Operation story: NL-2

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Kazimierzian Knight C icon.png
A Competing Knight
Salaryman B icon.png
A Corporate Employee
Male Lungmenite icon.png
A Passing Tourist A
Female Lungmenite icon.png
A Passing Tourist B
Female Lungmenite icon.png
A Rowdy Spectator
Armorless Union Assassin icon.png
A Security Officer
Female Lungmenite icon.png
A Sensible Spectator
Kazimierzian Knight A icon.png
A Staid Knight
Salaryman A icon.png
An Arena Worker
Male Lungmenite icon.png
An Excited Spectator
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
An Infected Knight
Kazimierzian Infected Knight B icon.png
An Ingratiating Knight
A Pushy Reporter
An Excited Reporter
Kawalerielki Arena Night
Kawalerielki Arena Tribune Night
Kazimierz Bar
Nearl Estate Living Room
K.G.C.C. Office
Kazimierz Ghetto
Kazimierz Alley
Champion's Hall

Before operation

In a dastardly knight melee, an Infected knight suffers an accident in the field, making waves–and this news, manipulated to boot, is gradually concealed by the sound of advertisements.
<Background 1>
An Infected Knight Hyaaargh!
[During the battle royale capture the flag match, the Infected Pinus Sylvestris knight managed to hold on his own against the other, non-Infected knights.]
A Competing Knight Damn you, Infected–with the nerve to–
An Infected Knight Go on, leave. You don't deserve to be here.
A Competing Knight Peh! I'll drag you out of the scoring pen at the least!
[One of the non-Infected knights struck the Infected P.S. knight.]
An Infected Knight –! Ugh!
That's fine, I've still got my points–
Brassrust Knight Is that right? Oripathic filth?
An Infected Knight Ungh?!
[After a brief struggle, Olmer Ingra the Brassrust Knight landed a powerful blow on the Infected P.S. knight, much to the audience's cheer.]
<Background 2>
[While the audience cheers on the Brassrust Knight...]
Iwona Tch, Ingra...
An Excited Spectator That's it! Brassrust! Keep it up! Get him out of the scoring pen!
Break his hand! Keep going! Don't let that Infected get away!
A Sensible Spectator Shh! Keep it down! Look at the seats over there...
An Excited Spectator Huh? Why's she all alone there...? "Infected Knight seating?"
Iwona ......
A Sensible Spectator Not too loud. She was looking this way earlier.
An Excited Spectator Hah, aren't there divider walls between the seats? She can't hear anything, right? Besides, you think an Infected would have the guts to climb over here to get at me?
<Background 1>
[Back to the arena, the Infected P.S. knight counter-attacked Olmer.]
An Infected Knight This is a knight's swordsmanship, Ingra. All that blunt movement of yours really is unwatchable.
Brassrust Knight *Spit*... Infected refuse... daring to lecture me? Wait until I've flayed you and pulled your bones apart... then you'll regret it.
An Infected Knight (He really is no brains, all brawn. I just need to wait while he loses his cool.)
(Oh, here it comes!)
[Olmer charges at the Infected P.S. knight, but he managed to guard it while landing several hits on the Brassrust Knight.]
Brassrust Knight Goddamned Infected trash–
An Infected Knight –Trash? Why do I feel like it's you knights, resting on your laurels, who can't stand the heat?
[The Infected P.S. knight augments himself with wind Arts that allows him to push away Olmer.]
Brassrust Knight Grgh! He can push me off?!
No, your tiny little playsword could never... is it Arts technique? Wind Arts? Or just pure driving strength?
An Infected Knight Would I ever tell you? Olmer Ingra.
Brassrust Knight You–take this!!
[The Infected P.S. knight attempted to dodge Olmer's attack, but the Brassrust Knight had anticipated his wind Arts and struck him.]
An Infected Knight (Wait, what–?!)
Brassrust Knight Tch, it really was wind.
It seems it's only good enough to bolster your movements. Far short of what deranged things the Wind Knight can pull.
An Infected Knight (Analysis? So he isn't just a simple-minded moron...)
Brassrust Knight Hmph, Infected. That sword of yours has no Arts unit, yet still cast... disgusting. The Arts given to you by the Originium in your organs will not change the outcome of this.
That rotten Blood Knight is the same. Just because some Infected knights have cobbled together a false renown, he forces the common folk to recognize the Infected?
The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi have been just too kind to you all. Know how grateful you should be, Oripathic filth.
An Infected Knight Grateful?
To you lot?
Brassrust Knight Hah, such attitude? The Infected crawling and struggling along Kazimierz's lowest layers, you genuinely dare to cast contempt on the knight nobles?
An Infected Knight Do you know the price the Infected pay for our legal emancipation?
Brassrust Knight Hah, why should I know? I only know your coming death will be wretched–
An Infected Knight Do you know how brutal a female gloompincer is when it's been snatched from its egg? Do you know, when Infected knights are selected... the tacit homicide that happens?
Oh, "your coming death will be wretched." Big words, Olmer Ingra. You just relish in bullying the weak. It's a miracle you have the guts to step into a deathmatch.
–Have you seen what happens to all the lives deemed cheap? You knight noble filth?
<Background 2>
[The audience cheers as the match grew intense.]
An Excited Spectator There's only five still standing their ground in the scoring pen?!
Kurde![note 1] I spent all my savings on this bet, and that idiot doesn't even touch the pen for half an hour?
A Rowdy Spectator Why's there still an Infected? Are they fighting "Brassrust" Ingra?!
An Excited Spectator Hey! Get rid of that filthy asshole! Ingra!
Ingra! Ingra! Ingra!
[A rumble can be briefly felt across the arena.]
An Excited Spectator Wh-What was that? An earthquake?
A Rowdy Spectator No, no, it's that Infected knight over there... she stomped the ground something fierce just now...
