Event synopsis: Mansfield Break

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Mansfield Break
Mansfield Break event.png
Years ago, Anthony Simon was incarcerated in Mansfield State Prison.
All the while, he has been plotting to escape and uncover the truth.
Little did he know, a plot targeting him was unfolding at the same time.
Silence who coincidentally discovered Anthony's existence, Saria who had already taken action,
Muelsyse whose intentions remain uncertain, as well as HydeBro and the Director of Energy behind them.
Perhaps a late-night talk in the bar will shed some light on the truth behind this conspiracy,
and lift a corner off the veil of secrecy covering Rhine Lab.

Step One: Enter the Giant's Lair

During their visit to Columbia, the ex-Rhine Lab personnel Dr. Olivia Silence and Mayer Stony are summoned by an unknown individual to a bar for "a chat." Upon arrival, the one who summoned them is revealed to be Muelsyse, the Elven director of R.L.'s Ecological Department where Magallan belongs to.

That one prisoner, Anthony Simon

Muelsyse explained that she wanted to know of Mayer and Silence's involvement on a recent jailbreak in Mansfield State Prison where Anthony Simon had escaped from, as she had a hunch that the duo were involved somehow. Silence does not deny Muelsyse's inquiry as she explains that she is not involved with HydeBro, a Columbian construction supply company that was responsible for the fall of Simon Co. of which Smith Simon, Anthony's father, is the director. However, Muelsyse was curious about what really happened during the jailbreak, and wanted Silence and Mayer to explain it to her.

Silence starts her story with Kafka, her mischievous Liberi acquaintance who intentionally made herself a prisoner in Mansfield to get in touch with Anthony. The infiltration went smoothly as Kafka blended in with the inmates just fine and encountered Anthony himself, who had garnered strong influence among both the inmates and wardens thanks to his wits and prowess. However, unbeknownst to Kafka, an Anaty inmate named Robin had also entered Mansfield for her own, possibly malicious, motives.

Step Two: Awaken the Sleeping Beast

As the last of the Simons, HydeBro sets their eyes on Anthony

Silence paused her story to reveal that HydeBro had made dealings with R.L.'s Energy Dept. and sent several hitmen to Mansfield to eliminate Anthony in order to finish off the Simons (whose other members had met their end in the Bunkerhill State Prison). She explained the darker, "commercialized" side of Mansfield, which was exploited by Smith Simon to ensure Anthony's safety by having him incarcerated in Mansfield instead of Bunkerhill. Silence gets infuriated about R.L. Energy Dept.'s involvement in HydeBro's plot; Mayer continues the tale to Muelsyse in her stead.

While checking on Silence, Mayer listens to her troubles and gets worried after explaining to her what she knows about R.L.'s Energy Dept. and their director Ferdinand Clooney. Silence doubts whether she is doing the right thing. After comforting the Liberi with a hug and some tea, the two returns to Muelsyse's side and Silence resumed her story after explaining why she left R.L., though she stressed that the "Diαbolic Crisis" involving Ifrit is only one of several factors influencing her decision.

Back to the jailbreak story, Robin ends up being injured during a prison brawl and is taken to Mansfield's morgue and clinic, run by the Sarkaz Domma, to recover. Meanwhile, Kafka also made contact with her accomplice, a temporary construction worker named Mina, and Robin is revealed to be the daughter of the director of Black Cloud Trade, a company that went into a slump due to Simon Co.'s influence, who has since fell into deep depression; she was hired by a mysterious individual known only as "Generous J" to infiltrate Mansfield and assassinate Anthony, using her predicament to justify it.

"You picked on the wrong Feline to mess with, buddy."

Robin had an opportunity to kill Anthony when he was attacked by several of HydeBro's hitmen disguised as inmates. Kafka, who had befriended Anthony before, also fought alongside the Feline, but she was eventually knocked out cold as the hitmen easily took down the jailers sent to quell the chaos. However, Robin too was knocked out before she could even lay a finger on Anthony, who managed to beat down the hitmen single-handedly as she passed out. In the aftermath, Anthony and Kafka meet with Domma, whom he had gotten to know during his stay in Mansfield. After learning from Kafka that she had entered the penitentiary to free him, Anthony accepted the fact that while he was used to a life behind bars, he yearned to be a free man.

