The Ultimate Beautiful Girl

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This article is about the April Fools mini-game. For the soundtrack, see The Ultimate Beautiful Girl! Streamer U Takes U On A Trip! #Terra Tour #Not Graduating.

Streamer U: The Ultimate Beautiful Girl[note 1] (UO), also known as The Ultimate Beautiful Girl! Streamer U Takes U On A Trip! #Terra Tour #Not Graduating, is a mini-game in Arknights that are available during April Fools from 2023 in the CN server and 2024 in the Global and TW servers.


No, Streamer U! If you aren't able to keep things steady in the livestream, you're going to have to spend your life hiding from the debt collectors! But, if you can collect 8 pieces of broadcast footage and do a good job managing pressure, fan perception, and revenue from the platform, you'll be able to succeed for sure!

In a break from Arknights' usual tower defense gameplay, UO is similar albeit much less darker to Needy Streamer Overload in which the player must guide Eureka U-Official to catch various good content for her livestream, which can affect her entire VTuber Btuber career! Regardless, UO allows the player to add U-Official into their roster as well as maximizing her Potential and Trust.

A UO livestream is divided into two segments: footage collection and broadcast.

  • The footage collection segment plays exactly as an operation would, with the following differences:
    • Enemies and Operators will appear at random and interact with each other in various manners from peaceful to violent, but rest assured that nobody is harmed in the making of this livestream (yes, we mean it)!
    • The player must take footage by deploying U-Official (technically a deployable unit) in ranged tiles around the map and activate her skill when it is charged. In order to continue to the broadcast segment, U-Official must take at least 3 to 8 footage. Most individual enemies are not appealing but Operators, certain enemies, and interactions between them appeals the most as "rare" subjects, so be sure to time her shots well!
      • Possible rare subjects will be marked in golden exclamation marks.
      • Avoid taking footage of enemies with a "squiggly" text box, as they will not be counted to the footage needed to start the broadcast!
    • The footage collection segment ends after a period of time has passed or the player quits out of it. In both cases, they will move on to the broadcast segment if enough footage are taken, otherwise the footage will be discarded and not available for subsequent broadcasts!
  • The broadcast segment plays out like that of a VTuber livestream in reality, where U-Official shares the footage she took with the viewers.
    • There are three stats that the player must be on the look out for: Pressure, Fan Response, and Stream Revenue. Sharing a footage will affect any of the three stats which in turn influences the broadcast's duration.
    • Sometimes there will be a superchat after U-Official shares a footage, which the player can react to which slightly affects any of the three stats.
    • The broadcast (and thus the entire livestream) will end when:
      • 8 footage are shared; if the player only collects 3 to 7 footage, the broadcast will abruptly end after the last footage is shared and the livestream fails.
      • Any of the three stats is maxed or bottomed out.
      • The player quits out of the broadcast, which will fail the livestream.

Completing a certain amount of livestreams will improve U-Official's photography skills, lowering the chance that she fails to take footage and allows her to do so quicker. See here for more information.


A UO livestream have seven different endings depending on the result. In line with Needy Streamer Overload, all but one ending are actually "bad" endings, although this distinction does not matter gameplay-wise.

  1. Be Wary Of New Types Of Financial Scams: End a livestream due to maxed out Pressure.
  2. Nothing Else Stands In Her Way: End a livestream due to bottomed out Pressure.
  3. Tune in next time for: Love, Utuber and Stans: End a livestream due to maxed out Fan Response.
  4. Conviction's Favorite Episode: End a livestream due to bottomed out Fan Response.
  5. One Begets Four, Four Begets Three, and Three Brings Forth Everything: End a livestream due to maxed out Stream Revenue.
  6. She Can't Help But Wonder Who Touched Her Cystymilk: End a livestream due to bottomed out Stream Revenue.
  7. If the condition of Ending #1 to #6 is not met, the livestream ends with the sole good ending, which can be read here.


Mission Reward(s)
Complete a livestream.
U-Official's Folder.png
Complete two livestreams.
U-Official's Folder.png
Streamer U's Stream Clips.png
Complete a livestream in UO-1, UO-2, and UO-3.
Originite Prime.png
Complete three livestreams.
U-Official's Folder.png
Streamer U's Stream Clips.png
Complete four livestreams.
U-Official's Folder.png
Streamer U's Stream Clips.png
Complete five livestreams.
U-Official's Folder.png
Streamer U's Stream Clips.png
Complete six livestreams.
U-Official's Folder.png
Streamer U's Stream Clips.png


  • UO-TR-1 — Must be completed before the rest is accessible
  • UO-1 — Footage from UO-1 affect Pressure more than the other stats
  • UO-2 — Footage from UO-2 affect Fan Response more than the other stats
  • UO-3 — Footage from UO-3 affect Stream Revenue more than the other stats



  1. The latter is written as "Last All-Arounder Beauty Girl" in the CN server and on the promotional images in the Global server, which is grammatically incorrect. The Arknights Terra Wiki uses the grammatically correct "The Ultimate Beautiful Girl" as stated in U-Official's description.