Synopsis: Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables

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Integrated Strategies #5: Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables
This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.

Acting as a spinoff from A Kazdelian Rescue, Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables is a "what-if" of the story in which Nymph literally "travels back to the past" through visions provided by the Revenants via the Tin Man's oracles. Not only does the young Djall get the chance to witness the Sarkaz's history — from the rise of the Farchaser and the birth of the Teekaz civilization, the Second Kazdel Era during the reign of the three sage-kings, to the eastern crusade led by Kal'tsit in 898, but also, her actions could even affect the future ahead, creating various possible "what-ifs" in the process.

Tales of Rise and Fall

Divergent Courses

The End?

Goodbye, Goodbye.png

Twin Crowns

A Dream Came True.png

City of Angels

The Law Above All.png