won't pretend that they're not dangerous, but I guarantee you that they're not as scary as Instructor Dur-nar's sword, or Instructor Dobermann's whip.
They approved you for this mission because they believe you have the skills.
This is just the first step. It took you a long time to make up your mind, didn't it?
Bibeak Yeah...
So this is how it feels to sit in this car.
When operators from the office came to find us, I was thinking maybe I should wait for the next chance. But I felt like this was a step that I had to take, and so I raised my hand.
I haven't seen Instructor Dobermann smile like that for ages. I'll get this mission done.
I want to use this sword to help protect more people.
Orchid That's more like it.
Bibeak Tell me about your first mission! I want to know how you felt.
Orchid Well, that was a long time ago. I was leading the squad...
<Background 2>
[Orchid finishes her story as she and Bibeak reaches a village.]
Orchid Anyway, I almost quit after that mission.
But they started listening... I guess.
Bibeak So that's what they were like back then...
[Two villagers approach Bibeak and Orchid.]
Villager A Excuse me...
Are you girls from Rhodes Island?
Bibeak Yes, we are.
Orchid Why don't you explain our mission to them?
Bibeak Okay!
Hello, we're here from Rhodes Island.
We'll set up defenses outside the village, and instruct you guys on how to set them up afterwards.
The defenses are equipped with warning systems, giving you a chance to prepare the next time there's a gloompincer attack, and reducing the damage to the village.
We'll also help you defeat them if they attack.
Villager A Alright. Er... I have another question.
Bibeak Go ahead.
Villager A Well, you talk so slowly, and your sword is so thin. Why did Rhodes Island send someone like you?
Villager B Can you really beat the gloompincers?
Orchid Excuse me? Please–
[Bibeak interjects Orchid by saying,]
Bibeak Trust me, I can.
Villager A Ah... well, I'm just speaking my mind here, but...
I figured a lady like you would be more comfortable reading a book and having tea, not doing rough stuff like this. Don't want you to get hurt, you know.
Villager B We're really grateful you came to help, though.
Come in, we have tea and snacks if you like. We made them ourselves.
Bibeak Thank you.
<Background 3>
[After Bibeak and Orchid takes a rest in one of the village houses...]
Bibeak The tea was great, thank you.
Villager B It was from last year's harvest. The gloompincers made a mess of the tea fields this year, and we couldn't plant much in the fields we have left.
Life's hard.
Bibeak Have you ever thought about leaving this place and doing something else?
Villager B Where would we go? It's not that easy.
Even the factories are looking for people who've been to school. Folks like us, we just stick to our fields and see what our kids and grandkids can do.
Bibeak I'm sorry...
Villager B Oh, it's nothing. I see you girls are pretty well-dressed. Is this some kinda upper-class hobby, coming out here to train?
Know anyone who's hiring and pays a steady wage? We'd love to know.
Don't think we'll last more than a few more years, the way things are headed.
Orchid We're not exactly upper-class, just employees of our company.
But we could talk afterwards about your situation. We might be able to help somehow.
Villager B Oh, thank you so much.
[The first villager rushes into the house...]
Villager A Hey! We spotted some gloompincers! Grab your weapons!
Go, go!
[...before rushing off to warn the rest of the village.]
Villager B Our village can't take much more of this! Please, help us chase them away!
We'd really appreciate it!
<Background 2>
[Bibeak and Orchid, assisted by two R.I. operators, fight off the gloompincer horde attacking the village.]
Bibeak Stay on high ground! We've got it covered down here!
Villager A Don't worry, we've fought them plenty of times ourselves!
We'll guard this side, help lighten the load on you guys!
Orchid Alright! Just hold these barricades. Watch out for Arts from above!
Villager B You guys can use Arts?
Wow! I hear good casters can blow up a whole building by themselves! This'll be a piece of cake with you guys around!
Orchid Don't get too excited. I'm not that powerful.
Villager B Just being able to use Arts is amazing enough!
Orchid Look out! Wright, Patty, activate the shield's circuit!
[The R.I. operators respond...]
Rhodes Island Field Operator A&B Got it!
[...and activates an Arts barricade to keep the gloompincers from entering the village.]
Villager B Wow, that's so cool!
You're really letting us keep this?
Rhodes Island Field Operator A This way, you won't need to call us in every time something happens, and we get to save some time and effort.
It's a win-win!
Villager B Wow, you guys are so nice!
[The R.I. continues fighting, but a gloompincer struck Bibeak.]
Bibeak Ah!
Look out, Orchid! They're coming!
Orchid Did you get hurt?
Bibeak Just a scratch on the shoulder. I can deal with it.
Bibeak tears off a piece of her outfit to wrap up the wound, revealing her neck.
Villager A ......
Villager A (Hey, that thing on her neck... is that Originium?)
Villager B (What?)
Hey, you, you're Infected?!
Yeah! You've got rocks growing out of you!
G-Get away from us!
Bibeak What did you say?