Iwona ...Tch.
These dumbasses... starting to gang up on the Infected, huh.
<Background 1>
An Infected Knight How's that?! Are you hurting now, Ingra?!
[The other non-Infected knights surround the Infected P.S. knight.]
An Infected Knight Wha... am I being surrounded?
Brassrust Knight ...Infected...
You have no right to be here.
[The non-Infected knights struck the Infected P.S. knight...]
An Infected Knight Ugh–?!
[...knocking him down to the ground.]
A Staid Knight Forfeit, Infected.
I don't like how Ingra does things, but neither my Knightclub nor my family would stand for the humiliation of an Infected sharing the podium.
An Infected Knight You... love a good excuse, don't you...
A Staid Knight Don't get me wrong. Only one can stand in the scoring pen in the end.
This is a brawl, Infected, but right now, you've made yourself the prime target.
[More non-Infected knights surround the Infected P.S. knight.]
An Infected Knight ...Feh.
Brassrust Knight Heedless wretches... once I dispose of this Infected, you're all next.
An Ingratiating Knight Sir Ingra... I'm wounded and would be hard-pressed to vie for the title, but at least for the moment, we should work together to topple that Infected slave.
hese depraved Infected with the gall to talk their tripe at knights. You all know of the disturbance the Infected caused before, don't you?
Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub always was a suspicious lot. Rumor has it they orchestrate the illegal Infected congregations.
Exploiting the riches from winning alongside us to harm the safety of Kawalerielki, and even Kazimierz in whole? Should we be indulging such action?
An Infected Knight ...Illegal Infected?
All I saw was a tragedy of people without a home! A tragedy of people dumped out of the factories, the farms and the beast ranches!!
Brassrust Knight Less of the row, Infected.
If that's how you truly see it, you ought to go on your merry way back to the Infected shelters. No need to stay here, overwhelmed as you are.
Let's be brutally honest. You ache to put every knight to death, don't you? You're welling with rage, gasping for vengeance, aren't you?
Then what are you waiting for?
An Infected Knight –You!
[The Infected P.S. knight are brutally assaulted by the other non-Infected knights agitated by one of them, severely injuring him.]
An Infected Knight Ghakh–hah, hah–
Brassrust Knight Cur! I'll cleave your hand off and slap you awake with it!
An Infected Knight (No, I can't stay any longer in this fight, I need to–)
[Some of the non-Infected knights stopped the Infected P.S. knight from forfeiting...]
A Staid Knight ......
An Ingratiating Knight Not today.
An Infected Knight You lot... Get out of my–
[...and continues attacking him instead.]
An Infected Knight Dammit... What are you people doing?!
An Ingratiating Knight Naught but standing here.
A Staid Knight ......
Brassrust Knight You have nowhere to run this time!
[Olmer joins the other non-Infected knights in assaulting the Infected P.S. knight, overwhelming him.]
An Infected Knight Gargh...!
Brassrust Knight Oh-ho, your armor's up to snuff. That blow should've cleaved your spine in twain.
An Infected Knight Gakgh... gakgh... *cough*, *cough* *cough*...
[The relentless assault ended with the infected P.S. knight on the verge of dying.]
An Ingratiating Knight I don't understand why the Knights Association would allow your lot into the Major. Isn't your blood a deadly toxin?
A Staid Knight Enough.
Infected, get out of here. Just give up.
You've already been gravely wounded. Any more, and you'll never win another match.
An Infected Knight –Shut up!
You... you people... sanctimonious thugs...!
[Olmer struck the Infected P.S. knight to shut him up.]
Brassrust Knight Sanctimonious. Is that what you think of me?
We'll see how long you can keep up the sniveling little traitor act. You'll be kneeling, begging for forgiveness...
<Background 2>
Iwona –!
Hey, where are the judges? What the hell is this?!
Are these knights gonna just rig up their own shitshow right here?!
[The audience cheers over the bloody carnage on the area, much to Iwona's horror.]
An Excited Spectator Ingra! Ingra! Ingra!
Long live Brassrust! Long live Kazimierz! Long live the knights!
Iwona ......
A Rowdy Spectator Get that Infected up! Make him get up!
Get him on his feet! Keep him fighting!! Let's see how tough he really is!!
Iwona ...*Hiss*!
An Excited Spectator What? What the? St... Stay away from me, alright??
Iwona What say I toss you down there? Get you closer to the action? Huh?
An Excited Spectator Wait.. you...
What are you doing?! You're a KNIGHT and you're gonna assault the audience?
Iwona ...What...
A Rowdy Spectator Where's security?! Security! There's an Infected assaulting civilians!!
Iwona You sonnovabitch!
[Having enough with the audience's ignorance, Iwona beats them down.]
<Background 1>
[Back to the arena, the Infected P.S. knight is still being brutally assaulted by the non-Infected knights including Olmer, but he managed to remain standing.]
An Infected Knight Gagh...
Y... You...
Brassrust Knight Still have strength in you?
[Olmer beats the Infected P.S. knight down.]
An Infected Knight Guh–ulgh... blugh...
A Staid Knight That's close enough, Brassrust, he's liable to die.
He might be Infected, but still a registered knight. We don't need the National Council pestering us over an Infected.
Brassrust Knight Tch! What are you gesturing at me for?! Huh? Who do you think you are?
A Staid Knight One of us has to lose, Brassrust. There's only one victor in this match.
Brassrust Knight Exactly what I–
[The Infected P.S. knight used his Arts.]
Brassrust Knight What is this? Wind? You still intend to resist?
An Infected Knight ...You...
Brassrust Knight Hah. You know, an electric fan destined for junk blows more of a breeze than you do, Infected. What's the matter?
An Infected Knight ...You'll... regret this...
Brassrust Knight Hoh...
[With his Arts, the Infected P.S. knight got himself back up.]
