Communication Recorder: Until Spring Comes

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Transcripts of the Until Spring Comes Monthly Squad's Communication Recorders.

Part 1
Unlocked at the start
Absinthe Ah, General Hellagur.
Zima ...General?
Hellagur Ha ha, I see that title's spread its way around.
I did once hold the rank of Ursus general, but now I'm nothing more than a warrior following Rhodes Island's orders.
Zima (Footsteps)
Absinthe Hey, wait... Zima, where are you going?
Sorry, I think she might not want to hear about Ursus. Even if it has been a while by now.
Hellagur Is she too from Peterheim Middle School? The one you said Reunion's captain demanded be guarded?
Absinthe Yes... Um, please don't sigh.
Hellagur It is difficult not to, upon being faced with how we as a people have failed those children.
Thank goodness you appear to get along well, from what I've seen. There aren't many students your age aboard this landship, and fewer still from Ursus.
Absinthe DO we get along? Well... I guess we're alright.
At least, ever since I approached them, I haven't spent so much time wondering... whether it was really worth it. About a lot of things.
*sigh* I'll go find her and see what's wrong.
Part 2
Unlocked after entering the 3rd floor
Zima I told you, stop staring at me all the time. You wanted me to protect you like I do with the rest of the U.S.S.G., right? I said I would.
Absinthe No, that's not it. Even if you are the famous General, defender of the weak, it's not like I need your protection.
Oh... I get it, "The General". You were embarrassed to meet a real Ursus general just now, weren't you?
Zima ...No.
Don't get me wrong. I sure as hell didn't wanna seem like some kid playing pretend. Not that I even gave myself this nickname.
But it'll come. I'll earn honors. I'll be promoted, decorated. Even if it's not in Ursus.
Absinthe Now that you mention it, apparently General Hellagur still wears some of his Ursus military medals.
Zima Still? Which campaign could be that important to him?
Absinthe He never talks about his past, so I'm not sure which battle he earned them from either.
But according to him, he was gathering up whatever he thought could sell as he took the children away from Chernobog.
Just in case, so he'd have more options if his cooperation with Rhodes Island fell through.
Zima Huh? You mean he was going to sell his medals?
Absinthe Mhm. He says the children at the clinic needed medicine, and heaters for the winter. They didn't need his past.
Zima ...Never heard of any clinic treating Infected while I was there.
Hellagur That's a good thing. It shows that both you and the children at the Clinic were living in safety.
Zima Oh, it's y–General Hellagur.
"Were" being the operative word there... There's nothing left now. Let's drop this.
Part 3
Unlocked after entering the 5th floor
Zima Lemme look at your Ursus Army ribbon... Um, if that's okay with you? Please?
Hellagur Of course. Although being so far removed from Ursus now, it's no more than a plain red ribbon.
I gather that "General" wasn't meant as a compliment, among the youth.
Absinthe It was just, the Army never came to take control of the situation, even in the city's final hours. That's what disappointed everyone so badly.
Zima But to be honest, it's not like we really trusted the Army before that either.
I mean, screw them, though. I like the nickname.
Yeah yeah... I know I'm a far cry from a real general. Laugh at me all you want.
But I'm gonna protect everyone in the U.S.S.G, and I'll topple anything that gets in our way. I swear.
Hellagur If you're that fond of the title, then by all means, take the ribbon.
But it has no worth at all, now that battle has torn it in two. Perhaps you deserve a better gift.
Zima Th-The book, then. Istina said you were writing a book. We'd all love to read it.
Hellagur My book? I doubt you'd a find a book about the past to be worth reading.
I might have other books, that write of things to come. Let me take a look.
In the meantime, would you like some candy? I carry some with me.
Zima ...No thanks, I don't like sweets.
Absinthe Me neither.
Hellagur Haha, no need to be ashamed of liking sweet things. You're still children, after all.
Winter in Ursus is a long one, and fiercely cold, but we endure it. All so we may see the days of melting snow.