Caerula Recorder: Time-Carved Steleforest

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A list of Time-Carved Steleforest content in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor's Caerula Recorder.

Precious Days

#1: Crossroads
Complete a run with the Precious Days ending
The few defensive measures left behind in the asylum are obviously no match for Ulpianus. After brushing aside a trap or two and clearing out some Seaborn disguised as ordinary objects, he now finds himself standing inside Cicero's laboratory.
For a few days, Ulpianus has followed the tracks of Cicero, a Church of the Deep bishop. While the bishop had no chance of surpassing Ulpianus in terms of strength or skill, he did seem to have a knack for prolonging his life. Leaving behind a severed limb, he fled from Ulpianus' grasp. Ordinarily, the experienced Hunter would've given chase to finish off his wounded prey. However, one particular thought gave him pause:
Generally speaking, the Bishops of the Deep tend to operate around Iberian settlements, often mingling with the villagers to spread their faith. However, this place was remote and barren. Even when the bishop was attacked, nobody came to his aid – no villagers, not even Sea Terrors. Truly an unprecedented occurrence.
To assuage his doubts, Ulpianus decided to set aside the hunt for Cicero, instead searching the surrounding area to see if he could find any leads. After a few days, he discovered the asylum that housed Cicero's laboratory.
Everything in the cave laboratory is neat and orderly, with all the documents and letters categorized and carefully stored in dry bookshelves.
Ulpianus has no interest in Cicero's research. He has seen far too many experiments that blaspheme humanity and trample across ethical lines. What he cares about more is the correspondence between Cicero and the other Church of the Deep bishops.
Normally, when a Church of the Deep bishop appears in Seaborn form, their research and letters will have been completely destroyed by their warped carcass.
But not this time. Cicero obviously did not expect to be raided by an Abyssal Hunter. Perhaps he chose to flee in a completely different direction in an attempt to prevent Ulpianus from discovering his trove of knowledge.
Out of caution, he glances across the catalogue of research topics. After confirming that none of the now-halted research topics would have any sort of influence on Ægir, he turns his attention towards the personal notes and letters.
Upon the envelopes appear some names that make his heart skip a beat.
They were people scattered among Ægir's technical colleges, academies, and art world. Some were designated as the Bishops of the Deep many years ago.
Most of them still maintain considerable status and influence in Ægir to this day. Just from seeing these names, one can already surmise the extent of the damage the cult has inflicted upon the whole of Ægir society.
That was only the beginning.
Information such as the close conversations that took place following the hunt of Ishar'mla, the bishops' surveillance of the surviving Abyssal Hunters, and the trajectory of Ægir's movements over time reveal themselves to Ulpianus through the letters. As time passed, Ishar'mla's biological existence remained inside the body of the Hunter who slew Him, and the bishops began to take a greater interest in this particular Hunter's whereabouts, as well as the movements of the other Leviathans. As of the more recently dated letters, the bishops seem to have reached a conclusion:
They wish to send the Hunter who slew Ishar'mla back to the ocean. Only then can Ishar'mla awaken once more, as long as He can meet the one who caused the Profound Silence–
As for his personal opinion, Cicero seemed to believe that the Profound Silence would speed up the amalgamation of humanity and Seaborn, and that the technology to transform Abyssal Hunters may become mainstream in Ægir. When a generation of human beings accepts the gifts in order to fight against the Seaborn, they will then be able to give birth to the perfect humans he envisions. Without a doubt, he sought to advance this plan despite the disagreement of the other bishops.
The words written on the letters are like a trawling net, attempting to entangle and kill the Abyssal Hunters and Ægir within it. But even to the end, Ulpianus is unable to piece together the complete picture of the conspiracy. He has run out of time.
As he reaches out towards an unread letter, seawater suddenly rushes into the laboratory, the torrent consuming all of Cicero's research. Then, the Sea Terrors follow.
The Sea Terrors that seemingly swarm the entire asylum slither, tear, and bite, trying to free their kin from within Ulpianus' body.
Ulpianus raises the anchor.
He has already heard about the incident at Sal Viento. Even now, the Church of the Deep still plans on designing a hunter who can capture him?
As long as he knows, as long as he still lives.
He will not allow that to happen.
#2: To Usurp Divinity
Complete three runs with the Precious Days ending
All living things have the instinct to grow, survive, reproduce, and migrate, constantly walking down the path of evolution in order to adapt to their environment.