An Ingratiating Knight Has he a death wish?!
A Staid Knight The wind's–picked up? He's still got strength?
An Infected Knight You!
All of you...
<Background 2>
An Excited Spectator Hey, hey, look at the Infected!
What's he doing?! Is he casting Arts?
Iwona You–
–Arts? No! He can't keep this up–
<Background 1>
An Infected Knight Ingra... and the rest of you!
None of you have the first idea what the Infected have to go through... Did we get Oripathy because we wanted it?!
Families abandon us. Fellow soldiers abandon us. You people throw us into the beast arenas like trash, to bleed alongside starving gloompincers.
I'll have you–
<Background fades out>
I'll die here.
Right. This is an arena. A Major arena. But in the end, it was only ever built to hold greater and greater show tournaments.
No matter where it is... what does it matter when an Infected "has an accident?"
Don't resist, and I really will be beaten, wide awake, to death.
That's right.
I need to resist.
There's nothing left but to resist.
<Background fades in>
An Infected Knight I'll make you... pay in blood...!
A Staid Knight Ugh, the wind's getting stronger...
An Ingratiating Knight Hmph. If I hang around here, come soon enough, I won't be beating any of you. My Knightclub superiors will understand.
I was thinking I'd win by playing the bystander. If there's no chance, I'm out, I'm out! You deal with this yourselves!
A Staid Knight Infected can cast without an Arts Unit. That's unfair.
I'll be reporting to Northwood Knight Order, Infected have to be constrained... We should withdraw for now, Brassrust.
Brassrust Knight ......
A Staid Knight Brassrust?
Brassrust Knight Not a sound... He wants to kill me, waste his very life on these Arts so he can humiliate me...
An Infected Knight No! You can't run!
Brassrust Knight Hah! Why would I ever run?
I'll tear your miserable Arts and that face of yours into pieces, and dance with your blood under my boots–!
Come! Unmentionable Infected!
An Infected Knight I'll... do you in.. I'll...
<Background black>
When we divorced, was she the one who got the photo album?
Shame. I won't get to see my precious–
[Before the Infected P.S. knight could unleash his Arts, Olmer landed a fatal blow on him.]
<Background 2>
An Excited Spectator ......
Iwona ......
An Excited Spectator Wha–What happened, right at the end there? Did the wind stop?
Then Brassrust's hatchet... it...
Iwona No! Shit!
[Iwona rushes into the arena.]
<Background 1>
Brassrust Knight *pant*... *pant*... Such a floundering outburst, and where did it get you?
What's the matter, Infected?! Spent at the last moment?!
You mockeries of–

Hold on... is he...
An Ingratiating Knight The Infected... died?
A Staid Knight Get the medics here! Now! This is an arena! An infection on this scale–
Brassrust! Get away from him!
Brassrust Knight He died...?
Hahah, hahahah... he tried casting that piffling burst of Arts, and died?!
This is why you Infected all–
[Several security staff enters the arena to take Originium containment measures due to the Infected P.S. knight's death.]
A Security Officer Please vacate the arena, Brassrust Knight, sir.
The medics are stepping in. When we're sure there's no risk of contagion, we'll transport him in a sealed container.
Brassrust Knight ...Tch.
[Enraged over Olmer murdering the Infected P.S. knight, Iwona attempted to attack him.]
Brassrust Knight –?!
Brassrust Knight Pinus Sylvestris–! Do you want every knight here your enemy?! Well?!
Iwona –Put him down!
A Security Officer We're taking these precautions for the safety of the rest of the knights as well as the audience. Please comply.
Brassrust, sir, please make your way out.
Brassrust Knight Hmph, filthy knight... I certainly don't want my life ruined by Oripathy...
A Security Officer Are you Infected too? Please calm down, this is a Major...
An Infected Knight Ugh...
Iwona Can't you see he's still got life in him?! Move!
[Iwona tries to approach the Infected P.S. knight, but was stopped by the other, non-Infected knights.]
Iwona Now!
A Staid Knight Steady. Are you looking to provoke the Knights Association?
Leave this to the medical personnel–
An Infected Knight *cough*! *cough* *cough* *cough*–!
Iwona Let me over!
[The non-Infected knights make way for Iwona as she rushes to the Infected P.S. knight's side.]
A Security Officer Leave her be... she's Infected too. Get the audience evacuated first.
Iwona Are you alright?
An Infected Knight Heh... not exactly...
Blood loss... least of my problems...
Aches in my infected spots... they're spreading... hurts...
[An announcement is heard over the arena.]
A Voice on the PA Dear visitors: there has been an incident in the arena. We ask that you follow staff instructions for a prompt evacuation. The award ceremony will be postponed by two hours.
We repeat–dear visitors...
An Infected Knight Wild Mane.
Iwona Go on.
An Infected Knight ...Please... you have to...
Iwona Sona'll find your wife and girl.
Don't worry.
A Security Officer Look! The Originium is spreading across him! We can't wait any longer, put him in the container now!
Iwona What are you doing?!
A Security Officer Preventing infection.
An Infected Knight ...You... damned...
Remember their faces!
Remember... These knights... These Kazimierzians... These cold-blooded murderers...
Don't let them get away with it!
<Background 3>
Old Craftsman It's your turn. Deal already.
Old Knight What's your rush? Just let me think.
Old Craftsman What've you got to think about with this few cards left?
A Voice on the Television We now report on an urgent news story–
An accident occurred at a capture the flag event held today as part of the Major Show Tournament–
–an Infected knight concealed his condition before the competition and sustained heavy injuries during the match, all while forcing Originium Arts–
–went into shock partway through the event, and passed away after aid proved ineffective–
Old Knight ...Infected...
Old Craftsman Passed away? Died? Died on the field?
A Voice on the Television According to reports, medical personnel on the scene have finished cleanup of the field, and the arena will return to normal use tomorrow following decontamination.
