Event synopsis: Grani and the Knights' Treasure

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Grani and the Knights' Treasure
Grani and the Knights' Treasure event.png
Dewville, a remote village in Kazimierz has been occupied by bounty hunters.
These bounty hunters indiscriminately rampage and ruin, apparently in an attempt to find the knight's treasure said to be buried here.
After receiving a request for help, Mounted Police Grani volunteers to resolve the problem.
Can she really drive out the bounty hunters?
Will she find the mysterious knight's treasure?
Will peace return to Dewville?
Let's find it out.

Trouble in Dewville

The fabled Knights' Treasure and the century-old craze for it

Bounty hunters have recently occupied the quiet, backwater Kazimierzian village of Dewville as a result of rumours surrounding the fabled Knights' Treasure – a catacomb housing a deceased knight's valuable assets – that's hidden somewhere within the mountains around Dewville. For whatever reason, the rumors have become quite popular lately, causing a sudden increase in the number of bounty hunters coming to Dewville to search for the treasure. Since pouring into the village, the bounty hunters have been harassing the local villagers for information on the treasure's location, culminating in kidnapping the village chief, Carol, and torturing her for information. Luckily, she is rescued by Grani, a young Victorian Kuranta policewoman of Kazimierzian descent. As part of her mission requested by the chief, she is here to search for the Treasure in order to save Dewville from the bounty hunters once and for all.

While the duo are heading for safety, the hunters meet an unexpected guest – an Aegir bounty huntress named "Skadi" who is here for her personal mission. True to her nickname, the "walking Catastrophe," she single-handedly defeats the two with ease. Taking the opportunity to run, the Kuranta girls flee, and run into a mysterious, tall, armored man who brings them to the outskirts of the village. Introducing himself as Big Bob, he offers his help to search for the Treasure. Even though the girls are suspicious of his motivations, they accept his request nevertheless.

Treasure Hunt

Together, Big Bob, Grani and Carol trek across the forests of Mount Terrat to reach Mount Mortica, the place where the treasure is likely buried. Before they arrive at the entrance, they encounter the numerous hunters led by someone titled "Captain", as well as Skadi. Despite the two recognizing each other as colleagues back at Rhodes Island, Skadi again attacks the trio unprovoked, forcing the gang to flee. They manage to use the distracted Skadi as bait to lure Captain's minions before fleeing.

When they finally arrive at the tunnel heading into Mount Mortica, they surprisingly encounter some Reunion fighters. Big Bob orders Grani and Carol to go on while he stays behind to deal with them. Upon reaching the labyrinth to the catacomb, Grani also decides to stay behind to guard the entrance and keep the bounty hunters at bay, allowing Carol to search for the treasure in peace. Shortly after Carol sets off, Grani hears screams from Captain's men and turns to see Skadi fighting Captain's men and members of Reunion, having used her giant sword to carve her own entrance to the caves. Even though the two are at odds against each other, they agree that the hunters and the Reunion fighters are their priority and they fight together to fend them off.

Three sides, two desires, one goal. Who will have the Treasure?

But things will become much complicated. Before reuniting with Carol, Grani is surprised, but not shocked, to find out that Big Bob is trying to block her way alongside the Reunion fighters, who are actually his men. He elaborates that he really needs the Treasure in order to settle in Columbia and have a quiet, peaceful life. In the meantime, Skadi orders Grani to hand Carol over to her for the "key" she is searching for. Grani does not give in, stating that all she does is for Dewville. The deadlock is broken when Carol returns with the Treasure and Big Bob attempts to seize it from her. A fight breaks out between Skadi, Big Bob, and Grani, with Skadi allying herself with Grani to take down Big Bob.

The fight ends with Big Bob's surrender, but things are far from over. The "key" Carol holds requires a pure-blooded Kazimierzian to open the Treasure's chest; those without such bloodline will be killed instantly. Carol steps forward to open the chest, believing that this is her own duty. Without hesitation, Grani suddenly takes the key from her and opens the chest in her stead, as she also has the bloodline of a Kazimierzian. The rest are shocked by Grani's action, but luckily, she survives the ordeal.

Once enemies against each other, now fighters for the peace of Dewville

In the end, peace has been restored in Dewville now that the treasure is gone. Grani and Skadi work together to drive Captain and his men out of Dewville, and Carol uses part of the treasure to rebuild the village. As a compensation and a sign of gratitude for his earlier help, they give some of the treasure to Big Bob before his departure for his new life.

Abyssal Blood

The "key" Skadi recovered from the Knight's Treasure

After the Dewville affair, Skadi returns to Rhodes Island and hands the treasure's key to Kal'tsit. Although Kalt'sit scolds her for unauthorized activity, she reluctantly agrees to accept it in return for sharing some information regarding the cause of Specter's madness and the missing Iberian battleship. Even though Skadi doubts her ability, Kal'tsit reminds her of something she might have forgotten:

Abyssal Hunters are bound in blood.