Event synopsis: A Walk in the Dust

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A Walk in the Dust
A Walk in the Dust event.png
The extent of Kal'tsit's influence is immeasureable.
Ursus, Victoria, and Sargon all bear marks of her presence.
Whatever her role may be, she firmly and persistently pursues her own vision.
Those who journey alongside her, too, are busily authoring the stories of their own lives.
Time stops for no one, and Kal'tsit continues marching onward.


Sargon, 1075: A Padishah's Vision

In present day (year 1097), Sesa and Heavyrain traveled to the Sargon district of Ibut on a mission to investigate a raid on Rhodes Island cargo. They quickly learn the supplies were raided by a black market leader titled "Sand Soldier." To their surprise, the Sand Soldier is not interested in the goods, and he frees the captured operators. Rather, he drew their attention to request the duo to bring him to R.I after he killed a local Lord Ameer for vengeance. His goal is to fulfill a prophecy made twenty-two years ago – to return a golden coin he has been keeping for a long time to Kal'tsit.

The moment of Kal'tsit and Elliot's separation, 22 years ago

In the year 1075, young "Sand Soldier" was just a sixteen-year-old prodigy from Columbia named Elliot Glover. Together with his beloved teacher, Professor Thorne, and his scientist group the "Sand Soldiers" from Blaine Formative, he came to the Ibut Region of Sargon to conduct research on relics of an Originium-based weapon. If successful, it would easily become a weapon of mass destruction that could wipe out half of Sargon's rainforest, and a total war between Sargon and Columbia would be inevitable. However, the weapon was coveted by Padishah Murad of Ibut, who led his mercenaries to raid the scientists' settlement and massacre everyone there. Just before Elliot can be killed, Kal'tsit, then an advisor for the Columbian mercenary company Westin Security, leads the Riverblade Squad to save him and brings him to safety. Although Elliot mourns for not having a proper burial for his teacher, Kal'tsit reminds him that there is no time for that and they must move on quickly.

Trying to make their escape out of Sargon amidst the political machinations between the two nations, Kal'tsit and Elliot go to the black market of Reefsteep in order to seek help from a mysterious amnesiac Savra named Isin. Isin agrees unconditionally, and gives her a gold coin that must be paid back in the future. In the meantime, Isin requests Kal'tsit's help to recover his memory, as all he can remember is that he once served the Padishah of Reefsteep. Listening to his words, Kal'tsit is shocked to learn that the Padishah of Reefsteep, the mighty conqueror that almost explored the forbidden Foehn Hotland, is in fact a Nightzmora who trapped Isin in his illusory Arts for hundreds of years. Upon hearing the news, the Savra bursts in tears and recalls that he was nothing more than a foolish jester.

As Elliot and Kal'tsit are getting ready to leave, Kal'tsit declares that the Originium device for the weapon is no longer of any use and she will dispose of it. Angered by Kal'tsit "forcing him to make choices," Elliot immediately destroys the device without any regard for safety, leading to his infection with Oripathy. Still, he did not regret his decision so that he could break off his old self. After further discussions, Elliot decided to stay behind under the care of Old Isin while having Kaltsit left for another journey.

Ursus, 1080: A Dish Served Cold

In the year 1080, three years after the Sarcophagus purge in Chernobog, Ursus, Kal'tsit is hiding inside an Ursine village where she's working as a town doctor. When she first arrived she met Lillia, a former fellow scientist who also took part in the research with her deceased husband, Astrov. Lillia seeks out her aid to take revenge on the Ursus Grand Duke Vanya, whom she believes was responsible for the death of her fellow colleagues and for orphaning her daughter Louisa. Even though Kal'tsit warns her that revenge is meaningless, Lillia insists on carrying out the plan.

Kal'tsit accompanying Vanya in his death, enjoying the scenery from the Pine Valley Retreat

Regardless, the two successfully infiltrate the Pine Valley Retreat, the sanatorium where Vanya lived. Lillia disguises herself as a doctor under her daughter's name while Kal'tsit serves as a maid. The original plan was to build trust with the sanatorium's administrators by working for two weeks, before Lilla infiltrates the Grand Duke's bedroom to inject him a neurotoxin. But the sudden arrival of Viscont Witte forces the two to fast-track their plan and accomplish the assassination as soon as possible before the Viscount recognizes them. Worst of all, when they arrive at the Grand Duke's room, only Kal'tsit is permitted entry while Lillia has to rush to aid the Viscount's injured friend.

