Fuze: Waking From A Dream

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Operator Record
Waking From A Dream
Fuze icon.png
He sinks deeper into the dream to escape the tragedy in front of him, completely oblivious to the fact that living in a dream is the greatest tragedy of all.

Unlock conditions
  • Raise Fuze to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Fuze.
Leithanian Nobleman B icon.png
Haggard Noble/Berman
Male Leithanian A icon.png
Blank icon.svg
Mansion Room
RI Corridor
Village House
Lungmen Back Alley
Cave Entrance
Lab Corridor
Summary: In a small Leithanian town, Fuze searches for help fixing a water tower from the only person who knows Originium circuitry. However, this unsteady relationship is primed to explode over their clashing personalities.

<Background 1>
[A noble walks to the door after hearing someone knock.]
Haggard Noble ...
Name yourself, stranger.
[The person outside knocks again.]
??? ...Fuze.
Haggard Noble That accent... are you Ursine?
Fuze You could say that.
Haggard Noble What is it?
Fuze The water tower is broken. I want to fix it.
Haggard Noble Can't you fix it yourself? What does it have to do with me?
Fuze The problem is with the pump's Originium circuit. I understand engineering, and you know Originium Arts.
[The noble opens the door.]
Haggard Noble ...A well-armed, masked Ursine? Here to fix a water tower in a Leithanien town?
Townsfolk Mr. Berman...
Berman Oh, it's you. What's with this man?
Townsfolk Vissel and I were attacked by needleflies when fetching water from the river. Vissel got hurt, but we made it back alive thanks to Fuze here.
Berman Vissel got hurt? Is it serious?
Townsfolk He's still alive... that's all I can say. His granddaughter is by his side.
Berman I see. Go on.
Townsfolk We invited him into town, and that's when he saw the broken water tower. He tried to fix it and found that the problem was with the Originium circuit, not the mechanical components...
Berman I see.
Townsfolk I-I'll be going.
[The townsman leaves.]
Berman So you asked him if he knew anyone who knew Originium Arts, and he brought you to me.
Fuze (Nods) I'm hoping you can help your subjects.
Berman I'm not their lord.
Fuze He said the Baron built this water tower many years ago. I asked him where the Baron lived, and he brought me to you.
Berman You heard him call me Mr. Berman, not Baron.
Fuze Very well... Mr. Berman. This is a facility that makes people's lives better.
Berman People used to go to the river to fetch water all the time. They managed just fine.
Maybe it was the water tower's pumps that created a space for the needleflies to make their nest.
Fuze All I know is that Vissel wouldn't be at death's door if the water tower was fixed earlier.
Berman What difference does one death make?
Fuze You think his death doesn't matter?
Berman It's not just him.
Him, me, this whole town, all of Leithanien... all of it is irreversibly moving towards decay and death.
The difference between needlefly and old age is no more than the difference between arriving at your destination by burdenbeast or by foot.
Fuze ...Ridiculous.
Berman Where are you going?
Fuze To find others.
Berman There's no one else in town who knows Originium circuits. Whoever brought you to me must have told you.
Fuze Then I'll research it.
Berman Why are you so stubborn about this? Over a bunch of people whom you've just met?
Fuze It's not about who, but what. Goodbye.
Berman Wait.
I have a few books on this topic that I bought when I was young.
<Background fades out and in>
Fuze You spent a lot of time looking for them.
Berman It's not an easy thing, looking for books.
"Originium Circuit Theory and Applications", from Victoria. Wasn't easy to find a book that wasn't in Leithanian at home.
[Berman gives Fuze the book.]
Berman You must have question marks written all over your face behind that mask, Ursine. You don't know why I refuse to fix the water tower, but allow you to borrow my books.
Fuze I have a theory.
Berman Which is?
Fuze You want to prove that fixing the water tower won't change anything.
Berman It's not that complicated. I'm just curious.
Fuze I thought you had completely lost interest.
Berman Even a rock would be curious about why a heavily-armed foreigner wants to fix a water tower for your neighbor.
Fuze Either I fix it or I don't. That's all there is to it.
Berman No... what I'm curious is what this person has experienced, which has made him so stubborn about something that shouldn't have anything to do with him.
Would you like to stay over for the night, Mr. Fuze? Perhaps we can have a chat over dinner.
Fuze Thank you for the invitation, but I doubt we have much to talk about.
Berman ...
I suppose you're right.
[Fuze leaves.]
Berman ...But I would still have liked to have a chat.
<Background black>
??? Shuhrat— What is it?
Fuze Sorry. Got lost in thought.
<Background 2>
[Fuze is walking around outside of Blitz' quarters at Rhodes Island.]
