Foehn Hotlands

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The Foehn Hotlands is a geographical region that lies south of the Terran continent.


To the south of Sargon is a huge, dry, uninhabited desert filled with scorching heatwaves known as the "Foehn Hotlands" by the Terrans. It is a desert filled with extreme heatwaves that makes survival in the region impossible. Its presence also results in the overall dry global temperature across Terra as its heat waves, one that will burn any living thing alive, blows northward.[1]

Despite its scorching and hostile environment, however, the land was, ironically, once a lush rainforest but was devastated by the great conquest of Lugalszargus, the Aslan Shahanshah of Sargon and Kharanduu Khan of the Nightzmoras during the war with the southern Collapsals that corrupted the region.[2] In the year 15 at the dawn of the common era, the two kings initiated the grand conquest onto the Hotlands, a mission that many Terrans would never initiate. Throughout the conquest, Lugalszargus personally slew the "Poltergeist King" of the south at the cost of his own life, hence eliminating the Collapsals' threat.[3] The Khangan even dared to wipe out the surviving Collapsals all by himself through his psychic Arts, a feat in which the "primitive" power of the Terrans could never achieve.[4] Most importantly, the two kings successfully destroyed "the Door" in the south, preventing them from entering Terra once again.[2] Although the battle cost many lives and the impact turned the land into an unhospitable place, it eliminated the threat of the Collapsals in the south once and for all, bringing peace to the regions in centuries to come.

The grand conquest of the Foehn Hotlands has turned into many folklores that many would love to narrate, but no expedition has initiated since then. To this day, the Foehn Hotlands remains a mystery in which no record of people crossing the are has ever made.[5] Some of the Terran do attempt to explore the region in a larger scale, like the Padishah of Reefsteep whose expedition was immediately halted after his nomadic city was struck by a Catastrophe.[6] Others who dare to explore the Hotlands are mainly fascinated by the legend of the Khaganquest and crave to witness the southernmost end of the continent.[7]


  • A Foehn is a type of dry, relatively warm, downslope wind formed around the hill foot by air losing their moisture from rain clouds above.


  1. pg.274-275, "Sargon," Terra: A Journey.
  2. 2.0 2.1 What Begins Follows What Ends
  3. 11-12 After
  4. CW-10 After
  5. OD-3 After
  6. WD-7 After
  7. Old Treasure Map.png Old Treasure Map description