Operation story: NL-3

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Salaryman B icon.png
A Corporate Employee
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
An Infected Knight
Kazimierzian Infected Knight B icon.png
An Infected Knight
K.G.C.C. Office
Kazimierz Lounge
Kazimierz Bar
Kazimierz Ghetto
Kazimierz Avenue
K.G.C.C. Basement
Kazimierz Lounge
Kazimierz Alley
Kazimierz Streets
Champion's Hall

Before operation

Malkiewicz privately reports Ingra, but is also caught tangled as a result, and soon after, he meets the Doctor of Rhodes Island. The General Chamber of Commerce hopes for the Candle Knight to cooperate in ensnaring Margaret, but the Candle Knight herself seems against the idea.
<Background 1>
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Spokesman McKee I've been hearing you reported Olmer Ingra to the National Council?
Spokesman Malkiewicz True...
If a fatality during the Major isn't enough to warrant punishment, then what does the law even...
Spokesman McKee We're all well aware of how the National Council operates, Malkiewicz, my man. You had to deal plenty enough with them in your entrepreneurial life, didn't you?
Don't spend too long at a loss. You have a trip to the Infected intake-treatment zone in a short while. You need to make the Knights Association and a few healthcare firms see eye to eye.
Think on the bright side. This work is saving lives in and of itself, isn't it?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Spokesman McKee Don't get too worn out. You'll grind yourself to dust at this rate. If you'll excuse me, I'm off to a meeting.
[McKee leaves...]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ...*Sigh*.
[...right as Malkiewicz's phone rings.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ...!
[Malkiewicz picks up the phone.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz Hello, Malkiewicz speaking...
A Voice from the Phone Spokesman Malkiewicz, hope you're having a good day.
I'm a deputy justice of the National Council. Your suit has reached us, Spokesman.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Ah...
How do you plan to proceed?
A Voice from the Phone It is the obligation of a spokesperson to report those knights out of line with the regulations of the General Chamber. As such, we will prioritize our considerations your... complaints against Brassrust Knight.
However, matters with said Knight Olmer Ingra are somewhat complex.
You should be aware it was not long ago that Ingra's application for bail was given fresh approval by the National Council; to try him again now could have adverse implications for the National Council's authority.
We consider, of course... that the spokesperson's demand equates to the Board of Directors' demand. Such as is the only interpretation we can make, we would not refuse you.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Which is why we're having this call. I understand. What are the National Council's conditions?
A Voice from the Phone Oh... conditions? Please, not in those terms. I hope you understand this to be a perfunctory business call.
Mr. Czarny suffered banishment external to proceedings; that was beyond many expectations. Even we do not consider Mr. Czarny's mistake to be so irredeemable.
But regardless, the past is the past. Czarny has left the Grand Knight Territory and been deprived of his place as a spokesman.
But because of the abruptness of this banishment, we have not been able to appropriately–handle the aftermath, with regards to all parties.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ...You...
A Voice from the Phone The Rose Paper Union is a patron of Brassrust. That is Mr. Czarny's personal handiwork.
He is privy to too much... Mr. Malkiewicz, do you understand?
<Background fades out>
I hear my own heart thumping.
<Background fades in>
Spokesman Malkiewicz I... don't understand...
A Voice from the Phone If you can ensure Mr. Czarny never again will be an issue for us... then we will be sure to punish Brassrust with the full force of the law.
<Background fades out>
I've never imagined something like this would be happening to me.
No, actually, I have. I just never thought it would be my decision.
<Background fades in>
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
So... you mean... I should...
A Voice from the Phone I understand the Major has your hands full. It need not be straight away. You need only agree that you will have Mr. Czarny disappear in a respectable manner, and I will leave at once to make the arrangements.
Of course, in the wake of Mr. Czarny's disappearance, we may also come to establish... a deep bond of reliance.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't give you an answer right now.
A Voice from the Phone That is very regrettable. We hope you will make your mind up as soon as possible; Sir Brassrust Knight's suspension is by no standards a long one.
We welcome your call any time, Mr. Malkiewicz. May you have a wonderful day.
[The Kazimierz National Council deputy calling Malkiewicz hangs up.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
[Someone knocks the door.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ...Ah!
A Person at the Door Mr. Malkiewicz? Are you there?
Spokesman Malkiewicz C-Come in...
[The one knocking the door enters, who is revealed to be Mob.]
Greatmouth Mob Uh... Mr. Malkiewicz... I'm sorry to disturb you.
To tell the truth, uh, I haven't been sleeping well lately. I got the notice I'd be MCing a whole bunch of the Major's events, and I'm honored... but...
Can I ask if I've been getting any complaints recently? I heard some people aren't happy with how I perform now, saying they liked the old style better.
Spokesman Malkiewicz I think we'll be hard-pressed to get a direct answer from the Board. Sorry, Mob. Just proceed with caution.
Greatmouth Mob *Sigh*... There's a huge bonus on the line once I'm done commentating for the Major, right?
Spokesman Malkiewicz So long as you don't slip up.
Say... what kind of place is your hometown? The...
Greatmouth Mob The City of Artisans?
Ha, who's asking these days. It's a little old place... used to be pretty famous, but now it's just a tired, backwards city.
That's why I came to the Grand Knight Territory. Needed another way to make my life happen. You get me, right?
Spokesman Malkiewicz I'll help you as much as I can to get your word out, Mr. Mob. You've worked very hard...