Fuze looks around him.
It is the corridor of Rhodes Island. He would not call it familiar, but it is not unknown to him either.
He has his hands around the back of his head, leaning against the wall outside Elias Kötz's quarters at Rhodes Island, waiting for "Blitz" to come out.
Blitz? It'll be a little longer. I haven't gotten used to Rhodes Island razors yet.
Fuze That's fine, Kötz.
Blitz? Where were we? Oh, the festival we saw at Leithanien.
There were a thousand casters at the festival. They stood silently like statues on the plaza before the opening ceremony.
They were waiting for a single note from the concertmaster. The cue for them to raise their Arts Units in unison was so quiet it was almost inaudible ...
Come on. A reaction would be nice, you know.
Fuze It's hard for me to imagine it. Leithanian is too different from anything that I know. Imagine, one thousand robed, masked figures holding wands, standing on Registan Square...
Blitz? Registan Square?
Fuze The landmark of Samarkand. You should know.
Blitz? I see. I'll continue.
One thousand beams of Arts light shoot into the night sky. Colors clashed in the clouds and burst open, turning the entire sky into a colorful sea of flowers...
Fuze Application of evocation-conversion Originium Arts?
Blitz? You know Originium Arts?
Fuze The result of extra lessons in Dossoles.
Coal, oil, gas, even nuclear fusion... it's all been replaced by Originium. I had to learn from scratch—
What is it?
Blitz? Something wrong with the razor. One moment—
<Background 3>
[Fuze wakes up and accidentally turns the pages of the book.]
Fuze wakes with a start. He had fallen asleep on the desk, his faced buried in the book he was reading.
Fuze Tsk... my back hurts. And my head's groggy...
"Festive scene witnessed by the author while visiting Leithanien..."
No wonder I was dreaming about it.
[Fuze picks up something that fell out of the book when he turned the pages.]
Fuze Something fell out... a bookmark?
I should return this with the book.
<Background 4>
Fuze Press the switch there for me, please.
[The townsman presses the switch.]
Townsfolk Not working.
Fuze Looks like we need a few more books from Berman. Could you fetch them for me?
Townsfolk I'm sorry, Mr. Fuze. Mr. Berman...
Fuze What about him? Don't tell me he does illegal stuff in secret. You were really nervous the first time I visited him.
Townsfolk No, not at all! He's not a bad person. It's just... well... we don't go there unless we really need to.
Fuze ...Fine, I'll go myself.
<Background 1>
Berman Let me see... "Practical Manual of Home Appliances"? Isn't that a little too simple?
Fuze Just because it's simple doesn't mean it can't help. I'll take this one.
Berman Of course.
[Berman gives Fuze the book.]
Berman I'm curious, though... why would there be an Ursine who knows machines, but not Originium circuits?
Fuze That's not important right now.
Berman Why don't we set the water tower aside for a moment and talk about our own lives?
Fuze There's no need for that.
Berman Well, I'll start if you don't want to... starting with that water tower.
The water tower was the first step of the Baron's dream. He wanted to help the people here live better lives. He hoped this place could be a 'model town.'
In the end, the only thing he achieved was tap water for the townsfolk.
The Baron wanted to build a factory in town, get investments from bigwigs from the capital, make this place a center for the arts... but all his efforts ended up futile or unnoticed.
His final attempt was the boldest, and it came closest to success. He wanted to move the entire town to a mobile platform. He had an agreement with a Vedunien factory, and paid a large amount up front—
Then, Their Majesties visited their faithful Zwillingstürme.
Fuze Is that your story?
Berman ...My father's.
I was young then, still working on my university thesis about telepathic and perceptive Arts in Vedunien.
At the end of it all, the only thing I could remember is blood. Blood of the common folk, of nobles, of the Gendarmerie, of the Kurfürsten, and of my teacher.
I barely escaped with my life, clutching the charred thesis. The first thing my father asked when I came back was how I was doing. The second thing he asked was how the factory was doing... I need not tell you the answer.
Fuze Your father died a broken man, and you never inherited his title.
Berman I gave it up, because I realized it was all meaningless.
Fuze ...Do you know what the biggest difference between you and your father is?
Berman I'm all ears.
Fuze He at least managed to give the townspeople tap water.
If we talk about the issue at hand, your neighbors will have running water from tubes again tomorrow.
Berman Then let's assume your work here will be done. You'll leave, not pausing for a moment.
Fuze I'm sure there are many people as stubborn as I am in Leithanien. You can see for yourself.
Berman No. I only learned this recently. You're one of a kind.
Fuze One of a kind?
