Event synopsis: To Be Continued

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To Be Continued

To Be Continued is a collection of tales that both resolves the cliffhanger in several past Side Stories and sets the stage for several future Side Stories.


A pair of the Browntail family, Yucatan and Sciurus are going to Victoria to negotiate about partnership in Kjerag. Sciurus' sister, the current matriarch of the family, Ratatos once told her that she needs to go out of Kjerag to broaden her knowledge. The negotiation went poorly with the Victorian merchant demanding unfair shares and to make matters worse the Victorian high society mocked them and their homeland. Sciurus rushed off outside to vent her anger until Yucatan calmed her down. Rus then talked about how everything in Victoria looks magnificent and new to her. She aspires Kjerag to be as advanced as them and even wonders if her sister was inspired by Enciodes Silverash's years in Victoria and his ambition that he nurtured there. She even wonders if the reason why Ratatosk asked her to go all the way to Victoria was because of the events that transpired. However, in the middle of the talk between them, the merchant's mansion is suddenly vandalized by a Victorian noble's soldiers. It was later revealed that the merchant had shady dealings with the noble including the fact that he used the money he embezzled from their partnership to built the mansion they're currently in. However, Sciurus and Yucatan secretly knocked the nobleman's goons out until one of them tipped the nobleman and he decided to retreat. Using this as the leverage, the Browntail pair then asked to "re-negotiate" their deals.

Until Next Time

Being the epilogue of Invitation to Wine and prequel to Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow, Shen Lou met the Grand Tutor where he asked to be taken across the river. During the conversation the Boatman lamented that Liang Xun had to leave Shangshu soon and the Grand Tutor assured him that he'll not be put to waste in capital. Elsewhere, Ning Ciqiu and Liang Xun had a warm conversation where they talked about their life history. In the inn, the Innkeeper's daughter asked her father to stop worrying too much about her and her journey to Yumen with her friends until he asked her to settle down and she rebuffs him. She then told him that she needs to see Liang Xun soon because she was asked by Mr Lee. All of these were witnessed by both Zuo Le and Lin Qingyan or Leizi. Leizi then told Zuo Le not to pay heed to whatever just happened and mind his own business. She then reveals that she's not in Shangshu with official orders but rather by the Tianshi Bureau's and Zuo Le's father request. She then reveals that the whole events might've been orchestrated by unknown parties and reminds Zuo Le that while he's a government officer he's still a rookie and has yet to fully comprehend everything during the incident. In the meantime, it's been revealed that Mr Lee, Taihe and the Pole-carrier have been watching Liang Xun's and Ning Ciqiu's meeting since the beginning.

Wolf and Wolfpack

Acting as the continuation of Code of Brawl and prequel to Il Siracusano, Gambino and Capone are on their way to intercept a letter after encountering Lappland. She told them to intercept the letter, lest they want their lives snuffed out. Begrudgingly following her orders. Both of them recounted how their meeting with Lappland went and after confirming the mission's password, they searched for the contact but instead is involved in a small gang war caused by one of its member cheating in a card game. After running away and meeting the contact, Gambino later found out that the contact was none other than one of his family member. Capone prevented Gambino from attacking the contact after finding out the wax used to seal the letter is "special" and they know who the sender was. They were cornered by L.G.D officers and managed to escape. They then lamented that since Lungmen isn't their homeland nor their territory they can't do anything unless they want to offend the Rat King. After delivering the letter to Lappland, she proceeded to tell them that they're seen as renegades and are told to be disposed however it may be. After telling Lappland they're not going to accept the letter's statement and subdued by her, she proposes them to help her in her plan in luring another "wolf" in Lungmen.

Elsewhere, one of the Signora's men had a discussion with the Rat King regarding Gambino and Capone's activities in Lungmen which he told the Rat King that they're unconcerned about them. But the other two wolves are the ones that are their primary concerns in Lungmen. The Rat King then threatened the Signora's men that they have to abide by Lungmen's rules while both of them are in Lungmen. The Rat King then said he's not concerned with the one with Emperor but the other lone wolf is the more concerning one. He then asked his subordinate to book a dinner in a restaurant with "his old friend".

