Self-Driving Cart One-Way Road

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Causes Self-Driving Carts to turn when they pass over it.
—Description of operations featuring the Self-Driving Cart One-Way Road

The Self-Driving Cart One-Way Road or simply One-Way Road is a deployable device in Arknights.

The One-Way Road redirects Self-Driving Carts it passes through to the direction the Road is facing, but a single Cart can only be redirected once by each Road.

Gear modifications

Gear Effects
Cart Gear 29.png Steering Expansion Kit Increases the deployment count of One-Way Roads by 4.
Cart Gear 30.png Steering Driver v2 Reduces the redeployment time of One-Way Roads by 4 seconds but reduces their deployment count by 2.
Cart Gear 33.png Steering Expansion Tool Increases the deployment count of One-Way Roads by 2.
Cart Gear 34.png Steering Driver Update Reduces the redeployment time of One-Way Roads by 2 seconds but reduces their deployment count by 1.


Side Stories IC-3IC-4IC-5IC-6IC-7IC-8IC-9IC-EX-1IC-EX-2IC-EX-3IC-EX-4IC-EX-6IC-EX-7IC-EX-8IC-MO-1IC-P-1IC-P-2IC-S-1IC-S-2IC-S-3IC-S-4IC-TR-1


100 0 0 0
DP cost Redeployment time Block count Attack interval
5 5 seconds 0 N/A


Self-Driving Cart, This Way!
Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Makes passing Self-Driving Carts change direction to match the deployment direction of this unit, and briefly increases their Movement Speed
  • When a Self-Driving Cart is within a radius of 0.2 tiles to a One-Way Road, its speed is increased by 50% for 0.5 seconds and the Cart will move towards the direction the Traffic is facing after it moves over half a tile.
  • Each Self-Driving Cart can only trigger a single One-Way Road's effects once.