With only three hours since the incident, the National Council have already received mass complaints, and look to revise the Infected Knights Act–
Old Knight Revise the act? Pull the other one, they're just petrified of owning up!
Old Craftsman When the Blood Knight came about, they were pressured to recognize Infected as legitimate. If they fiddle with the laws now, how are they going to save their reputation?
Old Knight The question of the Infected's no child's game... you think "reputation" could affect their policymaking?
Bald Marcin Was the knight nobles' "reputation" ever any worse? Decades ago?
Times are different. I can't say I know what they're thinking now, but no matter whereabouts, enforcing the rules takes priority over any objective results.
We've all suffered for it.
<Background black>
A Voice on the Television Cleanup has been completed. All knights who took part will be given a medical examination within the next three days–
<Background 4>
A Voice on the PA With regard to this incident, the Knights Association is paying a correspondingly high amount of attention.
Currently, several Knightclubs have cosigned a statement to the Association on the accidental deaths of Infected, uncontrollable Originium Arts, as well as the risk of large-scale infection breaking out during the Major...
[Margaret and Maria have a spar.]
Margaret Haah–!
Margaret No problems, Maria.
Your adjustments to the weapon core are perfect. It's been a long while now since I've wielded something so effortlessly smooth.
Maria Ah... mm-hm!
I made them especially based on your past fights after all, heheh.
Margaret I will.
Zofia If we're done with all the theory, we'll want a little practical combat to try things out.
Maria, keep to one side.
Maria Ah... okay!
You take it easy now, both of you!
Margaret I will.
Zofia My, that's a good look in your eyes, Margaret.
This is for real now. If you throw, my self-respect will be very sore for it.
Margaret Of course.
Now, then–
[The Nearl siblings continue sparring as the news over the incident involving the Infected P.S. knight is broadcasted through the radio.]
A Voice on the PA –Accordingly, we have invited numerous experts on knight competition to publish their own views. We now go to the Knights Association Officer-in-Charge.
Ah. Good morning, people of Kazimierz–
Maria ......
A Voice on the PA –Infected can cast without an Arts Unit; this is known to medical science–
But in the arena, such an ability is "exceedingly unfair"–
<Background black>
Maria (Fairness.)
[Maria remembered the opponents she have faced during the Major's preliminaries.]
Maria Fairness, huh.
<Background 5>
Młynar And surmounting the rulesetters within their own rules? Lunatic ravings.
<Background 4>
Maria ......
[Maria watches Margaret sparring with Zofia, with the former gaining the upper hand...]
Zofia Ugh...!
[...and the latter fell to the ground.]
Margaret Careful.
Are you alright?
Zofia Oof... I–I'm fine, now let go...
Margaret I'm sorry, it's been a while since I used a weapon with a handle this long. I'm still not quite perfect at exercising it.
Zofia *Sigh*...
–Ma-ri-a? What are you laughing at?
Maria Eh? Ah, I'm sorry, sorry.
Zofia Margaret.
You really have changed.
Margaret Hm? Have I?
Zofia I don't mean your appearance. Your hair's all messy now. Come here, I'll comb it straight for you.
Maria, bring the comb over. It's behind your worktable.
Maria Ah, okay.
Zofia Let's sit and take a moment to breathe.
Margaret Alright. Thank you.
Zofia Honestly... it feels like it's only been the blink of an eye since you left.
(The blink of an eye... and you'll be even farther away from us.)
[The radio broadcasts another news about the incident.]
A Voice on the PA –According to reports, the deceased Infected appeared to be implicated in the illegal Infected incident. The relevant circumstances are still under investigation.
The Knights Association promises that an incident this minor absolutely will not affect the course of the Major's schedule–
Maria Zofia... that's...
Zofia Ingra again, is it? For him to be killing on the field, though...
Margaret ......
<Background 6>
A Voice on the Display –Currently, visitors to events involving Infected knights are asking for the Knights Association to resolve the situation.
At the same time, "Brassrust" Olmer Ingra and several other knights who were directly involved in this event have taken interviews–
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
[A corporate staff asks Malkiewicz who are spacing out over the news.]
A Corporate Employee Are you listening? Mr. Malkiewicz?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Oh, sorry, Jewell. Carry on.
A Corporate Employee Yes, sir. Actually, they're forms from the Knights Association, with the personal details and noteworthy points for all Grand Knights taking part this time.
The General Chamber would rather not ruin relations with these stars, so they're hoping we can be more attentive...
Spokesman Malkiewicz Let me see...
(They're all established athletes... oh, the Radiant Knight really is in here, too.)
Does this "Nightmare Knight" not have a Knightclub affiliation? I thought the Radiant Knight was the only case of an independent qualifying for the Major?
And besides, "Nightmare Knight"... Aren't the Grand Knights' titles usually less of a mouthful? And he doesn't have a "The" either?
He's not one of the Grand Knights, then? So what's so special about him?
A Corporate Employee Ah, this one... haha. He's been a great pain for the Knights Association to handle. I don't entirely know what's up, but...
He doesn't care a single bit about knight titles or any such thing, and brushes off all arrangements the General Chamber makes, but he isn't deliberately disobedient either.
He's a weird one.
Spokesman Malkiewicz A weird one, huh?
A Corporate Employee Yes, sir, but there's no doubt about his strength. And besides, I don't know why, but it seems some knight families are extremely curious about his identity. They've tried asking the Association countless times already.
But we're not too clear on what's going on with him either. Things suggest he came from some rural area near Sargon?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
A Corporate Employee Mr. Malkiewicz?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ...I understand. You're free to go.
A Corporate Employee Yes, sir.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Oh, one thing, Jewell.
A Corporate Employee Hm? What is it?
Spokesman Malkiewicz I'm still the same Malkiewicz you know... so no need to be so reserved with me. I'm not used to it.
