Winter Nights Exhibition Hall: Frontier Memoirs

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A list of Frontier Memoirs content in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar's Winter Nights Exhibition Hall.

To Talk with the Mountains

#1: View
Enter the "Crossing Sami's Arm" Prophecy and complete the run with the To Talk with the Mountains ending
Maryam returned to Rhine Lab HQ a few months ago. His appearance in Trimounts is such a rare occurrence that when he walks through the corridor to Control's office, most people only recognize him through the characteristic sound of his cane tapping the ground. In this regard, electronic equipment has an advantage. The ID card that had travelled the entire length of Terra immediately identifies its bearer as Mr. Andenate Maryam, who has an appointment with Control.
As usual, Rhine Lab's Control sits before her console, eyes fixated on a model on the monitor and hardly reacting to her visitor. With one hand she gestures for Maryam to sit down, while with the other hand she flicks across the panel, causing the ideas of countless Rhine Lab scholars to flash across her display. Maryam wordlessly puts down the application files for the survey project and remains standing before her desk. He prefers the feeling of standing on real terra firma[note 1] to any futuristic aesthetics or ergonomic designs.
"The Infy Icefield?" Kristen finally picks up the application. "Fifteen members. The largest polar survey to date."
"Our accumulated experience and the facilities at the base station are sufficient to support an expansion in our survey activities. Many mysteries still lie hidden in the endless icefield, and it's time we discovered them."
Getting a meeting with Control was not an easy thing these days. Maryam knew that her trips away from HQ have become more frequent and longer in duration. Maintenance staff at the Scientific Investigation Section reported that she had quietly visited many remote survey locations before spending long periods at the location of the underground signal near Trimounts. He had a hunch that she had already found what she asked him to look for, back at that party.
But her ambition was not his concern. He was here because every survey project in the Scientific Investigation Section had Control's signature on it.
"Would you not go if no one agreed with you?" Kristen suddenly asked.
The Kuranta, never one to be verbose, snorted.
The answer was obvious. Even if there were no mission, no recognition, Maryam the explorer would continue to walk towards the unknown horizon on his own, cane in hand. "I believe we can get closer to the end of the Infy Icefield," he said, pointing to the application.
"Infy Icefield... yes, Infy Icefield.
"The continuation of one of your survey projects, a partial answer to your spirit of exploration—I met God, you know. As close to omniscient as you can get, Maryam.
"He told me things about the end of the icefield that I thought I should share with you."
Jon frantically jots down notes, while Sophie compares previous data on the icefields to the visitor's statements. The research station's life support system runs without a hitch, providing heat and clean water to this rare glut of visitors. After a few hours of conversation, the members of the research team begin to accept that the Sarkaz visitor was who she claimed to be—a Cyclops who lived in seclusion in the northern mountains of Sami. One with the gift of foresight. Prophet or not, her information was detailed and accurate. She would make a good guide.
"On behalf of Rhine Lab's Scientific Investigation Section, I hereby express our interest in working with you," said Maryam, who had remained silent up to this point. "I have just one question."
"Go ahead."
"You claim you need to work with outsiders because you saw what lay deep within the icefields. Have you ever reached the end of the icefields?"
"I can tell you of the dangers I have foreseen."
Foreseen. Maryam mused upon the word. Prophet. Omniscient.
He laughed, something that was decidedly out of character for him.
"This isn't the first time someone's tried to tell me what the end of the endless icefield looks like.
"But don't bother. Let's see it for ourselves."
#2: Sunrise
Choose "Proceed" in the "Crossing Sami's Arm" Prophecy and complete the run with the To Talk with the Mountains ending
The explorers embark on the return journey.
Sami no longer denies their passage, but the encounters and events along the way have all but exhausted their supplies.
All of them wish to take just one step further, but all of them know it would be one step too far.
It is time to return to the south, resupply, research, request funding. The team will not head north again until all is ready.
Some have already started calculating the cost-benefit analysis of the expedition on the way.
Personnel, equipment, supplies... all necessary losses in exploration.
Discovery of new species, documentation of phenomena, publishing an account of the journey... all potential gains from the expedition that may ensure that there is a next one.