...They won't trouble you... they wouldn't.
<Background 2>
Gravel ...Doctor.
What are you looking at?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Infected management procedures.
Gravel Ah... the Infected shelter and treatment. It's an initiative they only started in the last few years. It's got a long way to go.
But even for you, Doctor, I say you're better off not prying too deeply~
Infected knights have been a thorn in the side of all the great nobles. If Rhodes Island wants a premier business contract, then it's important to know when to bite your tongue.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor A statement from the K.G.C.C.
Gravel The K.G.C.C... Their pamphlets really do dampen your day.
If you're finding it dull, Doctor, I could accompany you on a strollabout. So long as I'm with you, even a little trip to the commercial districts won't fall out of line.
Of course... if you're more inclined to stay in here, I won't meddle.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Gossip about the Major.
Gravel The Major... ahh.
Come to think of it, the Rhodes Islanders all seem tied up with the Radiant Knight.
Are you worried about her? Heh-heh... I'm jealous...
Competition knights are always in the public eye, but you... care for her as a "companion," don't you?
It's a novel feeling, the Radiant Knight somewhere other than Kazimierz–how is a knight regarded, I wonder, in the world beyond her country?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gravel By the way, Doctor.
You have a meeting in a bit, with a spokesman from the General Chamber of Commerce.
Doctor Spokesman?
Gravel Spokespeople for the K.G.C.C. are the cream of the crop from all walks of life, chosen by the board, each with their own duty, handling all sorts of affairs large and small for the Major.
They're not the highest tier of authority, but they're channels to it. Seeing how a Chamber mouthpiece has asked to meet you by name, I'd like you to be a little careful.
Come what may, I will be responsible for your safety throughout your stay in Kazimierz. I'll be as close as your shadow.
Uh oh, what's that look on your face for now? Do you still not trust me? I can't help but feel a little hurt...
But relax. So long as I'm by your side... you'll be perfectly safe.
If you have doubts about my loyalty... if I do anything that worries you, then Rhodes Island can punish me however you want...
...any way you want.
[Malkiewicz enters the room where the Doctor and Gravel are in.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz Excuse me... is this the room where {nickname} from Rhodes Island is staying?
Ah, Madam Knight... who might you be?
Gravel Fourth-order knight "Gravel," serving as a security consultant for the Doctor and other Rhodes Islanders, for as long as they stay in Kazimierz.
I've been appointed by the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi, Mr. Spokesman. Please don't mind me, and continue with your work.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Take a seat, {nickname}, and as for you, er... Miss Gravel, if your post allows for it, by all means relax as well.
Gravel I'd rather stand and keep a nice, firm grip on the situation.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ...Okay.
You're here representing Rhodes Island?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Yes, nice to meet you.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Nice to meet you.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Spokesman Malkiewicz Er... haha, I guess you're not exactly the sociable type. But that won't at all spoil my... respect for you.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Would it shock you if I said no?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Erm? Maybe... I just heard the company's representative was staying nearby.
You're joking, right? You must be {nickname}... haha, you've got a sense of humor.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Spokesman Malkiewicz Ahem.
I'm Spokesman Malkiewicz of the General Chamber of Commerce... Just Malkiewicz is fine.
I've been over my information about Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals. I don't have any relevant background in it, but keeping up the fight against Oripathy... it can't be easy.
We're very much thankful for the contributions you're making to the Kazimierz Major Project. Have you looked over the terms yet?
Rhodes Island will be acting as a collaborating firm, standing as a unit of the "medical group," forming the "Kazimierz Alliance Medical Organization for the Treatment of Infected."
The Organization is under direct purview of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi... of course, the Knights Association and our own people will make every effort to cooperate with your work as well.
Doctor The Adeptus... the Knights Association, and "you."
Spokesman Malkiewicz That's right... In the Grand Knight Territory, you can't avoid dealing with multiple fronts of power. I believe you'll get used to it.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to speak up. It's my duty to give answers to our foreign guests, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor But I've heard it's the "K.G.C.C." we should watch out for.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Ah... you seem to have misunderstood. My position is "spokesman," but summarily, I represent the "General Chamber of Commerce" itself.
The General Chamber is the organizer of the Kazimierz Major, as well as an indispensable trade group to Kazimierz.
Actually, though the medical group is nominally the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi's purview, all funding and movement of supplies is within the Chamber's control.
Therefore, we must value the K.G.C.C.'s intents.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Are there other Infected here besides the knights?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Er... perhaps... I'm not sure.
But this project is solely aimed to serve Infected knights lawfully registered with the Knights Association, knight trainees, and candidates.
If we had... for example, an unlucky civilian infected in a workplace injury...
Though they wouldn't be covered by the remit, if they could afford it, they would also be eligible to apply for treatment and shelter.
...If they could afford it.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor What do you think? About our... firm.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Me? Haha... you're asking me?
If I'm completely honest, Infected are far from a part of my life... ah, don't misunderstand me...
All I mean is that fighting to keep a hold of yourself in a hectic city, scrambling about to live and work... that's an everyday state of affairs for the vast majority.
I know little to nothing about the other countries across our world, but... protecting a group of sick discriminated against for their illness–that can't be a bad thing, can it?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor But are all Kazimierzians really willing to lend a hand to the Infected?
Spokesman Malkiewicz By all rights, I shouldn't be discussing this with you, but... ahem.
