Faction trivia: Sui

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  • Sui literally means "year," referring to their fragments' appearances in the Festival events of Arknights as well as their references based on the Nian monster.
  • Sui is likely based on the Dragon King or the Yellow Dragon in Chinese mythology along with elements taken from the Nian monster.
    • All the fragments of Sui have poems in their Promotion Records that are likely an allusion to the nine sons of the Dragon King.
    • It is worth noting that there is also another Sui (Hanzi: 祟) that is a kind of devil that plagues anyone sleeping during the New Year Eve. The culture of shousui and the yasuiqian (better known as red envelope) all originate from the ritual of expelling the Sui.
    • Further confirming this, Sui's tail is tied with copper coins, alluding the original form of the yasuiqian as stringed coins.
  • Each member of Sui represents a specific chapter in Tiangong Kaiwu, a Chinese encyclopedia from the Ming dynasty that records traditional craftsman skills.
    • Nian represents the chapter of "Wujin (五金)", the chapter of metallurgy, which is noted by her proficiency in metalworking.
    • Dusk represents the chapter of "Danqing (丹青)", the chapter of ink, which is noted by her skill in arts, specifically her ink wash painting.
    • Ling represents the chapter of "Qunie (麴蘖)", the chapter of fermented drinks, which is noted by her alcoholic character and the association of alcohol and poets in Chinese culture.
    • Chongyue represents the chapter of "Jiabing (佳兵)", the chapter of military technology, which alludes to his power associating with warfare manifested through his kung fu and military philosophy.
    • Shu represents the chapter of "Naili (乃粒)", the chapter of agriculture, which alludes to her agrarian ability.
    • Ji represents the chapter of "Naifu (乃服)", the chapter of clothing, which alludes to his power associate with textile skills, and his hobby related to sericulture.
    • Wang likely represents the chapter of "Taoshan (陶埏)", the chapter of ceramics, through the black goblet he possesses that could create Waregeists. Weiqi/go stones could also be made of porcelain or marble.
    • Jie likely represents the chapter of "Shaqing (杀青)", the chapter of paper, which alludes her calligraphic power.
    • The "Youngest Brother" likely represents the chapters of "Naili (乃粒)", the chapter of agriculture, "Cuijing (粹精)", the chapter of grain refinery, "Zuoxian (作咸)", the chapter of salt, "Ganshi (甘嗜)", the chapter of sugar, and "Gaoye (膏液)", the chapter of plant oil. All these five chapters parallel his culinary power.
  • The birthday of each member is based on their hierarchy. For example, Ling's birthday is March 3, and she belongs to the third place of all the siblings.
  • Every member of Sui has their Arts Adaptability rated as "Flawed".
  • The original Chinese text often employs the divine third-person pronoun 祂 for its deific characters (e.g. Sui, Kjeragandr, Ishar'mla); in Sui's case, the English localization opts for the capitalized bestial "It", in line with Its nature as a draconic Feranmut.


  • Sui-Xiang has the largest sprite size of all enemies.
  • Taking up 4×5 tiles, Sui-Xiang occupies the most space of all large enemies in Arknights.