Upon entering the Grand Duke's room, all Kal'tsit sees is a helpless, blind man lying on his bed as a sitting duck. Although the Grand Duke is apparently well aware of the reason behind Kal'tsit's visit, he miraculously welcomes her arrival. As a political victim, he knows that if Kal'tsit does not kill him, Ursus would, and so, he welcomes her to perform a painless death. He not only buys time for Kal'tsit away from his bodyguards, but he also allows her to inject him with the poison. In the last few second of his life, the two sit at the balcony to enjoy the warm, sunny day. Vanya recalls his past as a soldier and praises his motherland. The old man then falls into a peaceful sleep and never wakes up.

Victoria, 1084: The Devil's Dominion

A peaceful night party with young Heidi...

In the New Year eve of the year 1084, Kal'tsit, now a Lateran cleric, is invited to the banquet of a Victorian noble named Mr. Vincent where she discusses geopolitics and her travels with the other guests. Heidi Thomson, the daughter of the host's friend, had snuck into the party in order to take the place of her father's undisposed Catastrophe Messenger. It's revealed that the Thomson family are Kal'tsit's collaborators and informants who seek to protect the political stability of Victoria. Under the guise of being motivated by romantic prospects, Heidi maneuvers time alone with Kal'tsit and hands her a letter from Theresa outlining the current political climate of Kazdel.

While watching the snow outside, Kal'tsit notices black snowflakes, a sign of the arrival of an Emperor's Blade: notorious Ursine super soldiers who are made from shards of the northern eldritch demons. She orders Heidi to stay back and maintain order in the banquet while she deals with the interloper. The Blade introduces himself as "the Pursuer," and according to his words, he was sent by Ursus to avenge the Grand Duke's death. Kal'tsit tries to argue that killing her on Victorian soil would start a diplomatic crisis with Ursus, but the Pursuer haughtily declares that everywhere he walks is the dominion of Ursus. She then further tries to reason that the soldier was not sent on order of the current Emperor, who has no attachment or grudge over the Grand Duke's death, but who's merely acting on his own agenda, to no avail. A battle breaks out between her and the soldier.

...that was soon interrupted by the Emperor's Blade

Although Kal'tsit is deeply wounded, she notices that the Emperor's Blade struggles against Mon3tr, and that she had left an impression on him. With a hard blow, she uses Mon3tr to fracture the Pursuer's mask and to sever his respirator. If left untreated, the demonic shard inside him would not only destroy the whole manor but would also kill him, forcibly earning Kal'tsit a reprieve from the Blade. Before his inevitable retreat, the Pursuer warns Kal'tsit that she knows too many of Ursus' secrets, and that Ursus would keep watching her.

After disguising the battle as a fight against a wild beast, Kal'tsit is forced to take an untimely leave from the banquet. Before her departure, Vincent asks her to promise to protect Mr. Thomson. Kal'tsit promises Heidi that the two will meet again somewhere in the future.

Time Waits for No Woman

Back to modern day, the year 1097, Elliot, now a Rhodes Island operator codenamed "Passenger," finds his way back to Kal'tsit, as prophesized by Old Isin. He seeks her out to find a new purpose after fulfilling his revenge. When asked about Isin's condition, he replies that the old man has "disappeared in the golden sand" to search for the fabled capital of Sargon three years ago after seeing Kal'tsit staying alongside the Nightzmoran Padishah in his lost memory. He then questions Kal'tsit on her motivations and whether she intends to stay at Rhodes Island, which she finds herself loath to answer. The conversation is interrupted by Lillia's daughter, codename Folinic, now an operator at R.I., bringing Kal'tsit a package from Heidi. In her conversation with Passenger, Kal'tsit decides to introduce him to his future commanding officer, the Doctor.