The Ultimate Beautiful Girl intro

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Mischievous Kid?
Serious Bearded Kid?
Streamer U's Room
Dossoles Street
Leithanian Alley
Zeruertza Street
<Background 1>
[Click gave a bento...]
Click Here, your bento.
[ Eureka, the pink-haired Zalak host previously seen in Dossoles Holiday.]
Eureka Click-sensei, I really can't be mooching off of you anymore!
You paid the rent for this room, bought this bed for me, and even paid for my meals the last few days!
I'm not gonna have any dignity left if I keep imposing on your goodwill!
Click You've been saying that since the first meal I treated you to.
Eureka (Shifts eyes)
(Hesitantly holds out hand)
(Accepts the bento)
<Background fades out and in>
Eureka Pheeew, that hit the spot!
Click But you're right about one thing. I can't be feeding you for free forever.
Eureka Click-sensei, if there's anything you need from me, just say the word!
Ever since I was given the boot in Dossoles and my video camera was stolen from me in Acahualla, right up to when I arrived in this nomadic city, nobody's ever been so nice to me!
If you're being chased by any debt collectors, I promise to help you keep it on the down-low! They'll never find you!
Click How long do you plan to stay in hiding?
Eureka Well, I already gave it my best shot, and still couldn't cough up the dough. So, all I can do is stay hidden for as long as I can.
Click Y'know... You can't just run away from your problems your whole life!
Ta-dah! Look, I've brought you a terminal and some matching gear!
Remember the streamer gig I mentioned to you earlier?
You thought it was pretty interesting at the time, right? Now that you have the gear, why don't you give it a try?
If everything goes well, you might even get your own loyal fanbase and earn a bunch of money!
Eureka R-Really? Think I could pull that off?
Click Ever since the first time I met you, I always thought you had it in you to become a streamer!
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Eureka Haha~ So that's why you left in the first place~ I totally get it now~♪
[The crowd cheers...]
Eureka Thanks for your support, everyone! If you liked my performance, please leave a little tip–
[ the building behind Eureka catches fire.]
Passerby Look! That building behind her's on fire! Hurry, run!
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Click At the time, I thought to myself, this singer's not half bad. Maybe I should collab with her if I get the chance.
The next time I saw you, you were hosting a big sale for some store.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 3>
Eureka The winning number is... #109!
Who's the lucky winner of our cash prize? Ohhh! Looks like it's this lovely grandma here!
Congratulations, congratulations! Please come forward so we can–
[The old woman trips and falls to the ground.]
Passerby The old granny tripped and fell! Quick, someone call an ambulance!
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Click I remember thinking at the time, you've got a pretty likable personality, so how'd you always end up hosting promotional events?
Later, I heard you weren't even able to keep those gigs, and ended up doing promotions in some shady place.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Eureka Here, little kid. A balloon~
Mischievous Kid? Little kid? Hah!
Do you even have eyes! You're the little kid here!
Eureka Stop kicking! Please stop kicking–
[Eureka falls to the ground.]
Eureka Waah!
Mischievous Kid? Hahaha! She went ass-over-teakettle–
Serious Bearded Kid? What's gotten into you? Hurry up and apologize!
Mischievous Kid? She went and called me a little kid! I'm leaving!
Eureka D-Don't worry about it... But, would you mind giving me a hand? I can't get up by myself...
Serious Bearded Kid? No problem–
Oh, your collar seems to be stuck in the wall... Lemme see if I can give it a little tug–
Eureka My neeeeeeck! It's gonna breaaaaak!
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Eureka I never knew you'd been following my career for so long...
Click Based on everything I've seen, someone with your abilities and talents should have no problem making a name for yourself on the path to becoming a streamer.
That way, at least you won't have to worry about your debts continuing to grow. You won't have to stay in hiding anymore, and you'll have a semblance of stability for the time being.
Eureka Wow, you've been thinking about me this whole time...
Click Wait, I'm not done yet.
I'm going to set off for Rhodes Island right away and report your situation. If all goes well, you'll be able to sign a contract with them, which will give you some long-term stability.
Eureka Waaaah! Click-sensei... I'm so touched...
Click But Eureka. Your luck. It's awful. Like, seriously.
So just chill until you hear news from Rhodes Island. Don't get confused by all the weird stuff on the intercity net, and whatever you do, don't do anything wild.
Eureka (Blows nose)
I promise!
Click Alright then. In any case, the nomadic city stops tomorrow. Go ahead and familiarize yourself with how to use the equipment and the intercity net first. Then, I'll help you brainstorm ideas of what you might want to stream.
<Background fades out and in>
Click Hmm, what would be a good topic... (paces back and forth)
I've got it!
Listen up, Eureka! There's no better livestream material than... everything you've seen and heard on your way here!
...What are you doing?
Eureka Click-sensei! This is way too much fun! Look, these two streamers are playing online games together, and the audience is betting on the outcome! All you need to do is click here–