Operation story: CW-10

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RL Guard icon.png
Components Control Section Employee
Male Kjeragian C icon.png
Elderly Pilgrim
Musbeast icon.png
Giant Skeleton
Galleria Stellaria Corridor 0G
Rhine Lab HQ
Rhine Lab Laboratory
Galleria Stellaria Planetarium A
Galleria Stellaria Planetarium B
Pine Valley Terrace
Hoff Angrsaal
Giant Skeleton
Hall of Stasis Activated

Before operation

Saria walks past Muelsyse, and finally arrives in front of Kristen. Muddled thoughts, just like mistaken constellations, intertwine with each other.
<Background 1>
[An alarm blares.]
Components Control Section Employee Over here!
Surround her, don't let her through!
[More of the C.C.S. employees show up.]
Components Control Section Employee Attention all forces! Get ready!
Saria ......
The feeling of weightlessness returns.
Calcium crystals grow rapidly, tethering Saria's hand to the corridor floor.
Components Control Section Employee The second "Disorder" wave is starting!
Saria ...Disorder?
Nasti's magnum opus.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Nasti You've been following me around for the last couple of days. Does Defense have nothing else to do?
Saria Sixteen of your Rhine Technological Park modifications do not comply with our established safety regulations.
Nasti (Speaks in Sarkaz) Disorder.
Saria ......
Nasti Abandon the sense of balance inside your mind. Instead of fighting the chaos, try adapting to its rhythm instead.
Saria ......
Nasti Find what you've been looking for?
Saria You reconfigured several key structures in the park. You don't seem to be following any rules, but... the connections between the components make sense.
I could have never imagined that structures like these would be possible.
Nasti A linear language constricts most people's imagination.
If you have a specific future in mind, you must first construct a dialogue with the destination, instead of brute-forcing a route.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Saria Abandon... balance.
Perceive the destination...
She frees up both her hands.
The next shift in gravity comes abruptly, and as she hits the ceiling, she takes the opportunity to maneuver her trajectory, and jumps over the soldiers hot on her tail.
Calcium crystals follow in her wake, drawing an arc.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 3>
Parvis Manipulating raw calcium in the same way microbes change their composition... how very enlightening.
The materials morph extremely quickly, are adaptable and combinable with various organs, and thus have promising medical applications.
This has been your research field ever since you were in college, yes? Why not continue?
Saria Because it's dangerous.
Parvis Are you referring to the ethical issues arising from the construction of artificial organs with this technique?
Saria More than that.
Giving new techniques to doctors may save lives; but if they fall into the hands of criminals, they could also be reduced to weapons of destruction.
Parvis Haha. I almost forgot how rich with calcium our bodies are.
Saria Therefore, I have determined that my research in this field must be suspended until effective control measures have been established.
Parvis It's a terrible pity, you know that?
If you ever change your mind, Rhine Lab could certainly have two sections specializing in life sciences.
Saria Rhine Lab needs a Defense Section more.
I'm giving you my data in the hopes that you can combine our experiences to better evaluate the risks of the chimeric experiments.
Don't go too far, Parvis. The cost of pushing our boundaries will be too high for us all.
Parvis Then, where does the boundary lie?
Saria Hm?
Parvis Countless studies have shown that the evolution of life has not been a gradual process, contrary to the theories of the earliest scholars in this field. We wouldn't be standing here right now if we had only been taking one step at a time.
Furthermore, if we presume that there is indeed a boundary drawn by a higher will, that determines how we should be acting–
Shouldn't we try to look it in the eye first, before we decide to kneel or raise a flag of rebellion?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Saria ...A "boundary". This corridor... is also a boundary.
If I keep walking along the corridor... I'll never reach wherever the "eye" is.
The "H.A.M.H.R.R."
This ring-shaped laboratory has from its inception, been designed to subvert people's perceptions.
It is the realization of Kristen's dreams, the real product of Rhine Lab's Components Control Section, the combined wisdom of practically every Rhine Lab Director.
Saria is familiar with how each of them operate, but in the past, she had not allowed herself to think in the same way.
Saria This makes no sense... No, it doesn't matter.
I have long been disgusted with this wall.
[Saria pulls a calcified rock and throws it.]
<Background 4>
Saria The telescope we borrowed from the Stargazers Association broke down.
Kristen Don't worry about it. The view here is great, you can see many stars with just the naked eye.
Saria Well, you go look for a nice place to sit down. I'll try fixing it.
Muelsyse Wow... O great superhuman Lady Saria, I'm sooo curious, is there honestly anything you can't do?
Saria I recommend you check my personal course electives. I won't be able to do anything I'm not studying.
Muelsyse You're a terrifying studying machine!
Whoa, it's so cold today... want a candy? Cream puffs? Hot chocolate?
Saria Consuming sweets this late at night is not conducive to good health.
Muelsyse Booooring.
Kristen, look at that rock, what do you think it looks like?
Kristen ......
Muelsyse Oh, come on! It looks like Saria, right? It's so hard, and yet it shines so "perfectly!"
Kristen ...Like the stars.
Starry Skies.png
Kristen grabs the shining stone, and looks up.
She seems to be comparing it to something, as she moves the rock around.
Kristen Something's wrong. There should be a star here, but there isn't one.
I've done so many calculations... and yet I haven't figured out the trajectory of the stars.