The Infected knight system was structured by the Adeptus and the K.G.C.C.'s Managing Director in concert, fresh in the wake of the Blood Knight's win.
Oh, of course, its premise and scope revolves around "competition knights." The lady over there isn't accounted for; the army has their own regulations for handling Infected.
Infected have a special format to go through–it's an additional step we usually call the "cleaning qualifier," to prove their ability to, well, be knights.
If there do happen to be promising athletes among the Infected, then the General Chamber of Commerce doesn't mind cleaning up their identities for them.
Have... have you seen the papers recently? Even now, quite a few are still opposed to this whole thing.
But at least the Infected don't need to die in misery. In my mind, that's already a big improvement.
Gravel ......
Spokesman Malkiewicz Regarding all of you at Rhodes Island... the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi considers you to be an agency with ample experience in dealing with the Infected.
This is why we'd like you to take charge of physical examinations on the "Infected knights," and formulate treatment plans over the Major.
Gravel Treatment plans, huh?
Doctor Can you give me an idea of the scale of the issue?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Scale? The Infected knights total less than 7% of all competing. Though that's only the count of Infected knights legally registered with the Knights Association.
If you count everyone, the knight candidates, trainees, and the Infected who were forced to give their nobility under a different identity...
It's a number worth worrying about. And that's another reason why we're here, discussing this.
Doctor It seems there's been bad rumors around lately.
Spokesman Malkiewicz You can guess how many Kazimierzians are prejudiced against the Infected.
I'll be open with you; the original intent of the Alliance Medical Organization was to appease the populace, by way of systematically treating and administering the Infected knights.
My wording might've struck you as distasteful, but they're ill after all... and we can't ignore that objective, er, discrepancy. Sorry to put it that way.
Of course, if there's anything at all we can help with, you need only ask.
At the least... I hope every good knight–can go out with a happy ending.
Doctor Can you tell me about what goes on with the K.G.C.C.?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Er, sorry, I have some business to attend to. If I get the chance, I'd be happy to have dinner with you.
But, er, what part of it did you want to know about?
Doctor It's a business entity representing a country. I have lots of questions.
<Background 3>
[Margaret enters the bar.]
Margaret Sorry I'm late.
Zofia Margaret!
What happened? What was all the talk of you getting carried off by the Candle Knight?!
What did that woman tell you? Did she threaten you? Was the General Chamber of Commerce–
Margaret Calm down, Zofia.
We were just dodging reporters, that's all.
Zofia Really?
Old Knight The Candle Knight Droste, eh? Always been an enigma, she has...
Old Craftsman But she's probably in the top three knights of Kazimierz, based on popularity alone. The turnover on her birthday each year'd be enough to build a whole fort.
Margaret What sort of knight is she?
Zofia Why are you so like Maria? Listen, you need to pay a little more attention to the rivals around you.
Margaret You're here for me, aren't you?
Zofia Sweet-talking me won't get you anywhere.
She's an astronomical rising star. People even call her "the second Black Knight."
She comes from Leithanien, and has a terrifying talent for Arts, an aristocratic upbringing, fine looks, and meteoric fame for her accomplishments.
With all that plus her opaque background adding to the scent of mystery around her, practically overnight, the Candle Knight became one of Kazimierz's household names and a Grand Knight.
The media is still digging into how she leads her private life...
Margaret But she's by no means just for show.
She's very young, and very fierce.
I met plenty of supremely talented Casters during my roaming days. Victorians, Leithanians, and... Infected.
Even the most outstanding Caster in the world would find it hard to challenge the qualities she exudes. She may not be a soldier, but I won't underestimate her.
Zofia The Black Knight's a very unusual case of Leithanian. She was no good at even the slightest bit of Arts. It's as though she was born to be martial.
That age has come and gone, but I don't think anyone could forget the sheer impression she left, brandishing her massive armaments about.
And the Candle Knight, on the flip end of the spectrum, she's practically a "model" Leithanian knight.
We don't know what the core of her Arts is, exactly, but the word "Candle" is absolutely reflective of her equipment's form and her fighting style.
Margaret... is she your next opponent?
Margaret In two days. It'll be a bitter fight, and we don't have long to prepare... Where's Maria?
Zofia She's at home resting... Are...
Are you smiling?
Hm? Am I?
<Background 1>
Spokesman McKee ...I predicted you would refuse, Miss Droste.
But the General Chamber wants no more of the Radiant Knight winning left and right like this. We must ensure, at least, that she falls to the loser's bracket.
The Candle Knight Strange... Wouldn't it have been easier if you didn't give amnesty to the Radiant Knight to begin with?
Spokesman McKee Well... That's...
The Candle Knight "The General Chamber of Commerce is never fastened as one."
Spokesman McKee Please! You... must not say anything of the sort, not where you might be heard.
The Board of Directors is sure to have internal disputes, there's no doubt of that, but if a knight like you were to express such opinions, I worry it'd impact your status.
The Candle Knight My apologies... you must have it just as hard, McKee.
Spokesman McKee Ah... yes, thank you for your concern...
In short, I'll be working to mediate for you, even if you aren't willing to use any "special tricks" against the Radiant Knight.
But I'd like for you to understand: though you've refused the Board of Directors's proposal, they will adopt other methods. The situation may, perhaps, evolve towards some extreme...
The Candle Knight The Armorless Union, you mean.
If possible, I'd like for you to prevent such circumstances from taking hold.