Most importantly—
As "southerners," they have earned the goodwill of the Sami people.
In the past, they could not expect any assistance from Sami barbari—er, friends from Sami. They would count themselves lucky simply not to be on the receiving end of their axes and arrows.
But they have made enough trips into Sami and the icefields. There is no reason for humans to senselessly fight other humans.
You trade rations for weapons. I trade medicine for new things from the outside.
Some explorers end up staying behind at Sami camps, facilitating communications and trade with the natives. Few would admit that they had fallen head over heels for a certain pretty (or handsome) Sami.
Some young warriors, tired of life in the villages, join the research teams as guides and bodyguards.
The walls of prejudice give way as exchange became more frequent, and the two sides begin to learn from and understand each other.
Sami or Columbian, they all have one head, two hands, two feet. Most of the time. Maybe the occasional tail.
This time, the Sami hold a feast to see their explorer friends off on their journey home.
A bonfire is lit under the clan tree, and Sami and outlander alike sing and dance around the fire.
Wooden puppets furiously spin the hand-powered generators, supplying power to the countless lights hung everywhere.
Fowlbeasts and drones dance in the sky together, to the tune of Sami hunting songs.
With the clan tree's permission, the tribe's Snowpriest hangs a great disco ball on the branches, and raises their scepter to call down lightning.
After a few moments of crackling, the disco ball begins to fill the space with enchanting, colorful lights.
Magallan cuddles up in a blanket, telling stories of her travels to fascinated Sami girls in fluent Sami.
Instant noodles float in wooden bowls, while the Sami girls eat their porridge from plastic and stainless steel bowls.
The revelers share food and stories.
For some reason, the scene reminds Magallan of a bonfire party on the school lawn, a long time ago.
The people care nothing for complicated matters, like who is Columbian and who is Sarkaz.
There are no goals, no ideals.
Enjoy the moment. That is all it takes.
Magallan finds herself relaxing for the first time in a while. She curls up and drifts into dream, as the other girls continue to chitter and chatter.
The other girls lay her on the ground, cover her with a blanket, pull the door sheet down, and silently leave the tent.
As the last girl leaves, she hangs a dreamcatcher on the tent's beam.
Tonight's noise will not interfere with Magallan's sweet dream.
She wakes up to find that a new day has come.
She opens the tent's door, and the morning rays rush in.
The sun is rising in the distance.
Most of the others still slumber in their tents, last night's revelry having taken its toll.
Magallan walks up to the cliff and looks up at the rising sun.
Exploration never stops at exploration. Magallan knew that.
Why, then?
A hunter who had risen early walks up to Magallan, asks to sit with her to watch the sunrise together, and Magallan assents.
She passes a gummy with colorful packaging to the hunter, who takes the candy and begins digging in her own pocket to find something.
She eventually finds a piece of jerky shaped like a branch, and gives it to Magallan.
Magallan thanks her and accepts.
The two chew on their respective prizes for a while, as they savor the sun's journey into the heavens together.
#3: Indistinct Earth
Complete 5 runs with the To Talk with the Mountains ending
Magallan is walking along the plains spread across the subterranean realm.
The land is vast, yet few know of the wonders here beneath the surface.
Three days ago, she rappelled down one of the deep holes found across Sami, trying to discover the secrets within the "scars of the earth."
In her investigations, she finds plants attached to the rock wall as well as slimy secretions, increasing in frequency as she descends further.
Past a certain depth, the plants and secretions fill virtually the entire space.
But Magallan finds a way to keep going down, down, down.
Searching in the vegetation, reaching out in the darkness.
Finally, her hand finds wet, slippery rock. She has reached the deepest part of the hole.
This place is like an ethereal paradise, the mist veiling everything that the light touches.
The earth below and the rocks around are damp, but the air feels slightly dry.
It feels less like Sami than a forest in Victoria or Leithanien.
Magallan checks the equipment that she brought.
All instruments are silent, and her other equipment is less responsive than it should be.
She must light a torch and proceed in the darkness.
It hardly feels like she is underground. She might as well not be, except for the solid rock where the sky ought to be.
