Saileach: A Pair of Fowlbeasts

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Operator Record
A Pair of Fowlbeasts
Saileach icon.png

As the flag rose, so did her hopes and expectations.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise Saileach to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Saileach.
Male Victorian B icon.png
Apathetic Taran Man
Female Victorian icon.png
Feeble Woman
Injured Victorian Soldier icon.png
Injured Soldier
Male Victorian A icon.png
Twitchy Taran Man
Dying Girl
Pained Sickly Soldier
Victoria Streets Night
Hillock Street Aftermath
Village House
In order to pay her respects to her friend, Saileach makes her way back to the ruins of County Hillock. But to her surprise, there are still people living there.
<Background 1>
[Saileach stands in the streets.]
Saileach You know... before I came to Rhodes Island, I'd already anticipated a lot of what I'd encounter. But it only dawned on me, once it all actually came, how none of my preparation was any use.
Being military–even if I was just the most minor guard of honor–I'd always believed firmly in the tenacity of life, that it shouldn't slip away so easily.
But in this past year, traveling all over Terra's parts with this ship, I've witnessed far too many people...
Too many people who part like an unnoticed gust of wind, gone gently far before you even notice they came by.
Unable to leave something behind.
I try and make a record of their faces, their lives that passed on before me, but in just one short year, they've managed to vanish from my memory too.
You've been through all that yourself, right?
[The winds blow past Saileach.]
Saileach But you won't give me the answers, will you?
Look at me, still acting like I used to, going through everything on my mind and dumping it on you.
I brought some flowers today, but they're a little wilted. There weren't any convoys willing to come to these parts, so I just had to walk, and it's hard to keep a bouquet fresh all the way.
[Someone walks by Saileach...]
Saileach (Is someone there...?)
Sorry, Lass. Please wait a moment, if you can.
[ she draws her sword.]
??? It's you. Jane Willow.
How come you're...?
[Saileach points her sword towards the voice's direction.]
Saileach How do you know my name?
??? D-Don't kill me!
I'm Acton! Acton Corsaire! 5th Defence, 6th Camp of the County Hillock Barracks. D-Do you remember me? We met, just a few years ago!
Saileach Acton...
Yes. I remember, I've met you before. What are you doing here? Haven't the troops here long withdrawn from their stations?
Injured Soldier (He pulls on his sleeve.)
Saileach Your arm... You weren't able to evacuate from District Seventeen?
Injured Soldier Not one of us had any order to retreat from above when the dirty bombs came. Maybe our kit was broken, or the commanders forgot, or maybe...
Heh–the farmers know it best, don't they? It's hard not to mess up a few wheat buds when you pull weeds.
[Saileach sheathes her sword.]
Saileach I'm so sorry, Acton.
Injured Soldier No, it's fine. I'm more wondering, Jane, what are you doing here?
Saileach I... I'm back here to grieve over someone lost.
What about you? Do you just live in these ruins?
Injured Soldier No, our camp's in the rough outside the plate, I was just in the ruins looking for food. I never thought I'd run into you.
Saileach So you mean, there's other people living here, aside from you?
Injured Soldier Yeah. On top of the soldiers who got left behind, there's a few Taran survivors drifting around here.
After the events, the Army wanted to round up the surviving Infected and keep them under control in one place, so they organized a few searches, but we were lucky enough to avoid those.
Then later down the line, the ruin and pollution here got too severe for their tastes, so they decided to completely abandon this plate, and leave anyone on it to fend for themselves.
Saileach Then... did you find anything earlier?
Injured Soldier (Shakes head.) Hah. Going hungry for another few days, looks like.
Saileach I've got some rations and medication on me. If you want it, you can have them all.
Injured Soldier Thank you, Janie.
Saileach Do you have a transmitter here? If I can get in touch with my colleagues, they might be willing to send some supplies in for us.
Injured Soldier Er, I've seen one in the ruins.
Saileach Where?!
Injured Soldier Not far, but it's where the Tarans are active... If the two of us run into them, it'll get very tricky.
Both sides might be on the same raft, but everyone has it tough. We don't want to feed any more conflict.
So usually, as long as we can... we try and keep away from each other as much as possible.
Saileach Acton, show me the way at least. I need to try, no matter what.