[Bibeak ignores the villager calling out to her and keeps fighting.]
Villager B You're Infected, right?
Damn, we even had tea together! Did I–
Villager C Damn you, gloompincers, why do you keep coming for us?! Go get those damned Infected, would you?!
A villager throws some food in the direction of the squad.
The gloompincers follow the trail of the scent.
Villager C Eat them!
I-I'd rather have the gloompincers eat everything I own than catch Oripathy!
How did you even get here?!
Bibeak You asked–
Villager B We never asked for any Infected!
Bibeak But we're helping you!
You even invited us to your house!
Villager B That's because we didn't know you were Infected!
You lied to us! How is anyone supposed to tell when you hide your Originium under your clothes like that!
Rhodes Island Field Operator A What did you say?!
Villager C Get out! Get out!
Chase them out, gloompincers!
Orchid ......
Rhodes Island Field Operator A What the heck are you babbling about? Oripathy doesn't spread through everyday contact!
I'm not Infected, but I've worked with them for years, and I'm completely fine!
Villager C You're not Infected? Then you're a nutjob!
Bill got the illness from who knows where, and he couldn't find a job after rocks started growing out of him, not even at the bottom of the mines!
Even after he died, he... our village is like this now because of the Infected!
How dare you stroll in like you own the place! Are you trying to kill us all?
Are you here to help us or kill us?!
Get out! All of you! We don't need your help!
[The agitated villagers threw bottles toward the R.I. squad out of their hatred toward the Infected instead of paying attention to the gloompincers threatening their village.]
Rhodes Island Field Operator B You're the squad leader, Orchid. Your call.
Personally, I don't see a need to stay here and take this abuse and the gloompincers.
Orchid ......
Let's finish this one off and leave, Bibeak. They've made their choice, and we have no obligation to stay.
I'll be coming down now. Go around the barricades, and we'll meet by the car!
[Orchid and the R.I. operators retreat, but Bibeak stays.]
Bibeak I...
Why should we have to be chased out like this...?
We did nothing wrong!
We came to–
Another piece of food flies towards Bibeak and lands by her feet. Nearby gloompincers detect the scent and converge upon her.
Orchid repels them with Arts and briefly keeps them away.
Orchid It's not the first time something like this has happened, Bibeak. People try to get help from Rhodes Island without even reading the documentation.
But this is not a good situation to be in. We risk angering them further if we stay.
We should retreat before things get worse.
Bibeak ......
Orchid Are you afraid of failing a mission?
Bibeak I... I don't know.
It's my first field mission, and I don't want to give up like this.
And we didn't do anything wrong!
I don't understand why they're driving us out after we helped them.
I used to hide behind my parents when I saw gloompincers. When someone hurt me, all I could think was "what should I do?"
But I... I...
I don't want to leave like this, getting chased away like this!
The gloompincers edge forward, becoming less afraid of Orchid's Arts by the second.
Bibeak swings her sword.
She has done so to protect others from angry mobs before, and she has done so countless times in training.
But today, she has only herself in mind when she swings her sword.
Bibeak Are you doing this because I'm Infected?
Does that make me worse than the gloompincers that are tearing your homes apart? Am I so scary that you have to hide away like that?
Even though we said we don't infect others with Oripathy?
None of the villagers answer.
The swarm of gloompincers breaks through the barricade in front of the village.
Bibeak does not move her feet. She stands there holding her sword, raises it, swings it, and clenches her jaws.
Orchid ......
(What a stubborn girl.)
(She's seeing the mission as a testament to her own worth. She didn't need to drive herself into a corner like that.)
(But if that's really how she's thinking of it...)
I'll help you out if you really want to do this, Bibeak.
[Orchid repels the gloompincers with her Arts.]
Orchid ...Just take it easy. You're hurt.
<Background fades out and in>
Villager A Damn it, the gloompincers are coming!
Stand your ground! We'll stop them here!
Villager B Grab your bows and farm tools!
Shut the windows and doors and make sure they're locked tight!
More and more gloompincers rush towards the village, far more than originally expected.
At the same time, more and more villagers leave their houses and join the line.
The operators who've already begun preparing to evacuate look at Bibeak silently swinging her sword, sigh, and pick up their weapons again.
[The R.I. operators rushed back to the village.]
Rhodes Island Field Operator B ...Shit. Fine.
Patty and I will go reinforce the barricades. This place is not where I want to die.
Villager C I, I... stay away...
[A gloompincer strikes the villager...]
Villager C –My leg!
[...but was cut down by the first R.I. operator.]
Rhodes Island Field Operator A If you're hurt, get out of the way.
Villager C Stay away...! I, I can stand on my own...
[The R.I. operator fights off the gloompincers.]
Rhodes Island Field Operator A Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't dream of lending you a hand.
The barricades are up! Over here, Orchid, Bibeak!
Orchid Coming!
Villager B There's got to be an end to this!
Rhodes Island Field Operator A Behind you!
