Crimson Exhibition: Past Performances

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A list of Past Performances content of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire's Crimson Exhibition.

The Truth is Silent
The Truth is Silent.png
There are no obvious truths in my script.
Keep seeking, and continue the story.
Crimson Solitaire
Crimson Solitaire.png
Welcome home, Blood Diamond.
Warm Fire
IS-Warm Fire.png
The wood crackles in the fireplace as light and warmth fill the entire room. For the time being, danger is far away.
Hopefully the tranquility here will follow us far.
The Castle's Doors
IS-The Castle's Doors.png
The dilapidated entrance to the castle of Calais-Blason. A group of artists has taken over.
The theatre opens its doors, inviting in actors and audience alike. Please relax. The show is about to begin.
This Moment is Eternal
IS-This Moment is Eternal.png
Statues are speakers of the arts. They do so not with language, but with their postures.
No one has ever thought to disrupt this silence. Perhaps you will be the first one?
Refined Beauty
IS-Refined Beauty.png
She is delicate, lovely, and beautiful. No one would refuse aid to a young lady like her.
Alas, that is not her true face. In her eyes, you are not a savior.
A stage prop shimmering with the last bit of Gaul's radiance.
How lamentable.
Passion Like Fire
IS-Passion Like Fire.png
To her, life is merely a part of dancing.
Even the raging sea waves cannot put a stop to her fire-like passion for dancing.
The Sound of Music
IS-The Sound of Music.png
He found his way here by following the music, and his heart is filled with nothing but admiration for the arts.
Likewise, he will depart by riding the winds of music to face the dark truth therein.
The Sword in the Stone
IS-The Sword in the Stone.png
This is a symbol that transcends time.
You know what will happen when you see it.
It is natural that some will find themselves crushed by the heavy pressure of the arts.
For example, this pitiful young man.
Stories of Days Gone By
IS-Stories of Days Gone By.png
These four cards chronicle Phantom's past as well as piecemeal fragments about that night.
The truth invites you to seek it out, but will you tell Phantom about these messages?
Crimson Masquerade
IS-Crimson Masquerade.png
A ball where all identities are irrelevant is simple and wonderful, naturally tempting everyone to participate.
The appearance might be a little too alluring. Perhaps someone unintentionally left out certain fatal details?
Duck Lord Takes the Stage
IS-Duck Lord Takes the Stage.png
In the dark, you feel you might soon see a familiar face.
Just then, he actually appears before you in unexpected ways.
Gopnik's Memories
IS-Gopnik's Memories.png
Time flies by, yet he is no longer.
Extravagant Coffin
IS-Extravagant Coffin.png
Those who live in the nomadic cities might have forgotten the old burial traditions.
Which is why a coffin is usually associated with an evil Sarkaz's resting place.
A Gentleman's Ending
IS-A Gentleman's Ending.png
If the right choice hasn't been made,
then by the time he comes to you with his query, it is too late to avoid tragedy.
A simple stage, an easy to understand performance.
A character and a symbol, together drawing the broad strokes of history.
Old Fairy Tale
IS-Old Fairy Tale.png
With the passage of time, the stories enjoyed by children too will grow in age. That, however, does not mean they are past their prime. Time instead gives them strength.
As long as someone out there remembers them, they will shine brilliantly as ever.
Happy Drinking
IS-Happy Drinking.png
Partaking of this liquid gains you joy.
The more you drink, the more joyful you get. What is there to worry about?
Where's the Treasure?
IS-Where's the Treasure.png
The Zalaks are unable to find any treasures in the heap of trash.
Would you like to give it a try?
The Emperor's Portrait
IS-The Emperor's Portrait.png
The still figures in the portraits are the only impression that most men have of them.
Tin Man
IS-Tin Man.png
There lives an interesting soul in that mechanical body.
His body hides the Sarkaz's millennium of pain and discontent.
A critic once said:
"Death is not the end of a tragedy."
Crazy Puppets
IS-Crazy Puppets.png
The host's handicraft is crude, twisted, and unaesthetic.
Yet he remains ever stubborn, inadvertently writing the ending of his own tale.
His wish has been fulfilled.
Have a safe trip, dear friend.
Sleeping Treasure
IS-Sleeping Treasure.png
The treasure has rested inside box for far too long.
Brave adventurer, it is time to awaken it.
Dust-laden Treasure
IS-Dust-laden Treasure.png
From the fragments of the past, you are yet able to imagine the full glory of the fallen city.
At that very moment, the lost city is reborn.
History and art go hand-in-hand.
Everyone can gain from it what it is they seek.
What is beauty?
What is perfection?
Art has no rules.
In that case, who has the right to appraise its worth?
It is known by no one.
Yet it is everywhere.
Thriving Business
IS-Thriving Business.png
The small brewery's beer is of outstanding quality.
You feel its owner could make a lot of money from it.
Mysterious Banquet
IS-Mysterious Banquet.png
No one would give up their right to enjoy a banquet.
That is, unless...
The mysterious veil that belonged to them has been shed.
The crazed soul that was hidden behind is now completely exposed.
The husk is of little importance, compared to the pen.
His creative urge could not conceal his disappointment at the result.
He does not stop writing, nor does he stop burning.
Curtain Fall
Curtain Fall.png
Celebrate, everyone. Celebrate!
This is the perfect ending that we all strive for!
True Mastermind
True Mastermind.png
Everyone is celebrating.
Only Ms. Christine saw the instigator of this ordeal.
Start of the Show
Start of the Show.png
The Crimson Troupe was "destroyed" thanks to Phantom,
and it will be reborn thanks to Phantom.
Silent Chapter
Silent Chapter.png
At last, the ink on the page dries, and the Playwright hands it over to the troupe master.
This flimsy piece of paper will ruin countless lives.