Beanstalk: The Wilds Do They Call

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Operator Record
The Wilds Do They Call
Beanstalk icon.png

There'll always be people who need to be taught respect. All those who look down on the little Metal Crabs will pay for their shallowness.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Beanstalk to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Beanstalk.
Beanstalk's Metal Crab icon.png
Columbian Pioneer icon.png
Beanstalk's Metal Crab icon.png
Beanstalk's Metal Crab icon.png
Ice Cube
Bodyguard icon.png
Organizing Committee Member
Beanstalk's Metal Crab icon.png
Bodyguard icon.png
Staff Member
Beanstalk's Metal Crab icon.png
Beanstalk's Metal Crab icon.png
Wildlands Morning
Beanstalk joins a contest to promote her business, but her Metal Crabs bring her shocking, vexing news, and she decides to tear the place up with the power of the wilderness.
<Background 1>
[Two contestants are talking.]
Contestant A Bro, maybe we should just go back to the Pioneer Team...
Our fowlbeasts might be great at helping out with hunting and whatnot, but that's nothing to the city folks. They aren't gonna like 'em!
Contestant B Don't say that!
How can you be so sure it won't work out before you try? What if that's exactly what they're into these days? Look at that girl there... She brought a whole gang of Metal Crabs! What are you so scared of?
[Beanstalk approaches the contestants.]
Beanstalk Hey, I can hear you, you know!
You better watch out, or Peacake is going to bite you!
Peacake (Feigns ferociousness and waves claws)
Contestant B Er, my bad, my bad–I didn't mean it like that, I was just trying to console him. Didn't expect you to hear me.
But I mean it, miss. Don't you think having ferocious fowlbeasts doing tricks could open up a whole new market?
Beanstalk Hm... I don't really know.
But like you said, I am bringing Metal Crabs to this contest, and fowlbeasts are more of a usual pet. You guys might just make it.
Hehe, and I just came up with an idea. Wanna hear it?
If you guys want to put on a good show, how about you work with me? I'll lend you some of my strongest crabs. They can work with your fowlbeasts and put on an amazing fight together!
Contestant A Huh? That's awfully generous. For real?
Beanstalk Yep. I'm here to make a name for my Metal Crabs so that more people out there know how amazing they are.
If you guys make it big here, my crabs will follow suit and get famous too, right?
And even if it doesn't work out, they'll have learned some new tricks working with you guys. Either way, it's a win for me.
Contestant A *whimpers*, thank you!
Beanstalk C'mon, the waiting times are long here. We've still got plenty of time for you to break the ice with them. Let me teach you what they can do!
<Background 2>
Beanstalk Okay, focus, little guys! This is the waiting area, so let's start the training. And if you're good little boys and girls, I've got some treats waiting. The fancy stuff!
If anyone's not feeling well, now's the time to speak up!
Contestant A Huh? They can talk?
Trey & Twista (Move left claws and knock on their heads)
Beanstalk Hm, the flowers on your heads not feeling so good? Let me take a look.
Hammer (Turns around on the spot and lifts claw)
[Beanstalk checks Hammer's claw.]
Beanstalk A rock scraped your leg? Ahh–There's a pebble stuck here!
[Beanstalk removes the pebble from Hammer's claw.]
Beanstalk Good job, Hammer. Be sure to let me know if you're not feeling okay anywhere. Don't be like Ice Cube, trying to tough it out without telling me.
Ice Cube (Stomps the ground)
[Beanstalk pets Ice Cube.]
Beanstalk Aw, don't be like that, you've been doing wonderful too!
Contestant B Whoa–
Beanstalk Amazing, isn't it? I call this "Clawspeak." We've got our own unique way to communicate!
Watch this. (Puts right hand forward and swings it around)
B.I.G. (Turns right)
Beanstalk (Poses like she's drinking water)
B.I.G. (Hauls a bottle of springwater to her)
Beanstalk Just like that! Impressed? Aside from these daily life commands, they know even more for when I'm at work. They even come with me on some pretty difficult operations sometimes!
That's why I put together a special program just for this. Three minutes of showing off their ability to freely change their formation and follow all kinds of commands, then they'll interact with the judges for the last two.
