Silenced Edict

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The Silenced Edict (Mandato Silenciado) is a document in the world of Arknights. It is the last message of the King of Iberia, Fernando Alejandro I, amidst the Profound Silence.


In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty during the Profound Silence, Fernando Alejandro Ruy-de-Castro-Torres Ria Iberia del Atlán I, the last King of Iberia, broadcasted a message from the then-royal capital of Ria Iberia addressed to the Iberian citizens, the Defensa, and his son Crown Prince González in order to keep the commonfolk calm, promising to give further instructions to civilians and authorities alike in the next twelve hours. The broadcast's signal, however, was albeit weak and suddenly interrupted just one hour after the king's edict following the destruction of Ria Iberia by the tsunami.[1]


Unofficial English translations provided by Jowett.
I, Fernando Alejandro Ruy-de-Castro-Torres Ria Iberia del Atlán, King of Iberia and the Aegirians, Sovereign of Iberia, Lord of all seas, Master of all ships, Lord of all towns and ports, Protector of all routes, all merchant travels, all expeditions, King of all lords and nobles, Conqueror of land and sea , in the royal city of Ria Iberia, to:

My son, Crown Prince González, and all members of the Iberian royal house, all nobles, all bishops, all military governors, governors of all cities and ports, law enforcers at all levels, all good, pious, brave men within the order of the Kingdom citizens, and any other individual or group that may receive my decree.

As you already know, or should know, our Kingdom is going through an unprecedented and special period. The sudden violent meteorological and geological activities have caused varying degrees of damage to various parts of our country. We have detected abnormal ocean activities and found that communications in some areas of the Kingdom have been temporarily interrupted. Several coastal ports and cities have no contact with us. Contact was lost. Now we know that all these anomalies are a deliberate provocation and an atrocity against Iberia and human civilization. The source of this cruelty was none other than the ocean of Terra.

The Terran ocean tore off the docile disguise it had over the past few hundred years, revealing its true nature of savagery and ferocity. It hates our rich and powerful kingdom and hates human civilization on land. The ocean disregards life, the ocean pollutes the land, the ocean violates everything our civilization has ever known.

Iberia, bearing the supreme glory of Terra, should be a barrier of order, a shield of civilization, and should resist all evil thoughts, no matter how strong the will is, no matter where it comes from. I will never condone any atrocities that harm our people and destroy our land, let alone any reckless behavior that threatens the kingdom and civilization.

We will always remember your solemn oath to the Golden Throne, and we will always remember that the duty and mission of the royal family is to protect all good people in trouble who seek our protection, and to protect all the great civilizations we have created and cherished. At this extremely special moment and facing an extremely severe test, I order: law enforcement officials in each city and port must use all means to ensure the absolute safety of the lives of citizens within their jurisdiction; clergy in each diocese and church All methods must be used to completely suppress the evil that harms our land; all departments and formations of the Iberian Defensa must mobilize all forces to repel the maritime forces that invade our land; all fleets must do their best to eliminate the culprits hiding outside the land, even if This means that after making the necessary decisions, I announced that the Terran oceans that have committed numerous crimes will be completely wiped out.

The light of the lighthouse is still bright, the golden fleet has set sail, the time full of hardships will soon pass, and our victory is not far ahead. At the dawn of this approaching victory, the oath between us is brighter than the stars, firmer than the earth, and more powerful than the ocean. Even though I am no longer with you, my thoughts and emotions are with you all the time.

I, King Fernando Alejandro I, will issue further instructions in twelve hours.

In this extremely special period, we must have the same belief: Iberia will not fail, Iberia will win, and Iberia will remain immortal.


  1. pg. 196-197, "The Silenced Edict", Terra: A Journey