Moss and lichen have thoroughly covered the few fallen rocks.
Plants the likes of which Magallan has never seen grow in abundance. Their fruits look tasty, but eating them is a risk that she will not take while she still has rations with her.
There are even streams and rivers in this underground space. Real water, no different from above ground. It is cold and sweet, with a flavor that Magallan cannot describe.
Ancient? Lost? Or—
Magallan savors it again.
It is the sound of silence.
It is a soundless lament.
Magallan follows the water and finds a cave at the end.
Magallan follows the cave and finds a regularly blinking light at the exit.
Attached to the cave, it spreads out far and wide, branching and blinking constantly.
But the light in the middle is the brightest.
Magallan follows the light.
She does not know how much time has passed. Time no longer seems important.
She has already cast aside all her gear. She holds a single walking stick in her hand, and her long hair hangs down.
She has not started a fire for a long time, for the rock wall continues to provide light from time to time.
Rations have long since run out, replaced by fruit and spring water.
She keeps walking, walking, accompanied by her most loyal companion.
Passion for exploration.
The thirst for knowledge.
Finally, Magallan finds herself at the end of the road.
There is a great tree there, not unlike the clan trees that Magallan has seen before.
It is wrapped in an oval membrane that expands and contracts.
Each cycle sends a ripple into the darkness in the distance.
That light led Magallan here.
The end of an exploration, a journey for knowledge.
Magallan decides to seek her reward in the most primitive way.
She reaches out and touches the membrane.
It throbs powerfully and repels her hand.
A light shoots out towards the distance from the rock wall above, splitting and glowing like stars in the night.
Magallan thinks.
She puts her hand to her chest.
She feels her heartbeat and that of the tree.
She understands now.
It is no plant.
It is the heart of Sami.
She has walked across Sami's spine, challenged Sami's will.
She has descended into Sami's scar, and wandered inside Sami's body.
Through Sami's bones, following the lights of Sami's neural network.
Sami forgives her intrusion.
It has shown her Its scars and vulnerability, as a gift to the explorer.
No one knew of Sami's pain, until now. Compassion from a kindly spirit gives comfort to Its tired soul.
Magallan turns around and finds the rope she came down from.
All she needs to do is tie it around her, tug on it, and she will return to the surface.
Magallan keeps walking.
The wall at the end of the road.
There are symbols there, which Magallan has seen on sculptures.
Sami's message.
A message of concern, not for Sami Itself, but for Magallan.
The path ahead will not be so smooth.
But she keeps walking.
Past the illusion of the end, past Sami's mirages, from light into darkness.
Sami does not understand. Sami is silent.
Magallan keeps walking.
She wants to reach Sami's brain, understand the source of Sami's memories and emotions.
She wants to learn about Sami.
She wants to understand Sami.
The following pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
#4: 如同星辰
Destroy all Silvernwhite Bulwarks in Lofty Silverfrost/Deep Ice Sculpture and complete the run with the To Talk with the Mountains ending


#1: Warriors Never Welcome Death
Obtain the Treescar Helm.png Treescar Helm and complete the run with the Winterfall ending
A procession marches on, to the sight of the gray dawn rising from the horizon of frozen soil.
It is a tribe in the process of migrating to the south, escorted by warriors. Their steps are heavy, perhaps because of injury, illness, or weakness. The sound of footsteps fades into the snow. Even the wind is silent. A baby's crying echoes in the great wilderness.
The leading Snowpriest slows his steps and turns around, as though spurred by the crying. The mountains are almost pitch black in the twilight. Through his helmet, he gazes backwards, towards their erstwhile home. Those in the procession follow suit, looking in the same direction as if they had been resisting the urge to for a long time.
"Eikthyrnir." Someone whispers a reminder.
The leading Snowpriest-warrior gathers his emotions and continues to lead the procession forward in silence. He clutches the Foldartal in his hands, and the tiny wooden board makes a little sound in his knuckles.
Eikthyrnir is not prone to sentimentality.
