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An incarnation of Sui's true form manifested by the black goblet made by Wang, named "Sui-Xiang" (lit. "Face/Facade of Sui"), acts as the main boss of Invitation to Wine.

Enemy description
The shadow of the bestial Sui, towering and venerable. It casts its lazy gaze upon the mortal realm, and in the blink of an eye a thousand years have come and gone. With the millennium passing like a dream, it is uncertain whether it is feeling anger or bitterness.


Taking up an enormous area of 4×5 tiles, Sui-Xiang boasts towering HP, ATK, and decent defenses along with dangerous abilities that are more than enough to make up for Its inability to move on Its own.

  • Unlike other bosses, Sui-Xiang has a special HP meter that will be shown at the top of the HUD whenever It is present.
  • Sui-Xiang initially spawns as an orb-like vessel named Dantian on a specific tile of the map, which is invulnerable but cannot do anything. 20 Wisps will spawn from the map's Protection Objectives and attempt to move towards the Dantian; upon coming into contact with it, the Wisp will be "absorbed" and increase Sui-Xiang's maximum HP by 5% of the base value (visually identified as parts of Its HP meter turning bright red). If all 20 Wisps are absorbed, Sui-Xiang will essentially have Its HP doubled.
    • 2 seconds after all Wisps are defeated or absorbed, Sui-Xiang will materialize Itself, at which all tiles that It would occupy are turned into brown tiles which cannot be deployed upon; any friendly units on the said tiles will be instantly knocked out, even if their HP cannot be reduced below a certain amount. Sui-Xiang will also be invulnerable for 4 seconds after It materializes.
  • Sui-Xiang's attacks have a global range and prioritize attacking the melee units closest to It.
    • Note that distance from Sui-Xiang is determined relative to the bottom-middle tile of Its tile area.
  • Any damage taken by Sui-Xiang from units that are above or below It is halved.
  • Faraway Mountains' Thunderclap: Sui-Xiang calls down lightning bolts on up to three friendly units anywhere on the map (prioritizing ranged units closest to It), dealing Arts damage equal to 13% of Its ATK every 1.5 seconds to the targets and units adjacent to them for 15 seconds. Faraway Mountains' Thunderclap will be used 10 seconds from when Sui-Xiang materializes Itself and every 18 seconds after.
  • When Its HP reaches 0, Sui-Xiang will vanish and spawn the next wave of enemies. Once all of the enemies are defeated, Sui-Xiang's Dantian phase (see above) will be repeated at a new position closer to the Protection Objective before entering the second phase, gaining the following properties:
    • HP, ATK, and DEF changed to 75000, 1500, and 500, respectively. At Level 1, Its HP and RES are changed to 85000 and 40, respectively.
    • The damage reduction against units above/below It is increased to 80%.
    • Faraway Mountains' Thunderclap now has a cooldown of 25 seconds.
    • Heavensfall: Sui-Xiang strikes a target anywhere on the map with Its sword-like tail (prioritizing melee units closest to It), dealing Physical damage equal to 130% of Its ATK twice and inflicting a Negative Status which causes the target to take Arts damage equal to 10% of Its ATK every second over 15 seconds, which increases further by 10% every 2 instances of damage. Heavensfall has a cooldown of 5 seconds from when Sui-Xiang enters Its second phase and every 20 seconds thereafter.
  • When Its HP reaches 0 in the second phase, Sui-Xiang will vanish again and spawn the last wave of enemies. Once all of the enemies in the last wave are defeated, Sui-Xiang will repeat the Dantian phase (see above) at another closer position before entering the third phase, gaining the following properties:
    • HP and ATK changed to 95000 and 1600, respectively. At Level 1, Its HP, ATK, and RES are changed to 100000, 1700, and 35, respectively.
    • Sui-Xiang's regular attacks can now hit up to two targets at once.
    • Faraway Mountains' Thunderclap now has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
    • Heavensfall's damage is reduced to 120% ATK, but the damage now increases by 15% (20% at Level 1) every 3 instances of damage. At Level 1, the duration is also lowered to 12 seconds.
    • Omnidirectional Breath: Sui-Xiang charges up and fires horizontal beams down every row to Its right for 5 seconds, dealing both Physical and Arts damage per second equal to 35% of Its ATK to the first friendly unit in each row and scorching unoccupied tiles, preventing friendly units from being deployed there for the rest of the operation. While the first friendly unit in each row takes full damage from Omnidirectional Breath, they will also protect the rest of the row behind them, reducing the damage taken by friendly units to 15% ATK and preventing unoccupied tiles from being scorched. Omnidirectional Breath will be used 10 seconds after Sui-Xiang enters the third phase and every 60 seconds thereafter; the cooldown is shown as a purple meter below Sui-Xiang's HP meter.
    • Wisps will continue spawning in the third phase, but instead of increasing Sui-Xiang's HP, they will now reduce Omnidirectional Breath's cooldown by 3 seconds (2 seconds at Level 1) if they come into contact with It.
  • If Sui-Xiang is not defeated in 9 minutes after the operation starts (which will be extended by an additional minute when It enters Its third phase), It becomes invulnerable and unleashes golden shockwaves that reduces the Life Points to 0, resulting in an instant mission failure!


Side Stories IW-9IW-EX-8


Level 1 stats are used in IW-EX-8.
Attack range Global
Weight 9
Life Point penalty 2
Size 4×5 tiles
Miscellaneous Cannot be blocked


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate Frighten Fear
Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Vulnerable Immune