I'll teach the judges a few commands to give to them, but until I give the order, the Metal Crabs won't listen to anyone else. That'll show just how professional they are!
Contestant B Now I'm starting to get anxious. Pete, we gotta head back and work on our own show!
[The contestants run off.]
Beanstalk Hehe! I haven't been doing this for years for nothing!
[A man in suit approaches Beanstalk and her Metal Crab herd.]
Organizing Committee Member ......
<Background 3>
Organizer Which one do you have your eyes on?
Organizing Committee Member The girl brought who Metal Crabs. You don't see those every day. Unique!
Those furry beastlings have dominated the market for far too long. It's time for a new kind of pet: stranger, more exotic, and with more impact!
Slap on a few gimmicks and slogans, and we can jack up the price all we want. "A perfect pet that executes all your commands perfectly." How's that?
A terror of the wilderness, now at your beck and call with a cute flower on its head. Yeah, this will work!
<Background 2>
[The organizing committee member asks Beastalk,]
Organizing Committee Member Miss Beanstalk. That's a cute name you've got.
Beanstalk May I ask what this is about?
Organizing Committee Member First, here's our advertising contract. Please take a look at it.
[The committee member hands over a document to Beanstalk.]
Beanstalk Hmm...
Organizing Committee Member We've gone over the resume you submitted. I see you tried to sell something called "Beanstalk's Fine Pet Food"?
Beanstalk Yep, so what did the committee think? I did amazing, right?
Organizing Committee Member Right, you did make something of an impression...
But it's not enough!
Beanstalk What?!
Organizing Committee Member The name and advertising don't have a clear theme. They're not extreme enough! They lack impact!
The advertising copy doesn't make a strong impression, and the story doesn't have enough twists and turns to it. There's not enough to stand out from the pack!
As a new product, both the name and the slogan have to be snappy. They need to be unique enough to grab customers by their hearts!
We don't need any gimmicks that are already on the market. What we need is something that's never been seen before!
Which is why even the subtlest word choice need to keep their interest. An eye-opener that'll awaken the masses' desire to buy!
Beanstalk Ooh–
...So that's how it is?
Organizing Committee Member Ahem!
Miss Beanstalk, we make our evaluations in many different ways. Sometimes, we select from contestants who make it through our competitions. Other times, we reach out privately. You're very fortunate to belong in that second group–You can step directly onto the stage.
We'll provide you all the resources you'll need to distinguish your product, but you'll also need to work with us and film some commercials.
I see you've been flipping through the contract. So what do you think of my proposal?
Beanstalk Yeah, your offer really moved me.
Organizing Committee Member In that case, we can go over the details of the contract, such as...
[Beanstalk returns the contract to the committee member.]
Organizing Committee Member Huh? What did you do to the funding's number–
Beanstalk Whoops.
Guess you fou–
Organizing Committee Member Wow, it's exactly the same as what we wrote in the first place!
Beanstalk Huh?
Heh, you're a pretty swell guy.
Organizing Committee Member Haha, hardly.
Well then, Miss Beanstalk?
[Beanstalk writes her signature on the contract.]
Beanstalk Take my signature!
Organizing Committee Member Nice working with you!
<Background 3>
[The committee member opens the door.]
Organizer Where have you been, and why do you smell so bad?
Organizing Committee Member Gah... This is filthy!
Do you even have to ask? The Metal Crabs we just caught aren't behaving.
I took care of the most stubborn ones already. Tch, and it got on my clothes. The ones who are left can at least follow orders–I gotta make sure we have enough in stock after the show's over.
As for the ones the girl brought with her... She's keeping a close eye on them, though I'm guessing she wouldn't be able to tell if a few went missing.
...Whatever, I'm gonna go clean up. I still have to keep flattering Beanstalk and her crabs.
<Background 2>
B.I.G. (Scurries over in a flurry)
Beanstalk Biggie? What are you doing here?
Weren't you guys resting up at the workshop?
B.I.G. (Puts claw next to face and gestures)
Beanstalk ...What?
You mean... You can smell other Metal Crabs, but they're already dead?
B.I.G. (Points in the workshop's direction)
Beanstalk Around the back?
