Duq'arael, "Regent's Crimson"

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Duq'arael acts as the main boss of Episode 13 under his full title, Duq'arael, "Regent's Crimson".

Enemy description
The Host of the Crimson Court, and master of all bloodborn. A drop of Teekaz blood once flowed through his body, and its last remaining purity has returned to the land. Now, he has his sights set on the King of Sarkaz once again. He smiles, declaring that he has already slain one such King, and plans to bid farewell to the final one.


Although Duq'arael initially appears to be a rather standard Main Theme boss in terms of stats, he has deceptive survivability and a wide variety of abilities tailored for wide-area pressure, allowing him to withstand prolonged assaults while debilitating and overwhelming defenses, true to his reputation as the dreaded Sanguinarch of all Vampires who can even match Amiya in battle.

  • Duq'arael initially uses a ranged Arts attack.
  • If Duq'arael is defeated before the Throne of Blood is destroyed, he will respawn from the Throne with full HP after 40 seconds. This can repeat indefinitely, making Duq'arael unbeatable as long as the Throne stands.
  • Moon-Devouring Bloodmist: Targets the most recently deployed friendly unit (including Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bombs) and creates a blood mist centered on them with a radius of 1.7 tiles, lasting for 10 seconds. Friendlies within the blood mist take 50 Arts damage every second which increases by 15 every second (up to 200), have their ASPD reduced by 40, and have their redeployment time doubled if they leave the map while in the mist. In addition, any Blood Ambers within the blood mist will transform into Bloodborn Spawns after a 1 second delay. Moon-Devouring Bloodmist will be used 10 seconds after Duq'arael spawns and every 25 seconds after.
    • If Moon-Devouring Bloodmist targets an Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bomb, the blood mist will not follow the Bomb if it moves and remains on where the Bomb was when Moon-Devouring Bloodmist is used.
  • Blood Surge: When Duq'arael is defeated, he will sequentially target four most recently deployed friendly units (including Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bombs) every 5 seconds, dealing 800 Arts damage to the targets and those in the adjacent tiles, and Stuns them for 5 seconds.
  • When the Throne of Blood is destroyed, Duq'arael will warp to the Throne's position (or appears there if he is absent), entering his second phase (indicated by him having a crown of thorns on his head) with the following properties:
    • HP, ATK, and DEF increased to 100000, 2000, and 1000 (120000, 2400, and 1200 at Level 1), respectively.
    • Speed reduced to 0.2 tiles/second and attack interval increased to 6 seconds.
    • Now uses a melee Arts attack.
    • Loses Moon-Devouring Bloodmist and Blood Surge.
    • Physical and Arts damage taken reduced by a grand 90% and other enemies in a radius of 1.7 tiles around Duq'arael (indicated by a red aura around him) will regenerate 300 HP every second, both of which will be disabled for 15 seconds when he is struck by an Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bomb.
    • Blood Affliction: Duq'arael's attacks inflict a debuff for 10 seconds which has the same effect as Moon-Devouring Bloodmist's blood mist minus the ASPD reduction (see above). The Blood Affliction debuff will be refreshed if Duq'arael attacks friendlies already affected by it.
    • Crimson Edict: Channels for 15 seconds and summons 4 Blood Ambers on the spot over the channeling period (one at the start and one every 5 seconds), then creates a blood mist identical to that spawned by Moon-Devouring Bloodmist centered on Duq'arael himself (instantly turning the spawned Ambers into Bloodborn Spawns in the process), with a cooldown of 10 seconds after entering the second phase and every 30 seconds after. Crimson Edict can be interrupted if Duq'arael is hit by an Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bomb.
    • Sunken Death: When Duq'arael is hit by an Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bomb or comes within 2 tiles to a Bomb Loading Point, he will immediately use a version of Blood Surge (see above) over 10 seconds that targets 2 friendly units (one at the start and one at the 5 seconds mark) and deals Arts damage equal to half his ATK, and channels for 7 seconds during which the Bomb Loading Point that spawned the Bomb which hits Duq'arael or the one too close to him is marked in red and will be destroyed once the channeling finishes.
      • If Duq'arael is hit by another Bomb when channeling Sunken Death, he will neither immediately target that Bomb's Loading Point nor use it on said Loading Point right afterwards. The same also happens when Duq'arael is hit by a Bomb spawned by the targeted Loading Point right after the previous one hits him and before it is destroyed by Sunken Death.


Main Theme 13-21H13-3H13-4
In H13-3 and H13-4, Duq'arael receives additional abilities; for more information, see the Enemies section of the respective operations.


Level 1 stats are used in H13-3 and H13-4.
Attack range 2.2 tiles
Weight 10
Life Point penalty 2


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate Frighten Fear
Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Vulnerable Vulnerable