But why do there exist creatures that pursue self-optimization with an uncanny persistence far surpassing what can be considered individual survival instinct, as if pulled along by some higher purpose? Ægir will not give me an answer.
I knocked on the doors of the Church of the Deep, if only to seek their resources and their perspectives. But even after extensive research, accumulating fame, and becoming a respected bishop, I only ever got answers like "everything is touched by God's hand," which did not satisfy me.
I once again took up my position as a biologist and tried to survey all the lifeforms on this continent, and though I dare not say my search was exhaustive, I ultimately could not find an answer despite observing countless organisms. Only the creatures of the ocean continue to defy every existing theory or hypothesis.
In the end, I must admit that "God" does in fact exist. Not a "God" like Ishar'mla, nor a metaphysical deity from peoples' imaginations. There must be some noble will that transformed Them and gave Them a higher calling, driving Them to become far more efficient and orderly than humans and further explore the possibilities of life, until They finally become "God."
Even when I was young, my colleagues and I had been astounded by the social structure of the bee colonies we observed on land, and now we are on the cusp of having a blueprint for living organisms that is far more logical and ideal than even a bee colony. In the never-ending cycle of the distribution and circulation of resources, all conflict and hatred must be ended through the expurgation of the soil in which they take root.
There is no need to elucidate "God's" true form, nor to speculate on the meaning of "God." I will find "God's" laboratory, usurp "God's" olive branch, and bring fruit to mankind even if it is not meant to be supped upon by mankind. And this, indubitably, is the right granted to every human researcher who attempts to overcome this dilemma.
#3: The Sound of Withering
The elder shakes his head, placing the thing that had slipped from the girl's hand – the oath he exchanged with that Herald – into the box.
Though the girl had accompanied him and studied under him for several years, the old man had always been hesitant to give her that which she sought, precisely because of what is now happening.
Disturbing patterns begin to blossom one by one, silently clawing their way through the gravel.
Her very existence seems to tear apart her surroundings, plants and flowers wilting around her, sapped of their vitality.
The life of a Sea Terror has always played a harmonious role within the Cycle of nature's ecology; taking nutrients from it as needed, and returning them to it as needed, all to create a more agreeable environment for its kin. But her life does not. Contradictory needs torment her and everything around her.
Now, the power she once wished for flows through her, but she cannot envision herself holding onto the things she finds beautiful in life. Even the wondrous singing voice passed down to her through her mother's blood is drowned out by the calls of we many.
Pain. Pain is all that is trying to tear her body apart, roaring out around her with an inaudible remorse.
This pain stems only from her resistance, her unwillingness, her incompleteness–
She cannot accept herself. She does not accept the calls issued to her by we many, but she also cannot accept the humans who slew her parents.
Always losing things. Always having things taken away. Why must it always be her? Why... must she give her own lifeforce to we many, or to the humans, just to preserve their living space?
She rejects all of it, but after what seems like an eternity, she appears to finally exhaust her ability to resist.
A bouquet of beautiful yet empty flowers blooms along the gravel, hesitating, withering.

Age of the Silence

#1: Final Bastion
Complete a run with the Age of the Silence ending
It is currently eight in the morning. The sky is completely dim, and torrential rain pounds ceaselessly upon the ground, but the people continue to walk forward mechanically and numbly, seemingly paying no heed to the wrath from the heavens. Compared to the hope of survival and the fear of death, a little stroll through the rain is hardly a concern. They are already far more fortunate than most. While their human compatriots scattered through the wilderness are slaughtered by the Seaborn, they will quickly make their way into a city that appears impregnable.
Kal'tsit rarely lets her emotions show, but as she stands on the high walls looking over the procession of refugees stretching out to the horizon, the frown on her brow does not relent.
With Ishar'mla having gone completely rampant, the Profound Silence first swallowed the coastlines before all sound in Terra completely disappeared. The Seaborn and Sea Terrors began to assemble into packs and marched upon the land, Ægir trapped beneath the waves without any communication. The armies of the various countries disintegrated, and all of Terra was plunged into chaos.