There's a small shed there, but isn't that a storehouse? I've passed by it a couple times, but the door's locked. Seemed like there were only boxes in there.
B.I.G. (Points claw at itself)
Beanstalk You mean there are other Metal Crabs trapped inside?!
(Whispers) Biggie, wait. Let's go somewhere no one will overhear us.
<Background fades out and in>
[After "listening" to B.I.G.'s explanations...]
Beanstalk Okay, I see... I thought it'd be fine as long as I kept a close eye on you guys, but I never thought they'd go and capture wild crabs from the wastelands to train.
And they even killed the ones that wouldn't listen to them!
We gotta rescue them, Biggie!
[The committee member shows up...]
Organizing Committee Member So this is where you were, Miss Beanstalk. I've been looking for you the better part of the day.
[...prompting B.I.G. to hide.]
Beanstalk Ah, yeah.... What's the matter?
[The committee member walks toward Beanstalk.]
Organizing Committee Member It's time for our training, yet I find you here, slacking off, so of course I have to ask what's going on.
Beanstalk Oh! Right, I lost track of time.
[Beanstalk's Metal Crab herd shows up.]
Beanstalk We're gonna start now.
C'mon, little buddies. Follow my command!
1, 2, 1, 2. Original formation–!
Now let's go through the procedure again, just like we rehearsed–
And now for the special bonus move–
[The committee member looks satisfied.]
Organizing Committee Member Yep, lovely as always.
But you really can't afford to be slacking; the real show is about to start. You've been doing very well so far, but I don't want any trouble during the key moment. I'll leave you to it.
[The committee member leaves.]
Beanstalk (Whispers) My little buddies! I just found out about a huge problem! Biggie said he could smell dead crabs, and there are lots of wild Metal Crabs locked in the small shed behind the workshop!
(Whispers) Right now, we're the only ones who know about this. That's why we're going to change up our training mission. We'll work on a new formation, rescue them, and get them out of here safe and sound!
(Whispers) I'm counting on you, guys!
Metal Crabs (Grind claws)
<Background fades out and in>
Beanstalk Pea, have you gotten the formation down? You guys need to form a chain and grab the storehouse key they left below the window!
Peacake (Swings claws)
Beanstalk Biggie, Twista. You know what you're doing?
Tomorrow's the dress rehearsal. As soon as those dudes in black step on the stage, you guys are gonna snap the support pillars and send them plunging down!
B.I.G. & Twista (Swing flowers)
Beanstalk Okay! Most importantly, remember that you gotta be stealthy with all this. Do not let anyone spot you. Your own safety is top priority!
Once everything's over, I'll give you guys the highest grade canned pet food!
<Background 4>
Mission Impossible: Metal Crab Battle
Peacake (Stealthily commands)
(Carefully climbs)
(Formation successful!)
(Climbs up its buddies and onto the desk and reaches the key!)
Key (Impact sound)
Staff Worker What's that noise?
Peacake (Quickly turns around and hides in a crevice in the wall with the key like a G before the staff worker notices!)
(Mission accomplished)
(Disappears coolly into the shadows with its buddies)
<Background 1>
B.I.G. (Scurries around frantically)
Twista *snip*? (Yo, hold up. This ain't our mission, is it?)
B.I.G. (Frantically swings claws)
Wild Metal Crab ?
B.I.G. (Tearfully complains as though he went through it all himself)
Wild Metal Crab ?!
Twista (Continues to seek help)
Wild Metal Crab ! (So that's where the kid from the tree hole next door bounced!)
*snip*. (Wait... you look familiar.)
*snip* *snip*? (You the kid of that big flower punk who used to live in the rock fissure?)
B.I.G. (Blanks out momentarily and then happily spins around)
Wild Metal Crab *snip* *snip*!! (Homies, my uncle's neighbor's cousin's kid's in trouble!)
<Background 2>
Beanstalk Okay, Pea? After I open the door, make sure you tell the wild Metal Crabs what I'm saying. I can't be certain they won't attack humans on sight after everything they've been through.
If they escape now, they'll just get spotted. I'll block the keyhole so that the lock stops working. As soon as they hear the stage fall apart, they need to run out of this place and head for the wilderness where they'll be safe!
