The Ultimate Beautiful Girl good ending

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This ending will be played if a livestream ends without meeting the condition to reach any of the other six endings.
Streamer U's Room
RI Room
<Background black>
In a certain place in a certain city on a certain month and year, there was a livestreamer by the name of U-Official, commonly known as Streamer U.
She was extraordinarily ordinary.
She didn't do anything wild, just as she had assured Click, but in the process, also missed out on a lot of opportunities that would've given her a spotlight on the intercity net.
She just did her ordinary thing in her rental unit — rolling out of bed, eating, streaming, going offline, going to sleep.
<Background 1>
Streamer U Tomorrow's my 100-day anniversary... but I dunno how much longer I can keep doing this.
If Click gets delayed again for some reason or other, or Rhodes Island doesn't want me anymore, what do I do then?!
I've been cooped up in my room forever... Maybe it's time to go outside and touch some grass...
I have a hunch... that if it's THAT senpai, he'll be able to give me my answers.
So, Streamer U staggered out the door without a clue as to where she's going. She resigns herself to fate and her own two legs, letting them take her on a journey nobody has ever gone on before.
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She seemed to cross streets and alleyways.
She seemed to cross massive mountains and raging rivers.
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She seemed to walk all the way from the polar tundra to the foehn hotlands.
She seemed to step into the heavens, towards the stars.
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Yet she also seemed to go in circles around a dark alley.
She didn't know who she was looking for, or where he might be, but in the end, she still found him.
<Background 2>
Streamer U You... You must be that senpai!
??? Mm-hm.
<Background black>
Streamer U has little recollection of what happened afterwards, only that she remembers talking with that respected senpai for a while. About what, she can't exactly recall.
Coupled with the fact that she received the invitation letter and video from Click as soon as she got home, she quickly put the matter behind her.
<Background 3>
Several months later...
Medic The results of your physical exam have come back, Miss Eureka. You're not Infected, and you're basically in perfect health.
Eureka Is Click here? Where's she staying?
Medic Operator Click was planning to come see you, but an urgent mission came up yesterday and she had to leave for field work.
Eureka Okay...
Medic I heard her mention that you used to be a streamer on the intercity net before coming to Rhodes Island. That must've been a ton of fun!
Eureka About that...
Just as she was finding the words, Eureka suddenly thinks back to the conversation she had with the senpai back then.
<Background 2>
Streamer U You... You must be that senpai!
??? Mm-hm.
Streamer U Senpai, I don't think I can do this anymore! I don't think I'm cut out to be a streamer!
??? Mm-hm.
Streamer U Click never came to see me. What if I can't go to Rhodes Island like she said?
??? Mm-hm.
Streamer U Also, my mood's all over the place, I can't tell if my fans love or hate me, and the profits I get from the platform are like a roller coaster as well.
There were a few times I even felt like I was about to do something stupid!
??? Mm-hm.
Streamer U Senpai, say something!
??? (Clears throat)
When it comes to the matter of your future as a streamer, I'd recommend you stop messing around. You're never going to make it with this gig. You should get off your ass; maybe you'd have a better shot as a tour guide.
Streamer U A tour guide??
??? As for your second question, whether or not you can go to Rhodes Island–
Streamer U Hold on a sec, you haven't even told me why I can't be a streamer anymore!
??? Simmer down.
––Of course you can go to Rhodes Island.
Streamer U Why's that?
??? Because if you don't, there's going to be a lot of nasty people knocking on my door.
Streamer U Why? If people are trying to mess with you, I won't let them hear the end of it!
??? Uhhh... It's not a big deal. At least, it shouldn't matter to you.
As for your third question, regarding why you feel as if some things are always changing–
Do you think that everything you've experienced is real?
Streamer U Real? Why wouldn't it be?
??? For example, can we definitely say that we aren't just puppets of a higher will?
Streamer U Puppets... of a higher... will? I mean, of course we aren't?
??? But if it is capable of controlling your every thought and action, it wouldn't even permit you to contemplate whether or not you're truly free.
Even more terrifying, it might allow you to think that you do have free will.
However, it will also let you eternally seek the answer without a conclusion. You'll only be able to speculate as to whether this higher will exists, but will never know for sure!
Streamer U Wait... Senpai, are YOU that higher will? Damnit! How could you do this to me?!
??? What reason do you have to believe that I am this higher will, rather than the platform, your fans, the pressure in your heart, or some other puppet master manipulating all these things?
Streamer U Uhh, I don't think I can keep up with this convo anymore...
??? Who knows? Maybe there's an even higher will beyond the first one.
If my will is a higher level of existence than yours, who is the will above mine? And if there's another higher will above that one, can there ever be an end?
Does it extend ad infinitum, or stop at a certain point? Or... is it an Ouroboros, with neither beginning nor end?
You may think yourself my puppet, but who knows, it may be the case that the puppet of your puppet of your puppet could be the unchallengeable higher will above my head.
Streamer U About that, senpai... I'm here to ask you to bail out my miserable existence, not to go on and on about some philosophical nonsense.
??? You have no swag. None at all.
Streamer U What the hell do you mean by swag? I'm starting to think that you're the actual poser here!
Oh, and I didn't realize it until now, but what's the deal with your getup? Your whole flower garland and floral-print shirt... are you dressing like someone from Dossoles just to mess with my head?
Could it be... that you're not my senpai from the livestreaming industry at all, but rather some fraudster here to scam me?!
??? Fraudster?
That's right. I am the man who scammed everyone and everything with a simple ALL!
To correct your misconception, I will make an exception and send you an ALL too–
Go, and experience all your bad endings in turn!
[Scenes from the other six endings of The Ultimate Beautiful Girl are shown (for this time only, we had to break the fourth wall because... well, you can guess why from the conversation before...)]
<Background 3>
Medic Miss Eureka?!
Eureka (Hears choirs of angels singing)
Medic, could you fetch me a cup of tea?
Medic Right away!
The Ultimate Beautiful Girl 1.png
Eureka Phew—
Medic What happened just now? Was livestreaming really that painful for you?
Eureka (Gestures to start speaking)
(Opens mouth)
(Holds cheek with gesturing hand)
(Shifts eyes around)
(Hesitates to speak)
Medic Umm... Miss Eureka?
Eureka Umm... It's really hard to explain, but I think my brain just short-circuited like the flash of my camera...
I guess, uh, it wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. So-so. That's about it.
Medic Oh...
<Background 3>
Eureka By the way, while my head was going completely kaput just now, I vaguely remember hearing that I'm supposed to become a tour guide in the future. Does Rhodes Island have any openings like that?
Medic Hmm, there actually was an operator who used to work as a tour guide.
Eureka Really? What were they like? Man or woman? Cute or not?
Medic He was a blond from Dossoles, codename Tequila. His real name is...
Eureka Ugh...
Medic Ernesto Salas.
[Eureka collapses.]