Muelsyse You've already failed so many times, you still believe it's measurable?
Kristen Hm... I prefer to say that I "don't believe."
I don't believe in all the rules I've been taught. I don't believe that humanity will never be able to pierce through the starpod, let alone believe that the stars are only as small as we see them.
Muelsyse There's no way you believe we can fly all the way to the stars, right? I thought only a kid would believe stuff like that!
Saria Children, poets, and scientists.
Kristen Haha, who ever said I wasn't one?
Scientists do not believe that dreams are false. Because what they're essentially doing is proving to all humanity that dreams can come true.
Muelsyse Gosh, you really have a one track mind.
So, Kristen. When our Rhine Lab becomes a full fledged public company, are we gonna keep that Lab on the name, or change it to Rhine Something Else?
I'm studying ecology, and Saria's research is in bioengineering and microorganisms, so the two of us are down to keep it nice and generic. Two against one, us in the life sciences... Just kidding.
I mean, you're dead set on soaring through the skies, and your field is high-energy physics, so wouldn't you wanna call it "Rhine Physics" instead?
Kristen ...No.
We'll stick with "Rhine Lab." It's a good name.
I want to know exactly what the stars we're looking at are.
I want to know what's outside the barrier encasing around us.
I want to know... if we really manage to walk among the stars, and look back from over there, what kind of land we've actually been living on.
All the questions I seek have mostly to do with not just me, but "we."
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 5>
Muelsyse And "we"... we are all beings trapped in this teeny tiny corner.
Saria ......
Muelsyse How are you planning to compensate me for breaking my vivarium, Saria?
Saria You knew Kristen's plans from the very beginning.
Muelsyse Are you talking about "Arc-01"... or "Galleria Stellaria"?
Saria "Arc-01" was never more than a front to deceive the military, a pile of scrap paper that was never feasible.
"Galleria Stellaria" is the real laboratory here, or you could also say, the name of this aircraft.
Heh... it certainly is a name that she would come up with.
Muelsyse Yup, the only thing she thinks about.
Saria So you replicated your vivarium up here. Is Kristen intending to break through the barrier with it?
Muelsyse Just tearing the "starpod" open won't be enough for her, you know.
Saria Without a doubt.
Her fixation was never the barrier, but the realm beyond that even our ancestors have yet to reach.
She truly wants to step inside that deep outer space. She wants to leave everything that can be left behind in that dimension.
And that includes...
Muelsyse Each and every life present in this vivarium.
As soon as I heard about the "Galleria Stellaria" project, I started gathering a variety of plant species that might be able to survive in the environment outside the barrier.
I just checked, and there's seven hundred and fifty-three different types here. Kristen put them all in this lab.
I'm pretty happy about it... we'll be able to find our answer together real soon.
Saria You want to know if life can exist among the stars.
And especially... yourself.
Muelsyse ...Yup.
My people and I... we've been trapped in this cage that just continues to shrink.
As time goes by, we can only follow what happens to water that can't be contained, wind that dissipates, trees that wither, and vanish from this ever changing land.
And then, she said to me...
"Then, let's go."
"This land is not your home, but beyond it... there might just be a space untainted by Originium that will really accept you and your people."
Saria A mere hypothesis.
So far, no instrument has managed to penetrate, or even approach the barrier. So there is no basis to assert the possibility of Originium's absence beyond the barrier, let alone the total lack of evidence to suggest that life can survive in the depths of outer space.
Muelsyse I know.
It's just a dream. There's no evidence or data to support it, and it goes against all the scientific knowledge I have.
But... Scientists don't believe that dreams are false. Because what they're essentially doing is proving to all humanity that dreams can come true.
Saria I remember Kristen said that.
Muelsyse Yes. She's the same as ever.
Saria ......
Muelsyse What about us?
Have we... changed at all?
Water spreads out like hands in all directions, pinning Saria to the wall.
Saria has never seen water this fierce out of Muelsyse. It is like a waterfall, like a tsunami, as if the water is howling.
Calcium crystals continuously grow from Saria's hands, but they fail to take form under the sweeping waves.
She tries to find Muelsyse, but all she finds in stream after stream of water are the eyes of an elf hidden in the depths of each wave.
Eyes filled with serenity and grief.
The water is howling, but the elf is crying.
Muelsyse I really... really wish, we could be together forever, just like on that starlit night.
But there's no way I can hold onto the both of you at the same time.
Dancing in threes... really is too hard.
[Muelsyse pins Saria with her hydrokinetic powers.]
Saria Ugh... Ggh...
Muelsyse I won't give you a chance to stop her.
Because... haha, two against one. This time, I'm on her side.
Saria Muel...syse...
Muelsyse Sleep, Saria. Go to sleep.
You're all black and blue and probably about to pass out. There's no need for you to keep fighting, because our dreams are about to come true.
So just close your eyes and the water will take you away from here. By the time you wake up, Kristen and I will have reached our destination.
Saria ...No.
A solid calcium crystal does not stab at the water in vain, but into the side of the bulkhead.
Saria is well aware that the next "disorder" is about to happen.
Robotic Voice Warning–
Energy overload initiated. All secondary compartmental gravity systems and dampers have failed.
Attention all personnel, energy overload initiated–
<Background fades out and in>
Muelsyse Eek?!