Peacake (Waves claws)
Beanstalk Phew... Okay, I'll open the door now!
[Beanstalk opens the door.]
<Background black>
Beanstalk We're here to help you. Please trust us!
Metal Crabs in the House (Cower in fear together)
Beanstalk Ah–You guys okay?
<Background 1>
[The committee member approaches Beanstalk.]
Organizing Committee Member Alright, it's time to rehearse for tomorrow's show.
All of you have already received a copy of the program. Let's get down to it–
Beanstalk (Whistles quietly)
B.I.G. & Twista (Wave claws in response)
(Lead other the Metal Crabs onto the stage's trusses)
The Metal Crabs start sneaking into the foundations. Beanstalk waits nervously as the stage begins to creak.
Everything is going according to plan.
However, right at this moment, something unexpected happens.
B.I.G. and Twista don't stop. Instead, they climb straight onto the highest point of the stage and stand up against the wind.
Organizing Committee Member ...Hey? What's going on?! What are the crabs doing up here?
Beanstalk? Control your animals!
Beanstalk Uh... Yeah!
Beanstalk nervously whistles, asking the Metal Crabs what they are doing.
B.I.G. and Twista turn around and face the barren land behind the stage.
Unlike what she expected, the stage doesn't come tumbling down under the organizers. To the contrary, the ground under her feet starts shaking.
Beanstalk (Whistles nervously once again)
B.I.G. & Twista (Wave claws reassuringly)
Suddenly a huge cloud of dust is kicked up beyond the horizon. Soon thereafter, the earth begins to tremble violently–
Dozens, hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of Metal Crabs, big and small, suddenly rush into the area, all brandishing sharp claws glinting under the light.
At the highest point of the stage, the crabs lower their upraised claws and turn around to signal to Beanstalk below the stage.
The Reproba girl gets the gist, hops onto a box by her side, and starts yelling out towards the wilderness.
Beanstalk Hey–!
Organizing Committee Member Beanstalk? What, are you nuts?!
B.I.G. & Twista (Wave claws majestically at the highest point of the stage)
Beanstalk Biggie! Twista! Tell your buddies to pinch all their butts–!
[The other contestants are shocked.]
Contestants Where did they all come from?!
Ahh–So many crabs!
The Metal Crabs all rush toward the stage purposefully.
The organizer starts stomping and grabbing onto anything he can to chase the creatures away. But while he might be able to stop a few of them, even more crabs start rushing toward him.
After a muffled sound, the crabs' snipping pays off and the stage crumbles down with a loud crash, kicking dust into the air.
The Metal Crabs locked inside the storehouse also rush outside and join the fray.
They rush toward the organizers and swarm the stage, even swiping a few unfinished cans of luxury pet food.
Contestant B Ugh. D-Don't pinch my leg–
Beanstalk Don't worry, everyone! The Metal Crabs are here to help us! They're very kind, and won't hurt anyone!
Uh, I'm not so sure about the wild ones, though...
Metal Crabs Fishing in Troubled Waters (Concentrate on eating the pet food)
Beanstalk Er... never mind... We should run. Run–!
We can figure this out after we escape–
[Beanstalk and her Metal Crab herd runs off...]
Beanstalk All of you, with me!
[...enraging the committee member...]
Organizing Committee Member Why you–!
[...who are then swarmed by the wild Metal Crabs that pins him into the ground and pincers him down.]
Organizing Committee Member Urgh–!!
<Background fades out and in>
[After reaching a safe place...]
Beanstalk *pant*... *pant*... How are you guys?
Anyone hurt? No one got flattened by debris when the stage came down?
[All of Beanstalk's Metal Crabs are accounted for.]
Beanstalk What about you guys from the storehouse?
Y'all okay?
Wild Metal Crab (Communicate to each other using their claws)
(Gradually cluster around Beanstalk)
Beanstalk You... want to follow me?
Wild Metal Crab (Shake claws)
Beanstalk Then... I work at this place called Rhodes Island. Wanna come with us?
I'll tell you what life is like there on the way.
Peacake (Happily swings claws around)