Event synopsis: Operational Intelligence

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Operational Intelligence

Operational Intelligence is a collection of tales depicting what happened during the battle in Chernobog behind the scenes and the daily activities as well as interesting tidbits regarding some Rhodes Island personnel.

The Anonymous Ones' War

Sometime after the battle in Chernobog where R.I. managed to escape with Ace's sacrifice, the Guard turned out to have survived the ordeal and recovered a note from Scout. Before he could read it, he noticed the presence of two men: Hellagur, the leader of the Azazel Clinc and an Ursine Hippogryph veteran, and Patriot, the Wendigo Sarkaz general who was now a Reunion commander. The two exchanged friendly words which revealed that they had been comrades-in-arms during their times in the Ursus Army where they had fought for their motherland, shared the same sympathy to the Infected while being Infected themselves, and had a common goal of making the better for the Infected, albeit in different ways. It was also revealed that Patriot had Reunion troops under his command to follow certain rules of engagement and punished anyone violating them.

The conversation between the two warriors ended in a friendly note, with Patriot wishing for Hellagur to find a "true home" for himself as he was about to leave. After this, Guard, who had been watching the entire conversation all along, read Scout's letter to make sure that the Doctor was alive. In Scout's opinion, he hoped them to have abandoned their cruelty in the past and be a better person. Soon, Patriot noticed Guard's presence and gave him the opportunity to either run away or join them. In the end, the Guard decided to do the latter and stayed with him and his forces, setting the stage for his reunion with R.I. much later.


Amidst the battle in Chernobog, W, who was working for Reunion back then, learnt that two groups of Sarkaz mercenaries had deserted the army while she was engaging with Scout. One of them was unaccounted for as they made it outside the nomadic city, but the other remained within the city. So, W ordered her men to stall the deserters while she would be on her way for it. When she arrived there, it was revealed that the deserters were led by a Sarkaz swordsman known as Flamebringer, and most of her men were easily taken down by him. Wanting to have a chat with Flamebringer, W ordered them to leave immediately.

During the talk, Flamebringer revealed that he began to question Reunion's methods of causing wanton destruction and spreading chaos for the Infected cause, leading to his desertion. His words garnered W's sympathy since she was an Infected as well; so, she did not condone Flamebringer's actions but instead allowed him to walk away unharmed. Later on, Flamebringer approached Rhodes Island and decided to join them. He met the Doctor, much to his pleasure, and honored him out of his past contribution to them.

Sniper Training

During an usual training session of Blacksteel members in the R.I. landship, Liskarm noticed that Jessica was not on her peak condition and had missed several shots to the target's vital points. Liskarm advised Jessica to maintain a stable control of her Arts and pointed out her worry about even the simplest of things. Later after the training, Franka and Liskarm had a conversation about Jessica, and the former noted that the cause for Jessica's predicament might be because of her strained condition following the recon ops at Chernobog weeks ago. While Liskarm mentioned that Jessica wanted her to stay back for the training, she had to object it because she needed to report back to the headquarters of BS after the botched rescue mission. Regardless, the two shared a moment friendly banter which ended with Franka advising Liskarm to not teach Jessica to become a "dumbass."

Survival Notorization

In the wilderness of Siracusa, a Vulpo named Vermeil was trying to escape from Federico the Executor of the Laterano Notarial Hall. Federico was here to bring Vermeil out of the forests, but the young huntress distrusted him and was suspicious of his action. As the two were having a cat-and-mouse chase, Vermeil utilized her mastery of trapping, yet these booby traps were nothing in the eyes of the Sankta.

When Vermeil was cornered inside an abandoned warehouse, Federico patiently elaborated his mission even though the huntress continued to threaten him. He had received a deathbed request from Dürrenmatt, an old Lateran hunter who once rescued Vermeil from her broken arm, to bring her out here and have her Oripathy treated. Dürrenmatt also allocated his estate to cover Vermeil's medical treatment. Upon listening to his words, Vermeil reluctantly accepted his request out of Dürrenmatt's wish and followed Federico to Rhodes Island for her treatment. But without knowing, it was later revealed that Dürrenmatt was not dead and his intention was not to have the lone girl suffer herself with her injury.

After-class Homework

Ifrit was given homework by the Doctor, but she angrily complained about dealing with them alone while her caretaker Dr. Silence was out in a mission. Feeling frustrated, she went into a tantrum influenced by the Diablo Sarkaz consciousness within her psyche. Later, while undergoing a routine medical checkup, Ifrit went into rage after being annoyed by the medical personnel's behavior, burning her homework in the process.

Ifrit then approached the other young R.I. operators Frostleaf and Projekt Red who were also given homework by the Doctor. The girls had a normal chat until Red noticed that Ifrit had burned her homework. In turn, Ifrit was provoked by their words, went into another rampage, and almost unleashed her fury. Fortunately, Muelsyse, the Elvish girl who was hiding in the Rhodes Island landship at the time, noticed the ruckus and pacified Ifrit with her water "magic". As Ifrit calmed down, she confronted her Diablo consciousness and vowed that she would do better next time.

Ifrit handed over her charred homework to the Doctor and explained the incident in details. The Doctor also noticed that Ifrit had caused some property damage due to her rampage. Nevertheless, they commended Ifrit's will to suppress her emotion and gave her her favorite dried peppers. Even though Ifrit was given an opportunity to take part in an operation in the future, she must first apologize to those she had troubled first.


Rhine Lab explorer Magallan was staying at a scientific outpost in the Northlands as part of a mission to explore the uncharted region. However, a heavy blizzard struck there and isolated her from the outside world. Nevertheless, Magallan tried to cope with it by ensuring that the outpost's equipment was functioning until an unexpected guest visited her. The guest introduced herself as a Sami named Simone, who was here to search for someone. Seeing the traveler was exhausted by the winter, Magallan allowed Simone to stay in the outpost for the time being. Even though Simone revealed herself to be an Infected, Magallan was okay with that.

During her stay, Simone helped Magallan in many ways such as maintaining the outpost. The two also had a chat where Magallan discussed about the uncharted regions of Terra and her excitement to explore them. Simone then introduced herself as Santalla, a member from Rhodes Island, and revealed that Magallan was the one she was searching for. As the blizzard became harsher and harsher and the outpost was reaching its limit, Simone volunteered to calm the storm with her power. During that moment, the "Wizard of the Blizzard," the girl blessed with the power of a Snowpriest, was seen communicating with the snow to ward off the storm, and she blesses Magallan for her safe journey as well as her success in the future.

Among the Light and the Dust

On a usual day in Rhodes Island, Kal'tsit greeted Closure who was trying to repair the broken lights in the R.I. landship's corridors. Closure then asked Kal'tsit to lend her a hand, and she accepted it reluctantly after being bothered by her jokes. Along their way to the corridor with broken lights, the two encountered Heavyrain, a Sargonian Kuranta in R.I.'s service, and exchanged a few words before continuing on and successfully repaired the lights.

Throughout their times together, Closure and Kal'tsit conversed about the Doctor, Kal'tsit's tendencies of accepting random person into R.I.'s service, and whether the Chernobog rescue mission was worth the trouble, among others.