Anthony then approaches Robin, having seen through her cover, and offered her the chance to help him break out of Mansfield instead of continuing her mission to kill him. As she considered the offer, a jailer meets with Robin and reveals himself as her employer, Jesselton Williams; he had overheard the talk between Robin and Anthony prior. Jesselton then persuades Robin to continue with her original mission, once again stressing what happened to her father and that Anthony's predicament means that he won't be able to compensate Robin anytime soon. In the end, Robin decides to continue with her task regardless and accepts Anthony's offer for giving her an opportunity to strike. Domma initially refuses to tag along with Anthony and co., but Robin convinces the Sarkaz that a better life awaits her in the outside world.

Step Three: Let Hell Break Loose

Silence explains how the jailbreak was pulled off, elaborating on the weaknesses of Mansfield's aging infrastructure, the C-Zone tower, and a way out underground. To do this, Anthony and co. waited until Mansfield docked at Nulaiteburgh, then acquired the key to Mansfield's control center held by the warden Barton before using it to access the control center and retract the C-Zone tower. Using the distraction to head into Mansfield's morgue, they breach the walls for a way out, where Mina would then take them away from Mansfield and towards their freedom.

The C-Zone tower sinking on Anthony and co.'s jailbreak

On the day of the jailbreak, everything went as planned until Robin used the opportunity to once more attempt to kill Anthony when he and Kafka reached Mansfield's control center. Even though Robin is once again defeated, she damaged the control panels in order to foil the jailbreak, but Kafka's acumen saves the day as she successfully initiates the retraction of the C-Zone tower, cutting off power to the entire penitentiary. Despite her actions, Anthony forgives Robin after hearing her predicament and gives her a pep talk.

Step Four: Keep Your Friends Close

"Is this all you can do, Anthony Simon?"

Upon reaching Mansfield's morgue, Anthony and co. finds out that Jesselton stands in their way, having taken Domma hostage. He then threatens to have Domma killed unless Robin kills Anthony. Robin seemingly complies and throws her dagger, only for it to hit the inmate holding Domma, freeing her and giving an opening for Anthony and Kafka to dispatch the rest of the inmates before they confront Jesselton. During the fight, Jesselton activates the imprisonment collars worn by Anthony and Kafka, paralyzing them, although they managed to shrug it off before the fight became more intense. Jesselton unleashes his ferromagnetic Arts to even the playing field.

The duel between Saria and Jesselton

Jesselton's might was too much for Anthony and co. to handle, and as he boasted his victory while claiming that his "reapers" are on the way to finish the job, Saria, who had infiltrated Mansfield under the guise of a jailer, shows up instead. Eager to settle the score with the Vouivre, who in the past rejected Jesselton's application for a job in R.L. due to his attitude, Jesselton fights Saria in a one-on-one duel where the latter unleashed her calcification Arts. She manages to overpower Jesselton, resulting in his defeat and allowing Anthony and co. to successfully escape from Mansfield.

Back in the present, Muelsyse was surprised to learn of Saria's interference, only to hear from Silence that Saria was actually trying to keep Anthony out of Ferdinand and Muelsyse's hands. Muelsyse then reveals her motivation of summoning Silence and Mayer: by having Anthony, she could keep the Energy Dept. in check and improve her position in R.L., and offers a trade with Silence by handing over the Feline in return for Muelsyse reinstating her and Mayer in R.L.. Silence refuses, and before Muelsyse could use force to convince her otherwise, Silence summons Anthony, much to her surprise. Muelsyse then asks Anthony himself whether he would come with her, but he would only accept her offer if she could defeat him in a duel. Muelsyse then concedes and excuses herself, revealing that the one Silence and Mayer were speaking with all this time was actually a water clone of herself, but not before telling Silence to know what she's doing before she acts and she doesn't always have to bear the consequences of her decisions.

With everything settled, Silence, Mayer, and Anthony return to Rhodes Island.