Why... would it suddenly...?
Saria Sudden? No.
You were right, Kristen has never changed.
The instantaneous gravitational shift causes the streams of water to lose direction.
The enamel piercing through the bulkhead firmly fixes Saria on the spot, but Muelsyse is tossed outside along with her water.
Muelsyse Saria!
Saria You're the same as ever. Whenever you get nervous, you forget just how fragile your body is.
Muelsyse Uhh... no, catch me! I don't want to leave... not alone...
Saria The energy overload is starting.
When it's done charging, the entire platform will collapse. Even if you can get close to, or even break through the barrier, the core cabin will not last long enough.
Kristen wants to save you.
...As do I.
Muelsyse You...
Saria Yes, I want to bring her back.
Muelsyse... after gravity returns to normal, leave this place.
What happens next is between the two of us.
<Background 1>
Robotic Voice Authentication–failed.
Your clearance has expired. Galleria Stellaria Vivarium–Access Denied.
Your clearance has expired. Galleria Stellaria Vivarium–Access Denied.
Muelsyse Saria! You dummy! Blockhead! Knucklehead! Open the door!
Ha... haha...
I've really been... abandoned again.
Saria... I hope you make it...
<Background 5>
Saria ......
Saria stands at the door leading to the deepest part of the lab, knowing her target is just inside.
However, before she can even condense the calcium crystals on her hand, the door lock automatically releases.
<Background 6A>
Compared to the previous area filled with instruments and equipment, this place feels more like a temple to the stars.
A sphere made of smooth and flawless metal shows off its dazzling beauty under the soft light.
Spheres of varying sizes slowly glide on predetermined orbits one after another, with their paths changing now and then.
The irregularities intertwine with each other, but contrary to expectations, they form an indescribable sense of harmony.
Whether it be the positions of the stars, or how precise their orbits shift, the planetarium exceeds the imaginations of any astrologer.
But in the very next moment, those devoted to the stars would probably fly into a rage.
Kristen Those so-called astrologers are basically misguided zealots.
For the past thousand years, they've committed themselves to tracking the trajectory of the stars.
Every trajectory change that occurs signifies a new revelation, or a meaningful omen to them.
Their behavior is not necessarily incomprehensible.
The fact that the stars move without a trace is enough to terrify most people.
To believe that the stars are mere pawns of an undiscoverable being, that their movements and trajectory changes hold any meaning is obviously the more reassuring choice.
Kristen extends a hand toward the planetarium.
<Background 6B>
The dome of Galleria Stellaria enveloping the ceiling suddenly opens itself.
False starlight floods the laboratory.
Kristen makes a series of gestures with her hand, and in an instant, the planetarium completely transforms.
Kristen Fake.
The stars begin to move erratically.
Kristen False.
Several stars collide with one another. Though they do not shatter, the sound of them crashing into each other instantly destroys the silence in the room.
Kristen Fabricated.
However, Kristen's expression does not change at all.
As if everything is as it should be.
Kristen If the trajectories are really just invisible, then how have we avoided colliding with other stars throughout the last millennium?
Are we so special to have avoided such a fate so far?
What kind of land have we actually been living on?
Where exactly are we headed?
These questions... I've whispered them in your ears too many times to count.
Fate LT.png
Saria ......
Kristen Can you help me move that "planet" over there, Saria?
A small metallic sphere passes by Saria's hand.
Instead of touching it, she lets it fall out of orbit.
Kristen What a shame.
I've been fiddling with these planets before we break the barrier, and no matter how many times I try, they just refuse to stay on the right track.
Saria ...Stop this, Kristen.
We still have time to turn back, before you hit the barrier with this Galleria Stellaria.
Kristen "Galleria Stellaria"... isn't it exactly as how I described it to you before?
A pity that you had already left Rhine Lab by the time I built it.
But I knew you would come back. At the very moment when my dreams were about to be realized... you would be there.
Whether or not you're with me–
Saria ......
Kristen –Or against me.
This time, it's my turn to make the first move.
Kristen lifts her hand, revealing the exoskeleton operating system Saria is most familiar with, and gently makes a fist.
Silver liquid spews out from the planetarium behind Kristen, and in an instant, all the planets are thrown out of their orbits, rushing towards a single position at a speed too fast for the naked eye.
The entire galaxy pours down on Saria.

After operation

The ancient twin moons reveal their real faces. Tonight, humanity gets a brief peek at the truth for the very first time.
<Background 6A>
[As the battle between Saria and Kristen rages on, the planetarium cycles between opening and closing.]
<Background 6B>
The stars crash to the ground.
Someone lifts a head from the pristine white debris scattered all over the floor.
Saria What's the matter, Control? You were faster before.
Since you weren't able to kill me, I'll launch my counteroffensive.
Don't blink.
[Saria strikes, but was stopped by star replicas controlled by Kristen.]
Kristen ......
The stars struck down by Saria refloat, setting off on a new trajectory.
Kristen's fingers flick to the side.
Saria's legs suddenly feel a thousand times heavier.
Saria The gravity... shifted?
You used this trick to send Muelsyse away.
But it won't work on me.
Enamel grows beneath Saria's feet like a pair of heavy duty boots, holding her in place.
And then, she begins to move forward, step by step.
Kristen Instead of refining the way you generate calcium particles, you've simply increased the release speed.