So far, all attempts at solidarity have proven useless. Even the combined forces of Kazimierz's Knight Orders and Leithanien's Gesatzswächters were unable to withstand the Seaborn tides for even a single day. By sacrificing their lives, the Emperor's Blades were able to hold the national defense line, but this only bought enough time for mankind's retreat. A few months later, the Seaborn adapted to the empire's traits and penetrated through the troublesome barrier, and humanity suddenly found themselves with no weapons they could rely on. Columbia's cutting-edge technology joined with Sami's ancient Arts to try to open up more avenues of retreat, while Great Yan and the remnants of the various countries' armies attempted to consolidate into mankind's final bastion. The soldiers are all united, manning the stronghold with a determination beyond death. For each extra day they stand, countless more lives can be saved. Until the last flag falls, until the last immovable Tianshi of Great Yan watches the distant ranks of civilians and meets his death in a brief yet near-eternal grief.
From the day the Profound Silence once again befell humanity, Kal'tsit has practically foreseen the demise of humanity. But the Doctor's miraculous survival as well as her sense of responsibility to protect humanity still drove her to find a way to build a city that can allow the human species to live on.
She begged and pleaded with a number of Feranmuts, reaching agreements with several Beast Aristocrats. She managed to recover several pieces of ancient human technology needed to finally erect this spectacle.
Humanity's final bastion.
These technologies, the way they were put together, the way they were applied for creation rather than destruction — each one of these topics is itself worthy of an entire book. These things were originally the hope of humanity to break away from its limitations; now, they have become the pen and ink by which humanity has drawn its own prison. What worries her even more is that despite all this, the city is still unable to accommodate all the survivors.
In other words, when the city has gone past its capacity, she must slam its gates shut.
In other words, a considerable portion of people will be made to face the despair hidden behind hope. And those who happened to survive can only witness this tragedy, and accept it.
This is a decision that cannot be stayed by kindness, compassion, or zealotry. Amiya has already cried over this dilemma numerous times. She must be the one to steel her heart, make the impossible decision, and deal with its fallout. There may well be unrest in the city once she does so.
Simply because she is the highest authority in charge of Rhodes Island.
Kal'tsit knows that this is too cruel, but in the face of hell itself, even she has no tricks left up her sleeves.
If this situation were as simple as sacrificing herself for a greater cause, then Kal'tsit would not mind giving up her near-eternal life.
But what about sacrificing herself for an elusive, ephemeral hope for the species' survival?
Every theory, every idea... She has already tried her utmost to put them into practice.
There is only so much Rhodes Island can do.
Kal'tsit gazes into the distance. The heavy rain pours down, but no sound reaches her ears. Beads of water continue to hammer against her skin, as if trying to wash her away. She lets out a sigh, and gestures for the Doctor beside her to return and seek shelter from the rain.
What Kal'tsit does not know is that in Iberia's Royal Court, thousands of miles away...
Ishar'mla is currently leaping across space, "observing" the person at her side.
Of what little humanity remains inside her, only this silhouette seems to linger.
Thus, she continues to will her swarm forward, just to reach the Doctor as quickly as possible.
Skadi never could've imagined that the bit of comfort she found in her personal relationships would lead to the destruction of an entire species.
Until all of humanity is reduced to one single entity, an individual known as the Doctor.
#2: Resistance
Complete three runs with the Age of the Silence ending
The Last Knight falls before Ishar'mla, the Silence has descended once more, and the Seaborn eagerly march upon the land.
Mizuki uses his tentacles to push the Sea Terrors aside, trying to protect the Doctor from harm.
Now that the Leviathan has awakened and the waves claw at the clouds, to leave the Doctor stranded on a little island in the ocean is to leave them for dead.
To ensure the Doctor may survive, Mizuki carries them on his back and swims back towards land.
Mizuki may have been able to deal with a few Sea Terrors, but when the Seaborn block his way, when facing the interrogation of the entirety of we many, Mizuki cannot help but feel the immense pressure weighing on him.
How can one individual in a collective rebel against the will of the whole?
Ishar'mla's pheromones are delivered directly to his brain.
It is His wish for Mizuki to leave this human behind.
Absolutely not.
The Doctor must return to land alive.
Mizuki has never cared about the fate of mankind, but he does care about the Doctor. And he knows that they would not wish to witness humanity's demise.
So he rejects the Leviathan, rejects we many, and returns the Doctor back to land.
He crosses the blockade established by his kin, and places the Doctor upon the shore. With a smile, he tells them to report back to their companions, while he fends off the Seaborn's march.
"They will believe me, because I am also Seaborn." Mizuki says this to the Doctor.
Thankfully, they believe these words and leave.