<Background 2>
[Saileach walks through the ruins.]
Saileach The active Originium's already concentrated above safe limits ahead... Is this really what the Tarans are living in?
I've been walking for so long... without a person in sight.
Wait, is that someone?!
[A woman sees Saileach and tries to avoid her...]
Saileach Ma'am! Hold on, please!
I don't mean any harm!
I have some emergency pharmaceuticals and rations here! In exchange, would you let me use the transmitter?!
[...but she stops after Saileach convinced her.]
Feeble Woman Are...
Are you telling... the truth? You have medicine?
Saileach I do. Here, look, you can take it all if you need.
Feeble Woman Come with me.
<Background 3>
[The woman opens the door to a ruined house.]
Feeble Woman Aislinn, I'm here, I brought somebody.
Dying Girl Hurts... help me.
Feeble Woman This is my girl. Can your medicine save her?
Saileach I... Her condition's too severe. It'd be tricky for emergency drugs to take effect.
Feeble Woman Try, please. She's not even seven...
Saileach I'll... do everything I can.
Aislinn, can you hear what I'm saying?
(She administers an injection into the girl's body.)
It'll be okay, don't fret.
Feeble Woman How is she?!
[Saileach checks the girl.]
Saileach I'm sorry, it's just... not any use.
Dying Girl It's dark... Mam, I'm... scared.
Feeble Woman Aislinn, Aislinn, don't be afraid, Mam's right here with you.
Saileach I'm sorry.
I just... don't have anything I can do. I'm so sorry, ma'am.
Dying Girl It's cold...
Feeble Woman (Hugs the girl tight.)
Saileach Ma'am...
Feeble Woman Just go. Don't come back here.
Saileach I'll leave this food.
I'm staying in the rough outside the plate for the next few days. If any of you need help, you can come ask me.
Sorry to bother you. I'll be gone in a moment.
Feeble Woman The stuff you want to use is in the building opposite. You can move it on your own.
Saileach ...Thank you.
<Background 4>
[Saileach trips while carrying the transmitter.]
Injured Soldier Hey, steady there!
Saileach Huff–it didn't occur to me how far your camp would be from the plate.
Injured Soldier I'm surprised you brought back something so massive all by yourself!
Saileach Okay, okay, no time to wallow now, Acton. Let's see if it still works at all first.
Injured Soldier Here's the screwdriver.
[Saileach pries open the transmitter.]
Saileach Oh, we're in luck. It's all intact inside. Just a little adjustment, and it'll be in service.
Injured Soldier You know your way around these things too? I'm blown away... When did you learn this?
Saileach All I can say is, I've picked up a heck of a lot from my new job. Alright, here's your screwdriver back, thanks.
Injured Soldier I'll go hook up the generator.
[The soldier walks to the generator and turns it on.]
Injured Soldier How is it? Lights on?
Saileach Yep, it's on without a hitch.
Injured Soldier How did you find this device? Did the Taran group give you trouble?
Saileach No, I traded with them for the supplies I had on me.
Injured Soldier That's good, then. At least they know a deal's a deal.
Saileach Acton...
Injured Soldier What?
Saileach We need to hold on for a very long while before the supplies arrive.
During this period, I'd like to start up a few fields, plant some crops and ensure food self-sufficiency. It beats searching the plate by a mile, with how inefficient that is, not to mention the danger.
Injured Soldier That's all well and good, but... a lot of the camp are stuck in dire days. We have barely any proper manpower.
Saileach There's the displaced Tarans aboard the plate too. I'd like them to join in... If we can provide food and clean water, I don't think they'd refuse.
Injured Soldier That's not happening. The first thing that bunch did was drive the lot of us out!
Saileach Acton, I know the rift is intense between your two sides, and making peace seems unimaginable, but this is a dire situation. None of you have any other choice.
I can only offer you temporary aid. After that, carrying on all comes down to you, and the only ones left who can join hands with you and push on are them. Fellow Infected of yours.
So, either you shelve your grudge for the time being, and together you survive, or you hold onto your hate, and together you die here.
Injured Soldier Let me think... I need to ask the others.
Saileach Acton, I met a woman while I was looking for the transmitter... I wasn't able to save her daughter's life, but she still pointed me the right way.
