April: Hunter's Vision

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Operator Record
Hunter's Vision
April icon.png

Whether one loves or hates others–a question she ultimately elects not to ask.

Unlock conditions

  • Raise April to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with April.
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Apprehensive Bandit
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Bandit Leader
Grocery Store Owner
Mine Supervisor
April was targeted by some bandits, back when she was a hunter. After trapping her assailants and learning what it meant to be an Infected, she was moved by their words and decided to help them.
<Background 1>
[Someone called a Cautus huntress.]
Aerlie Hey. It's me, Aerlie.
Did you hear the broadcast from camp just now...? Oh right, I'm still out on a job, about a day from Iron Carrot City.
Yeah! I thought I'd be back home in a couple days, but we got news earlier today that our survey team has to head to a deeper mining area after resupplying at the transport hub.
*sigh*... Not like you can argue with the company when they tell you to go. Plus, they assigned me to be the escort, so what am I gonna do?
Anyway, I won't be able to go to the party with you this week. Real sorry about that.
Well of course it's a bit of a shame. We've all been looking forward to it, especially considering how much time and effort it took to lock down that abandoned ore warehouse for a venue.
I guess the bit of silver lining is I finished my portion of the prep work early. At least me not being able to show up won't mess with everyone else's plans.
*sigh*... Yeah, we'll have another chance someday...
The weather should be a lot warmer for our next party at least. Then, we'll finally get to wear the dresses we bought last time.
You've been looking forward to that too, haven't you? I even bought a pair of matching earrings.
Oh, that reminds me, you said you guys were rehearsing one of my favorite songs, to perform for me as a surprise at the party. But since I can't be there... do you think you could tell me which one it is?
...How am I supposed to guess? The bands that I like can't be counted on my two hands, and each one has a dozen awesome albums. There's no way I'd be able to pick just one favorite.
You're not seriously going to make me wait until the next party, are you? What if the company sends me out long-term?
...Ooh, you're right, that song is a great pick!
You guys are going to be my superstar pop group one day, so I can finally realize my dream of having a concert right on my doorstep.
The Cautus girl suddenly uses her hand to cover the communicator's receiver.
Hunter's Voice Woah, the fancy little Cautus girl's here? You're joking, right? There's no way someone would hire her.
Worker's Voice But, she's still a registered hunter. In principle, she's allowed to stay at the camp, though she usually acts alone...
Aerlie Oh, the team's about to leave. I was going to keep complaining about how much of a pain in the butt this mission is, but that'll have to wait 'til next time.
Okay, I'll contact you again once I get back to town.
[The huntress, now known as Aerlie, hangs up.]
Hunter's Voice If I were her, I'd keep my head down and beat it as soon as I could. But seeing the flashy way she dresses, she's probably no different from before, haha...
Aerlie Yeah, I think I'll keep my earphones in while I'm on the road.
[Aerlie puts on her earphones.]
Aerlie Okay, that clears the air up just right! Let's get some music going so I don't get sleepy on the road!
<Background 2>
[Aerlie walks through the forest.]
Aerlie Hrmm, where did I put the newest bounty list... Oh, yes, it says right here that manglers are worth the most around here.
Well, I don't know how to deal with those big monsters either... Never mind then.
It used to be just driving them off was good enough. Now, we're looking for trouble in their part of the woods.
Good thing I'm just short of the earnings I need. As long as I catch a few fowlbeasts, I should be good to go.
According to the company benefits program, I can use my savings to buy an old projector that the company retired. Then, I can lie in bed and watch the discs I bought.
Err, but maybe I shouldn't... Once I get enough money, I should probably find a way to live better. Maybe a rental with good sound insulation so I won't bug my neighbors after a long night's work, or when I move furniture around in the middle of the night.
Ugh, I'm no good with this long-term planning stuff...
[Aerlie heard rustles from a nearby bush...]
Aerlie Movement.
Let's see if luck is on my side today... Wounded beasts always try to run, so let's see if the traps from the textbooks work or not.
[...and someone came out...]