[The R.I. operator slashes down a gloompincer trying to attack the villager from behind.]
Villager B Thanks, bro! Er...
Rhodes Island Field Operator A Save it.
Villager B Er, thanks...
Rhodes Island Field Operator A Don't just stand there, move your damn ass!
Rhodes Island Field Operator B You got anything better to do than stare? You say this village's so precious to you, but you're gonna leave a couple of Infected to fight for it?
Let me say this again: ordinary contact does not result in infection! Get your ass up here if you really want to chase away these gloompincers!
Villager B I... I...
Fine, dammit!
Take this! B-But just stay over there, I, I'll throw it over!
Rhodes Island Field Operator B Suit yourself. Couldn't care less one way or another.
Villager B ......
I, I'm scared! But I-I do have a conscience!
You saved my life! I've got to do the right thing!
We made this odor bag! Gloompincers don't like the smell! It'll hold them off for a bit!
[The villager throws a back to the R.I. operator.]
Villager B Catch!
Orchid Wright, look out for the other side...
Frightened Voice Aaaagh–
A scream draws everyone's attention. A little girl is pointing in Bibeak's direction with terror on her face.
A gloompincer raises its claw behind Bibeak. She tries to raise her sword, but fatigue gets the best of her.
A bolt pierces it just as it was about to bring its claws upon her.
The villager who fired the bolt shields her frightened daughter, and cocks her crossbow without a word as she turns her attention to another gloompincer.
Bibeak Oh...
Orchid Are you okay, Bibeak? Pull back–
Bibeak I'm fine, Orchid.
Villager C T-They're coming!!
Rhodes Island Field Operator A Cut the chatter! Get your ass to the barrier!
Villager C T-They're coming... I'm not scared!
Anyone who can still stand! Come and help them!
Grab the improvised bombs! They'll at least do some damage!
<Background fades out and in>
The sun begins to set, and the gloompincers finally back off, realizing that they are not making any headway.
The villagers continue to stand where they are, in a daze from the furious fighting, feeling only the soreness in their hands.
Bibeak uses her sword as a cane to support her own weight, before turning to head towards the Rhodes Island vehicle parked at a distance.
Bibeak ......
Orchid Bibeak! Get in, and I'll bandage your wounds.
Some of the villagers look as though they want to take a step forward, before stopping in their tracks.
Villager A ......
Villager B ......
Rhodes Island Field Operator A ...Hmph.
[The R.I. squad walks away, but the villagers tell them,]
Villager A I think we...
Villager B Um, uh...
Sorry... and thank you. It's getting late. We can pack some food for you to eat on the way.
I mean it!
Bibeak ......
No need. It's fine.
Orchid, I want some of those pastries you made.
You brought some, didn't you?
Orchid Yeah, they're in the car.
Shall we go then?
[The R.I. squad takes their leave.]
Villager A ......
<Background 1>
Orchid There, all bandaged up.
Bibeak ......
Orchid It was hard, wasn't it? Go ahead, you can cry.
You were so brave. You didn't run back to the car crying; you came back on your own two feet after defeating the gloompincers.
You changed the villagers' thinking and got them to fight alongside us.
If it weren't for you, the rest of us would have turned around and left, venting about it the whole way back, and nothing would have changed.
Bibeak Orchid...
I told myself countless times that I can't wallow in hate. I can't turn myself into something terrible.
But that's what I look like in the eyes of the uninfected.
But I... I don't think they're wrong.
Orchid You don't have to console yourself like that, Bibeak.
Rhodes Island's documentation clearly stated that our squads contain Infected. It's their fault for not reading. The least they could have done was to handle it more politely, which we would have been able to accept.
Bibeak ...It's not consolation, Orchid, I really feel that way. It's only natural for them to be afraid, because... I'm afraid too. I hate and fear my condition.
I left home to come to Rhodes Island, in order to bring it under control. I participated in all that training to get this chance to conquer my fear...
Maybe that's not something everyone can do.
But I don't want to have done all that just to stop moving forward on my first field mission. Go backwards even.
Was I being selfish? If they were really scared, I shouldn't have–
Orchid Lie down and have something to eat. Don't think too much about it.
They were only afraid because they don't understand Oripathy. We've already explained that normal contact doesn't lead to infection.
They calmed down and accepted that.
Bibeak Will they ask for help from Rhodes Island again?
If they do... will I be willing to accept the mission?
Orchid The choice is yours, Bibeak.
Everyone makes their own choices. If it were up to me... I'd probably turn it down after some thought.
Bibeak ...I don't know what I'd think.
Maybe they won't be scared of us next time. Or maybe they'll reject us again. Or maybe there won't even be a next time.
But I'll wait for that day.
Orchid (Gives Bibeak some pastries)
Bibeak Thanks for being with me today, Orchid.
Otherwise, I might have done something stupid.
But I don't regret participating in this field mission, even if it was very different from what I imagined.
I'll keep moving forward.

See also