Tune in next time for: Love, Utuber and Stans

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This ending will be played if a livestream ends due to the Fan Response being maxed out.
Staff Worker
Streamer U's Room
<Background black>
In a certain place in a certain city on a certain month and year, there was a livestreamer by the name of U-Official, commonly known as Streamer U.
Anyone who watched her stream was mesmerized, almost like she possessed some kind of mysterious, bewitching power.
Her channel was the most harmonious channel in the intercity net—no, perhaps all of Terra.
The hand-to-mouth cheered her on, the high-rollers donated, the outspoken were careful with their words, and the ill-intentioned had no place to hide among them.
Whenever her streams ended, her fans immediately scoured the net for clips to relive the moment.
Although she made nowhere near as much in donations as the biggest streamers, she could feel everyone's love for her from all the tiny, tiny donations she got.
Although it would take years to pay back her loans with them, she was already the happiest streamer in all of Terra.
She truly thought that it was love, not money, that supported her through each and every one of her debt-ridden days.
Those days seemed like they would last forever...
Yet, one ordinary day, like any ordinary person, Streamer U came down with a minor cold. Urged by all parties, she had no choice but to stop streaming for a week.
<Background 1>
Streamer U *cough*... Yeah, I'll miss you guys too...
But saying goodbye is just the set-up for a reunion!
When I come back a week later, all better, I'll be sure to bring you guys more love, joy, and happiness!
It's... *cough*... a promise, okay?
No, guys, stop it with the donations! Your thoughts ring loud and clear, and that's more than enough to—*cough*—help me get better ASAP!
<Background fades out>
It was a long week.
Lying in bed with the thermometer in her mouth, Streamer U spent every moment thinking about her fans and worrying.
If she could recover just a day sooner, she would get to meet her fans a day earlier...
But the cold, merciless as it was, lasted an entire week.
<Background fades in>
Streamer U Pleased to meet you, new faces! And it's been seven whole days, old faces! Streamer U is back in action, baby!
I'm very happy to see you guys a... gain...
The lobby was almost empty. The number of fans was nowhere close to what she previously had.
Is love... really so fickle?
Streamer U didn't get it.
Just then, a fan sent her a link in the chat and told her that this was where her love had gone.
Flustered, she immediately clicked it and saw something she would never forget.
<Background black>
??? Pleased to meet you, new faces! And it's been a whole day, old faces!
Hey there, it's U-Gigamax, the new streamer who just debuted!
The Ultimate Beautiful Girl 4.png
Streamer U Gigamax?
U-Gigamax Welcome, new face, to my channel! Whoa, if it isn't Mama, U-Official! Mama, hiyas!
Streamer U Mama?
U-Gigamax I'm an artificial intelligence that specializes in 24/7 livestreaming developed on the Raythean Cogitator-Psi High-Performance Interactive Platform.
From modeling to debugging, everything was done by Mama's most loyal fan, my papa, Anonymous!
Streamer U Papa?!
U-Gigamax To relieve the pain of not being able to see Mama U-Official, Papa Anonymous referenced Mama's appearance and speech habits and worked on developing me all by himself!
Mama stopped streaming a week ago, and I came online five days ago!
Mama's fans gave me lots of encouragement and support, and now I have three-fourths of the fans you have, Mama!
Mama, be sure to dote on me lots from here on out!
<Background black>
The touching first encounter between mother and daughter took the intercity net by storm.
Urged by the platform and the fans, Streamer U and U-Gigamax even had a competitive match in a game, which ended in her cruel defeat.
The fans thought they would get to see the loving mother and filial daughter continue coexisting in harmony with one another, but how wrong they were.
They could never imagine just how crazy someone who was once well-loved would become upon losing that love.
<Background 1>
Streamer U (Sorts out equipment)
(Strokes pose at the camera)
All these stickers on my body... It feels so weird...
But it's all gonna be worth it! Nothing isn't worth it!
Excuse me, may I start streaming now?
Staff Worker Alright! We're good to go!
Streamer U Hey there! Pleased to meet you, new faces! Old faces—Pleased to meet you for the first time too!
I'm your host—Streamer U-G-Official!
I may look like Gigamax, but I'm not an AI who only repeats what others say on the inside, you know?
I'm Streamer U! The real Streamer U!
(Chokes on tears)
From here on out, I'll keep bringing you guys lots and looots of love and happiness, so be sure to give me allll your love, too! That's our... promise!
<Background black>
To mount a comeback against this Anonymous—the one who made the AI call him her papa and Streamer U her mama—and, more importantly, to win back the love that belonged to her...
Streamer U put everything on the line—her quality of life, her connections, her savings, her breach of contract penalties... and even her pride—all to make U-Gigamax completely disappear from the intercity net.
The platform told her bluntly that that was impossible, and so she went for the next best thing—
She would proclaim authority over love itself. She would seize U-Gigamax's soul itself.
She would not allow anyone who sees this avatar to even think of that slightly robotic AI sound. They must hear nothing but her voice in their heads!
Alas, she lost.
Thus, the legend of Streamer U became but a prelude to the epic of U-Gigamax.
That said, she was at least able use legal means to win some compensation for the use of her likeness.
Of course, it was nowhere near enough to help her pay back her loans.