A Corporate Employee Ah... as you wish, I mean, understood, Mal–Mr... Malkiewicz.
<Background black>
[A news broadcast is heard.]
How should the National Council rule? With a severe incident on the inaugural day of the Major, what can the Knights Association do to respond?
After this commercial break, we'll be bringing you a live broadcast of the Knights Association press conference.
Blue Ear Wine Cellar–The traditional choice for three centuries, the taste of chivalry–

After operation

Pinus Sylvestris, in the middle of mourning their friend's passing, sight a mysterious guest. Meanwhile, Nightmare Knight pays a visit to Marcin's bar, and the Radiant Knight is pulled away by the Candle Knight after a match, dodging the ring of reporters.
<Background 7>
[Iwona returns to the Pinus Sylvestris' base after all the ordeal she went through.]
Iwona ......
Justyna Welcome back, Iwona.
You look like murder.
Iwona No shit I do.
Didn't get to mangle every last inch of those knight sons of bitches' armor... grr.
Justyna It wasn't your fault.
He didn't tell any of us how bad it'd gotten.
Sona With an infection like that, he should've stepped aside months ago.
He should've found his way out of Kazimierz, followed his dreams. Should've gotten to sort out his final days.
Greynuty Olmer Ingra... the Kawalerielki knight noble to a T. Despotic, ignorant, no regard for human life.
I should've broken all four of his limbs in the arena when I had the chance...
Justyna It's not your fault either, Ashlock.
Iwona Dammit. And I was right there!
Sona Did he... say anything... in his final moments?
Iwona You wouldn't want to know.
Sona On the contrary, I wish I could.
Iwona Fine.
<Background fades out and in>
Sona ......
Greynuty It's not rare at all... for Infected to pass on with regrets.
We'll remember his anger.
Sona ......
Greynuty Sona?
Sona His name was Jamie. He was a competition knight, and then an Infected after an accident.
He went through a divorce. He had a sweet little girl. He must've been underreporting his condition so he could keep on competing... He needed the money.
Justyna But in order to underreport his condition, he'd have to bribe the Knights Association.
I found the letters between him and the Association staff in his room. It was a bottomless pit.
Sona He was the optimistic type. So optimistic to the point he couldn't even tell the sort of burden he was shouldering.
He caught Oripathy, he parted ways with his wife and daughter, but he kept on helping people.
Do you still remember? He was always up at the crack of dawn just to look after the kids.
He shouldn't have died in this indignity. It goes against the founding intent of our Knightclub, but...
But I can't get over it...
It was the end of the end, and someone so filled with passion for life, in his final moments, let loose such haunting, unforgettable hate.
If this is how things are–
Greynuty ...Sona.
You've had too much on your mind lately. Careful you don't get so fixated.
Justyna ...Mm...
Iwona ...I'm gonna leave all this knotty thinking work to you guys.
I'm gonna get stronger. Strong enough to crush those sanctimonious bastards between my fingers. Strong enough to clear the way all by myself.
The Blood Knight's a fine example. Since at least Kazimierz recognizes a "knight" these days, that's the path we should be take.
Don't overthink stuff, Sona. It'll only slow you down.
Justyna ...Sona!
Sona Alright, alright, I get it. We need to step it up and check with Szewczyk
[Fartooth felt something.]
Justyna The wind... there was a change in the wind's stirring. Even if just for a moment...
Someone's watching this place, and not just that...
Sona The Armorless?
Justyna They know how to mask their breathing. But if they're after us, they should've attacked by now.
Iwona –Come out.
This is Infected territory. No uninfected would ever just wander in here.
If you don't–
[The one whose presence felt by Fartooth reveals himself to be Toland.]
Toland Alright, alright. Keep the noise down, sheesh.
Never dreamed I'd see Infected knights around. I haven't been anywhere near Kawalerielki in over ten years, but the knight bosses and businessfolk are all out of their minds.
Greynuty Who are you?
Toland Don't get me wrong, I was in the neighborhood looking for someone. But, well, this might just be meant to be...
...I'm thinking we share some of the same interests, my Infected friends. Like... the Armorless Union.
Sona Sorry, but we've been through some very unfortunate things today. If you really want to chat, try some other day.
Toland Oh? That's some rotten luck indeed. My condolences.
Then I can only go somewhere else and try my luck there. Not every day I visit the Grand Knight Territory, after all.
I'll leave you all be, then... but we might see each other again very soon.
Background-Kazimierz Avenue.png
<Background 8>
[A blue-haired female Feline is talking with someone through phone.]
??? ......
I found the knight who took Szewczyk. The runaway Fartooth Knight.
She's mingling with Pinus Sylvestris, of course. Infected knights have a way of sticking together–
–What's that noise on your end? Are you at a bar again?
Fine, looking into the Nightzmora's background, that's a decent excuse. When's the order being issued regarding the Infected?
Didn't the Szewczyk case end up like this precisely because they were 'still officially meeting to decide?' They sent a whole drone to bomb him–what point is there in still...
<Background 3>
Roy Well, jeez... tell me all you like, but the Major's running right now no matter what you say. They can't be all that cavalier about deciding.
Yep, mm-hm, I'm not slacking one bit, trust me.
It's true–hey, boss, you got any fries?
[The one calling Roy hangs up.]
Bald Marcin One moment.
Roy Cool. Hey? Monique, you still there?
...Classic, she hung up.
Bald Marcin Here's your fries, sir.
Roy Oh, nice. Appreciate it.
Mm...! Who's the genius who came up with slicing a tater this thin and frying it too? The world wouldn't be so beautiful without you, whoever you are.
Come to think of it, that real standout Maria Nearl, she graces this place pretty often with Whislash Knight, if I'm remembering right?
Bald Marcin If you came looking for an autograph, you'd better be extra lucky.