Injured Soldier The woman with the child? I know her. No wonder... She's the only one I've seen in the past few days.
*sigh* I can't imagine what she does now... her husband, father and sister, they all left her in that atrocity, and now... even her daughter's gone.
Saileach So give it a think, Acton. They're just a group of people that want to survive, same as you.
<Background fades out and in>
[Two Taran men are discussing about Saileach.]
Twitchy Taran Man Hey, Chuck, d'you trust these people? I just feel like they'd have to have something in store for us down the line.
Apathetic Taran Man Don't know, nor do I want to. Haven't had a meal for days. Brain just says, eat something to keep the needle off empty.
Twitchy Taran Man It's some swindle, absolutely. I tell you, these army boys, they've got hell in mind for us.
Apathetic Taran Man So what? You keep talking, but here you are anyway.
Twitchy Taran Man Hmph... that Vouivre's holding onto Oripathy suppressants there. My bad parts have been feeling like murder in recent days.
<Background fades out and in>
Injured Soldier There's simple water purifiers on the camp's east. To the south is the farmland we're about to clear. The sick have all agreed to be housed for nursing in the tent on the north end.
At noontime and evening each day, you can get a portion of food from the center of the camp.
Ahem... that's all. Janie, anything you'd like to add?
Saileach Can I just ask everyone, have you seen a woman around? She's very slim, and she's carrying a girl... but the child passed away not long ago.
Twitchy Taran Man Máire? You mean Máire?
Saileach Brown hair, small mole under her eyes?
Twitchy Taran Man Right, that's her. What do you want with her? What, has she offended you?
Saileach No, I just wanted to ask, is she doing okay?
Twitchy Taran Man Mystery, isn't it? Haven't seen her who knows how long. Could be dead herself in someplace.
Saileach But you... I thought you would've at least been aware of each other.
Twitchy Taran Man Here?!
Vouivre, no one's got the time to care for anyone else here.
Saileach ......
Twitchy Taran Man What are you looking at me like that for? I'm just... telling the truth.
Saileach It's fine. Thank you all for coming out so far. Get some rest as soon as you can. We have a lot of things waiting for us tomorrow.
<Background 5>
[While walking through the forests...]
Injured Soldier Janie, I don't understand. Where's the point in what you're doing? We've given them food to eat, and a place to stay.
I'm not crossing my fingers they'll be happy with us any day, but at the very least, we could just about live without bothering each other!
Take yesterday, I heard a brawl sprung up while work was happening, and someone's still lying on the couch today with stars around their head.
[Saileach is trying to grab a fruit from a nearby tree.]
Saileach Ungh... this fruit's too high. I can't reach.
Injured Soldier Janie, Janie! Are you listening to me?
Saileach Hm? Oh, that, I know. It was one of yours who decided to be rude first, Acton.
Injured Soldier Says who?
Saileach I rushed over the moment the conflict sparked off, and it was me who helped the one with a knock on the head back to camp too.
Injured Soldier The... Did you even sort out what happened, Janie?
Saileach I did. So, as a token of apology, I think you can present them this basket of fruit, in person.
<Background 6>
Pained Sickly Soldier This is killing me... Miss Saileach, am I going to die?
Saileach You'll be fine, I've already jabbed you with painkillers. Just hold on a little, and it'll kick in soon.
Pained Sickly Soldier Thank you... *cough* *cough*
Saileach How are you now? Any better?
Pained Sickly Soldier If you could just, keep talking to me... I'm scared.
Saileach What do you want to hear?
Pained Sickly Soldier Anything, I just want... to have a voice by my side.
Saileach Alright. Will a song be okay?
Pained Sickly Soldier Yeah...
Saileach "If only we were a pair of white feathers, roaming free on the breaks of the waves,"
"Time would farewell us to be forgotten, and never would either we sorrow again..."
[The apathetic Taran from before walks in.]
Apathetic Taran Man Miss Saileach...
Saileach Shh, he's asleep.
(Thank you, Mr. Chuck, for being so willing to help me look after these people.)
Apathetic Taran Man (No problem. Want some wild fruit? I'll fetch you one.)
Saileach (Wild fruit? Did you pick it?)
