Makeshift Walkway

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A temporary walkway built with planks, easily destroyed by falling rocks, turning into Holes in the process; Ground units that pass it will fall to the bottom and be defeated immediately.
—Description of operations featuring Makeshift Walkways

The Makeshift Walkway is a terrain feature in Arknights.


Allows for deployment and passage when planks have been laid down, but is easily destroyed, becoming a Hole; will not be damaged when friendly Operators are deployed on it.

Basically a set of planks placed over a pitfall which allows passage but can be easily damaged by sheer force, Makeshift Walkways allow friendly units to be deployed over it and enemies (including Monastery Inhabitants) to pass over it, but it has a durability of 8 (can be less depending on the operation) which is indicated by a vertical red bar on its left side; the Walkway loses 1 durability when a rock spawned by Crumbling Masonry rolls over it and by an additional 1 when the rock bursts in the vicinity of one (which further increases by 1 when an Inhabitant is on top of the Walkway). If a friendly unit is deployed over a Walkway, it will not lose durability through the latter.

Should the Makeshift Walkway's durability reaches 0, it will break and behaves like a hole, thus causing enemies and Monastery Inhabitants(!) on top of the broken Walkway to fell into their doom, in addition to being unable to be deployed upon, although enemies will actively avoid broken Walkways, and can be repaired by using Spare Timbers.


Makeshift Walkways appear in all HE operations except HE-1, HE-6 and HE-EX-3.