Now, Mizuki will finally be able to truly buy some time for the Doctor, for Rhodes Island, and for humanity.
Mizuki exhales, and adjusts his pheromone expression.
In an instant, the Seaborn fall into confusion, unable to comprehend why their own kin was displaying hostility towards we many.
After a period of confusion, we many decides to prioritize the removal of the hostile individual.
Instantly, the Seaborn change their direction and rush towards Mizuki as he swims out to the open sea.
Across an extremely long span of time, Mizuki's hostility-laced pheromones continue to surface clearly within the collective consciousness of we many.
Like a drop of blood splashing upon a sheet of white paper, they do not dissipate for a long, long time.
But in the end, he too dissipates.
#3: Ashes to Ashes
Clear "Fate's Favored Child" without letting The Last Knight destroy all three Rubbles
Mizuki's consciousness dissipates into the ocean.
No longer can he maintain his human form.
His body begins to distend.
A Seaborn with a jellyfish-like body appears within the water.
His organs can still maintain the basic functionalities of life, but that too will not last for long.
Attracted by the scent of blood, a number of Sea Terrors and Seaborn approach, circling around him.
They are awaiting the complete death of their kin. Only then will they partake of his flesh and blood, returning their kin back to the Cycle of we many.
Mizuki gradually sinks into the water.
Whether from waiting too long, or because of Ishar'mla's call, the Seaborn and Sea Terrors congregating at the water's surface no longer seem obsessed with the life and death of this one individual.
He is left alone as he continues to sink.
After consuming the remaining energy in his body, Mizuki's core heart analog finally stops beating.
Death arrives swiftly, silently.
His body begins to contract, the once-outstretched appendages crushed into a ball by the pressure of the water.
He continues shrinking, regressing.
Until he is reduced to a single, miniscule cell, drifting along the currents of the deep sea.
He lands upon a single, withered branch.
It is the dead titan of the abyss, the progenitor of the Seaborn, the "Creeping Branch." Like Mizuki, His consciousness has long perished, and His enormous form continues to grow only out of instinct.
No longer does He remember the meaning of new life, and even if new branches grow, they are already withered and dead. But nevertheless, this rotting giant continues to provide countless Seaborn with a bite of all-important sustenance.
Even at this moment, He is being fed upon by countless young Seaborn.
One of these newborns sees Mizuki's cell and wriggles its tail fin, trying to swallow its kin's gift.
But before its mouth appendage can touch its meal, a segment of the dead branch engulfs Mizuki, layer upon layer.
The young Seaborn swims away. There is too much food here, and too many options. There is no need to compete with the venerable deceased for nourishment.
And thus, Mizuki's journey comes to an end.
Years later, upon a withered branch,
Dark, blue leaves begin to grow.

Price of Peace

#1: Farewell
Complete a run with the Price of Peace ending
Time has erased people's fear of the ocean. With the departure of the Seaborn, Ægir has once again become proud and insular, and the countries on land have once again returned to their old ways of suspicion and conflict. The Seaborn are not the only peril they face upon this great land. Humanity must still deal with Originium, Catastrophes, and a great many tribulations yet to be known.
Rhodes Island still continues to travel the land's four corners, developing medication to suppress Oripathy on one hand, exploring the options for humanity's peaceful coexistence on the other.
As the leader of Rhodes Island, the Doctor carries an immense burden.
However, on a special day each year, the Doctor takes a vehicle away from Rhodes Island, arriving at Iberia escorted by Tulip. They then arrive at the coast and stand alone at the beach, never leaving until the sun rises the next day. Year after year, this never-ending work continues.
When night falls, the ocean's surface glimmers with a deep, cerulean fluorescence.
The Doctor steps into the waves, leaving shimmering footprints behind in the sand.
To some observers, they are simply wasting valuable time.
The day could clearly have been better spent trying to crack the usual dilemmas, leading field operations, or helping the various Rhodes Island offices across the land solve their many complicated problems.
Why spend it looking out across the beach, or wandering around aimlessly?
But from the Doctor's own self-awareness, these simple actions have immense ritualistic importance, while also serving the purpose of self-readjustment.
Many people see the Doctor as an omnipotent "demigod," or a superhuman bordering on machine. They are wrong.
The Doctor is human after all. Not an ordinary human, but a human nevertheless.
One who has endured too much pain to share, and too much grief to pour out.
The land is unable to accommodate these emotions, but the sea can.
Whatever you choose to confide, the sea will answer.