Spokesman McKee Miss Droste... *sigh* That's far beyond me to promise.
The Candle Knight Heh... come to speak of it, is the Board of Directors so untrusting in my power? As a knight, that really does give me mixed feelings.
Spokesman McKee No, that's absolutely not the case, I assure you.
The Grand Knights at the forefront of the Major all, without a doubt, have the power to rival the apex knights of any country.
But opposingly, once you step into this domain, once you near the so-called "limit," the gaps shrink in size.
The Candle Knight The uncertain elements will only grow... isn't that so?
Spokesman McKee Yes?
The Candle Knight I have no intent of putting you in a predicament. I know how the Board of Directors thinks.
You can go now. I'll look into this... Radiant Knight.
Spokesman McKee Good. I'll leave the competition tapes and personal files you need here, then.
The Radiant Knight seems to have changed vastly since her banishment, I need to warn you of that.
The Candle Knight Yes... hence why I wanted to meet her.
Margaret Nearl... Margaret Nearl... hm.
Despises the knight tournament industry, granddaughter of a war hero. The Nearl family's pegasus, yet a high-profile champion of the Major too...
Said to be noble, yet she gives off the air of a campaign knight. Has she seen war and death for herself...?
No, she must have.
Then has she transcended death before? Has she truly dreamed of casting off the fetters and chains?
Or has she already stridden over a whole new boundary?
Heheh, Margaret. How much she seems like... a true knight.

After operation

Pinus Sylvestris splits up to try and find leads into the Great Kawalerielki Separation, but Wild Mane Iwona suffers a surprise Armorless Union attack. Nightmare Knight drifts through the city, and the Candle Knight once again parts with the spokesman in acrimony.
<Background 4>
An Infected Knight Topple the Chamber! Topple the nobles! Death to Olmer Ingra!
An Infected Knight Topple the Chamber! Topple the nobles! Death to Olmer Ingra!
Justyna ......
Wrath is spreading between us.
I get it, but...
Sona Wrath. We're all used to that state of mind.
But it makes a person short-sighted. We've already suffered for it.
Iwona Hah. Keeping a clear head sure ain't my style.
Sona You don't need to keep it, just charge ahead with it, that's all.
Iwona I can roll with that. Sure, I'll leave the complicated stuff to you guys, and the fights, you leave to me.
I've been holding this in forever, Sona.
Sona I know.
Before Szewczyk and Ashley come back, we need to find people who were there... reporters work, heck, eyewitnesses work. The more, the better.
Justyna ...The Great Kawalerielki Separation.
External reports said it was an industrial accident caused by damage from Leithanian extremists, to shatter the smooth running of the Major.
Sona No city comes that weak. More than likely it was everyone dragging each other down.
But what's clear is the whole shake-up showed people just where Kawalerielki... this "City of Greatness" was rotting through.
<Background 5>
Greynuty ......
Never mind me, you're sort of a famous knight too, aren't you? Won't strutting around like this get you recognized?
Plastic Knight Who'd care about a nobody like me while the Major's on?
Why are you the one going with me? I thought it'd be that sniper. She's a better fit with this sort of thing.
Greynuty Justyna? She's more liable to get exposed than I am, actually, not to mention she's already the one who dared to rescue you.
No need to keep dangerous elements together, and you're both bow knights. If you did get attacked in the streets, it'd be tough to handle.
Plastic Knight Isn't that nice. No, you just wanted to keep an eye on me, didn't you?
Greynuty Hmph.
A knight-noble wouldn't make peace with the Infected, even if he clashed with the Armorless. Do you really think I'd let my guard down around you?
Plastic Knight Rubbish. I worry I'll get infected, and I worry my family will. What's wrong with that?
Don't think you're my lone disbeliever, Ashlock Knight.
Greynuty Really? Then now seems like your best chance to escape, Plastic Knight.
So long as–
Plastic Knight –You shut up, you petulant brat.
Greynuty ......
Plastic Knight I didn't come to play rise of the weak with you. I don't give a damn about your demands, or whether you need your trust in each other to live–
–I only came to hunt those audacious bastards down. I guarantee the Armorless will give me hell, and they'll put my family through worse doing it, so I'm making the first damned move.
That's why I'm here now. My wife, my child, and no one else. Believe me, I don't have the slightest concern for your ridiculous cause.
Don't get so full of yourself, Infected. You think the only thing that makes up this city is "your enemies" and "your friends?" What a model victim complex...
Let me tell you, in Kazimierz, in this society of ours, the majority are "not concerned with you at all."
<Background 6>
Greynuty It's quiet around here.
Plastic Knight This is the General Chamber's ground floor. Only nomadic city engineers and maintenance crew are allowed into the structuring below us. We'll have to stop here.
Greynuty ......
Plastic Knight Relax, no need to be so cautious. No cameras here.
Greynuty But can you guarantee there's no Armorless?
Plastic Knight Hilarious. The Armorless wouldn't choose a public venue–especially not a hub of the elite like this to start killing.
It'd give the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi too much of a hold on them. That's where they draw the line, and we're going to toe that line for all it's worth.
Realistically, how many knights does Kazimierz have? They've got nothing but ID-type fodder to judge who's who... it's child's play to disguise.
Greynuty So what is your family going to do?
Plastic Knight Aside from my missing wife and child, they've been sent out of Kawalerielki already.
Greynuty The Armorless Union has its informants far beyond where Kawalerielki ends.