The enamel you're generating has gotten even more brittle.
Saria A hardy resistance... isn't enough to cross the finish line.
A metal planet shatters the enamel barrier, hitting Saria on her shoulder.
Saria does not cease her advance.
It happens twice, and then thrice.

Saria continues to speed up.

Kristen Saria, stop.
Saria "Stop"?
That's what I said to you.
Kristen I can tell you all about my plans...
Saria I know.
Kristen Then why do you insist on stopping me? There will be no other victims in this plan. I just...
Saria Just... wanted to set off some harmless fireworks over the skies of Trimounts.
The moment H.A.M.H.R.R. finishes its job, both the military and Maylander will breathe a sigh of relief.
The residents of Trimounts will be momentarily captivated by the spectacle unfolding before them in the sky, but soon enough their focus will be directed towards other, more deserving concerns.
Rhine Lab... might be the most affected party here. She will lose her Control, possibly several Directors, and the confidence of powerful Columbian organizations.
Kristen Then you should have stayed on the ground.
Clean up the mess, protect those who might be hurt by this, and carry our Rhine Lab through the crisis. You've always been good at that.
Saria You forgot again, I resigned... a long time ago.
Kristen ......
Saria People like Blake like to call scientists "mad."
Kristen And we couldn't care any less.
Saria But science is supposed to be rational.
Kristen, when I first heard the story of your parents, I thought... they shouldn't have seen an ending like that.
If they hadn't perished in that accident, and had returned before hitting the barrier...
They would have brought back incomparably precious data, as well as the possibility of a second attempt.
Kristen You obviously...
Saria ...I admire their will and determination.
But I've never been one to approve of sacrifice, even justified and inevitable.
Ferdinand, Nasti, Parvis... they and many others always thought me too conservative.
They see me as a stickler for rules, obstructing all of you.
Hah... "Can a woman like this even be called a scientist?"
Even I myself... have asked this question.
Kristen You're the most dedicated truth seeker I know.
Saria ...The truth.
Truth is the inertia that comes after order. I believe science can bring us truth, and truth can restrain madness, bringing about a better society for everyone.
Us Vouivres have always been accompanied by an instinctive madness, for as long as we can remember. Violence, savagery... we took an extremely long time just to step out of that chaotic darkness.
That's what I have been taught ever since I was small. I use reason to control myself, and desperately... want to confront the madness I see in all of you.
Kristen But you can't do it.
Saria, if you intend to hold onto Rhine Lab by your lonesome, you are sure to be disappointed.
Because humanity's thirst for progress is inherently undefeatable.
A type of desire, a type of "madness," but also a natural instinct, and the fuel that has brought us from the desolate barrenlands to where we stand.
Saria Which is why I've come here, and not for a fight.
The heavy stars fall on her like a rockslide, and gravity controls the airflow to howl at her entire body.
Calcium crystals crumble from head to toe, but the mountaineer is determined to greet the storm with her own form.
Saria Kristen, I almost admitted my own defeat while searching for you.
Until someone said to me, that I should return to the origin. So on my way here, I've been looking back... at where we all started.
Yes, I dread losing control, but it's not a fear of chaos, but a fear of regression caused by it.
So I must progress onward, as humanity must. Because for us, the trek is far from over.
Kristen Indeed, to this day, humanity still lives in the dark.
After all... we can't even see through the sky hanging over our heads.
Saria The road is long–very, very long.
We hold more knowledge than the average bystander, so we must shoulder heavier responsibilities. We should ahead of them, eliminate any dangers, and carefully lead them on the path forward.
A real pioneer should be clearing the way for all humanity, instead of jumping headfirst into the abyss, never to return.
That is my foundation, and I will stand by it.
Kristen ......
Saria Caught you.
She has weathered the storm. She crosses the galaxy.
The final calcium crystals spread from one palm to the back of another, and the metal exoskeleton begins to tremble.
The synthetic stars ceaselessly revolve around the two in unison.
Everything else around them has sunk into chaos as a result of their Arts colliding and destroying each other.
Only the protector's will remains unshaken as the earth.
<Background 7>
Kal'tsit You're always slightly late.
[A holographic projection of Lillia walks toward Kal'tsit.]
Lillia And you're always slightly early. Been waiting long, Kal'tsit?
Kal'tsit Not really.
I thought you would be next. You are like a microcosm of everything that happened in Ursus.
I'm sorry, I really am.
Lillia Sorry...? For what?
You knew my husband and I were already doomed when we made our decision at the research institute. You're not the type to get depressed...
...No, perhaps you might have even become more depressed in the last century.
Kal'tsit No.
I hold regrets, and maybe even remorse towards your story, but not much sorrow.
I'm talking about your daughter. Folinic doesn't live in the better era that you wished for, an era where hate and violence have been forgotten. The same goes for Lyudmila.
Lillia ......
Kal'tsit Like I said, you're like a microcosm, Lillia.
You and Folinic have an unbreakable bond formed of hatred and blood. A microcosm. I've seen it many a time, a futile destruction.
Lillia Sounds like you're tired.
You weren't created to be a savior. You can't level a mountain with a finger, or destroy a city with your eyes.
Haha... just what kind of plebeian would hope that you were invincible? Do those fools think they could uphold a civilization teetering on the edge of collapse with just violence?