Apathetic Taran Man (No, it's from an army boy. They taste alright. Don't know why they felt so kind all of a sudden.)
Saileach (I'm guessing, they wanted to apologize for what happened a few days ago.)
Apathetic Taran Man (That's a tall tale...)
Pained Sickly Soldier Rgh... cold.
Though his face twists as he does it, the man tucks the patient gently back into his bed.
Apathetic Taran Man (Tch. Boy can't even sleep tight.)
<Background fades out and in>
[Amidst a heavy rain, Saileach knocks the door...]
Saileach Acton, quickly, wake up!
[...and Acton the soldier opens.]
Injured Soldier What is it, Janie?
Saileach There's a serious leak in the north side patients' tent! Fetch a few people to come with me, quickly!
Injured Soldier What?! Hold on, I'll be right there.
Saileach Quickly, Acton!
Injured Soldier I'm here. How are the sick inside? What's your plan? Dammit, the rain must have ruined these boys' conditions. What the hell do we do now?
Saileach The Tarans came over first thing. I suppose they've moved them to other tents by now.
Injured Soldier What?
Saileach I said, the Tarans made it in time to move the patients out! They're all safe!
Injured Soldier Including ours?
Saileach Yes, including the soldiers, but they weren't in time to shift the pharmaceuticals I brought. I'm afraid those are all soaked now.
Injured Soldier That's fine, I'll think of something.
<Background 1>
Saileach Thank you, Deaglán, for coming with me to find Acton.
Twitchy Taran Man Thank those drugs you've got, not me.
Saileach Actually, I ran out of my medicine. The stuff we've been handing out to everyone over the last few days, that was all stuff Acton found with a few others by braving the ruins...
Twitchy Taran Man Tch. Some shite.
Oi, Acton! The hell are you, you bleeding moron? Will you give us a shout already!
Injured Soldier I'm... I'm over here, I got trapped.
[Saileach rushes toward Acton.]
Saileach Are you hurt?
Injured Soldier No, it was just, the exit collapsed...
Twitchy Taran Man What got you inside this cellar, anyway?
Injured Soldier Enough of that, give me a hand. There's an injured woman here who's out cold.
Saileach Alright, I'll pull her up.
[Saileach helps Acton pulling out the woman from the ruins.]
Twitchy Taran Man It's Máire... She's still alive?
<Background 4>
[Acton runs toward Deaglán the twitchy Taran.]
Injured Soldier Hey, you want a scone?
Twitchy Taran Man A scone? Are you having a laugh? Where'd you get the stuff to make that?
Injured Soldier It was Janie who whipped it up. I don't know what she went into the forest to pick yesterday, but whatever it was, it let her actually make these.
Twitchy Taran Man No joke? Pass me it, I'll try one.
Injured Soldier Who knew I'd ever be sitting here having nibbles? We used to not even have a bite to eat.
Twitchy Taran Man That girl led us through cultivating, raising fowls and treating the sick just fine, and she can even knock together a wood house. We're sitting here now and she's even rustled up desserts.
Injured Soldier Eat yours, chop-chop! Want another?
Twitchy Taran Man No, I'll save one for Máire.
Injured Soldier How is she?
Twitchy Taran Man Looking a lot better, but she still doesn't talk. Too much of a shock to her, losing her child.
Injured Soldier Bless Janie, really. She's been sitting by her side the whole time as of late.
[Someone runs toward Acton and Deaglán...]
Twitchy Taran Man Heh, speaking of. Here she comes.
[...who is revealed to be Saileach.]
Saileach Mr. Acton! I got a reply from my colleagues!
Injured Soldier Janie! That's smashing news.
Saileach Phew... They were notifying us just now to say, the branch office south is making an urgent partial transfer of their supplies to us.
Injured Soldier When will they arrive?
Saileach If all goes well, in about a week.
Twitchy Taran Man That's lightning fast!
Saileach Don't get too excited. I think, based on what they said, the convoy's run into a little issue over there? They say they can't get a precise pin on our position. Something must be funny with the signal...
Twitchy Taran Man That's fine, I'll head up to the plate in a sec to look. Might find some boosters.
Saileach Thank you so much. Another thing, we need to stand a flag in the middle of the camp to serve as a marker. That plus the locator will make it convenient for the convoy to accurately orientate once they're approaching.