He has seen too many demon attacks and tribes forced to migrate. The conversations between the Snowpriests and Sami help the warriors of the north predict demon appearances, so that tribes may be moved away and troops mobilized. The All-Father has favored him, answering virtually any questions he had, but simply knowing the ill fate ahead of time is not always enough to avoid it. The exhausted pack following his warriors are just another group of survivors.
Eikthyrnir rarely thinks of her, but she intrudes into his thoughts for no particular reason, along with the winding walls of the Fjal Vetrtonn and the charcoal marks on the wooden map. He can almost imagine her among this band of survivors, even though he has never seen a sight like that, nor was he part of her final rescue mission.
The tribe walks without a word. No complaints, laments, or questions. It seems that they all knew this would happen to them, since long ago. The present is bearable, for death eventually comes to all, and they will return, unbound, to the demon-corrupted earth—the home that they were forced out of—and be reunited with their families and ancestors.
But Eikthyrnir does not know—the one question Sami never answered: Is she still alive? Where is she? Even the most experienced channelers amongst the shamans could not divine the answer.
As the calming herbs she had stuffed in his helmet wilt and fade away, Eikthyrnir begins to accept the inscrutable fate. He will never see her again, not even in the afterlife. Just like those warriors who never turned back in the face of demonic corruption. No one saw them again. He should reminiscence, but his burden is too heavy. He has no time.
He will fight, be injured, recover, fight, avoid defeat, and survive.
As long as one spark of life remains within him, her figure will continue to exist in his memory, and his shame and regret will keep it alive.
The Sami walk on the frozen earth in silence, accepting their fate. Only the infant in her mother's embrace cries. The mother, who is a shaman, sings in a low voice to comfort her child. She has already removed her warrior's helmet, tying it to her bag. In it are some herbs and fruits.
Eikthyrnir warms a little stone with Arts and puts it in the infant's tiny hands. The mother smiles, then looks at her daughter with grieving eyes.
"I am sorry," she whispers.
"For what?"
"For bringing her into a Sami that does not know peace."
Eikthyrnir remains silent for a while.
"I am too," he answers.
#2: A Twisted Fate's Mockery
Choose "Put on the helmet" in the "Crossing Sami's Arm" Prophecy and complete the run with the Winterfall ending
As soon as he heard the news, Eikthyrnir returned from the Fjal Vetrtonn to the Sami heartlands, in search of the black blade roaming the forests.
Whether it was the machinations of the Ursus or if they had already paid the price for their arrogance, there was only one thing to do. All invaders must be expelled. It was not a matter of responsibility; the land of Sami was the home of the Sami people, and one needs no reason to defend one's home.
But Eikthyrnir could not shake his uneasiness. It was not often that Eikthyrnir felt uneasy. He was not afraid of death, nor of the manifestations of fear that transcended death.
Falling leaves tremble, wilted branches moan, and the wind brings soundless lament. Sami speaks, but Its words are swallowed by new holes.
The fallen animals have no life in their eyes. Black blood convulses from their wounds, forcing its way out of the blood vessels and forming a stream on the muddy ground.
Death becomes more concentrated as the warriors advance deeper into the forest. Streams converge into a river. Wilted leaves and branches obscure the sky above, but the river is filled with reflections of the stars in the sky.
The air is cold and sticky, condensing the mist into a pallid shroud, welcoming the march of death.
The flames that the Snowpriests call up flicker like candles in the wind. At the end of this baleful river, Eikthyrnir verifies the hypothesis he had formed over the past few days.
The shaman of Colddeath is unrecognizable, but rumors from survey teams along the way and the results of numerous fruitless rituals by the Snowpriests point to the same conclusion: She is Santalla, or rather, she was.
The blade's armor is scattered on the ground, surrounded by the black souls of the dead. Santalla put an end to the Demon's Blade at the foot of this great tree, but did not manage to destroy the death that it spread. The warped space no longer obeys the rules of reality. Black rivers slither and arise in the shadows of a new frozen monstrosity. They soon converge into tangible form, and sharp, black ice spikes hurl themselves towards the struggling warriors with impossible trajectories and unbelievable velocity.
Eikthyrnir would not and need not show quarter. This was not the first time he or his fellow warriors executed a fellow Sami that had been taken, or purged the evil that defiled his kinsfolk.