Aerlie Woah, it's a person! That was a close one––
[...who fires at Aerlie, but misses.]
Aerlie Uhh, excuse me–– I'm not your prey, okay? I'm a hunter! Look how conspicuously I'm dressed. What kind of beast looks like this?
[The man reveals himself to be a bandit.]
Bandit Leader We don't make mistakes. You are our prey.
Hand over any valuables you have on you, or we're gonna have to get a bit rough.
[More bandits show up.]
Aerlie *sigh*... Great, looks like I've got company after all...
Aerlie There's one hiding in the trees over there, then another one by the rock behind me.
[The bandit leader fires a warning shot.]
Bandit Leader I'm going to count down from three. Show us the money, if you know what's good for you. Otherwise, don't expect to get off with just a single arrow.
Bandit Leader Three.
Aerlie ...No can do.
Bandit Leader Two.
Aerlie I worked hard to scrounge up this little bit of money.
Bandit Leader One.
Aerlie Let's see if you can catch me, instead!
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Grocery Store Owner Oh, Aerlie, you're back again?
Aerlie Sure am. I finally finished tidying up my place. Didn't expect there to be so much random stuff to get through, considering how small my room is.
Grocery Store Owner Let me take a look... Oh my, these kinds of self-assembled storage cabinets aren't easy to sell second-hand, right? Plus, I see some tape marks.
Aerlie Oh, that was an adhesive strip I stuck on the side of the cabinet. I had a makeshift full-length mirror there. I ended up tearing it off when I was having a bad day.
You're right that it looks a bit tacky though... So it's okay if you drop the value a little.
Grocery Store Owner Huh? This dress is still brand new, isn't it? Are you sure you want to sell it? Seems like a waste, if you ask me.
Aerlie A little bit... but that cut doesn't work for me. It's backless, and that's a no-go.
Grocery Store Owner Your Oripathy... Is it growing on your back?
Aerlie Yeah...
Grocery Store Owner Alright, I get it. You just moved here pretty recently, right?
I see you've been around here the last few days to sell stuff off. Did something happen?
We're all Infected around here. I can hear you out if you'd like, just between the two of us.
Aerlie It's nothing major. I just haven't been able to find work, and want to try my luck somewhere else.
I can't lug these things around anyway, so might as well turn 'em into some cash.
Grocery Store Owner *sigh*... You say you want to try your luck somewhere else, but how do you know a new place would be any better? Do you already have someplace in mind?
Aerlie Hmm... I saw an ad for a company and wanted to give it a shot. It's pretty far away though.
I've already saved up enough money to get by in a new city. Now I just need enough to get a one-way ticket out of here.
But don't worry, I've been budgeting carefully, so I've got everything I need.
Plus, even if I'm out of a job right now, I still have this bow. If my luck's good, I can maybe hunt some beasts just outside the city. Might even be able to fetch a decent price for the pelts and meat from the merchants in the camps.
Even if my luck's not so good... At least I don't see myself starving to death.
Grocery Store Owner *sigh*... You're still so young, be careful when you're out there hunting. And please take the long way around if you run into any Originium clusters... You wouldn't want your condition getting any worse.
Aerlie Haha, I was with the minecart team for how many years? Of course I know that by now.
I actually used to think about buying a secondhand speaker or projector as soon as I managed to scrounge up some money. Now that I finally have the money, I didn't expect it to feel so...
Well, that's not quite right. I barely have a thing to my name now, so that probably doesn't count as "having money."
Grocery Store Owner Now that you've sold all this stuff off, I suppose you won't stick around much longer?
Aerlie Right. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
[Aerlie runs from the bandits who are pursuing her.]
Aerlie Ugh, didn't anyone teach those kids not to run with knives? They're awfully fast, too!
But if I hand over my luggage, I really won't have anything left... And that's no way to survive. So let's go another way.
My luck sure ended up rotten, huh? It's all because I was short a little money for my ticket, and I didn't want to dip into living expenses... Otherwise, I wouldn't have to hunt anymore.
Hey, you guys hear me talking out loud too, can't you? Mind sparing a girl an ounce of sympathy?