"Splash." "Splash."
Since when did the ocean become so gentle? The Doctor does not wish to utter the answer that wells up from within.
An operator had soothed the tides, but never returned to the team.
The only memory he left behind was the fluorescent, cerulean tide that appears once every year.
And so, the Doctor returns here every year.
To be alone, to meditate, to confide.
Humanity's thought-filled rhetoric, and nature's never-ending echoes...
They are all full of meaning.
One calls, the other replies. Time and again.
Through this miniscule behavior, an iota of solace can take root in the bottom of one's heart.
It is insufficient to fill any holes within that heart, but it is enough to induce one to repeat that behavior.
Will Mizuki hear?
Yes, he will.
The Doctor believes this, and thus lets everything out.
As they walk across the sand, the waves gently reach out past their ankles. The water tugs at their boots like tendrils, before receding with the tide.
The cerulean fluorescence dots the Doctor's moistened boots.
Shimmering, shining.
#2: Recollection
Complete three runs with the Price of Peace ending
Ishar'mla is defeated.
He calmly accepts the punishment of we many, but cannot understand how He, who was born to fight, lost to mass of dead branches walking.
Regardless, after that battle, His path will no longer be the trajectory explored by we many. Since He is no longer needed, He will also seal Himself away and enter a deep slumber, allowing the consciousness named Skadi to resurface once more.
Skadi dreamt a dream.
In the dream, she raised the tides and stepped across the land, trying to search for something in the realm above. But just as soon as she was ready to set off, the dream abruptly ended.
After she awakens, her memories fade along with the dream. She tries hard to cling to something, but her brain is flooded with things sent by we many.
That is not what she wants.
She does not belong here.
Skadi herself does not understand why she would generate these kinds of thoughts about her kin. They were always so kind, even willing to give their lives for her if necessary.
There is no fanaticism or manipulation behind their actions. Only equality, only altruism.
But between continuing to swim alongside we many or casting them aside, Skadi still chooses the latter.
A kind of disgust emerges from the depths of her heart. Even in the face of death, she does not wish to be among the Seaborn.
As for why, she does not know.
How could a Seaborn come to hate her own kin?
Skadi cannot answer.
The land... The land...
Her subconscious leads her to swim towards the land.
Someone she wishes to see is there.
Why would a Seaborn want to see a human?
Skadi does not understand.
Her consciousness conflicts with a Seaborn's instincts on every level, so much so that her own actions are incoherent.
But eventually, she makes her way to the shore and surfaces, her eyes scanning the empty, endless beach.
The silhouette of a hooded human appears in her vision.
She feels elation and begins to involuntarily recall that human's face. Then, fragments of the two of them deepening their relationship. Then further behind that, the Abyssal Hunters. Ægir. The ocean––
Memories rush back into her mind like a flood, shattering her soul.
#3: Lamentation
Clear Destiny of We Many without allowing any Operator to be knocked out
Father, mother, brothers and sisters.
Ulpianus, Laurentina, Gladiia.
Past, present, future.
Skadi recalls everything.
Skadi lost everything.
A monster that does not belong among humans, a human who does not belong among Seaborn.
Hiding within the tides, timidly looking at this symbol of beauty.
She wishes to show herself, but is afraid to do so.
Even if the Doctor forgives her, she can never forgive herself.
All she can do is gaze from a distance, ever so slightly filling the void in her heart, before she once again drowns beneath an overwhelming sense of guilt.
Living has become so burdensome, yet death is so far away.
She has become an empty abstraction.
A ballad wells up in Skadi's throat.
She has sung it thousands of times already, each syllable and vocalization long perfected.
But now, it sounds like glass shattering against the ground.
Shattering into thousands of little fragments that can never be put back together again.
Yet she continues to sing, and sing.
Singing is the only instinct she has left.
The song can neither atone for her sins nor soothe her grief.
But she still continues to sing, tears streaming down her face.
Her trembling heart takes away the pitch of her voice.
Tears fall upon the tip of her tongue, the bitterness seeping into her bosom.
Her throat gradually becomes red and swollen, her song periodically interrupted by sobbing.
Yet she still continues to sing, and sing.
She does not need an audience, nor does she expect one.
If singing is the only purpose left in her existence.
Then sing she will.
The Doctor standing along the coast seems to have heard something and turns to look at the ocean.
Save for the sound of waves...
There is nothing there at all.