But gradually, the black curtain falls. The dissonance of countless deaths echoes amongst the living, and the warriors fall one by one, like trapped beasts in an arena. All they can manage is to end their lives with what strength they had left, so that what is left of them will not nourish the demons.
As the last warrior falls, Eikthyrnir is left with no choice but to gamble. He attacks the wall of black rivers with all his strength. Eldritch hues leak from the crack, melting into colorful mud that sprays itself around unnaturally, accumulating and floating in the air. He runs until he reaches the frozen monstrosity, plunging his weapon deep into the calamity's physical form in an effort to stop it.
All the demons freeze in place. Eikthyrnir has struck the core. All that was left was to use his Snowpriest powers to fold and seal it, and this demonic mire will not spill beyond the Sami heartlands.
Then, the blade's armor on the ground begins to roll and leap, assembling a form that should not exist, black spear aimed at his back.
There was no time.
Eikthyrnir knew it was over for him. But the battle was not over yet.
Colder than snow, harder than ice. Bone-chilling rime explodes from within the Snowpriest, covering even wilted black wood in a shell of white.
After a few long seconds, there is neither Snowpriest, nor demon, nor life, nor death.
#3: Return from Exile
Complete 5 runs with the Winterfall ending
Santalla knew this day could come.
But she always thought Eikthyrnir was weak, too weak to look his own love in the eye, so weak that he must continue to reproach and punish himself with his wife's death. He was not someone unmoved by personal ties. He only chose to turn away, because he could not forgive himself for wavering.
He learned to endure because of his weakness. He carried more and more on his shoulders, so that the souls of Man could rest in Sami's embrace rather than nourish the disaster. So that the young need not be born in darkness, nor abandoned in snow.
He could not become a pure fighting machine, so he let the bonds he fought for bind him. Let them become his fuel, his strength, his ward, his curse.
How could he have fought the increasingly frequent and dangerous disasters, if he did not carry such a great curse?
But even the powerful Eikthyrnir fell. If there were any survivors left to tell of the battle, he would have said it was no different from any other. The warriors of the north had long fought foes such as these, but this time, there were too many, and too little margin for error.
Santalla was not confident about such a heavy responsibility. The curse she bore was nothing compared to his. No Sami could claim to carry with them such love as to be equal to a curse.
But Santalla is lucky. She bore witness to the unwavering will of Eikthyrnir and the others who fought to the death. She bore witness to the devotion to peering into the future, the determination of the eternal hunt, the thirst to see the unknown. She inherits all that was built and accumulated in the past, and she will carve out what needs to be faced and broken through.
The outcast returns to her roots, resuming the ritual she had turned her back on many years ago under the watchful eye of Samivilinn. A new Snowpriest takes the vacant seat, a responsibility too heavy for anyone to bear.
The powers that she must balance and make use of are more dangerous than any curse, but the daughter of the Santalla Tree has never known submission.
The following pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
#4: 生于枯树
Clear Sami's Entropy/Hollow Puppet without losing Life Points and complete the run with the Winterfall ending

Long into an Abyss

#1: Waterdrop
Obtain the Routeweave Net.png Routeweave Net and complete the run with the Long into an Abyss ending
Valarqvin meditates in the cave, oblivious to the passage of time.
The sound of the wind and snow cannot reach her here. Other than her own heartbeat, breathing, and the blood pulsing through her veins, the only sound she hears is that of the mist condensing on the rock wall, slowly forming into dew.
The foresight of the Cyclopes gazes only upon the future. The vision left behind by the Cyclops who became the King of Sarkaz a thousand years ago continues to be passed on through generations: The shadow will spread towards Terra from the end of the icefield. That which is real will collapse and shatter. There are no corpses upon the land, for the land itself is covered in void.
At first, their kin who died on the journey to the north saw neither icefield nor demon for their entire lives. They passed on a prophecy they could not understand to their sons and daughters, like a blind man opening a coffin to sketch the face of the deceased as they lived. Now, the clan lives in the mountains, watching the icefields to the north as the nature of the vision is revealed along with that of the icefield's.
