She Can't Help But Wonder Who Touched Her Cystymilk

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This ending will be played if a livestream ends due to the Stream Revenue being bottomed out.
Streamer U's Room
<Background black>
In a certain place in a certain city on a certain month and year, there was a livestreamer by the name of U-Official, commonly known as Streamer U.
She worked hard on her streams, extended her streaming schedule, and increased their frequency, but none of it seemed to remedy her paltry income.
Most viewers would leave after a quick glance, and of the very few who stuck around, few bothered donating.
She thought to herself that maybe she'd been putting effort into the wrong things.
So she tried to expand the scope of her streams, but the rapidly-changing themes didn't find much traction either.
<Background 1>
Streamer U Today, we'll be watching the famous classic, "Laterano Bridge"! It's said to be a story between an author and a young Sankta!
What distinctive architecture, solemn and pure-white... This movie must've been filmed on location in Laterano!
The director handles the relationship between the author and the teenager delicately and with—Uhh, what comes after delicately? Let me check—Gah! Forget I said anything! I'm definitely not reading off a script!
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U Hello everyone. Today, we're going to play a game that's sure to bring back memories—
"You suddenly ended your stream halfway through yesterday. What about the second half of the movie?"
Pshh, don't sweat the small stuff. We can always finish the movie next time. Tonight's game night!
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U Hello everyone! Let's dive right into karaoke time!
Let's go with something challenging right out of the gate, "Lingones Love Song"—
"Why'd you stop playing the game halfway through? Lose your save file?"
Don't worry about it! A new sun rises every morning, just like how Streamer U is here to bring you something new and exciting every day!
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U Today's a cooking stream! I'll have you know, I've been all over, and have seen countless delicacies! This time, I'll be introducing everyone to a new arrival—rainforest mushroom-flavored spicy-and-savory sandworm legs!
"Are you gonna sing or not?" ...Well, I was singing for a while, and it felt like nobody was saying anything so... Err, nevermind.
Let's not talk about that. C'mere, try this tasty grub! Do you like it? Alright, let's give it a bite—
(*swallows laboriously*)
Hey, wait, who just posted "sucks at everything except eating lol"?!
I'm gonna get mad! I'm gonna get really, really, really—
(*covers mouth*)
S-Streamer U needs to step out for a second! I'll be right back! A-Actually, I'm gonna call it for today's stream!
[Streamer U runs off.]
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U Ugh, I spent so long vomiting yesterday, my stomach still feels awful...
I tried so many different stream formats, so why are my numbers just dropping more and more? Could it be... they have something against me personally?
Must be their problem then, if they can't appreciate my greatness!
But... maybe I should look into it a bit. Where do they normally talk about me?
It should be these forums, right?
[Streamer U browses to an online forum.]
Streamer U Register new user... Username... ERK...
<Background fades out>
After realizing that just working hard was getting her nowhere, she decided to register on the fan forums.
Here, she silently lurked and learned, hoping to improve herself.
Her hard work paid off, and she did indeed undergo a metamorphosis, successfully becoming a master keyboard warrior across multiple forums.
<Background fades in>
Streamer U Me? I hate those internet trolls more than anything else. Well, it's not like I ever argue with others. I just say it like it is.
Of course livestreaming shouldn't be restricted to a single format! That's a clear sign that you're just a one-trick burdenbeast!
I'll change up my stream format however I want. And if you don't wanna stick around, sayonara.
No, no, no. If you're sitting around watching streams all day, there's something wrong with YOU.
Specialization? A focus? Those are just excuses made by incompetent no-name streamers.
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U I watched the first ten minutes of this movie and it was so bad there was nothing to keep me going.
Who even paid the director for this crap? What an absolute waste of money!
What's wrong with what I said? I watched the first ten minutes and decided it totally sucked—am I not allowed to say that?
If it really is a good movie, then why couldn't it grab my attention from the beginning? As a streamer, I've already watched a ton of movies, so why do I have to sit through the entire thing like you people?
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U You know, I've worked so hard all this time, with nobody to rely on but myself. Shout out to all you real ones for supporting me all this time—
What, you got a problem with what I said? What do you know? You just happened to tune into my stream relatively early on. Do you have any idea what kind of work I put in off-stream? Check yourself.
<Background fades out and in>
Streamer U Speaking of singing, I heard the awards won by that album featured by a certain record label next door all came from shilling out to fudge the data.
Those album sales numbers were also jacked up by their own internal buybacks.
If you don't believe me, I know a whole bunch of people who work there, and apparently stuff like that is pretty common in the industry.
Me? You guys don't get it at all. I didn't even bother trying to make it as a singer, because the filth of the music industry is beneath me.
That record label will definitely change their strategy in the future. Their upper management often asks for my opinion behind closed doors.
It's gonna be exactly what I said, you just wait and see. These companies are all the same.
The Ultimate Beautiful Girl 3.png
Streamer U's special livestream sent shockwaves across the net, and the makeup of her fans rapidly began to change as she chased certain people away while attracting other curious viewers.
She actually profited quite a bit from it, and the platform even packaged her as a troll streamer and set up a specific stream category for her.
Having tasted the sweet nectar of success, Streamer U naturally began to intensify her antics.
As expected, she soon received a court summons for slandering many individuals and companies, as well as spreading various rumors.
Due to her wide reach, Streamer U had to pay a large sum as compensation, making all her previous income look like a drop in the bucket.
By all indications, she can only go so far as a streamer.
"I, I just repeated what my other friends said. I didn't know it was fake! I just wanted to share it with my fans, and didn't mean any harm!"
"Why isn't an apology enough? Look, I'm sorry and didn't mean it. It's the fault of the people who spread these things."
"I've realized that what I did was wrong. Please, I'm really sorry!"
"N-Now that I've paid up, will your record label still consider me?"