Kal'tsit There might be some with such a hope.
They hope that I can bring them a future. Hope to survive in my country. Hope for a victory under my command.
Lillia You've failed them. Because you're just Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit Our conversation has yielded no answers.
Lillia Yes. You've admitted it, you're tired.
But why? You're always on the path of avoiding their self-destruction... but the power you hold is just that miniscule.
There's no way you can teleport from Victoria to Ursus, or monitor every Sarkaz on Terra to see what dangerous witchcraft they're delving into this time.
Whatever you do just grows more and more futile, so you're starting to get impatient, right?
And especially with–
Kal'tsit I know.
I know...
Lillia Hehe... you already know what you're afraid of, yet you're still able to keep yourself from thinking about it.
Not letting Theresa and Theresis appear in front of you, even your subconsciousness is practically begging for it.
The same goes for your own determination, Kal'tsit, you think people will treat you gently, and so that pair of siblings won't talk to you like this.
How strange. You were so cold before that I never imagined you would seek the warmth of others. From such a perspective, you really have become weak.
Kal'tsit ......
Lillia Spring is chilly here, I'll catch a cold soon if I stay out any longer. We should go somewhere with a warmer spring.
Shall we go inside?
Kal'tsit ...Sure.
<Background 8>
Kal'tsit Snow...?
[An elderly pilgrim enters.]
Elderly Pilgrim Hm...? A rare outsider. Are you heading for the sacred mountain?
Pilgrims as young as you rarely make it up here, but why aren't you continuing your ascent? Legs got frostbite?
Kal'tsit Sacred mountain... are we in Kjerag?
Elderly Pilgrim Kjerag? Where is that?
Is that where you're from?
Kal'tsit I wouldn't consider it as such.
It's one of the most spectacular mountains on Terra. I once saw a group of destitute refugees settle and rebuild their lives in that paradise free of Catastrophe.
Elderly Pilgrim Oh, it must be a beautiful place then.
Terra... it sounds so small. That's where you're from?
Kal'tsit Yes.
...I come from Terra...
And you?
Elderly Pilgrim Toward the mountain. We're born with this one goal.
Kal'tsit Born with it?
Elderly Pilgrim We frolic among the trees on the mossy plains in our youth, and learn from the rocks, and in our prime, we began climbing the mountain.
We did so much groundwork at the foot of the mountain, weaving strands of dawnlight into ropes, or preparing a pair of shoes that won't be contaminated by the darkness of the night.
And then, we begin climbing the mountain.
The road is long and full of obstacles, and we only harvest resources from the valleys. Fortunately for us, the sacred mountain is merciful, and feed us with death, so we dedicate our long lives to this mountain path in return.
Kal'tsit It must be an exhausting journey, coming all the way here.
Elderly Pilgrim Exhausting? No, no, no.
The snow does not mourn its melting. This is all from the self-flattering efforts of others, while we are just climbers.
Kal'tsit What is this sacred mountain called? And what should I call you?
Elderly Pilgrim This mountain is called "time," and us? We are just insignificant lives.
Time is such a grand thing, isn't it? You should be well aware of this.
Kal'tsit Will the mountain change? Has anyone reached the summit?
Elderly Pilgrim I don't know. What I mean by that is–maybe.
Try shouting at the abyss of time. The response you'll receive is a gift from the sacred mountain.
Time will not give you an automatic answer, but it will respond. Our predecessors called this response "fate."
And fate is the echoes of the cries of life.
Have you never done this before?
Kal'tsit ......
Elderly Pilgrim Well... it seems like there will be a blizzard tonight.
I should go prepare dinner, and find a place to set up camp... do you need a place to rest? We can go together, girl.
Kal'tsit Sure... old man.
I'd like to know, what's there to fill your stomach?
Elderly Pilgrim Perhaps we'll be having "despair," child.
Maybe you can finish your prayers before dinner. Do your shouting before the blizzard blots everything from sight.
Kal'tsit ......
Elderly Pilgrim Louder!
Kal'tsit I–
<Background 9>
Giant Skeleton You will become yourself.
Kal'tsit. Your judgment is rational. For this I feel sorry.
Kal'tsit Sorry for what?
It's only myself...
Giant Skeleton Because I am your time.
I single-handedly caused your distrust towards humanity, your pessimism, your dismay, and your impatience with no way out.
However... however, from her and on her, you saw a possibility.
Out of your tendency to be overly cautious and anxious, you suspect that this feeling is merely a misjudgment caused by your irritation... after all, the world is breaking out of your knowledge and control. And the new you was only born not long ago.
And yet you've considered it many times before, how much easier it would be, if you chose to trust them instead.
––I am your time. Kal'tsit, you omniscient fool––
You forget the little details, you are not a chosen savior. You should not be. You're not always right either.
[A musbeast speaks in the same voice as the giant skeleton.]
"Life" Even if you've already made up your mind.
You know better than anyone else how limited time is. And there isn't much left.
You should try giving up. And choose to trust someone you can believe in.
You are not trusted because you are "Kal'tsit," nor do you become "Kal'tsit" because you are trusted.
You are the echoes of a valley, water dripping off a cliff. Your responsibilities weigh beyond what your abilities can bear, and now at least, there are people to share these responsibilities with.
