Tome of All-Memory: Starry Seafoam

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Transcripts of the Starry Seafoam Memory Mapping's Memory Selections.

Memory #1
Unlocked at the start
Its pulse and its breath affect my heartbeat. It is the salvation I've always sought.
The girl wakes up from the dream with a start. The starlight in her dream lingers in her mind.
How long has it been since she started traveling and studying with "Grandpa Bishop"? The girl finds it difficult to trace the passage of time, for her life is divided into the time before she witnessed the starlight, and the time after.
She believes that she is awake, serious, determined. If there is something that can prove the value of life, validate the truth of her thoughts, she will reach out to it, embrace it.
"Grandpa" said that not everyone walks the same bridge, nor is it a privilege to walk that bridge. Humanity's possibilities are infinite. All means are merely tools, and it is the end, not the means, that should become the object of worship. He always preached recognizing what one truly wants to do and become, and refusing to accept easy, simple answers.
But I have seen my path. It lies before me, the opportunity of a lifetime. The pact that "Grandpa" made with his old friend lies silent in the box. "Grandpa" must have run into trouble, because he has not been back for two days. One more day, and this hideout and everything here will be destroyed, as he arranged.
But none of this matters. Its pulse and breath guide my heartbeat. It is the salvation that I had long sought but never received. Reach out, open the box, drink the pact of the ocean, and I will return to the day when time stopped, and rebuild myself with the starlight reflected off the surface of the ocean.
If the starlight is too bright, then I will go blind for it.
Memory #2
Unlocked after entering the 3rd floor
When all the surrounding noise and cacophony is drowned out at last, I can sing my final song.
The girl wakes up from the dream with a start. The starlight in her dream lingers in her mind.
She looks at one hand, and the other, and the other, and perhaps the other too. She finds that they and they are scooping up handful after handful of starlight. How could it be? How could the starlight that was so far away be so easily grasped in her hands?
The joy is intense. She subconsciously spreads herself out and begins to spin and dance. The stars seem to understand her joy, and begin to dance in orbit around her, even without...
Without music? It should not be so. Limbs are rhythm, and starlight melody. But why is there no song? Is there no instrument?
No, no... why is it dark? Why does the starlight not shine upon here, or upon me? Why is it not warm?
Is it because it is dry? Do the limbs not feel warmth because they are dry? Does the throat make no sound because it is dry? Then look up and call for rain. Drown out the noises, and sing one last song.
Warm musical notes fall from my hide one after another, transforming into a shining, translucent melody, wrapped in bubbles of every color.
I will become starlight.
Memory #3
Unlocked after entering the 5th floor
A lighthouse lights the way home for lost ships. Perhaps that is why they attracted Sea Terrors, and were the first to be destroyed when the tide came in.
The girl wakes up from the dream with a start. The starlight in her dream lingers in her mind.
Highmore feels no cold, even though she lay on the deck and awoke to the soft and cool touch of the night. Perhaps she never fell asleep, only let her consciousness drift for a moment. It has been too long since she desired sleep from physical fatigue. The blood and flesh of Seaborn have made her strong and resilient, and virtually eliminated the need for sleep, but the mind does not acclimate to the long waking hours so quickly.
What if the starlight in the reverie did not come from beneath the surface of consciousness, but from the tangible sky above?
She dreamt of the starlight countless times, but she does not recall the last time she looked up at the starry sky. When was the last time? All she can recall is that the gloom in Iberia's skies never seemed to scatter.
Highmore remembers a story her parents told her in her childhood. Iberian once hoped to rely on the stars to navigate the seas, but were frustrated by the mystery of the starry heavens. Starlight seemed to have no discernible pattern, and some occultists even suspected them to be reflections or premonitions of events on the ground. It was only when some of the Ægir came on land with their technology, working with Iberia to build lighthouse after lighthouse along the coastline to guide the navigation of ships, that Iberia forsook gazing upon the stars, and conquered the seas.
Am I no different from the home that I detested? Blinded by the inscrutable stars, lost in the arms of the ocean, and...
A thought comes to Highmore's mind. She stands up slowly.
Lighthouses light the way home for lost ships. Perhaps it is why they attracted Sea Terrors, and were the first to be destroyed when the tide came.
She would not let this happen to her next home.