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The Güldenesgesatz manifesting itself during the Kaiserinnenfest

The Güldenesgesatz[note 1] or the "Golden Movement" is the magical (precisely speaking Originium Arts-manifested) constitution of Leithanien in the form of its national anthem that mentally binds every Leithanians under one nationality.


The drafting of the Güldenesgesatz could be traced back as far back as a few thousands of years before the common era. As the threat of the Teekaz approached eastward, the ten tribes of Leithanian, including the Lupine famiglie of Siracusa, sought to unite themselves to fend off the invaders. They made political agreements with the famiglie, solemnly made an everlasting oath under the witness of an immortal mage, the great Lich King, and drafted the Güldenesgesatz that mentally bound the tribes together under one nationality.[1][2]

For generations, The Güldenesgesatz molds Leithainans' culture, moral, and even politics. Generations of Kaisers and Casters contributed to the music by writing their influences onto its music sheet, making it the most complex Arts Terra has ever witnessed. The constitution could be divided into three sections: the first section narrates the foundation of Leithanien, the second section marks the borders of the ten Kreise, and the third section implements the secular laws and morals every Leithanian should follow. Because of its length, a full performance of the Güldenesgesatz is nearly impossible, yet many will still perform its sections as a respect to the constitution. And because of its holiness, the constitution is performed in nation-wide celebrations such as coronation of the Kaisers as in the Kaiserinnenfest[3] Its Arts manifestation allows its users to command everything in its name, leading to the creation of the Gesatzswächters who are the embodiment of its laws.

The only amendment of the Güldenesgesatz was done during the reign of Herkunftshorn the Witch King

The Güldenesgesatz composes of the original manuscript and ten hand-written copies of its scores with each being stored by the Kurfürsten of each Kreis, and because of its historical importance and complexity for amendment, the Güldenesgesatz remained the same. The one and only amendment occurred during the violent Siracusan separatist movement of the year 967 when the civil war almost resulted in the disintegration of the Leithanian confederation as it violated the harmony provided by the constitution. As a sign of its declaration of independence, the tenth copy of the Güldenesgesatz stored in Siracusa was torn apart in a public demonstration by a nameless, mentally-ill scavenger who was praised by the public as a "symbol of wilderness" and a "call of bloodline," but the demonstration resulted in a civil war because the nine Kreise viewed it as a sign of treason.[4] In the midst of the conflict, Herkunftshorn the Witch King, the greatest Caster in Terran history, ascended to the throne in 969 and personally amended the original manuscript of the Güldenesgesatz by "rewriting" such complex Arts while keeping the pact in tact. He removed the name of Siracusa from the constitution and then rewrote its scores. After the amendment, he formally recognized Siracusa's independence, hence ending an era of chaos.[2]

Not everyone agrees the rigid laws of the Güldenesgesatz; some have viewed the constitution itself being too out-dated which not only it could never catch up the ever-changing geopolitics and cultures of Terra, but also it forever enslaves the Leithaniens in the cycles of tragedy.[5] Those of the Echoes of Herkunftshorn views the Güldenesgesatz as the only connection with the soul of the Witch King, allowing them to both revive him and ascend to his side. Nevertheless, the shattering of the Güldenesgesatz through erroneous composition could result in psychic pollution that could threaten not only Leithanien itself, but also the entire Terra because it opens up the gateway of the Kargereich which allows demonic beings to enter the mortal world. The attempted destruction of the Güldenesgesatz resulted in the Stimmverlust of Empress Hildegard who stayed behind in the Kargereich to personally become the embodiment of the Güldenesgesatz.


  1. From Gülden, lit. "golden" and Gesatz, an obsolete spelling of Gesetz, lit. "law;" "Golden Law" in German


  1. p.127, “Leithanien,” Terra: A Journey.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ZT-4 After
  3. p.133, “Leithanien,” Terra: A Journey.
  4. p.261, “Siracusa,” Terra: A Journey.
  5. ZT-6 After