Operation story: 11-12

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Mercenary icon.png
Victorian Mercenary
Male Victorian Soldier icon.png
Victorian Officer
Victoria Streets
Londinium Tube
Victorian Palace
Mausoleum Hall

After operation

In the underground passage leading to the Mausoleum of Kings, certain memories find their way to Siege.
<Background 1>
[Siege walks toward a wall.]
Siege We're here. This path... connects the palace and the ducal manor.
(Whispers) ...Golden mane.
Totter What did you just say, Vina?
Siege No, it's nothing. It's been a long time since I saw them.
Allerdale Not long ago, we left this place. Today, we walk these ancient bricks again. This path has likely never been trodden this frequently.
It was only meant for emergencies.
Totter Too bad. Be it the ducal manor or the palace, it has never really served anyone in their time of need.
Dagda Mercenary, if you don't want to buy everyone here a drink, you'd better not joke about that.
Totter Right then.
Siege Allerdale, you said I once came back through this passage with the Sighs of Kings...
I really don't remember that.
This has me very restless. It's as though I am purposefully avoiding a great responsibility.
Allerdale Vina, it's okay. You were too young then.
Anyone who tried to force any kind of responsibility onto a child that had only just learnt to speak would have to be extraordinarily selfish. No mistake about it.
Apologies. I might have insulted someone close to you.
Siege Hm, actually, I rather agree with what you said.
But now, we've come back nonetheless.
"Responsibility"? "Miracles"? I have no idea what they expected of me, nor do I really care.
But I stand here today, and I have something I must accomplish.
I shan't take on any titles because of it. I'm doing this... so that the people will know peace again.
Allerdale Hah... We are approaching our objective, then.
Sirs, please tear down the brick wall blocking the path up ahead. Be quiet. Don't let them find us.
We need to go down from here...
Siege Right, I...
As I walk through the darkness, I hear footsteps from behind me.
Golden mane...
Allerdale What's the matter, Vina?
Siege ......
Never mind. Let's keep going.
<Background 2>
[Totter checks the rear.]
Totter No one on our tail.
Victorian Mercenary The Sarkaz couldn't have figured we would go down.
They must be throwing quite the party above us.
Siege It's possible that our allies are sacrificing their lives in this intense battle.
I was actually apprehensive when Allerdale proposed this plan.
I should be standing with the Corps fighters... and the Rhodes Islanders.
Allerdale The Doctor's plan is meant to ensure our operation remains undetected.
No matter what happens aboveground, we must get our hands on the Sighs of Kings.
It is the key to foiling the Sarkaz's plans and can even turn the tide of the war.
Morgan This sword... I've only heard of it in the stories.
Allerdale It was the sword of the Aslan forefathers.
As the legend goes, it was forged for the Aslans by the fairy of the grasslands. A pasha of yore once beheaded the Poltergeist King with it.
Then, the Aslans came to Victoria to rule, and it became the symbol of their reign.
According to some historical records, in the days before the nomadic cities came to be, the kings once cleaved Catastrophes with it.
For centuries, there was not a single storm to threaten Londinium.
The masses believed that as long as the Sighs of Kings remains, Londinium would overcome all her foes forever, be they powerful poltergeists or terrifying Catastrophes.
Siege ......
Morgan You can't really believe...
Dagda I do.
Indra I... I believe in Vina.
Morgan It's like you're trying to change the subject. Of course I believe in Vina too, but you can tell right away it's just a fairy tale. That's not real...
Allerdale That is in fact not a fabrication to legitimize the Aslans' reign. It really can cleave Catastrophes.
If The Shard, with its ability to pull in storms, is Victoria's spear against the outside world, then the Sighs of Kings, capable of rending Catastrophes asunder, is its strongest shield.
The spear is known far and wide, yet the shield exists almost only in legend.
But if we are able to wield this power, we will almost certainly be able to stop the Sarkaz's ambitions.
Siege Allerdale, you're very familiar with our Realmblade.
Allerdale I... I'm only fulfilling my responsibilities as a member of House Cumberland.
Siege Have you seen the blade with your own eyes?
Allerdale ......
Yes, but only once.
What I saw... was something that could only happen in a dream.
