Communication Recorder: Temporary Partner

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Transcripts of the Temporary Partner Monthly Squad's Communication Recorders.

Part 1
Unlocked at the start
Carnelian Good day, everyone. I'm Carnelian.
Nearl Greetings. I've already checked over our mission requirements. We can begin at any time.
Earthspirit Hello, everyone. If the meet and greet's over, let's start ASAP.
Is this that brooch you mentioned?
Carnelian Yes, one of the Gaulish royal family's crown jewels.
Leithanian nobles like to collect them as a badge of status. I came across it in my study abroad.
Carnelian There's a plain old Originium circuit mounted on the back, loaded with defensive Arts. The Engineering Department was very intrigued. I managed to exchange for medication.
Nearl Understood. So, what's the test method?
Carnelian You and I, Nearl, will take turns wearing this brooch, and the other attacks us to test how effectively it resists different forms of aggression. Earthspirit will handle the logging.
Earthspirit Right. Recording equipment all ready.
But why are you here for this, Nearl?
Nearl In exchange for assisting with Carnelian's test, I'll be allowed to show the brooch to Maria afterward.
Carnelian Mm. The Engineering Department were at their wit's end finding two people to do this for them. One of us wants an eyeful of its high-purity Originium crystals, and the other is doing it for her craft-loving sister.
Not many on Rhodes Island have both the experience and just so happen to be off-duty right now. I appreciate that the two of you were so willing to come.
Nearl It's no problem. After all, I've gained a chance to give Maria a nice surprise. Let's get started, then.
Part 2
Unlocked after entering the 3rd floor
Carnelian Nearl, I'm sure you have status jewelry like this in your family, don't you?
Nearl ...Bloodlines and reputation are but temporary splendors of the ruling class. The glory they accord them is so easily wiped away. Just like this brooch.
The gold is merely a manifestation of ornamental nature. What it truly relies on in battle are these Originium circuits. If the pressure exerted exceeds what the circuit can ward...
Then as simply as that...
(Attacking sound)
The warding falters.
Let's take a break, and give the circuit the time it needs to recharge.
Carnelian My, my, you were at my throat for a moment there. I almost couldn't block you.
Earthspirit Break time? Then can I take a look at the brooch? Hmm...
The Originium crystals on top are definitely precious. Very valuable for research.
Solid Originium crystals of this purity aren't common. Nor are they easily extracted, without just as much funding and tech.
Nearl (Sounds of breathing)
Earthspirit There's not enough light here. Shame. I can't quite make them out clearly.
I'd love to take it to my workbench, and find the time to give them a decent look...
What a brooch... If only I could just buy it for myself.
Carnelian (Sounds of breathing)
Earthspirit ...Why are you two so quiet?
Carnelian Can't get a word in edgeways.
Part 3
Unlocked after entering the 5th floor
Earthspirit Okay, final attack! Once I get these figures recorded, we can go.
(Sounds of writing)
The crown jewel's workmanship is dependent to a certain degree on high-purity Originium crystals embedded in the surface layer...
Nearl I agreed to meet Maria soon. Do you think you could let me borrow the brooch, just for now?
Carnelian Hm... I trust you wouldn't break it, but I'll go with you, just in case.
Oh, yes. So Maria's your little sister?
Nearl That's right.
Carnelian So does the little scamp ever badmouth you in her dreams?
Nearl What? ...Of course not.
Carnelian Oh? Then it seems to me you aren't getting along very well.
Nearl Hm?
Earthspirit (Sounds of writing)
Reliance on Originium crystal purity circuits can better...
Nearl Is speaking ill of someone in your sleep a sign of getting along?
Carnelian It's a form of closeness, at any rate.
As a role model for her, it's imperative that I maintain a kind image for her at all times.
But what does our girl like?
Earthspirit ...workmanship too complex w.r.t. energy storage, reproduction infeasible.
Nearl She likes to repair machines. She's wanted to be a craftsman since she was a child.
She's also fond of some fruits. In dessert form.
Carnelian Well, MINE comes to me for consolation every time she trips over her own jacket.
Nearl Maria once told me that she loved watching me train in the garden more than anything.
Carnelian ...The brooch.
Nearl ...We're done here for now, Earthspirit. We'll be leaving.
Earthspirit, fine...
Carnelian We'll be back before you know it.
Earthspirit Yes, yes, I heard you. Based on above, I believe research can be focused on technological renewal...
(Sounds of writing)
...Mm, and that's that.
Alright, everyone, the mission report is all filled out. I'll go hand it in. Remember to turn the lights off when you leave.