Berman It's nothing. I wish you luck in your studies.
And if you see Vissel's granddaughter, tell her to bring him over before it's too late.
Fuze "Bring him over"? What do you mean?
Berman Exactly that.
<Background 5>
??? This looks like a good place.
Fuze It's really dark here.
Doc? Looks like it's going to be a long time before we can go back to that place where everything doesn't run on Originium.
Fuze I didn't know you were the kind to get homesick.
Doc? Of course. You remember the day we first came?
Fuze I remember. We were investigating the Magnethill No.2 site and ended up landing on Reynell's golf balls.
Doc? Speaking of home, what was the name of that landmark in Samarkand... Registan Square?
Fuze Yeah. The building with the blue dome. I can almost see the crowds on the square, the cars driving by, and the patterns on the three buildings…
<Background 3>
[Fuze wakes up.]
Fuze looks up from his book.
Sleep seems to come to him anytime, anywhere now. He often falls asleep halfway through a draft, and has to chase the remnants of the dream out of his mind after waking up.
The dreams were too clear, too real.
Sometimes, he even wonders if Terra was just a really, really long dream after he hit his head at Magnethill No. 2.
Fuze (Yawns)
I can't sleep now. I need to go to the water tower... or borrow another book from Berman...
What did he say about Vissel's granddaughter? Tell her to bring him over?
<Background 1>
Berman Thank you for bringing Vissel over while he still draws breath. Where's his granddaughter?
Fuze In bed. She's exhausted.
Why do you have the townspeople send the dying to you?
I asked around. People were hesitant at first, but they eventually told me that you've been doing this for a long time.
Berman Let me guess... you suspect I'm taking advantage of the dead?
Fuze I am a bit skeptical, assuming what you told me is true.
Berman What do you mean?
Fuze It's hard to believe someone so melancholy could be that bad. Especially when they can't put in the effort to do anything.
Berman ...Now you've offended me, Mr. Fuze. But that's fine.
Fuze You haven't answered my question.
Berman Then watch. You'll understand.
The sleepiness strikes again. Fuze bites on his tongue to prevent himself from falling asleep.
Berman gazes down at the old man's clouded eyes, and places one end of his staff on the old man's forehead.
The tip of the staff begins to glow.
Vissel (Mumbled muttering)
Levine, it's you... you came back... you really came back...
No, don't apologize, no need to say anything... we'll go home.
Here, an apple from the backyard... you wanted one when you left, but there wasn't any on the trees that year. I saved this one for you...
There is no apple on the old man's hand. Berman is the only person standing before him.
Fuze Who's Levine?
Berman Vissel's only son. He left the town more than a decade ago, after contracting Oripathy.
Fuze What did you do to Vissel? Is he hallucinating?
Berman Of course not. That's beyond my reach.
All I can do is alleviate their pain, help them relax, cause them to dream when it's neither the time nor place to do so... a midday dream that I cannot interfere with.
Fuze Sounds like a doctor administrating anesthetics to a patient in pain, except there's no syringe.
Berman If that's how you understand it, it's not my place to say any more.
Fuze Drug abuse ruins lives.
Berman Is it abuse to let a dying person leave in peace? Shuhrat—
Fuze ...
Berman This is the most meaningful thing that I can do for someone, Mr. Fuze.
Fuze Perhaps Vissel wouldn't be dying if you had done something about the water tower earlier.
You're the one drowning yourself in "medicine" instead of helping the dying.
Berman Ha, me?
I've seen too many tragedies. The more I see of them, the more I'm convinced that I'm right.
Catastrophe, intrigue, war, Originium, even minor accidents... the life and will of man is ever fragile before them, like dust in the wind.
And soon I'll be gone with the wind too.
[Berman reveals his abdomen to Fuze.]
Berman unbuttons his shirt and reveals the Originium crystal formations in his abdomen.
Berman On the way back from Zwillingstürme, I found that I had a little black rock by the side of my ribs, one last parting gift from Vedunien.
It has almost consumed me, and so I decided to commit a crime for the first and last time in my life.
Fuze Crime?
Berman There is a lot of complicated preparation to be done in order for my Arts to work on a healthy and uncooperative mind. I'm sorry for doing this to you.
It began as curiosity about what this quiet man of action talks about in his sleep, so I did something to the book and bookmark that I lent you.
Then, I heard you talk in your dream, about something beyond my wildest imagination... a blue sky, sky without a single trace of Originium.
I don't expect to go with you to that place without Originium. I don't even expect to become friends with you. After all, you don't like people who don't talk about practical things, do you?
Fuze ...
Berman And so, I must use my Arts... so that we can finish this last midday dream together.