Stella Caerula

#1: Terra Reborn
Complete a run with the Stella Caerula ending
Following the scattered fragments in his memories, Mizuki searches for mankind's last haven.
In these memories, humans have not gone extinct, and one last city remains standing on land.
For a human, going to the human city is a foregone conclusion hardly worth mentioning.
With such thoughts in mind, he walks onto the land, alone.
The Seaborn have completely transformed the entire continent.
There is no more Originium, no more barrens.
As far as the eye can see, the entire land has become a verdant expanse, all manner of plants teeming with life. Animals prance across the wilds and soar through the skies in packs, partaking freely of the land's inexhaustible bounty.
After crossing a stream and climbing a hill, Mizuki feels a tinge of weariness and hunger, so he plucks a few fruits from the plants and pops them straight into his mouth.
The Seaborn have no need to taste their food, but these fruits have clearly retained their original taste. The only difference is, they are even more delicious, and more filling.
Previously, having enough to eat and drink was one of the few pursuits life afforded him; but now, such an ideal can easily be fulfilled simply by extending one's hand–
Suddenly, he hears a loud rumble in the distance. A mountain range rises from the ground and begins to wander across the land.
The Seaborn's departure was like a beacon, rousing these ancient progenitors from their slumber. The land to them is both familiar and foreign. They explore the flowers, plants, and trees before them with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.
When the Feranmut vanishes, Mizuki once again sets off on his journey to find the city.
He recalls the way humans identify one another, that they have various convenient and conspicuous ways of drawing borders and forming cohorts.
But even after walking for a long time, Mizuki does not even happen across a single "road."
"Did I remember wrong?" He cannot help but to doubt himself, then scratches his head, trying his best to recall his impression of humans over the millennia.
However, apart from the human who brought him into the laboratory and the human he trusted the most, his memory contains only a hazy impression of that city's towering walls.
Finally, he comes up with a brute-force method.
"If I can't find them, then I will have them come to me."
He builds and lights fires in several prominent places, carves messages of kindness in every human script he can remember, and then climbs a tall mountain where he can see all the fires to await someone to answer his call.
Finally, the moment Mizuki was waiting for has come.
A Liberi finds a way to the mountain under the cover of darkness and holds a knife to his neck, asking him questions in a Victorian tongue laced the flavors of many nations.
Most importantly, her ensemble sports a tower-shaped epaulet with a small line of characters engraved on its lowest part.
A name that lingered on the tip of his tongue thousands of times suddenly wells up in Mizuki's heart:
Rhodes Island.
#2: Rhodes Island
Complete three runs with the Stella Caerula ending
Following the map given to him by the Rhodes Island operator, Mizuki arrives at the last city.
Once, during the war against the Seaborn, humanity was utterly routed, its sole survivors building high walls in the mountains, clinging to technology left over from the past in order to survive. In the process, the barriers between country, class, and race all melted away. In the last city, there were no kings or presidents– only people, and the loose alliances they formed, remained. Survival was the end-all be-all, and all other affairs seemed trivial in comparison.
However, now that the Seaborn have left Terra, all kinds of organizations have planted their roots across the city. Most of them have but a singular purpose: to leave the walls of the last city and forge outward. But "Rhodes Island" is somewhat different. As a relatively influential entity within the city, it is chiefly responsible for maintaining the logistical and medical needs of the other organizations. In the beginning, the founders of Rhodes Island built the high walls, but now, these bricks that have protected mankind for thousands of years will become the cornerstones of humanity's new home.
Mizuki looks at the sights surrounding him with curiosity. He is now on his way to the "Rhodes Island" headquarters, hoping to find some ancient artifacts there. He asks the people wearing Rhodes Island epaulets one after another to confirm its location, going back and forth through the strange city. Eventually, he finds a structure that looks like the ruins of a nomadic plate.
He is a bit apprehensive to step inside. Even if he enters this "Rhodes Island," what is there for him to do? War and the passage of time have eroded away everything he once knew. Nothing stirs anything inside him except a sign, and a somewhat familiar nomadic plate.
Nobody recognizes him, nor does he recognize anyone...
Mizuki stands in front of the gate and vacillates for a long time, finally making up his mind to take a look inside this "Rhodes Island." He still wants to be part of this organization, if at all possible.
That is all he can think of, all that he can do.
Mizuki walks into the lobby and sees a familiar front desk.