After all, this bar's for nothing but old retired fogies.
Old Knight Who's that there? Couldn't be an Armorless Union spy?
Old Craftsman God knows, he hasn't tried anything. Not like we can frisk him, either... hey, is he sizing you up?
Old Knight Hrrm... just ignore him.
I've been getting the twitchiest eyes since last night... Can't shake the feeling something big's going to happen.
Old Craftsman Finally hit the right age for insomnia?
Old Knight Eh? I'm fit as a fiddle! What do you know! It was the twitches back then that told me we had incoming artillery fire–
Old Craftsman What the hell big's going to happen to you? Are you going to squeeze olive oil out of your toothpaste tomorrow morning?
Bald Marcin –Hmm.
Old Knight Marcin. I can sense their aura now... it's someone major.
Bald Marcin I've never had a premonition strange as this before... here's hoping they won't make trouble.
Roy (Here they come. Nice and fast, too... mmm, I'll just let it happen.)
<Background fades out>
–– (Ancient language) The young hunter sets out on his Khaganquest ♪
–– (Ancient language) From dreams he goes, towards the shores of gold ♪
<Background fades in>
Old Knight (This language...!)
Old Craftsman What's going on? Kids these days wander into bars singing their own songs? What's the point of the jukebox, then?
[Someone wearing a rather intimidating armor enters the bar.]
Bald Marcin The Nearls' light can't really have stuck to my lonely little bar, can it? But I've never met a knight like you in my time... V? What's wrong?
Old Knight I... I don't know, it's just suddenly my heart feels a little...
??? (Ancient language) ...Batbayar, brethren, the last descendant.
(Ancient language) Why be in a place like this?
Old Knight You...! You know that name?
??? ......
The silent knight looks around. Where his gaze touches, the light hides.
Old Knight Answer me. How do you know that name?
Old Craftsman Hey, V, this a friend of yours?
??? ......
Bald Marcin Would you like a drink? Sir? If you've got no business, I have to tell you we don't welcome armed knights too warmly here.
??? (Ancient language) How sorry this is.
[The mysterious knight walks away...]
Old Knight Hold on, don't just up and go–
[...just as Zofia rushes into the bar...]
Zofia Kowal, Maria will be borrowing your workshop a while longer–
[...followed by Maria.]
Maria Zo–Zofia, slow down... agh!
Why did you–stop, what's going on?
??? ...You are...
Zofia ...Nightmare Knight?
What's the rising star of the year doing here? Are you trying to sneak out intel on Maria and Margaret?
If so–
Nightmare Knight How clamorous.
Zofia –!
[The mysterious knight who turned out to be the Nightmare Knight mentioned by Malkiewicz earlier, takes a combat stance...]
Maria Watch out!
[...and strikes at Maria, who narrowly blocked it.]
Maria Wh... What are you trying to do here!?
Nightmare Knight Pegasus... a weak race. Only those pegasi with blood of flowing gold are worthy rivals.
But once the pegasi abdicated, this so-called "Land of the Knights"...
Its grasslands turned feeble. You cannot be blind to it, can you, Kuranta?
In present Kazimierz, you people, all are called knights?
And in those... pompous arenas, you test your martial skills?
[Marcin and co. surrounds the Nightmare Knight.]
Bald Marcin After your little act just now, I'm not finding the will to talk to you all nice and happy.
Old Knight Hold it... boy, I still have things to ask you. The last thing I want right now is to put a bolt through your head.
Nightmare Knight Not bad... you have the will to fight still.
What about you, then?
Roy Uh, me? Like, me? I'm just a fan of knights, just in the neighborhood. No need to waste the effort pretending I exist, I'll be fine.
I can't do a thing anyway, not a single thing, mm-hm.
Nightmare Knight ......
Roy (Tremoriron Marcin, proficient with warhammers. Vogelweide, campaign knight marksman. Whislash Knight, not much of a threat since she was injured... Maria, no need to monitor for the time being.)
(But none of that really matters... mm-hm... the Nightzmora came looking for Vogelweide after all...)
(Alright... now... what to do. Will the Radiant Knight come?)
Nightmare Knight This place is not worth even a quick visit. Keeping company with you people makes one uneasy to stand still.
Old Knight Alright, boy, who d'you think you're looking down on?
Nightmare Knight (Ancient language) Batbayar, in the past you campaigned on the battlesands, fought with your own two hands, yet could only barely manage to protect your homeland.
Old Craftsman (What's he saying?!)
Old Knight War... you're a campaign knight? You recognize me?
Nightmare Knight (Ancient language) No, I'm no "knight." Nothing so ridiculous. Simply put, war is the only path in which you never shamed your ancestry, descendant.
(Ancient language) Though you stand here... in this city of steel and concrete, neon flitting through the rain, descendant, I hope you can still remember the breathing of the grasslands, and the vow the Khagan swore.
Old Knight Khagan? What...?
You're going on about some stodgy old tale?
Nightmare Knight (Ancient language) I intended... before setting out once again, to seek my surviving brethren in this so-called land of the knights. It seems, now, I was simply deluded.
(Ancient language) No matter.
(Ancient language) Kazimierz's frailty spits on Khagan's accomplishments. Someone must set such conduct straight.
Old Knight Stop right there! You still haven't answered me!
Nightmare Knight Hm... Though now you've lost all that made you, you're still at least half a brother... I should answer your question.
It was an old veteran who told me your name, and he, he was ruined in his age, not even able to run.
I seek every one of my brethren in Kazimierz. No matter how weak their relation, I seek them and nothing more.
Old Knight Come again? Brethren? In Kazimierz, is that right?
Nightmare Knight It's no longer your concern, Kazimierzian.
Zofia Hold it.
Nightmare Knight ......
Zofia Nightmare Knight... I've heard plenty about the badly-behaved newcomer you were.