Plastic Knight I know that.
Maybe if I get another chance, I'll cut back on the recklessness. At least until my child grows up, and can take care of himself.
But the K.G.C.C. don't sell remedies for regret. This is where we are, Infected, so we'd better put the complaining to rest.
<Background 7>
A Corporate Employee Huff... dammit, the supermarkets and restaurants are all shut. Why did they set a meeting for this time.
*Sigh*... If I revise the draft early morning, maybe they won't chew me out so hard in editing–
[Sona reveals herself before the corporate employee.]
Sona Sorry to bother you. You must be pretty beat after a long day of work, huh, Mister Reporter?
A Corporate Employee A... A knight? Where did you come from?!
Sona Easy now, sir.
Want a sandwich?
A Corporate Employee H–Huh?!
Sona C'mon. I'm asking because you look like someone dragged you through a car wash.
A Corporate Employee Please leave immediately, or I'll sound the alarm! Even if you're a knight, this is...
[The corporate employee looks at the nearby phone, but its wires are cut off.]
A Corporate Employee Eep?
Sona Your phone lines are cut.
Here's the deal. Both your neighbors are out far away, and right now, my partners in crime are pretending to be renovation workers, carrying out rush repairs on this building's elevator and entrance.
A Corporate Employee Wh... What the hell are you trying to do? I don't have any money, I don't know anything...
Sona Easy, there, wind it down. You make me out like I'm a robber here.
You. There was a report on the "Great Kawalerielki Separation" a few years back. You wrote that, right?
A Corporate Employee M... Me?
With an incident that huge, every outlet in the whole country would be reporting on it. There's no way I didn't write something...
B–But, I'm just a net editor... I was still working at The Illuminator then, and by now that whole paper's been bought out.
Sona Mm-hm, I know, which is why you only need to answer a couple questions for us, and then we're gone. Sound good?
We just want to get an idea of the situation. And we got you supper on the side.
A Corporate Employee (Err... is she actually carrying a bag of sandwiches?)
Sona You had an interview in your report with a pretty unassuming janitor, who said "I thought there was an earthquake, and I climbed out of the transport pipes, I was so desperate."
Looking at the picture, this is the General Chamber of Commerce Tower, right? During the Great Separation, the electricals were all out, but the Chamber has a standalone power source.
Can you give me some details about what you... saw of things?
<Background 8>
An Armorless Union Member Reporting in, "Lazurite" Monique.
We have traces of movement from a few targets here. They've split up to investigate something. And the Kuranta "Wild Mane" Iwona Krukowska is nearby guarding the Infected.
Monique They've set up an Infected community.
But they're still hoping their own strength, their own violence will protect it from falling apart?
Is this how stupid knights have gotten these days?
An Armorless Union Member Right. Here's their list of contacts... and some calls we've intercepted from them.
They're very cunning, steering clear of wireless communication. There's a good chance these messages are all a smokescreen.
Monique Forget anything else, they're investigating the "Great Kawalerielki Separation."
An Armorless Union Member Er... how do you...
Monique If your deductions are as convoluted next time, either you're dead, or you're out of a job. Learn a thing or two.
An Armorless Union Member R–Right! Please give your instructions!
Monique (Exasperated sigh) With Wild Mane Knight left alone, what instructions could you even need?
An Armorless Union Member S–Sorry, I'll go give the order to surround–
Monique If anything happens with the media or Adeptus Sprawiedliwi, will your heads on the chopping block even make up for it?
An Armorless Union Member I... I can't...
Monique Forget it. I'll go myself.
An Armorless Union Member Y–You don't need to go to the trouble!
Monique It's not right to pull off that big of a maneuver before any official orders come from up top.
Taking out an Infected knight's nothing difficult, but it has to be silent, no hide nor hair. Can any of you do that?
An Armorless Union Member Well...
Monique If you get it, then zip it, and while it's zipped, drag Roy back for me. They could've picked anyone to keep watch on the Nightzmora. Why waste a Lazurite's time on the clock?
<Background fades out and in>
Monique Target, confirmed. Wild Mane Knight, Iwona Krukowska.
Date, weather, present state of mind... but this isn't an official assignment. I shouldn't need to record so much detail.
Hmm. And no need to kill too many Infected. It'll be terrible on the million-to-one I get infected myself.
<Background fades out and in>
Iwona Huh, wonder what that sweet smell's about.
Flowers? Who's planting flowers here?
"Justice Knight" (Relaxed beeping noises)
Iwona Whaaat?! Who knew you could do this stuff too, Justice!
"Justice Knight" (Hurried beeping noises)
Loosing a rubber arrow, Justice Knight knocks over the plastic water bottle beside it, fresh water hydrating the flowerpot in front of them.
"Justice Knight" (Loud beeping noises)
Iwona Justice! You're amazing! Did you learn to do this yourself?!
"Justice Knight" (Loud beeping noises)
[An arrow fired by Monique narrowly misses Iwona, shattering the bottle held by the Justice Knight instead.]
Iwona –What?!
Whoa, watch out! The wall's come down!
[Iwona slashes the collapsing wall with her lance, protecting her and Justice Knight from the rubble.]
"Justice Knight" (Hurried beeping noises)
Iwona No questions! Move!
"Justice Knight" (Hurried beeping noises)
Iwona Tch–
<Background fades out and in>
Monique (Couldn't confirm my position, so she immediately began vacating. Solid intuition.)