Just as he is about to ask something, a familiar voice rings out in his ear.
"You're back."
#3: Continuation of Fate
Clear Glory of Humanity without letting any enemy enter Protection Objectives
Kal'tsit brings Mizuki into a meeting room and offers him a seat. Other than a change of clothes, she seems completely unaffected by the passing years.
"Your return is indeed unexpected." Kal'tsit holds a glass of water, her ten fingers tapping rhythmically across its exterior. "When you completed your series of metamorphoses and, as a 'Firstborn,' sent the Doctor back to land, I thought you would climb up to the stars. But instead... You're sitting in front of me, playing with your food just as before."
"Then, can I dig in?" Several pieces of fruit have already disappeared down Mizuki's gullet as he asks the question.
"This is a reception room, everyone may freely enjoy the food that has been placed here. Moreover, this food was a change that you brought about. The desert has disappeared, the temperature has stabilized, and disaster has subsided. Terra has become a garden, and you had no small part to play in that."
"But, I'm also the villain who left humanity with nothing else."
"When the Doctor explained the plan to me, I did worry about its feasibility. Sacrificing the vast majority in exchange for the human race's survival. It was insane... but ultimately, also the most rational and correct choice."
"Nobody wants to be sacrificed. Nobody wants to be part of that doomed majority."
"So, all Rhodes Island could do was put some stopgap measures in place. When Skadi became Ishar'mla, humanity's fate was sealed. Collectively, all we could do was hole ourselves up in this prison and peek outside at a barely visible dawn."
"So, how's the Doctor doing?" As soon as the words leave his mouth, Mizuki instantly regrets asking such a stupid question. Even the Doctor has no hope of defying time. He begins to silently pray, hoping that Kal'tsit will not give him an answer.
However, when Kal'tsit opens her mouth again, the expression on her face remains unchanged.
"The Doctor is still alive."
"We managed to move the Sarcophagus here before we built the city. It preserves both the city's power supply and the life of the one who gave us hope."
Mizuki suddenly feels the weight of the world slip from his shoulders. He slumps into the chair, his face full of joy.
The Doctor is indeed alive, but even if the "Sarcophagus" can close all wounds, it cannot turn back the clock. As the Doctor sleeps within it more and more frequently, the wick of life will eventually burn down to nothingness.
But, considering the Doctor's condition is far from this dire state, Kal'tsit continues to conceal the fact from Mizuki.
It is also at this time that she feels the absurdity of reality.
All of humanity's efforts to break its shackles and return to the sea of stars have been obliterated by history.
On the contrary, it was an out-of-control planetary transformation plan that birthed new life after the extinction of humanity.
She finds herself with nothing more to express beyond a sad sigh.
"So, Mizuki, what do you plan to do before the Doctor wakes up?"
"Nothing in particular. Maybe find some good eats, run a few errands here and there. I'm still a Rhodes Island operator, right?"
"I'll try to get your ID verification and dorm room prepped ASAP."
"Thanks. Appreciate it."
Suddenly, as if she just thought of something, Kal'tsit hurriedly calls Mizuki before he can leave the reception room, and asks him to go sightseeing in the city.
"One last question. Did 'they' really all leave?"
"Hmm... My disaggregation was completed before the ascension, so I'm not exactly sure how 'I' went about it in the end."
"I see..." Kal'tsit's expression becomes serious.
Years later, mankind's domain once again expanded to the edge of the sea.
The sea was once a source of calamity for humans, so the pioneers were told to fortify the coastal waters.
However, curiosity will always trump fear.
On a sunny afternoon, while the adults' attention wanders, a girl slips off to play on the beach.
She carefully picks up jewel-like stones, wanting to sneak them back as a present for her little brother.
But as she walks, she spies on the beach–
A flower deep in slumber.
The Seaborn are nothing more than a distant, bygone nightmare, so the girl has no impression of the creature in front of her.
She steps forward and strokes the petals gently.
Seemingly sensing something, the petals slowly open, revealing the blue, jewel-like sensory organ beneath.
It is a Deep Sea Slider hatchling.
Seeing the girl, the newborn instinctively raises its appendages to attack.
However, after the girl offers it a piece of food, it confirms this gesture of friendliness. Its coiled appendages roll over the food and ferry it into its feeding organ.
It is at this moment, from the bottom of the sea to the stars high above, that the many receive a completely new perspective:
Humanity today is no longer a threat.
We can coexist with humans.