What you have lost and gained in this short period of the past few centuries far exceeds your former days, so long they were that you could only use for progress and evolution.
Everything is about to end, Kal'tsit, and you know this. Will you stay your passivity, your pessimism, your apathy?
Don't forget your original question. Don't forget the answer that you nearly had.
Go on. AMa-10. The meaning of your existence is more than you yourself.
Kal'tsit ......
...Let's stop here.
Voice of the "Preserver" Indeed.
Indeed... this is enough.
<Background 10>
"Preserver" ......
Kal'tsit And the Doctor?
"Preserver" Calming down elsewhere. I do intend to spend some time with you alone.
I have a question for you, AMa-10, Kal'tsit.
For the past ten thousand years... have you really lived on this land?
Kal'tsit Yes.
"Preserver" It seems you've changed quite a lot. We haven't interacted much, but you shouldn't be your current self.
What did you choose?
Kal'tsit I've seen wars lasting several millennia, the rise and co-existing of nations, and people growing from their misunderstandings and conflicts.
But in the end, they all scattered to the wind just like the sands of Sargon. But in the blink of an eye, history has already given birth to new children.
I've seen the cycle repeat too many times. The cycle itself looms large and weighs heavy, and I'm fully aware that time is running out.
And then, I ran into a unique opportunity.
I once met two Teekaz, who were closer than any creature in any era, to the truth of continuing civilization.
"Preserver" But now, you are all as fragile as the trash on an asteroid belt, so how can you possibly talk of continuing–
––Wait. You are saying...
The black crown still remains on Terra?
Kal'tsit "The Lord of Fiends." As the ancient Teekaz called it.
"Preserver" Teekaz...? Those odd endemic lifeforms?
What a fluke, I had thought it would have been left behind on...
...The black crown. I dislike the shape it takes on the physical plane, a crown? Leaves a bad taste.
A crown points to royalty. This ancient imagery implies power.
In this downward trend of collapse, where the misunderstandings over ideology and race push surface civilization toward self-destruction, within an extravagant mirage of peace and unity–
The most direct method should be to use those powers to reshape the will of all living beings, and fuse them into a singular form.
What can a false leader made of memories, emotions and knowledge even achieve?
Doctor Don't underestimate Amiya. / Don't underestimate Rhodes Island. / Don't underestimate us.
Kal'tsit Doctor, are you alright?
Doctor Just needed a breather... / ...... / This thing has gone too far...
"Preserver" Perhaps I have underestimated you, but that does not affect the ending already set in stone.
You want me to believe that such a tiny piece of heritage is enough to change fate?
Kal'tsit "Heritage" is humanity's sole achievement ever since our ancient ancestors learned to use tools and fire.
Knowledge, culture, history. So-called civilization is nothing more than that.
There will be a day when the black crown will no longer belong to Amiya alone. And we will have to fight to survive, no matter who the enemy is.
"Preserver" You've chosen to fight for Terra.
This is what you're decided? With this body, this identity? You are different from Kristen and her kind.
Your struggles... are far from your original intent.
Kal'tsit Even Rhodes Island's reserve op teams know the difference between fighting for themselves and fighting for others.
And we've all done our preparations, this great land of Terra is where I grew up.
I'm an employee of Rhodes Island.
A part of the ship sailing on the land called Terra.
"Preserver" ..."Infected" is just, too trivial a proposition... however... infected... Originium, huh...
Then, what about you?
Doctor ...I'm an employee of Rhodes Island. / I'm an employee of Rhodes Island. / I'm an employee of Rhodes Island...
"Preserver" ......
Kal'tsit I also have a question for you, Trevor Friston.
How has your time been, in this... equally long period of time?
<Background 6B>
Saria The "Perturbation" system has been lifted.
Kristen, tell me how to stop the energy accumulation. And where exactly does the energy come from?
Kristen This will be an extremely long story.
Saria I will try to crack the Galleria's control panel before I'm done listening.
Kristen Saria, you know, the history of this land is far longer than most realize.
I believe every generation produces its own skeptics, just like my parents and I. Have our ventures really been completely fruitless?
And... was there perhaps a more ancient point in time that the sky hanging over us, was not as we see it today?
Saria I remember. That was one of the establishing goals of Rhine Lab's Scientific Investigation Section.
Kristen Conventional exploration alone has already provided me with plenty of interesting information.
After you left Rhine, I picked up some interests I had previously, and tried leaving the laboratory, heading to various corners of the world that mankind had scarcely set foot on.
The purpose of these journeys was not to observe the sky.
The stars are not worth looking at––I came to this conclusion early on, after countless calculations.
I only... wanted to try and find more collaborators.
Saria Since the last Leithanian Arts Detector Orb fell short at 500 meters below the barrier, the academic circles in most countries abandoned their research into the thing.
Kristen So what I've been looking for... a voice that doesn't belong to this era.
Saria Like the immortals who rely on Originium Arts to escape the shackles of life, or the Feranmuts older than any country?
Kristen Perhaps even older than those regarded as gods, a being so old that history has forgotten them.
Before I set off on my journey, I had no idea what I was going to find. I just... felt a calling. Across time and space, directing me toward that door.
Saria And what... was inside the door?
Kristen ......
I found the answers to all my questions. How we managed to trek across history to make it here, about the land's unexplored secrets, and about the myriad of possibilities for our future.