(But... this is too slow of a pace.)
I'll be seeing you.
<Background 1>
A Gofer Armorless Union Member So we just come back like this? And, uh, the Union shouldn't be randomly waltzing into the General Chamber's building, should it?
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member *Sigh* Of course we can't, logically.
But you can't ignore a Lazurite's orders... ugh, I didn't have a boss this annoying back when I was a merc.
A Gofer Armorless Union Member Won't it be a little... unsafe, leaving Monique alone in the Infected ghetto?
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member Ha, you're worrying about her? What, us? Worried about a Lazurite?
A Gofer Armorless Union Member Well... the Lazurites are people too, and she looks pretty young...
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member *Sigh*... You've never seen the Lazurites get serious first-hand? You'll wanna make sure to prepare yourself, then.
Have you heard how it goes? "Platinum" needs to be someone with the leadership to guide a team, the brains to plan out the big picture in the most involved operations.
As for the "Lazurites"... they say the ones of the past, whether one or two... were all chosen because they could "kill any one target in Kazimierz."
A Gofer Armorless Union Member Uh... you're kidding, right? Any? Including all those campaign knights?
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member Well, that's lost to history... I'm not sure if it's true or not. They say even a few campaign knight leaders were–
[Roy joins in the A.U. members' chat.]
Roy Oh, hey, what's got you two so excited?
A Gofer Armorless Union Member Erk...
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member R-Roy, sir!
Roy You know something? People will suspect the Armorless Union, showing up publicly at the K.G.C.C.
It might be comedy to you, but you guys should take a guess. There's a reason they don't let the Union wander in and out of here... why?
A Gofer Armorless Union Member (Shudder) I–It... it's not like that...
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member Sir, this is a misunderstanding. Monique wanted us here to notify you. Otherwise, we would never–
Roy Ahahaha, why so tense? What, you scared I'm gonna eat you?
A Gofer Armorless Union Member ......
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member As... long as you understand. Monique's carrying something out in the Infected ghettos, and she wanted us to inform you.
Roy Infected, huh.
Alright, got it. Thanks for the notice.
Now get out of here quick, it smells of sterilizer everywhere. Hm, but the coffee downstairs is pretty good. You can steal a cup before you go.
See you. Hope you have fun with work~
[Roy leaves.]
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member Phew.
A Gofer Armorless Union Member ......
...Ulk... *cough* *cough*... urp...
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member Where's the bathroom... *sigh* I told you to prepare yourself.
I'm lucky enough I was a merc, but most others who switch jobs to join us are in for a little roughness. Just ride it out.
A Gofer Armorless Union Member Urgh... hah, hah... am I still alive?
A Seasoned Armorless Union Member You are, you are. Now you get it, don't you? We shouldn't get mixed up with their work.
And Monique wouldn't mess up.
<Background 8>
[Monique continues firing at Iwona, but she repelled them with her lance. One of the shots narrowly missed her.]
Iwona –?!
(Another wide shot? What's the deal?)
(But this force–I still can't clock the position–is the enemy messing with me?!)
Is this all I can do?! Run?!
<Background fades out and in>
Monique Missed... grr.
Toland Hey, miss, don't give me that look. I just wanted to ask you about something.
Monique ......
Toland Am I disturbing you? If you're not up to answer, I'll go on my way.
Monique What is it?
Toland Ah, thank you. Actually, I'm looking for someone–
–"Lazurite" Monique. It's a pseudonym, of course. Heard of her, if you don't mind me asking?
Monique As it happens, I'm looking for someone too.
Toland Oh? Sorry to confess, I'm fresh on the boat here. Can't say I recognize all that many heads or tails yet.
Monique That's alright, he's a plenty infamous bounty hunter. Seeing him once would be enough to remember.
Toland Hoo. Go on, do tell?
Monique The "Guildmaster", Toland Cash.
Thirteen counts of murder, eight of robbery, twenty-three of disturbing the peace, six of illegal Originium dealing... and to top it off–conspiracy, on one count.
Monique Also, most importantly, he's gotten in the way of my work... twice, now.
I hate people who get in the way of my work. Despise them.
Toland Well, well... Say, ever think you've gotten the wrong idea about him?
Monique All of us turn a blind eye to the bounty hunters' influence by default... but they shouldn't have organized, let alone grown large-scale.
Toland That's not fair to say. With "Flamelung" and "Yellow Smog" suddenly AWOL–poor brothers–that big of a territory without any boss, of course there's gotta be an organization. Work needs it to go smooth.
[Monique's phone rings.]
Monique ......
Toland Go ahead. Calls always come at the worst times, don't they?
[Monique picks up the phone.]
Monique It's me. I'm working.
...Got it.
[Monique hangs up.]
Toland It seems you're leaving. What an awful shame.
Tell Miss Monique I said hi.
Monique Likewise, then. Tell Toland this for me.
Tell him–
–That slippery little clown face of yours spoils my appetite.
[Monique leaves.]
<Background fades out and in>
Toland We really had a close shave there, Kuranta.
She might not catch up to me, but I'm sure she'd win the fight.
Iwona Who... the hell are you?
Toland I'll introduce myself again. Toland Cash, just a bounty hunter.
I come in good faith–that's my real name, you know. My old daddy gave it to me before he drank himself to the other side. True story.
Iwona Bounty guy, just now, that was the Armorless Union's...
Toland The Armorless Union's Lazurite. Put away any funny ideas of chasing her–you'd all be done for then.
