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Constructs are a type of devices featured in the Reclamation Algorithm game mode of Arknights.

Unlike most devices which are removed from the map as soon as the operation ends, Constructs are permanent and will last throughout the entire R.A. campaign until destroyed by enemies or dismantled at the player's discretion. Constructs can be placed in the Headquarters and all combat zones; those in the HQ will persist across R.A. campaigns and kept their HP between campaigns.

To build Constructs, the player must decide how many of a particular Construct they wanted to be in the zone and then deploy them there as with deploying units. Keep in mind that dismantling Constructs offer no refund of the resources used to build them, so try to plan their placement in advance!

Certain Constructs have up to three tiers, with the higher tier unlocked by building at least one lower tier Construct. Some Constructs also have a limit on how many of these can be present at a time; once the limit is reached, more of said Constructs cannot be built.

Building Constructs outside of the HQ will allow the player to establish their presence there.

  • By placing at least two Tier 2 or higher Combat Constructs, an Outpost will be set up, which increases the ATK of Operators deployed on the zone by 15% and causes any Raids with at most 10% remaining strength that enters the zone to be instantly eliminated.
  • By placing at least two Tier 2 or higher Scout Constructs, a Sentry will be set up, which causes nearby zones to be explored and reduces the speed of enemies on the zone by 15%.


These Constructs aid the player in combat.

Construct Use


These Constructs provide additional functions and can only be placed in the Headquarters.

Construct Use


These Constructs produce resources and can only be placed in the Headquarters.

Construct Use


These Constructs provide reconnaissance support.

Construct Use