Just as the blade of one of the bandits is about to reach her, the nimble Cautus hops into the air and climbs up a tree branch.
[The bandits run into beast traps laid down by Aerlie and gets caught in them.]
Aerlie Aha, looks like those traps worked after all. Even managed to snag one of your crossbowmen in one.
Bandit Leader Why you little––!
Aerlie I wasn't planning on fighting, but now that you've fallen into my trap, you're my prey.
I might look young, but I've trained in the ways of a hunter since I was little. I know a thing or two about archery and trapping too.
Here's a tip: these traps were made for beasts, so the harder you struggle, the more likely you are to hurt yourself.
(Threats like that should be good enough, right? That's how they always do it on TV.)
(Ugh, I don't even know if there's a vigilante patrol around here, or a private security detail... Maybe I'll try asking for help once I get back to camp.)
Phew... Can have a civil discussion now?
Bandit Leader Wh-What are you going to do to us? If you want to keep things civil, why don't you put the bow down first?
Aerlie I'm just making sure the trap's doing its job. If you don't mind, I'm going to head back to camp and find someone to take you away.
Apprehensive Bandit P-Please, anything but that... We'll die.
Aerlie Huh? You're that afraid of getting turned in? Have you been doing that much robbing?
Apprehensive Bandit No, but...
Bandit Leader We're all sick. Infected.
You know what that means, Hunter. You said you didn't want to fight, but you don't sympathize with livestock, do you?
Aerlie ......
Bandit Leader That's why they don't bother putting Infected on trial. We just go straight to...
Aerlie Alright.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Hunter's Voice There was a time when I would've said she wasn't cut out to be a hunter. But now that she's Infected, she's not even in the same class as us. Hahaha!
Think she has something going on with the commissioner? Who the hell is still giving her work?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Aerlie Why did you decide to become bandits?
Bandit Leader What kind of question is that? We caught Oripathy and lost our jobs. We can't just roll over and die, can we?
Like most Infected, the three of us worked in the mines for a long, long time.
Aerlie Um... What about the company's insurance coverage?
Bandit Leader You talking about compensation for those who get infected on the job? Must've been stolen by the mine supervisor. Never heard of any Infected workers getting a single cent of compensation.
Judging from the fancy way you dress, you must be a sheltered little princess who's never seen an Infected? If you're out here looking to hand out condolences, I've got plenty of tragic stories for you.
Aerlie No, I'm just an ordinary girl. Extremely ordinary...
But, I did have a thought. If you know who took your compensation money, why not try to get it back from him?
<Background 3>
[Aerlie knocks the door...]
Mine Supervisor Come in.
[...and enters the room.]
Aerlie G'day. I'm a hunter assigned here to carry out an escort mission. Here's my registration certificate and my provisional assignment document.
Mine Supervisor Huh? I don't think I've seen you before. And our hunter...
Aerlie Also, I have three companions ready to help me on the mission.
Mine Supervisor What the hell are you talking about? How could––
[The bandits enter the room.]
Mine Supervisor You again...
Knife-Wielding Bandit We're just here to get our money back.
[One of the bandits unsheath his knife.]
Mine Supervisor P-Put that knife down... S-Someone, help me...
Bandit Leader Save your breath. After you screwed us, we were forced to turn to banditry. Now, we're not afraid to use these knives.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Bandit Leader ...Is this really going to work?
Aerlie I'm sure of it.
To sum things up, I'll go to the camp first to ask around and see if any of the hunters are going to the mine soon, to get a general grasp of the mission.
Then, if any of them are nice enough and willing to help us out, we'll take their place and go into the mine. If they aren't willing to help... We'll just borrow their names and slip in before them.
Oh, but I'm actually no good with lying. You might have to help me smooth things out to sound convincing.
After we get past the guards, we just have to avoid everyone along the way.
Bandit Leader You sure make it sound easy.
Aerlie Well, I am a hunter after all, and I'm good at staying hidden. The beasties never see me, even with how keen their senses are.