But if even the Lazurite's showing up to this party, that means I'm in the right place.
Iwona You're mad off the mark if you want treasure. Only the Infected, homeless and penniless living out the days here.
What are you here looking for? Huh, bounty hunter?
Toland The will to rebel.
I came on this informant's info, see... heard you guys were planning something real extraordinary.
I don't want you to jump the gun, now. There's no traitors in your gang, and I can tell you they didn't have the loose lips to blab to me.
But when the city moves forward, it sucks everyone into the wake. You can't just make believe it's only "heroes" and "villains" in the Grand Knight Territory, right?
Iwona I'm not Sona. I'm not all good at chewing this stuff over.
But seeing how you just saved my life, I guess I can show you to someone or other.
Toland Now THAT'S what I call lifesaving.
"Justice Knight" (Slow beeping noises)
Toland Oh? What's this? A takeout cart?
Iwona Takeout, my ass! This is my pet! My pride and joy! You watch what you say!
Toland Hah, knights really have gotten interesting.
<Background fades out and in>
Monique I suddenly understand why I hate seeing Toland Cash so much.
Roy Why's that?
Monique Because he's too much like you.
Roy *cough*... Are you calling me out?
Monique Get on with it. What did you interrupt me for?
Roy You've been too hard at it lately. Isn't it nice, relaxing every once in a while?
Monique I'm heading back to work.
Roy No, nuh-uh, you've been getting more and more workaholic lately.
See, the curtain's pulled open on the Radiant Knight's Major adventure, and I'm not exactly resting easy with just Platinum on the case.
And the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has been scarily quiet this year. Usually they'd be firing opening shots against the Board of Directors by now, what with all their documents and meetings.
Monique And this is your grounds for shirking work?
Roy Not entirely. The 'three above' are having us keep this in check lately.
Monique Hmm.
Roy To be strict about it, the Infected are creating an opportunity for us.
Darksteel'll seize that to eliminate the last of those who know what really happened, and shift the blame to the Infected.
What we should be doing now isn't harming the Infected. When it comes to it, in fact, we even ought to give them a little help from the shadows.
But we can't be too obvious about this, so I let you enjoy the hassle of finding them, seeing it through to the end.
Monique Work really does shift under your feet when it wants.
Roy We're on the Board of Directors's dime, after all. All we can do is be their people.
Provisionally, of course.
Monique Heh.
How's the Nightzmora business going?
Roy Not much to be concerned with, just a moron tracing the footsteps of old-timey legends.
We'll fix up a match for him to face one of the Grand Knights later. After the "Nightzmora reenactment" thing gets enough buzz, it can get dumped.
That's "knights" for you, after all. A Nightzmora orphan living in the present day–it's gotta be hard on the soul.
<Background 9>
Old Knight ......
Nightmare Knight Batbayar, what are you following me for?
Old Knight You can drop that tone with me like you're on your victory lap. There's youth in your voice. Odds are you're younger than me.
Are you always so... aimless?
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight Don't you have anywhere to go? A titled Major knight being a tramp in Kawalerielki, really?
Nightmare Knight ......
Cities disgust me.
Walking helps clear the mind. Kurantas always walk the grasslands.
Old Knight It ain't no grassland here.
Nightmare Knight It should be.
Old Knight And you just go on like this?
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight How long has it been?
Nightmare Knight Ten years or so. Or however many. I can't even remember now.
Old Knight Er... but you did get a lift to reach Kawalerielki, right?
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight You crossed Kazimierz on foot?!
R–Rubbish. You've really never "stopped" before? Don't you even need to rest?
Nightmare Knight Batbayar, do you know of the "Khaganquest?"
Old Knight ...What...
Nightmare Knight It was once... the apotheosis of a Kuranta's glory.
At the time a warrior comes of age, in order to manifest their glory as a Kuranta, in the company of their mother and father, they would make a promise.
From the place they were born, they would leave for a distant site of trial. Taking only a weapon gifted by their parents, they would go on foot.
Old Knight A site of trial...?
Nightmare Knight The site of trial is decided by themselves. True courage must be recognized by themselves.
The way of the courageous spans a thousand folds of the earth, while the cowardly only dared choose the forests before their own door.
A distance or lack of it was by no means the sole judge. Some brave brought back the heads of prey; some brave cut off their enemies' ears; some brave were empty-handed, but bountiful with pure gold and spices.
Our forebears never once forgot this tradition. This was proof of valor. Countless Nightzmora soldiers walked the Khaganquest, as the start of their long journey.
Old Knight So, right now, you're... you're completing your rite of adulthood alone?
Where's your parents?
Nightmare Knight Since I can recall, I had no one at all.
Batbayar, I'm not ashamed to admit. To be with you, one of the same blood, no matter how distant, consoles me somewhat.
At least, it lets me take in that, in this age twistedly proceeding, my past brethren... are still alive.
Old Knight Alright... Are you gonna hang around the Grand Knight Territory like this for the time being, then?
Nightmare Knight Kawalerielki... I learned from the travelers, this place is the center of the land of the knights, Kazimierz's glory.
Yet now I see, it's no more than a rotting fort, trampling the glory, the honor that should shine esteemed.
Once, my brethren were trialed in their Khaganquests by beast and Catastrophe. And what I face now, is a forward-roaring, grassland-crushing metal titan.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 10>
Nightmare Knight ......