But at the same time...
I also saw the end of a civilization, and a spirit abandoned by time.
Starry Skies.png
"Preserver" ...Time. Time is nothing but a vile joke.
At the end of the world, when the seas dried up and the rocks rotted away as everything changed, I hid in this grim bunker, repeating a futile act–
–Shouting into the void.
My words permeated every moon and space itself, every tunnel and corner of the stars.
The universe did not respond to me. I prayed to the pitch-black despair for tens of thousands of years, and the only thing I heard in return, was the reverberations of destruction...
Whenever I longed for a survivor's response, the sound of collapse and rays of occupied light still lingering among the stars would emerge...
It was a black hole of futile effort. My emotions were far beyond what any regular lifeform would ever experience or empathize with.
Kal'tsit ......
"Preserver" In the endless silence, all I could hear was the heartbeats of my people growing ever weaker, but their dormant hearts should not have been beating at all.
Nightmares cannot jolt me awake, because it is impossible for me to sleep.
I hate myself for having these emotions. I wish I could operate like a pure machine. I hate the other me that assigned me a fate like this.
I knew very well the plan had already concluded. The energy in these... "sarcophagi" was not enough to power the next stage of recovery in our plans.
Soon after, I was swept into the nothingness. Endless, and numb...
<Background 10>
Kal'tsit So the contact with Kristen offered you a gamble.
Since your people could never wake up, you might as well...
"Preserver" ...No.
The first time I saw that humanoid creature, what I felt was... surprise.
I've been watching the depths of space far, far away, not what happened on the surface. I noticed the growth of life, but never expected it to knock on my door.
We spent a long time talking. Though in reality, it was no longer than a few months.
Kristen fired question after question, as if she was meeting a manifestation of truth.
And remarkably, every topic would send her into a long period of reflection and silence, instead of satisfying her thirst for knowledge.
She catalyzed an idea, but she didn't voice it herself–Kristen refused to be the one to execute the plan.
Doctor Plan? / ...... / Wasn't she just using Rhine Lab to achieve her goals?
"Preserver" She believes that someday, this land will need a group that can separate themselves from politics and unite as a people. This farsighted group would have to employ everything at their disposal...
...To build an ark.
The pioneers would inevitably face the struggle of understanding, and would face division and suffering.
Kal'tsit But reality is not myth, as Babel has proven.
"Preserver" So what is Rhodes Island to you, if you hold no hope for all of this?
Kal'tsit You're right about that.
We can discuss this so-called "hope."
"Preserver" Kristen's little helpers have already begun fiddling with the "sarcophagi's" technology. I have no qualms with it, but this must mean something important for Terra.
Use it well. Kristen's political views are not without a few flaws.
Kal'tsit Loken's research has effectively been put under control. I cannot possibly trust Columbia as a nation, but there is someone behind the Maylander Foundation that is worth negotiating with.
"Preserver" That is good. And then, tell me, are the deep sea-dwelling Ægir really so different from the civilizations on land?
Kal'tsit What I can tell you far surpasses whatever Kristen has told you.
"Preserver" Indeed. I cannot comprehend why these creatures with bodily structures inadequately suited to survive in the deep sea would establish a civilization in the ocean.
But this suggests they depend on some product of the seafloor. The form of their civilization has been distorted by external forces, making them stronger, but also causing problems.
Ægir is a settlement that must be united. Regardless of the problems caused by those rampant–"sea monsters"? I believe that's what they are called–Terra cannot leave such a developed nation alone.
Considering their approximate geographical location, and if they use what they might have in abundance appropriately, my guess is that what Kristen is doing right now is not necessarily out of the Ægir's reach.
Kal'tsit With strength comes arrogance. Ægir is not so easy to persuade.
Though fortunately, due to a series of incidents, I have had the good fortune to establish a precious friendship with some Ægir.
This will be an impactful breakthrough. Since the Profound Silence, Ægir can no longer remain silent.
Doctor Skadi... / Gladiia... / Specter...
"Preserver" Excellent.
The march of the Nightzmora basically only exists as a legend in the databases of Columbia, with no decent historical texts to refer to.
But if the legendary event was not, in fact, a falsehood... then he is indeed an incredible hero.
Even if we take Originium as the power source, the fact that such a tyrant born on Terra thousands of years ago could achieve such a great feat in a much more primitive environment does inspire wonder.
However–the south is already in ruins, so you should look north.
Have you been there?
Doctor Ursus? / Sami?
Kal'tsit No. Even further north... at the ends of the endless icefields.
I tried many times, but I've yet to find anything with the limits of my own abilities.
"Preserver" But you know what's over there.
Kal'tsit ...I do.
"Preserver" So, don't ignore the door that lies there. Push it open when you need to, and it will show you a boundless vista.
Kal'tsit Just pushing that door is already far beyond what most are capable of.
"Preserver" And so it is up to all of you to find a way.
The land is vast, and civilization continues to advance, so surely there is more than one Kristen?
Kal'tsit You seem to trust the denizens of this land more than I previously thought.
"Preserver" Trust? I hand the tinder to you. I have given up everything on my end.
Whether or not... you can succeed, nothing can be changed... this is my failure. Trust?
I... yes... I do not know.
Perhaps I just want to see any lifeform able to converse and interact with one another, to continue existing.
Kal'tsit ......