It has not changed the duty of the Cyclopes. She... they are still waiting, waiting for the far future, the finish line of fate. Until then, her job is to delay its coming.
Valarqvin's thoughts do not stop there.
She sees herself extend an invitation to a group of southerners who approach the research station. As they speak, she foresees dead bodies strewn across the ground, their faces blurred, their laughter and mirth brought to an abrupt end. Leaving her holding a flower that should not exist, with an endless sea of flowers behind her. Even so, she chooses to shake the hand of the survey team's leader.
She sees herself assist a few young shamans with whom she is acquainted, on their way towards the frontlines where the warriors are. As they share a treehouse, she sees a procession of warriors corrupted by demonic influence, a reckless campaign, and hunger in a snowstorm. Even so, she chooses to fulfill their fevered hopes.
A plethora of thoughts pass, and she sees herself walk out of the cave with resolve.
Finally, she realizes that she is, for once, reminiscing about the past. The foresight of the Cyclopes gazes only upon the future, but the myriad possibilities in the many visions eventually converge upon a single memory.
She sees the black snow rise slowly into the sky, while she walks towards a child crouched by her family's bodies, weak and in despair.
Fate is warning her. She foresees an unfamiliar icefield. The child has grown to adulthood, but as an unrecognizable, blurred silhouette, one that is being extinguished by her Arts. She foresees herself running away, but a black arrow pierces her chest and pins her to a tree. She foresees the child becoming her judge and executor. She foresees a wilting flower, a broken bow, and a piece of tattered clothing outside the door.
She knows that all this pain is destined to occur.
But she closes her eyes. All that's left are the painful, clenched, trembling sobs.
She embraces the sobbing child.
In her warm embrace, the child finally opens the floodgates, and a tear flows onto Valarqvin's collar.
She opens her eyes, and a drop of dew had fallen onto her skin, still bearing the scent of the rock wall.
#2: Yearning
Choose "Hold the altar flower" in the "Pessimist's Cage" Prophecy and complete the run with the Long into an Abyss ending
Amma has left.
Typhon did not use the word "die." The souls of the dead still roam the land of Sami. It is only those who have left who never return.
She went over hills and tundra and through Myrkwood, always with fear in her heart. What will become of Sami without Amma's protection? Will the forests wilt? Will the hornbeasts still find sanctuary? Will the snow that has not been stepped on by Amma never melt?
Typhon found herself relieved when she saw that none of the sights had changed. The forests were still lush. Bubbling hot springs melted the nearby snow. The young hornbeast cuddles by her side, knowing that she harbored no ill intent towards it, and chewed on new leaves sprouting from the brush. Tired from the long journey, she almost falls asleep with the foal.
When the foal closes its gentle eyes, however, she awakes with a start, remembering the white hornbeast that hardly ever opened its eyes, which no longer protected the souls of Sami.
With unskilled warding Arts and arrows, she repels another shadow that had not yet grown into a threat, ensuring the safety of the foal. But the hornbeast did not know that Amma has left; it kept its old habits, sleeping in the shadow of the canopy without caution.
Soon, Typhon realizes that no one knew that Amma has left, for Sami has not changed.
Amma sacrificed Itself to protect the souls of Sami, and faded away forever, but those who It protected only think that they have not encountered It.
Typhon rescues a tribe caught between hedges and warns them to be more careful, for Amma can no longer protect them.
They answer, "Yes, Amma has many to care for. We cannot always expect to receive Its kindness. We must take care of our own children."
Typhon calls out to a hunter in the woods, "You won't find the little snowballs that Amma left behind anymore!"
But the hunter does not believe her, because those who sought Amma's affection were always the last to find it. Thinking about why the snowballs are not there is the reason why one does not find Amma's affection. The hunter smiles at the child, and tosses a little snowball towards her, landing at her feet.
There is no one to say farewell to Amma with her, no one to prepare a funeral. How can she prove the melting snow that fell on her so long ago?
Typhon's sorrow becomes anger, but there is nothing she can take it out on. She cannot blame people for living a quiet life, nor the forest for its greenness. Therefore, she continues to wander, doing her best to protect all of it.
Until she encountered a Snowpriest.