I'm sorry to make you stay with a dying patient in his final moments, but he has been alone for too long.
[Berman casts his Arts.]
Berman points his wand at Fuze before he could react.
[Fuze faints.]
Fuze is overcome by sleepiness.
He hears the flows of an undercurrent, pulling his drifting consciousness below the surface.
<Background 6>
??? Shuhrat! Wake up!
Fuze *Cough,* *cough*...
??? Good, you're awake. Lucky for you, you saved yourself a bit of pain. Grab your gear. We're leaving.
[Fuze wakes up.]
Fuze Where are we?
Ela Magnethill No.2. The tremors have passed. You seem to have hit your head.
There's nothing unusual in the labs. Doc and the others have already left. Investigation into any possible connections to Levi will have to wait until next time.
Fuze Mm... hm.
<Background 7>
Ela Do you have any vacation plans?
Fuze Vacation?
Ela You forgot that too? You really did hit your head hard, didn't you?
I need some help picking out a good place to relax.
How about Samarkand? I hear Registan Square is beautiful.
A place where I can lie down for a whole day, thinking about nothing.
Fuze Sure.
But... wait... there's something I still need to do...
Ela What is it?
Fuze I don't know, but... Originium...
Ela Originium? What's that? Did you have a dream while you were out cold?
Fuze I mean... have you ever heard of Originium?
Ela You can't expect other people to understand what happens in your dreams.
Fuze Sorry... it's just that the word left an impression on me.
Ela There's no point in dwelling on it. It's better to just focus on Registan Square. You should come with me.
Ela? Your cas— I mean, scientists, the best ones—
Ela No, it's nothing.
I'm just happy that I'm visiting your homeland.
A place with no catastrophe, no war, no tragedies.
Fuze No... tragedies?
Ela? Shuhrat? What is it?
Fuze Do you remember Oregon?
Ela? Shuhrat—
Fuze Tell me, what do you think of Oregon?
Ela? O-Oregon? A good place for artists, with nice museums, orchestras...
Fuze What about Baghdad? Lebanon? Moscow?
Ela? Shuhrat, listen...
Fuze Did you think that without Originium—
Ela? No, no!
Fuze —Without Originium, there won't be any tragedies, Berman?
<Background 1>
Berman (Forced smile) Of course not, Shuhrat.
Perhaps it would all happen again, absent Originium. But don't be so hard on a dying patient's dream.
Fuze Maybe you should go and see the places that I talked about. See what happened to my home without Originium.
Berman There's no need. I take it that no less blood was spilled there than Vedunien that autumn.
Fuze It's not the amount of bloodshed that matters.
Berman Ha... you're one to talk now, Shuhrat.
The Arts have failed. You can no longer tell me what it looks like beneath that blue sky, nor can I experience it again through your narration.
Go, before I turn to a pile of dust. Bring my first and final crime to a painless end.
What is it? You wanted to talk to a man who achieved nothing?
Fuze Perhaps there are less tragedies in this world... these lands... than you think.
Berman Then what did I see in Vedunien? What did you see in the places that you talked about?
Fuze Chaos.
Chaos is just that. Sometimes it brings destruction and other times, it guides you through it.
Chaos doesn't always end in tragedy, unless...
Berman Unless no one takes action?
Fuze ...
Berman Perhaps, Shuhrat. But it's too late.
Too late.
Does the soul linger after death?
Fuze I know little about this topic.
Berman It's fine. I'm just thinking... if it does, do you think my soul can visit the Samarkand of your memories, and see the blue dome above?
Fuze If you wish...
...I'm not opposed to telling you how it looks, of my own volition.
Berman Am I still worthy to hear it?
Fuze Don't leave this world without achieving anything.
The haggard man's eyes go wide, then he laughs feebly.
Berman Perhaps the reason that you don't like to talk is you're too smart. Smart people are good at offending others.
Fuze shrugs and begins to describe the plaza and the nearby buildings, in as much detail as possible.
Berman raises his wand, and a lifelike model of Registan Square begins to form before the desk.
Fuze ...Looks just like it. Almost identical.
Berman Good to hear.
Where will you go?
Fuze The water tower. I'll stay in town a little longer, finish what you could not.
Berman Go. Take Vissel home. Let him spend his last moments with his granddaughter.
Fuze I will. Goodbye.
Berman ...Take care.
[Fuze leaves.]
As the door locks behind Fuze, Berman raises his wand with what little strength he has left.
There is no music, only the sound of doors and windows sealing.
The wand falls to the ground, but Berman could no longer hear it. He feels the blue dome of the model, imagining the sky of the same color, the sky he hasn't, and won't be able to see.