If we are seen though, let me think... playing it cool is probably the best option. We don't look that suspicious, so it's not like strangers will remember our faces.
Bandit Leader Heh. Alright then, I'll lead the way.
Hunter... why are you doing this for us? Do we look so pathetic you're taking pity on us?
Aerlie Uhh, I wouldn't put it that way...
Maybe it's because I have a question I'd like answered.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Aerlie Oh, by the way, can I still file a report with the company about the misappropriation of compensation funds?
Mine Supervisor ......
Fine, I'll hand it over. That's all you want, right? I'll give it all back...
Bandit Leader Don't think we'll take an IOU or anything like that. I want to see cold, hard cash.
If we hadn't trusted you in the first place, you would've gotten a visit from us a long time ago.
Mine Supervisor Eek... There's cash... in that safe over there... Here's the key.
Bandit Leader Go fetch it. One portion each for the three of us.
Apprehensive Bandit Sure... But can't we take a bit more?
Bandit Leader It's just in case we get caught. Plus, I'd like to show this asshole what it means to have some dignity.
Mine Supervisor You're just an Infected. What do you know about dignity?
And that hunter over there... Who exactly are you? I thought you were here to ask for compensation too.
Aerlie Oh... Actually, I just wanted to ask you a question.
Since you're not hurting for cash or anything, why would you take compensation money from the Infected who need it to survive?
Mine Supervisor It's not like they'll ever be employable again, so the money would just vanish into thin air, right? It'd be a damn shame to waste perfectly good money on the Infected.
Bandit Leader You're a real piece of shit.
Hunter, you went through all this effort just to ask that question?
Aerlie Well, not exactly. It's just... the thought never crossed my mind before.
Who stole my compensation money from the company, and why?
<Background 1>
[After dealing with the corrupt mine supervisor...]
Bandit Leader Yeah. Next, we'll probably head to a nearby town and try our luck again. Maybe someone will have something for us to do.
You're really not gonna go after the people who screwed you over?
Aerlie Uhh, I don't think it's even possible anymore. I never realized I was being screwed over in the first place, so I have no idea who to talk to about it now.
Plus, I'm ready to get out of here, and leave the past behind.
Bandit Leader Right, you mentioned you were saving money for a ticket out.
Since you've done so much for us and spent so much of your time, let us repay you by covering the rest of your fare.
Though it's not exactly a king's ransom...
Aerlie Hah, you're pretty good people after all~
Bandit Leader To be honest, I never guessed you'd be Infected too, with the way you ran up to that bastard just to ask such a basic question.
Did you get the answer you were looking for?
Aerlie Of course not. I didn't like what he said at all.
But, a lot of people think just like him, right? They just don't take Infected people seriously, and without any good reason.
Even I...
[Someone contacts Aerlie.]
Aerlie Huh...?
Voice from the Communicator Woah, Aerlie, you actually picked up!
We just decided to try calling, but didn't think you'd actually be in a place with reception.
Can you hear? They're performing "April" over here! They sound pretty scuffed, but you can really tell from your end, right?
Hehe, I guess you won't be missing out after all! To our dear Aerlie, thank you for laying the first cornerstone of the greatest art district in Iron Carrot City!
Aerlie Hahaha... *cough*, *cough*...
Aerlie, if you want to say goodbye to them in person, this is your last chance.
If you want to ask your friends if they'll still accept you despite being Infected, this is also the best chance for that. While you're not too distant, while your relationship is still tight-knit.
––Those thoughts cross through her mind, but the Cautus simply listens to the whole song while quietly gripping the communicator.
Aerlie Pass on this message from me: As long as they keep practicing, they'll sound great!
All right, I guess that's that. You always remember to have fun now~
[Aerlie hangs up.]
Aerlie Oh, the Infected guys already left.
Maybe if I get another chance someday, I'll write to my friends again and tell them what happened.
Since becoming Infected, I've never felt that level of warmth and kindness... and I want them to stay with me a bit longer.
But at the end of the day, the most important thing is still... what I think about myself.
Well, time to go. I hope that company's advert isn't just empty promises.