You should've known we wouldn't let you go so easily after you kindly brandished your sword at us.
How about you take off your helmet and we have a nice chat?
Nightmare Knight "Nightmare"...? Ah, the title those city slaves plastered on me without permission?
Maria ...!
Zofia The Knights Association won't be happy to look the other way with you picking arguments like this. Do you want to be stripped of Major qualifications?
Nightmare Knight If... only vapid knights like you remain in Kazimierz... then I really am wasting my energy. What harm would losing worthless qualifications be?
However, this pegasus by your side... seems to very much resemble someone I wanted to find...
Maria What?! You mean... my sister?
–What do you want with the Radiant Knight?
Nightmare Knight What I want...? Look at all the Grand Knights Kazimierz elevates as champions–if there remains any opponent worth conquering in this present country, I fear it may be among them.
Of course... it may also happen that they're all disappointments.
Old Knight You've gone mad, haven't you. You came here just for a fight?
Nightmare Knight (Ancient language) Mad?
(Ancient language) Yes... the people who choose to live in the Kazimierz of now often tell me so...
(Ancient language) ...which is why we are no longer brethren.
Zofia I said stop! Are you just leaving like nothing even happened?
Nightmare Knight Given this endeavor is fruitless, I have no need to stay...
Goodbye, descendant.
[The Nightmare Knight takes his leave.]
Zofia Grr...
What in the world was wrong with that man, all high and mighty...
I can only hope Margaret doesn't meet him in the arena.
Bald Marcin Seems he came for a quick look at you, then? Is he from your home place?
Old Knight ......
He's... a Nightzmora?
Old Craftsman What? There's still Nightzmora alive today?
Here I thought they were all in legends, or they were holing up in Sargon or some sort.
Old Knight ......
Old Craftsman So what? What's someone from your grandpa's grandpa's side doing finding you?
Old Knight ...He's calling to us.
<Background 1>
[Meanwhile, in an outdoor arena, Tytus Topola the Left-handed Knight is struggling against his opponent...]
Left-hand Knight ...Tch.
[...and eventually outmatched.]
<Background 2>
Greatmouth Mob Oh! Oh! This is history, being made before our eyes!
Can "Left-hand" Tytus Topola lead the Bladehelm Knightclub in a breakthrough here, and return to his spot as one of the top sixteen tyrants?!
This battle reeks of revenge! All of you watching! I hope your blood's on fire! He's fallen short of the Final 16 over and over, but today, will "Left-hand" Tytus Topola have what it takes to overcome himself?!
It all comes down to one thing–his opponent!!
In the long and storied history that is the Topola family's knightly record, only one time! Only one opponent! Has brought such colossal shame!
<Background 1>
Left-hand Knight Damn you...
What have you been doing, all these years?!
(Why... to hell with this...)
(How do I fight now? Do I make some room? No, she... hff... why is she using a swordspear, of all the things...)
(Most important...)
[Tytus' opponent turned out to be Margaret, now reassuming her old title as the legendary Radiant Knight complete with her sword-lance.]
Margaret ......
Left-hand Knight (...is that she... somehow has me... pressured?)
<Background fades out>
Tytus Topola shuts his eyes.
He considers this a scene of impassioned vengeance, a long-brewing opportunity to prove his worth.
But all his resentment, visions and fervor, have here and now vanished like smoke.
<Background fades in>
He cannot help but concede, this is no standoff.
Only a challenge.
A challenge, striding for the pinnacle.
Left-hand Knight (Since I became the Bladehelm Knightclub's frontman, when was the last time I felt like this?)
A challenge, an advance, climbing to an ever higher domain.
Left-hand Knight Hah... heheh, it makes me want to laugh...
The Radiant Knight, are you truly the same woman?
To force me back to this degree... and yet you don't feel a hair of pride, not a drop of excitement? Where did the mettlesome you of yesteryear go?
Look at you now, so serene one could gag–
Margaret I don't mean to look down on you, Tytus. I never have.
However, you've already lost your way.
In the hunt that was the melee, at least, you were the last one standing. You forced your way free on nothing but a single arm like you had originally done, imbued purely with the desire to win.
Left-hand Knight Hahah... you've even learned to preach, now? Could it be? Your days of banishment have made you the lecturesome kind?
Margaret ...Tytus.
Why would you let those logos bind you?
Left-hand Knight –Listen, Radiant Knight!
Weren't you always prattling on and on about those rancid traditions... urging us to–use the most traditional methods to decide victory?
A charge, a skirmish, an all-expending effort.
I will trample... all that you are!
<Background 2>
[The audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob Left-hand Knight is composed and steady! Does he plan to decide this with one final plunge?!
And the Radiant Knight is–now the Radiant Knight's slowly raising that bizarre weapon–
Who will be stand victorious after this final clash? What are you waiting for, audience?! You have the power to show your support for these knights, so do it–!
[The audience cheers.]
<Background 9>
The Candle Knight ......
A Passing Tourist A Is that the Candle Knight, Droste? What's she here for?
A Passing Tourist B Maybe she's waiting for someone... quit staring, hurry up and sneak a picture... who knows if we can hit on some major scandal...
The Candle Knight ......
[An arena staff approaches Viviana.]
An Arena Worker The Candle Knight! Madam, I'm very sorry to leave you unattended. Are you looking for someone?
The Candle Knight It's alright, it was brash to come without notifying anyone. I just wanted to take a look at how the Radiant Knight cuts her figure.
After all, I imagine it's almost over.
An Arena Worker Yes, Left-hand Knight Sir Tytus Topola lost ten minutes ago to the Radiant Knight. Sir Tytus has incredible strength, but he can't be too hopeful after falling into the losers' bracket in the first round.
The Candle Knight Indeed.
An Arena Worker Did you... really come just to meet the Radiant Knight?