Dagda What did the blade look like?
Allerdale It... It was beautiful.
It has the power to liven one's heart. The moment you lay your eyes upon it, you'll believe from the pit of your soul that you can triumph over anything.
Morgan A bit over the top, innit?
Indra Legends... Legends...
Maybe that's about the Sarkaz? Is that sword especially good at cutting Sarkaz?
Morgan Is cutting all you think about?
If Vina had beaten that Sanguinarch bloody with her hammer the other day, it'd have a story like that in two hundred years.
Allerdale Haha, that just might happen.
Then Rhodes Island will become the fairy that bestowed the hammer.
Dagda Closure'll probably be happy about that.
Morgan "The Ark of God in the barrenlands! The return of the king!"
Indra How's that a story? It's all real!
In twenty years, the story of the "Great King Vina, leading the Londiniers to chase out the King of Sarkaz" is bound to become a favorite story of all the kids that run around in front of our houses!
Morgan Then I've got to spend some time thinking how to better tell Vina's story... Hm...
Siege This isn't my story.
The bold, fearless Hannah "Indra" Jackson, the witty Kate Morrigan, and the loyal, tenacious Isabelle Montague.
Also... the noble, upright Allerdale Cumberland.
This is your story.
Allerdale Hah.
Siege Let's keep going.
The story isn't going to write itself.
[Siege and co. continues onward.]
Kyngasycath, the Sighs of Kings.
In her heart, Siege thinks to herself that she must have seen it before.
They are only vague fragments of memories and unclear voices.
<Flashback starts here>
Background-Londinium Manor Indoor.png
Impassioned Voice My daughter, come. Take this sword.
Is it calling to you?
Feel it.
Feel this voice...
Feel Victoria.
<Background 3>
The palace is burning.
She wants to climb up and see what kind of show they are putting on outside. Things are always very lively on the king's birthday.
But all she sees is fire. The fire rages. There are also many men in uniform, either fleeing in all directions away from the flames or lying lifelessly on the ground.
The earth trembles. She's suddenly worried about the glass fowlbeast by her bed. It's a gift that she has just received. Lately, she hasn't been able to sleep without hugging that delicate little trinket.
[A Victorian officer sees the young Alexandrina.]
Victorian Officer Her Royal Highness Alexandrina!
Don't go back! It's dangerous! Thank goodness you ran outside! You're their only objective, aside from His Majesty...
His Majesty... His Majesty has...
[The officer pauses for a moment, before...]
Victorian Officer No, you needn't know this.
He left us with one final order. To get you away.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Allerdale Vina, what's wrong? You've been rather out of it since we came underground.
Siege I... I remembered something. Something that I thought I'd forgotten long ago.
Allerdale The kind that hurts to remember, or the kind that brings you joy?
Siege It's just... a voice.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
[The Victorian officer escorts Alexandrina through the tube...]
Victorian Officer Your Highness... you must walk the rest of the way on your own.
You were here not too long ago. You remember, don't you?
[...as rebel soldiers are closing in on them.]
Victorian Officer They're coming for us.
No matter what happens, you must keep running down this passage.
Do not turn back.
[The officer makes a stand against the rebels as Alexandrina runs away.]
<Background black>
She listens to the officer and keeps running.
The path ahead is pitch-black, but she is more afraid of the star-like glow chasing her from behind.
She runs and runs for a long, long time. She's forgotten where she started and where she is going. She's almost cried all the tears she has, and the path before her is so long that she can't see its end.
She runs and runs, and a huge, golden mane appears beneath her.
She holds tight to the warm, golden color, and it feels as though she too has become a wild beast dashing on all fours.
At last, she no longer fears the nightmare that chases her. She cries for the things she has lost no more. Instead, she dashes forward freely in the darkness.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 4>
The phantoms have disappeared, and the memories recede like the tide.
She finds herself standing in the middle of a long path.
At the end of the path is a door. The door divides life and death, and whether it leads from life to death or from death to life, it opens only to the King of Victoria.
Siege We're here.