Farewell Roy

Continuing after the Epilogue of Near Light, Roy and Monique approaches Dikaiopolis in his home and proposed a cooperation with him. In exchange that he'll be left alone by the Union he'll help them to fake their deaths so they can secretly flee from the Union. During the process, Roy reminisces about how he joined the Union in the first place. The pair later decided to get plastic surgery and new identities to conceal themselves from the Union. On the way to the surgery, Roy went to a bar and watched the news of Dikaiopolis supposed "death" with an Infected knight and an office worker. They then had a drink together and a conversation together, the last one as "Roy". He then paid all their tabs and left to get his surgery. After their surgeries are done they killed the doctor and confirmed their new identities as Joel and Donna Tyrell. However it's been revealed in exchange of Dikaiopolis' "death" the Union has started hunting down his followers or admirers claiming that they have no one to protect themselves from the General Chambers anymore.

Harmony in Difference

Acting as the epilogues for Heart of Surging Flame and part of Code of Brawl as well as a prequel to So Long, Adele, it tells the story about how MountainDash Logistics daily works are like. Aside from that it's revealed that they 're currently in partnership talks with Siesta. Eurill and Herman then discuss their cooperation after reviewing the documents Herman had sent. Eurill decided to do a re-negotiation and wants Herman to make sure MountainDash won't have any restrictions set by locals and the Catastrophe Messengers. Eurill then reveals that his ambition is to built free trade zone where political issues won't interfere with the market and where Siesta can enter foreign markets' as neutral entity. During the discussions, Herman asked what is Bison's thought of this plan. He then assured Herman that MountainDash will not let him down. Later Herman showed Eurill and Bison around the city even shocking Bison of its peculiar culinary that initially was sold by a visiting girl. They then continue the tour, impressing Eurill with the city's scenery and rich, vibrant facilities. During the talk Eurill reveals he also plans to let Bison out of the company soon so he can find his own dream. They then both reminisces about their families together while drinking.

True Story

At some point after his incarceration in the Mansfield State Prison following the events of Mansfield Break, Jesselton Williams has become the subject of mockery in jail, as a jailor who ended up becoming a prisoner. However, as he has recieved letters from Parasol Pharmaceuticals detailing how they'll bail him out provided he avoids making trouble in jail, Jesselton quietly endures everything thrown his way, including verbal harassment by the wardens, toilet duty, having wastewater poured on him, and being attacked by the other prisoners. However, although the other prisoners constantly attempt to pick fights with him, his ferromagnetic Arts render then unable to physically harm him even when he refuses to fight back.

During his time in prison, Jesselton also "befriended" numerous inmates in order to try and manipulate them, the latest one being a man named Rick. This time, he learns how to copy his wife Patty's handwriting and forges a letter falsely claiming that his wife has married another man during his stay. Although the ruse has holes, Rick ultimately believes him, but before Jesselton can convince him to become his ally in seeking money and power, the guards notify Rick that his wife has posted bail for him, ruining Jesselton's plans. As the guards reveal they intentionally withheld this information by a week to watch Jesselton's struggle, he is nearly enraged to violence, but manages to maintain his composure. Later, he writes another letter to Parasol Pharmaceuticals imploring them to rescue him, even going so far as to reluctantly address himself as "their humblest servant."

However, it is later revealed that all of the prior events were a part of a Columbian reality TV show titled True Stories, which claims to be a work of fiction that uses anonymous actors. As two men at a bar have a laugh about the show, one of them asks about the chances that Jesselton isn't an actor and that the story is actually real, to which his friend dismisses his musing as a joke. Whether the show really is just a fabrication, or whether they are actually filming and manipulating Jesselton's prison stay for entertainment is left somewhat ambiguous.