Event synopsis: Dossoles Holiday

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Dossoles Holiday
Dossoles Holiday event.png
Ch'en was invited to spend the summer at Dossoles, Bolívar.
Little did she know that she would run into Lin Yühsia there.
Meanwhile, the most unique city in Bolívar is about to hold its most significant annual event: the
Dossoles Warrior Championship.
Where there is light, however, there is always shadow,
and this shadow threatens to consume the entire city.
What is the danger that Ch'en and Lin Yühsia are sensing?

The Triathlon

City of Two Suns

The opulent skyline of Dossoles and its beach

While Ch'en was vacationing in Siesta, she received a letter from Fumizuki delivered by Shirayuki querying her to head into the city of Dossoles in Bolívar as a representative of Lungmen in Wei Yenwu's stead, too busy to personally attend. Despite being an exile of Lungmen, Ch'en accepts out of her gratitude. On September 1, 1097, arriving at Dossoles, Ch'en was welcomed by the mayor, Candela Sanchez, a "friend" of Yenwu's, in the cruise ship sailing on the city's artificial sea. However, to her surprise and shock, her rival Lin Yühsia was also present, having been ordered by Fumizuki to represent the Rat King. This caused the rift between the two to resurface as Candela introduced them to their guide, Ernesto Salas.

During her vacation, Ch'en and Yühsia both made the observation that the city has something to hide, and its opulent façade felt flat. Yühsia got involved in a fight with local thugs running a casino. Ernesto and Ch'en came to Yühsia's aid and escaped from the thugs, only to be forced to fight them on the venue of the Dossoles Warrior Championship's preliminaries. Mistakenly believed to be among the contestants, the spectators praised Ch'en, Ernesto, and Yühsia, forcing their hand to join the Championship as "Team LUNG wRATh". Meanwhile, Hoshiguma and Swire were also vacationing in Dossoles, and were surprised to learn of Ch'en and Yühsia's presence from their sudden appearance on the live broadcast.

It's All Fun and Game

Thugs: "You're outnumbered five-to-one!"
Ch'en: "Then it's a fair fight."

After getting a crash course on the Dossoles Warrior Championship's format and rules from Ernesto, Ch'en and Yühsia headed out for their debut, with the former arming herself with a non-lethal water gun. During the first round, a "Search Game," the other teams ganged up on LUNG wRATh, allowing Yühsia to demonstrate her glass Arts. The team split up, Ch'en encountering the Aegir Mizuki of Higashi, surrounded by other contestants and saving him. Mizuki gave up his gold bars — necessary tokens to progress in the contest — to Ch'en to express his gratitude, declaring being indebted to the Lung later inciting him to join Rhodes Island.

At the conclusion of the Search Game, LUNG wRATh managed to come out in the #1 spot and proceeded into the next round. Before their next match, Ch'en discussed her misgivings about Ernesto and Candela with Yühsia — the former of which turned out to be true; the young Perro was involved in some plot with his father, Captain Pancho Salas and his Liberi step-sister Rafaela Silva, another contestant who opposed Yühsia previously.

During the next round, the Triathlon, the competition grew more intense still, but Lung wRATh managed to proceed smoothly, until they were pincered by the other teams, forcing Ch'en and Yühsia to head through Ernesto's store at his behest, while he held off other contestants. However, this turned out to be a ruse by Ernesto to keep the two from interfering with the Salas family's plan; a bomb set on the store exploded, trapping Ch'en and Yühsia in the rubble. Even so, the two managed to find a way out and narrowly came out on top, thanks to Yühsia's Arts allowing her to effortlessly slip past the other competitors.

Personal War

During the lull between the Triathlon and the final bout of DWC, Ch'en confronted Ernesto, now fully aware that the Perro was plotting something. Ernesto revealed that he was aiding his father Pancho to "open the eyes" of the inhabitants of Dossoles to the conflict that engulfed Bolívar. It became clear that Dossoles was a city built atop exploitation, war profiteering, and lies. Not long afterwards, Pancho made publicly known on live television his intentions to take over Dossoles by force and "save Bolívar," citing the above motive. With the aid of R.I. operative Sideroca who was in Dossoles accompanying Sussurro and Eyjafjalla as well as Hoshiguma managed to foil most of the damage done by Pancho's terrorist attack, as Candela reassured her citizens.

Despite this, Pancho was able to hold several Bolívarian dignitaries hostage on the cruise ship and tried to force them into his fold. However, Yühsia managed to save the hostages and defeated Rafaela while Ch'en defeated Ernesto and kept Pancho distracted long enough for Yühsia to operate.

The cruise ship goes boom while Ch'en and Yühsia watch the "fireworks"

As it turns out, Yühsia had planted the terrorist plot's bombs on the cruise ship, sinking it right after she and Ch'en made their escape. Pancho and his men survived the cruise ship's sinking and made it ashore, only to be welcomed by Candela, inviting him for a dinner as a final insult before his arrest. After an intense ideological back-and-forth, Pancho was taken away. Ch'en and Yühsia noticed Hoshiguma and Swire's presence, leading them to have a moment of friendly banter and reminiscence.

In the aftermath, most of Lung wRATh's prize money for winning the DWC was used to repair the cruise ship while Ernesto and Rafaela was spared by Candela but exiled from Dossoles for their involvement in Pancho's terrorist plot; the two would join R.I. after Ch'en's return. The four Lungmenite ladies spent the rest of their holiday in Dossoles together, rekindling the flames of their friendship and thawing the tension between Ch'en and Yühsia.

A commemorative photo for an action-packed R&R

Later, Wei received a report from Yühsia about the Dossoles visit, along with some gifts including a pack of high-quality Dossolesian coffee and a photo taken to commemorate the R&R. As Wei looked upon the photo, he hoped to one day see Ch'en returning to Lungmen, much to Fumizuki's delight.