The Candle Knight I want to see. See just how different she is now, compared to what I've heard in the rumors of knights.
[Viviana and the arena staff noticed a growing crowd nearby.]
The Candle Knight All the crowd's gone rushing over.
An Arena Worker R–Right. Actually, ever since the Radiant Knight officially returned to competition, she's barely cooperated with our standard service activities.
She constantly leaves arenas without saying a word, and scheduled interviews and all sorts of PR items get rejected. It really makes your head spin.
Though actually, I think there's even more reporters mobbing the Radiant Knight than usual today. I wonder what that's about?
<Background fades out and in>
Margaret Ah... sorry, can you just let me through...
An Excited Reporter Miss Margaret, what are your views on the Infected knight who passed away on the field? Will this affect you in any way?
A Pushy Reporter Madam Radiant Knight, do you have anything to say about the Knights Association's recent decision? Can infection actually contribute to an unfair playing field?
An Excited Reporter Ah, Miss Margaret, is it possible to reveal anything about the state of your infection? Can you confirm if the Knights Association's measures to keep it confidential are a disservice to the spectators and the other knights?
There are reports of you getting close to a few Sarkaz women! Who are they to you? Give an explanation, please!
A Pushy Reporter Madam Radiant Knight! Please respond–do you intend to become the spiritual leader of the Infected knights?
–Will you be the second coming of the Blood Knight–
Margaret I won't be answering your questions.
An Excited Reporter Can we take that as an admission? Then what relation do you and those Sarkaz–
[Viviana approaches Margaret.]
The Candle Knight Well met, Madam Nearl.
Margaret And you are...?
An Excited Reporter The Candle Knight, Droste! The Candle Knight was waiting outside the arena for the Radiant Knight!
A Pushy Reporter Give the schedule printout to me... that's right, they'll meet each other on the field... hey, get a snap of this, quickly! Snap it!
The Candle Knight May we... walk and talk?
(I presume you don't want the media haranguing you any longer, either?)
Margaret Ah... yes.
Right then. Let's go somewhere else.
An Arena Worker I'm sorry, please keep your distance–the press conference will be held at a later time, please can everyone just be patient for now! Patience, please!
<Background 8>
The Candle Knight ......
Margaret Now then...
The Candle Knight You've been through a lot, legend of Kazimierz.
Your banishment has conversely cast much of a veil of mystery on "The Radiant Knight"... the holy, haloed knight, the awe-inspiring golden pegasus, the hero who returned like a shooting star...
I saw as I came close today, you were still very young, and disconcerted by such a sudden situation... Margaret Nearl, this is the real, living person.
Margaret Come what may, I thank you for helping me just now.
I assume you're a knight too, though I don't believe I know you?
The Candle Knight It's been a while since someone asked me who I was. More than who I am, they care who they wish I was.
Margaret Er, I'm very sorry. I haven't been back in Kazimierz for too long...
The Candle Knight ...Heheh.
Are you concerned that because you don't recognize me... I may fly into a rage?
Margaret I can tell, you're quite unlike anyone else.
The Candle Knight My, now, thank you for the praise.
I'm very pleased myself to get to know such a Radiant Knight. My name is Viviana Droste.
Or perhaps, you may also call me The Candle Knight.
Margaret The Candle Knight... no, Miss Droste, thank you once again for your help today. Were you seeking me for any reason?
The Candle Knight Before long, we'll face each other on the field.
You are an Infected, and one who was once met with banishment. Make no mistake, I have no habit of connecting with my opponents before a match.
I come from Leithanien; I am an expatriate, living in this bustling city under an identity I could never imagine.
Margaret Kazimierz's recognition is already yours, Miss Droste.
The Candle Knight I hear the Radiant Knight never approved of the current system of knighthood, and so, you were consequently banished. Do you still feel the same way?
Margaret The knights of Kazimierz are forgetting their obligation as we speak.
Have you ever been to the most destitute corners of Kazimierz? Conflict, starvation, infection... the common person suffers enormously, while the knights hide in their cities, making great shows of peace and prosperity.
The spirit of knighthood is almost completely lost. It's a legacy for capital to wantonly toy with.
How is it not a form of disgrace?
The Candle Knight ...I see.
It seems–it is you who stands as a true knight.
But you are... still no more than a knight.
Margaret ......
The Candle Knight How about your sister? She's been active on the field for the past while.
Has she renounced... the path of knighthood?
Margaret ............
[McKee shows up before Margaret and Viviana.]
Spokesman McKee Miss Droste... and Miss Margaret, good evening.
The Candle Knight Good evening, Mr. McKee.
Thank you for tending to the commotion just now.
Spokesman McKee ...*Sigh*. So you do have that much self-awareness...
With two Grand Knights such as yourselves, the masses could make each and every move a hot topic. Put the two of you together in front of the media...
But never mind all that, there's always some way to sort it out. Miss Droste, you should be preparing for your meeting with the Leithanian noble tomorrow.
If you would, I'd appreciate you avoid exacerbating uncertain factors for the next while.
The Candle Knight Such as, meeting with an Infected knight?
Spokesman McKee It seems the noble in question has come for your sake, Miss Droste. You have a celebrity status to the Leithanians too.
Mieszko Industries is very willing to assist them with construction planning in Leithanien, but the one putting the final seal on this trade contract is you, Miss Droste.
The Candle Knight Of course... it is my obligation.
It seems I must apologize, Madam Radiant Knight, that I'm unable to continue my chat with you tonight.
Margaret It's alright. You gave me a pleasant surprise... that Kazimierz still has knights such as yourself.
The Candle Knight The next we meet will be on the field.
Margaret Yes.
I look forward to the day.
The Candle Knight A final word of advice... Madam Radiant Knight.
The storm is nearing.
The trails will be especially radiant in the starry sky, these coming days of ours.


  1. "Crap!" in Polish