She tells the Snowpriest, out of habit, that Amma no longer protected them. The Snowpriest nods.
This was the first time that someone listened to her. Finally finding an outlet, she pours out many stories about Amma, until there is nothing left to say. Then she mutters, "But all of this is no more."
"No," answers the Snowpriest, who until now has listened with infinite patience. "Do you know why Amma remained in Sami?"
"Amma and Its kind have never belonged to any land."
"It stayed because of Its attachment to the land and souls of Sami."
"But Amma is gone," Typhon says, even more anxious. "Has It merely left Sami? Does It not care for the land of Sami anymore?"
"If you know where to look, child, Its love has never left."
Typhon wants to ask more questions, but the Snowpriest has stood up.
Their silhouette heads into Myrkwood, then seems to overlap with the shadow of an aged tree.
Snow falls from the branches, and a black fowlbeast takes off from the shadows between tree and snow.
Typhon runs towards the spot.
The footprints end abruptly on empty ground, and the snow shines with the bright reflection of the light from the twin moons.
#3: Towards the Fated Shore
Complete 5 runs with the Long Into an Abyss ending
Valarqvin stands calmly in thorns.
Around the altar sit Snowpriests and Cyclopes. All turn towards her when she speaks.
"I have brought what I saw from the end of the icefields."
"Pray foresee... pass judgment."
At first, she saw a great ring on the icefields, covered in silver frost, but it was no natural formation.
She was not the only one who saw the vision. The Cyclopes shared knowledge, but it was silent, meaningless, inscrutable.
Then, Valarqvin saw the demon emerge from the ring, just as foretold a thousand years ago. The Cyclopes learned that the object located at the end of the icefields was a gateway.
But the icefields themselves were inhospitable to any living soul, except the disaster that had come into the world. A thousand years of observation could not provide an answer: What is it? It had no more emotion, no more thought, no more means of expression or communication than a natural phenomenon. In past records, they seemed to appear out of thin air, so why did they now use the ring as a gateway?
The demonic threat to Sami was growing. Sami warriors and the Cyclopes each took action on their own. For an instant, Valarqvin gazed upon a vision the likes of which she had never seen.
She did not tell anyone about the vision. For once, she had a clear vision of herself.
More importantly, she saw that the ring before her was different. It reflected the starry sky like a mirror.
In that instant, she decided that if she was destined to be there, that she would choose the cause herself. She would go before the ring to observe, and integrate all that she saw into the collective memory of the Sarkaz. She would supply knowledge for questions that could not be answered in the past, and she must know why the door would open when she arrives there.
If she could arrive there, so could humanity.
If there was a way to open the door, then humanity could pass through it.
Destiny appeared as an ill fate, but it was not a dead end for humanity.
She did not care whether it would be a dead end for herself.
But she survived.
Back at Sami, she bids farewell to Typhon and the research team beneath the mountains, and tells her experience to the warriors of the north. Then, she tells it again to the assembled Snowpriests and Cyclopes.
She is neither forgiven nor punished. After a long silence, one member of the assembly stands up, their voice echoing in the cavern.
"If we must pass through the door, then at least one of the great enemies that wait yonder has been defeated."
"We do not know if life and death apply to our enemy, but we know that a victory buys a period of peace for the land."
"Observer, explorer, or survivor... this is our best chance."
The following pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
#4: 未完成的命运
Clear Gardener/Sentinel without letting any Operator on Seedbeds leave the map and complete the run with the Long into an Abyss ending

What Begins Follows What Ends

This section pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
#1: 暗处
Obtain the Horizon Invitation.png Horizon Invitation and complete the run with the What Begins Follows What Ends ending
#2: 推开门扉的前一夜
Choose "Present the Horizon Invitation" in the "Change" Encounter and complete the run with the What Begins Follows What Ends ending
#3: 古老新生
Complete 5 runs with the What Begins Follows What Ends ending
#4: 未来之始
Clear The Sands of Time/Into Eternity after letting either Kharanduu Khan, Scourge of the Land or Lugalszargus, Lord of the Almanac into a Protection Objective and complete the run with the What Begins Follows What Ends ending


  1. "Continent" in Latin