Communication Recorder: Super Siracusan

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Transcripts of the Super Siracusan Monthly Squad's Communication Recorders.

Part 1
Unlocked at the start
Chiave Make your mind up! Are we going to this "Classic Royal Restaurant" or not?!
Aosta No.
Broca No.
Chiave What's the problem with you two?! A joint this expensive? It's gotta be great! And you're not gonna go?!
Broca Who gave you these discount coupons...?
Chiave Somebody I know, duh. I got connections...
Aosta He got it as a prize from a juice box.
Chiave Forget the details, you going? No?
Aosta Isn't the Gaulish on this coupon spelled wrong?
Chiave It is? Wait, what do you know about Gaulish anyway?
Broca What do they mean, 200% off? Are they going to pay us?
Aosta And the craftsmanship on this coupon's some hideous stuff. It's fading here, look.
Chiave Agh!
Man, it is.
Broca Odds are he got duped again.
Aosta Without a doubt.
Chiave Cazzo,[note 1] I said forget the details! You won't know until you go see.
Aosta Use your brain a little. How's a high-quality restaurant gonna produce coupons this crappy?
And even if they're real, they're not gonna let Infected in.
It's fake at a glance.
Chiave Ugh... you serious?
Broca Hold on, what's this signature dish they're advertising here...
Chiave Lemme see... Marmalade macaroni?
Aosta What the shit is this "restaurant?!"
Part 2
Unlocked after entering the 3rd floor
Broca Marmalade macaroni. It kind of rings a bell.
Aosta Huh?
Broca A foreman told me a story once, from about seventy years or so ago.
Back then, the Contes[note 2] had this chef who made the worst food. So bad they kicked him out of Siracusa.
Aosta Oh, I remember now.
He scampered off to Gaul after. The con guy who called himself a Siracusan celebrity chef.
Broca Yeah, that's the guy.
Chiave Huh? I never heard of any of this.
Broca Well...
You should read a few more books.
Chiave So then? What happened after?
Broca He had good luck, probably. Faked it the whole way until he actually got a rep as a famous chef.
Aosta And then he threw up a mountain of recipes that could drive a Siracusan insane.
Chiave Like?
Broca Marmalade macaroni, chocolate sauce spaghetti...
Aosta But it seemed to suit the Gauls well enough.
Chiave Doesn't sound that bad to me.
Broca Come again?
Aosta You sure?
Chiave Sounds real sweet. Tasty, right?
Broca You son of a mother.
Aosta Something's wrong with your taste buds.
Part 3
Unlocked after entering the 5th floor
Broca Excuse me, you're reading?
Chiave What? Don't give me that, I'm a...
Aosta What is this... recipes?
You learning to cook?
Chiave I kinda got into it recently, and this cookbook's real interesting. I wanna give it a shot.
Aosta "Innovations in the Cuisine of Terra, Issue 200."
Don't know if you should trust that in your kitchen.
Chiave Check out this new dish from Yan! "Mapo Strawberry."[note 3]
Broca You dumbass...
Aosta Don't you ever let a single Yanese operator catch sight of this thing.
Chiave I've decided. I'm gonna learn this one.
Siesta-style fruit pizza.[note 4]
Broca ......
Aosta ......
Chiave ......
Aosta Broca. Get a rope. Tie Chiave up.
Broca Alright.
Chiave, no struggling.
Chiave Waargh! What are you two doing?!
Broca ...And then?
Aosta Find a Laterano church. Throw him in there. Let the clerics beat his brains out.
Broca Alright.
Chiave What the hell for?!


  1. "F**k" in Italian
  2. Italian equivalent of "Count"
  3. The "Mapo Strawberry" is obviously based on a real-life recipe in the Tokyo Bay Tokyu Hotel, which aroused meme-ish moments in the Chinese internet. See these two links for more info.
  4. An obvious parallel to the Hawaiian pizza, which is heavily detested by the Italians in real life.