Twitchy Taran Man A flag? It's not a tricky problem, is it? We can just tear some bright cloth and hoist it up.
Injured Soldier We need a design, at least.
Twitchy Taran Man If you want a design, you may as well grab one of the old county banners from up on the plate.
Injured Soldier What? You're not going to treat yourself as one of County Hillock, are you?
Twitchy Taran Man Hmph, could use your barracks boys' ensign as well. Might find one of those on the plate too.
Injured Soldier Enough... I never want to see that bloody thing for the rest of my life.
Twitchy Taran Man Fine... you come up with something, then.
Injured Soldier Janie, do you have any ideas?
Saileach I'm not sure myself. We'd have to see what everyone thinks.
Twitchy Taran Man Hmph. Here's what everyone thinks: whatever you think, that's best.
Injured Soldier Yeah... I'm in agreement.
<Background 7>
[While Saileach and Acton sews the flag to signal the R.I. aid convoy...]
Saileach Sorry, Acton, for making you do sewing work with me at such a late hour.
Injured Soldier That's fine. As long as you don't find me too clumsy.
Saileach *sigh*...
Injured Soldier Not still worrying over the flag there, are you? You look vexed.
Saileach I went all around the camp today asking about the flag, but people all seemed to have the same response ready when I did. They want me to decide.
Injured Soldier It's true. Everyone's always had faith in your decisions.
Saileach It just makes it harder. I need to come up with a proposal that'll satisfy everyone, or else I'll let you all down for trusting in me.
Injured Soldier Janie, you know, even if you turned out a blank white flag, none of us would object.
All this time, you've been busy like mad for us, leading us onto the plate and into the forest to find food while the sun's not even up.
You barely rest even when you make it back to camp, what with a million sorts of things needing your handling.
I think, fundamentally, everyone's left this flag to you so that you can catch your breath, take your time sewing and properly unwind.
Saileach Really...?
Injured Soldier Really. If you kept wracking yourself over this flag, well, that would never do.
Saileach ...Thank you.
Injured Soldier I'll leave the rest of it to you, then, Janie. And I think you've earned an early sleep.
Saileach The candlelight's... a little dim. I'll open the window wider, let the moons come in easier.
[Saileach hears something.]
Saileach Oh! Acton, do you hear that singing?
Injured Soldier Eh?
Saileach It might not be too clear with how the wind's picked up. Listen, carefully.
[The sound becomes clearer.]
Injured Soldier Oh, I hear it. Where's it coming from?
Saileach I don't know...
A lone, tender song floats through the breeze, trembling and shaking, but having caught it, they begin, unconsciously, to sing along with it.
And the singing gradually rises, and the wind fades. Until, in every corner of the camp, hovers the song.
♪ Far in a blink are we from the roses, lilies and stardust all eaten away ♪
♪ And so's though we were a pair of white fowls, sitting atop of the breaks of the waves ♪
[Acton recognizes the voice.]
Injured Soldier It's Máire... I heard her murmuring while I was tending to her.
Saileach It's beautiful.
<Background 4>
[As Deaglán came out of his tent, people are gathering in the camp.]
Twitchy Taran Man *yawn*... I need my sleep, what's going on out here? Noise and all...
Injured Soldier Deaglán! Come over here, quick!
Twitchy Taran Man What happened?!
Injured Soldier It's Janie! It's Janie!
Twitchy Taran Man Eh...?
Squeezing through the crowd, the man looks to the clearing in the camp.
There, meeting the morning dew and biting winds as she faces a flagpole, stands the figure of a girl tall and straight in respect.
Her dress is in order, not a hair out of place, and she holds in her hands a rolled-up flag.
♪ If only we were a pair of white feathers, roaming free on the breaks of the waves ♪
♪ Time would farewell us to be forgotten, and never would either we sorrow again ♪
♪ Far in a blink are we from the roses, lilies and stardust all eaten away ♪
♪ And so's though we were a pair of white fowls, sitting atop of the breaks of the waves ♪
Following in the girl's song and her hoisting of the halyard, the flag ascends slowly to the sky, where the wind unfurls it.
A pair of white fowlbeasts soar upon it.

See also