Nothing Else Stands In Her Way

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This ending will be played if a livestream ends due to the Pressure being bottomed out.
Staff Worker
Streamer U's Room
<Background black>
In a certain place in a certain city on a certain month and year, there was a livestreamer by the name of U-Official, commonly known as Streamer U.
Things were a bit touch-and-go at first, but at some point, she felt like she'd figured out the trick to streaming.
Any material she'd casually find to stream would quickly go viral on the intercity net, and any random topic she'd bring up would set off waves of discussion throughout her audience.
Even the products she'd recommend purely on a whim would fly off the shelves in no time.
Her streaming career rode the fast track to success, and U-Official quickly became a celebrity all across the net.
It wasn't long before she was invited to host a variety of public events, up to and including the groundbreaking ceremony of a new nomadic city plate.
Streamer U already knew the reason for her success.
Because she is the Last All-arounder Beauty Girl.
Is there anyone more suited for livestreaming than the Last All-arounder Beauty Girl? Of course not!
Livestreaming was her god-given duty. There was no need to plan, no need to worry. As long as she showed up to do whatever, she would effortlessly command everyone's attention. And if she actually tried, she could easily take the entire city by storm.
If the curve of one's destiny is shaped like a U, then without a doubt she had already passed the bend and was about to climb to life's next peak.
Background-Kazimierz Village.png
Streamer U I'll be here broadcasting "Suburb Surfing" for the time being, so don't go anywhere! The second half of the stream will be here soon, so I'll see you guys in a little bit!
<Background 1>
Streamer U (Turns off microphone)
Are you ready? The intermission is where the show's true battle starts!
Staff Worker Th-The what now?
Streamer U The twenty minute break used to be for ads, right? But they changed it last minute; now you're interviewing me. I've already talked to your producer.
Staff Worker Huh?!
Streamer U More importantly, this isn't your regularly scheduled interview, it's supposed to be a hot mic "accident"—in other words, we're pretending I forgot to turn off my mic and end up broadcasting it to the entire city!
Staff Worker What's the point of that?
Streamer U First, it adds a chill vibe to the whole thing, and gets the audience feeling, like, "wow, even this famous streamer makes mistakes, just like me, fr!" Which makes me more relatable.
Second, during the interview, I'm not just gonna tell my own story, but I'll also bridge the different segments of the program to get the audience hyped up for the second half!
And last but not least!
Wherever I fall, that's where I'll stand back up!
Since the U-curve of my life began its slide to the bottom with a livestream accident, the only way to claim my spot at the top is with another one!
Staff Worker Not sure that makes any sense, but I'm already feeling the hype!
Streamer U That's the spirit! Let's do this!
(Turns on microphone)
Staff Worker Good work, U-sensei. Make sure to drink some water before the second half.
Streamer U Thanks, you too.
Staff Worker By the way, since we're not recording, mind if I ask you how you made it big, starting from a small-time streamer?
Streamer U Great question, I'm glad you asked.
If I had to say, there are a lot of factors at play, but the big three are my talent, my beauty, and my profound wisdom.
<Background fades out>
And so, the two begin to chat.
Streamer U goes on and on, boasting to the staff worker about her various strong suits.
Tooting one's own horn like this would normally be off-putting, but coming from her somehow made it extremely charming.
And not just to the staff worker who was in on the bit; everyone who'd realized it was a hot mic moment was waiting for her to rip into someone, and all felt a sense of admiration and awe well up from the bottom of their hearts.
<Background fades in>
Staff Worker But now you really have me curious. U-sensei, you've been to so many places, and have such high standards. This program aside, what do you think about the scenery here?
Streamer U You want my honest opinion?
[The staff's communicator rings.]
Staff Worker Ugh, we were just about to get to the good part. Why do people keep calling me? That's fourteen or fifteen times now...
Streamer U Don't worry, go ahead and take the call. I'll go make us some tea.
Staff Worker Thanks. Ugh, now who is this person who doesn't know how to read the room...
Hello? Who is it?
The intermission's been going on for an hour and a half?!
She's impossible to rein in at this point?
Streamer U What's wrong? You don't look so good. Here, have some tea.
Staff Worker (Lips quiver)
Streamer U By the way, I was thinking about your question while brewing. To be honest, what I think is...
Staff Worker (Looks at her to try to get her to stop)
The Ultimate Beautiful Girl 7.png
Streamer U If you ask me, even though everyone thinks of this place as a tourist attraction with great views, it's just a bunch of man-made hills.
And if we're talking climate, well... It's so damp and sticky, I have to wonder if you guys have any humidity-causing Catastrophes nearby.
The local food and drink isn't anything to write home about either. Fried, overcooked, fried, overcooked, fried, overcooked. Not a single healthy, refreshing item on the menu.
Right, and there's not much in the way of entertainment either. The biggest event I've seen around here is a roadside supermarket promotion.
Now to wrap things up, how should I put this...
It's got nothing on Dossoles.
<Background black>
Even the furious producer is unable to put the slightest bit of pressure on Eureka.
Temporary off-air announcement. Liquidated damages. Loans. Interest. Loans. Interest. Loans. Interest.
Well, whatever those are, it's not her problem.
After all, the outspoken Eureka has already become bona fide famous.
Unfortunately, she's also gotten to the point where no platform is willing to believe that she can just do a straight broadcast. No one can predict the next bombshell to come out of her mouth.
<Background 1>
Streamer U Alright, that's all for today. That's your cue, everyone. Start spamming our catchphrase!
Our rating is–
Tens of Thousands of Comments Worse! Than! Dossoles! Worse! Than! Dossoles!!
<Background black>
That'll do.
Or so Eureka thinks, after turning off her private channel and her small livestream.
Everything was going perfectly.
Indeed, livestreaming is her god-given duty.