They're the pinnacles of modern Kazimierzian knighthood, the strong that garner all attention.
Dwelling on their image amounts to nothing. Attempting to debate the attitude of the knight of now comes off as utterly foolish.
Only through one victory after another can it be understood, just how Kazimierz postures itself in the modern day.
Nightmare Knight It happens to block my Khaganquest.
So I will conquer it, in order to prove my fatedness.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Spokesman McKee Each knight in Kawalerielki has their own reason to fight.
Maybe many of the ignorant beyond Kazimierz would criticize the modern knight competitions as "defying tradition," "renouncing glory."
But we're not of that mind at all. The times are changing, industry and finance are expanding. Do you honestly still want the people putting stock in the traditions of killing? Rampant duels paid with blood, in modern society?
No, the General Chamber of Commerce finds it very hard to sanction such things.
Candle Knight Cities springing up, engines rumbling as they turn.
This is an age of rapid progress. Yes, wildly unlike it was over a decade ago, Mr. McKee.
Spokesman McKee Madam Droste. The General Chamber expects your certain victory.
The Infected knight crisis is intensifying. Taken as a locus, the Radiant Knight will extol it, and the Board of Directors will lose great face over it.
Candle Knight I understand.
Spokesman McKee I... *sigh* I don't mean to trouble you–I'm guessing you still won't accept our proposals, will you?
But I hope you'll realize, you won't actually need to do anything.
Candle Knight McKee.
I want to decide a victor between me and the Radiant Knight, fair and square.
Spokesman McKee ......
Candle Knight "I won't need to do anything." These last few years, I've always been solicited as such.
Mr. McKee, as a knight, inaction itself is one brand of action. Can you sympathize with that?
Spokesman McKee I...
Candle Knight Am I not even allowed the satisfaction of a single request anymore? Mr. McKee?
Spokesman McKee No... if you really are so determined... I'll try and talk over the Knights Association and the other spokesmen.
But... can you tell me why? You have no preexisting relationship with the Radiant Knight, as far as we know... What makes you so insistent?
Candle Knight Why is the General Chamber so focused on her?
Though she's of a famous family, she is no more than a knight once banished, in the end.
Tell me, just what is the K.G.C.C. so focused on?
Spokesman McKee This isn't something you and I should discuss right now, Madam Droste.
But... alright. Behind this affair, it's a contest between the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi and the General Chamber.
In fact, neither the K.G.C.C. nor the Adeptus ultimately care too much who "takes the championship."
Do you understand? I've currently obliged with you... I respect your way of thinking, but your steadfastness is harming the K.G.C.C.'s outlook towards you.
Candle Knight I'll explain to the knightclub myself.
Spokesman McKee Our Leithanian visitors wouldn't want to see any mishaps befall you in the arena, either.
Candle Knight Mishaps? Losing to an Infected champion, you mean?
I've no illusions of the way they work. The Candle Knight Viviana Droste is celebrated so because she is a Leithanian.
A Leithanian, finding success in the Kazimierz knight competitions, makes them beam.
And since the Black Knight, it's a glory they've taken for granted. I became a substitute for the Black Knight by luck, no more.
No more than vanity.
Spokesman McKee It might be vain of them, yes, but their support for you is authentic. The K.G.C.C. is hoping to sign a trade agreement with the nobles at this moment, and your impact cannot be ignored.
Candle Knight McKee.
Two knights meet in a contest, hoping to fight a fair battle. Is this something so inherently forbidden?
Spokesman McKee No. You're... you're right.
Candle Knight Kazimierz, Leithanien. The home that birthed me.
In childhood I imagined, that the place I lived was one where romance and glory could coexist.
I simply want to... see, with this "special case," this Radiant Knight. See who comes out on top.
At least this once, I won't need to consider how to "win beautifully." I only need to consider how to claim victory.
Is that not abideable?
Spokesman McKee The outcome won't change.
The K.G.C.C. will find some way to force the Radiant Knight's loss. Losing to you was the most appropriate decision to make.
Candle Knight You support them?
Spokesman McKee In order to prevent this situation from degrading further... in order not to give the Adeptus more excuses to revolt, yes, I support this decision.
Candle Knight ......
Spokesman McKee Yes?
Candle Knight I'm somewhat disappointed in you.
Spokesman McKee My deepest apologies, Madam.
But... I believe it is the best option...
My deepest apologies.
Candle Knight There's a celebration feast tonight. I'll need to be on my way soon.
Spokesman McKee Right... May you travel safely.
Candle Knight McKee.
I merely, simply want to be witness in this age to a knight's radiance. True radiance.
She's just as if a verse.
Nothing more than that.
[Viviana leaves.]
Spokesman McKee A verse, was it?
Perhaps. But those poems you read... I've never once actually managed to make sense of one, Viviana.
[A corporate employee enters after knocking the door.]
A Corporate Employee Mr. McKee? Did you order flowers? The doorman's gotten a bouquet of marigolds, and says you ordered them.
Spokesman McKee Yes.
It was your anniversary recently, wasn't it?
A Corporate Employee Oh–uh? It was–you remembered that?
Spokesman McKee It's my gift to you two. You've been a credit to your job. Don't forget to go home and spend time with your family.
A Corporate Employee Wow! Mr. McKee! Thank you! Thank you so, so much!
Spokesman McKee That's fine. If you've got nothing important, go on and sign off a little early.
You can't live without treasuring life.