Winter Nights Exhibition Hall: Simulacra Exhibition

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A list of Simulacra Exhibition content of Expeditioner's Joklumarkar's Winter Nights Exhibition Hall.

Silverfrost Frontier
IS-Silverfrost Frontier.png
The icefields' harshness halts all living beings, and the expeditioners question where the earth ends.
Puppet Battle
IS-Puppet Battle.png
Two fighters worthy of respect, and a thrilling gathering—perhaps you're too concerned over whether you can correctly guess the winner.
Befriending Trees
IS-Befriending Trees.png
This friend is tight-lipped, never badmouths others, and will never leave you of their own accord.
Unknown Hole Survey
IS-Unknown Hole Survey.png
The excessively endless time is cut open before your eyes, before you can grasp any of the language symbols flowing within.
Forest Depths
IS-Forest Depths.png
Walk bravely into the black forest, and sincerely extend both hands into the soil.
Stuck In A Mirage
IS-Stuck In A Mirage.png
It doesn't seem to be raining, but he is indeed drenched in black rain.
Between Mountains
IS-Between Mountains.png
Sami deliberately lifts the mountain range to block off the lost cub's gaze towards the ice field, and thus you only feel the cold seeping into your bones.
The wetland dwellers' rites always take place on the water. The bodies are washed, the soul always pure.
Contaminated Residence
IS-Contaminated Residence.png
A harsh battle has left its mark here. The thorns will eventually be buried by the wind and snow, but the black footprints, once imprinted, will never disappear.
Black Snow
IS-Black Snow.png
You might know better than the Sami people who have lost their Hornbeast neighbors that a Blade still plunders everything it touches.
Gravity Displacement
IS-Gravity Displacement.png
As people try to figure out the Collapse's impact on reality, their own minds and realities are also being recognized.
Unknown Landmark
IS-Unknown Landmark.png
Its rays of light are far too short to be understood by people, and you can only imagine how many times it has flickered like this through the years.
Through the Wind and Snow
IS-Through the Wind and Snow.png
The shadows are slowly corroding the mountains, and most people will probably not make it out of the huge blankets of snow.
Forgotten Silverwhite
IS-Forgotten Silverwhite.png
Everything is covered by ancient ice, the first step out seems to be no different than the last.
A Warm House
IS-A Warm House.png
The high temperature covers the glass with a thick mist, and you're not sure if you really did see a familiar looking Kuranta, or were simply mistaken by the heat.
Wandering Fortune Teller
IS-Wandering Fortune Teller.png
There was a clean and peaceful field of snow in her dream. She has been wandering a long time for that unrecoverable scene.
Travel with the Trees
IS-Travel with the Trees.png
The shadow will migrate together with the tree, just as the tree will not leave its people behind.
Awfully Abnormal Omen
IS-Awfully Abnormal Omen.png
Writing had yet to be born then, and things could not be described in words.
Frost-covered Cave
IS-Frost-covered Cave.png
Sami has prepared a habitat for Its people to escape the wind and snow, and nature will not obstruct any life from entering.
Shady Shaman
IS-Shady Shaman.png
Each tribe has their own beliefs and traditions, and a few are even unable to co-exist in harmony with others. But in the Sami language, there has only ever been one "enemy."
Marketplace Tree
IS-Marketplace Tree.png
Nature knows how much your efforts are actually worth, no matter what you hand over. Be it precious curios or your own blood.
Past / Present / Future
IS-Past Present Future.png
They are indistinguishable.
An Old Friend's Support
IS-An Old Friend's Support.png
You can still remember how this grocery store with outlets in Sami started from a single brewery, and cannot help but wonder what opportunities the owner got after they released from prison.
Icefield Outpost
IS-Seaside Safe House.png
One of the many research stations established on the icefield by the member companies under the Exploration Society. Equipped with a comprehensive system to sustain life out here, the facilities and supplies are strictly monitored to ensure that the research teams can shelter here replenish their supplies in case of emergencies.
Path in the Snow
IS-Path in the Snow.png
Scientific research teams always explore unmapped areas on their expeditions, so they have to be extra cautious when dispatching staff to scout their path forward.
Silverwhite Dreamland
IS-Silverwhite Dreamland.png
You have vaguely seen It in your dreams. It teaches you how to accept the woodland's gifts, as if you too were a child of Sami.
Treevine Labyrinth
IS-Treevine Labyrinth.png
Perhaps the shamans urged the trees and vines to grow like this with their spells, or perhaps nature itself understood the people's desires. In any case, you are only a lost outsider.
Answering the Earth
IS-Answering the Earth.png
The mountain gale roars, the falling snow rumbles. It is the inseparable voice of question.
Flower Awaiting Soil
IS-Flower Awaiting Soil.png
They are used to waiting for the predestined to happen, and no longer hold many expectations for short-sighted humans. Regardless, the endpoint as seen by many Cyclopes has at this point chosen you.
Hero's Helmet
IS-Hero's Helmet.png
Generations of warriors have looked through here, towards the deaths of others.
A Lost Little Perro
IS-Cowardly Follower.png
You hear something sobbing nonstop by your ear, and what you find is perhaps the least terrifying thing on Sami territory.
Wealth-Producing Rite
IS-Vexatious Boss.png
The Duck Lord always has a unique charm about him that makes you want to beat him up, not to mention the corrupted Sami he has now assembled to perform some kind of dangerous rite.
Approaching is Prohibited
IS-Dutiful Bodyguard.png
Go any further, and you'll get a punch. This is Gopnik's job.
Duck of the Villains' Fort
IS-Lord of Beasts and Retainers.png
Such outrageous villains usually only appear in comics, and the vacant position of hero is inevitably regarded by some as their own.
Nightzmora Tracks
Lord of the Nightzmora.png
The camps are connected end to end, continuously extending towards the north, just like a solitary knight leaving their prints on the land.
Silverwhite Play
IS-The Castle's Doors.png
A troupe gathers inspiration here to conduct a tragedy.
Do As You're Told
IS-Do As You're Told.png
It is said that obeying someone who looks like a bad person will only reduce your chances of survival... but what makes you think this polite and proper Sarkaz lady would be one?
Immaculate Plains
IS-Immaculate Plains.png
These wandering Sami once knew all the threats of the icefield, but now they have nothing to say, and are nothing at all.
Live by the Trees
IS-Live by the Trees.png
Understand the Sami way of life, and gain a new understanding of nature and civilization.
Expeditioners always leave behind a view of their backs: insignificant, but unafraid of being submerged beneath nature.
Through a body riddled with scars, he casts a last glance at the world where his beloved once lived.
Gate to the Starry Sky
Gate to the Starry Sky.png
The current sequence of events is rationalized, and the black curtain has been lifted. This is no craving, nor related to her ideals, this is her destiny.
Amma loves her children so much that even after a long time, you seem to still feel the warm rain falling on your face.