"Preserver" You know this–compared with the problems on the distant horizon, there is something that could happen at any moment. War.
Even if I look only through the eyes of Columbia, I sense the imminent danger to your world, and the fire that can ignite at any time.
You will require preparation. Do what you must. To extinguish the flame, or to let it produce new life, this is your choice to make.
Those who are truly able to save the denizens of Terra, are always and only themselves.
This need for awakening has not changed since time immemorial, because it is all part of what "humanity" is.
Doctor Thank you. / ...... / We will discover the truth.
"Preserver" The sky is about to be opened. But the barrier will soon heal itself. Perhaps it will take a few days, or months, or years.
But the people of Terra will take that limited, veracious scene into their eyes, and will keep the moonlight and the distant planets in their memories.
I hope... Kristen hopes, that this will be a powerful signal.
A signal to herald the next great age.
<Background 6B>
Kristen Saria, would you like to gaze at the stars together? Just like we did before?
Saria We can talk about this after we descend.
Kristen ...The starry sky.
Or more precisely, what we gaze at is a barrier. The "starpod."
There's still a thousand meters to go... our current position is already near the limit of humanity's touch.
Saria The ionization response is too strong. At this height, the instruments can't operate with all the interference.
The control panel is completely useless... I should have known. You have no intention of letting the Galleria Stellaria last much longer.
Kristen Yes, it just has to last until I break the barrier.
Saria The barrier... though we have always been inclined towards the usage of "barrier," you're well aware that the shape of it is more than just a "barrier" as per conjecture.
It might not even be a "barrier" at all, but an extremely wide space.
It might even lack endpoints. This six thousand meters–what we understand as "normal airspace" is actually "abnormal."
And in that case, "breaking" it was never an option.
Kristen It can indeed be broken.
Saria ......
You've never once doubted it.
Kristen 6972 Meters. If you fly straight up at this angle, as long as you can soar past that height, the Galleria Stellaria will no longer be disturbed by any ionization reactions.
Saria Fine, so you have credible data from that spirit. But this doesn't reduce the danger of exploring the skies at all.
No, even if... if we assume the barrier is enveloping the land like a membrane as you say, it means we know less than nothing about the space beyond it.
This makes your actions even more hazardous. You could even bring disaster upon this land.
Kristen I know.
Saria The people are simply inadequately prepared for this.
Kristen There will never be "adequate" preparation. If there is indeed a calamity looming over us, then humanity is already living under a ticking clock.
Saria If that's the case, then we should be even more...
Kristen ...Even more cautious, right?
Saria, I believe... there will come a day when a much more complete exploration team will be formed, and with more data and full support, they will enter into the depths of space before our very eyes.
This is also the future I hope for.
Saria But you yourself are not in this future of yours.
Kristen True.
I'm ill-suited to be called a pioneer. On that point, I fully agree with your view.
If possible... I would prefer to become a starting point.
Just like once, back when... I watched the light of those flames burning in the sky...
That was last thing my parents left me––
––A starting point.
[A rumble is felt.]
Saria ......
Where's the closest escape pod?
Kristen None left. Those with the capability to execute the return module are already gone.
Saria Alright.
Then hold onto me. I will wrap the both of us in calcification. We might not even have a chance of survival, but we can try.
Kristen ......
Saria, lower your gaze.
Saria What–
[Suddenly Saria fell below the floor.]
Kristen You're the one who didn't look down this time.
Starry Skies.png
The gravity abruptly shifts without warning, and Saria feels only space beneath her feet.
She did not expect Kristen to set up an emergency escape door at the Galleria Stellaria's center.
No, Saria thinks to herself, she should have expected it long before. This door is not for the owner of the planetarium. Kristen knew that at the very last moment, Saria would come.
The sudden change of mass robs Saria of her voice, and she fails to yell out anything at all. She also knows that there is nothing she can grab, but still stretches her hand out.
Starlight and earth pour into her view, while Kristen only gets further and further away.
False Atlas.png
Kristen Saria... you always wanted me to take a good look at the world.
Now I have.
It is... equally beautiful.
You will watch it and the people it nurtures in my stead. This I always knew.
Just as you have in the past, and will in the future.
And I... I'm not the type to lead people on, step by step.
I am just a pair of eyes.
Eyes that... will peer into the unfamiliar depths of space for all that live on that land.
I can almost see the true starry sky... it probably hasn't changed much from what you've told me.
In over ten thousand years...
Me and you, our civilization and yours...
On the scale of the universe, we really are insignificantly small.
A torrent of energy pounds the accumulating area of this giant airborne construct, and the ring hovering up high looks almost swallowed by the tremendous amount of energy.
Immediately afterwards, an even greater amount concentrates at its core.
Enough to destroy any massive nomadic city.
And this world is just so puny and shallow, how could it ever bear it?
HAMHRR In Troposphere.png
Pierce the Skyveil 1.png
The light converges and abandons the earth, stabbing upwards into the air.
Pierce the Skyveil 2.png
The Sky Unveiled 1.png
Under the unprecedented energy surge, wave after wave of dazzling ripples emerge on the pitch-black curtain devoid of any life.
The false sky is at last rent asunder.
The Sky Unveiled 2.png
The ancient twin moons expose their real faces.
Tonight, the truth will be perceived by humanity for the very first time.