Event synopsis: Stories of Afternoon

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Stories of Afternoon

Stories of Afternoon is a collection of slice of life tales regarding Rhodes Island personnel, which also uncovers some of their previously unknown sides with a spotlight on Ceobe's circumstances of her recruitment to R.I.

Let's Throw a Party!

After a training session, Vanilla came to ask the Doctor for help taking care of her pet Originium slugs. Doctor suggested her to simply ask anyone she comes across. She met Melantha walking by with Steward, who quickly agreed to help. Their conversation went through various topics from Franka's excellent swordsmanship lessons to the lives of Infected operators in Blacksteel and Rhodes Island, how most Infected patients in R.I. try to make the most of their lives despite their condition. They met Blaze together with Dora, a lively little girl who was recently admitted to the ship for treatment. The subsequent conversations revealed some details about Rhodes' organization: Rhodes has many types of operators who all contribute to keeping the ship running, among which combat operators are only a small minority; Infected people who are admitted for treatment but cannot afford payment can instead work for their treatment, even if they are children capable of only simple tasks. Blaze joked about having a mixer right on that day, but was quickly pulled away by a call from Amiya.

Steward arrived with Vanilla at her room and found out what her pets really were, as well as their little quirks. She reminisced about the harsh life back in her hometown, which drove her to become a mercenary. Before she left for her mission, Vanilla asked him to bring her along whenever team A4 was going to visit the children and learn to make paper flowers for the mixer.


Ptilopsis often "forgets" things. So she carefully wrote down everyday happenings in her diary. As she read through the diary, she began reminiscing various events she experienced and people she met since coming to Rhodes Island, revealing various aspects of her personality as well as her unique "database" mind:

  • The talented but obnoxious Aak, the latest addition to the R.I. medical department who regularly pestered Warfarin to prove himself. Despite his somewhat unpleasant manner, she "somehow did not dislike it"
  • Gavial, the medic who forgets her own job at times and casually joining in the melee to take matters into her own hands.
  • Her talk with Ansel, revealing some details such as her status as both patient and researcher at Rhine Lab, the fact that she had "forgotten" her family until Ansel's talk of his own family prompted her to recall them.
  • Her trip to Kazimierz, one of the rare occasions that she went outside. She went to a local village fair, but then realized she does not know what gift to buy for her fellow medics.
  • Silence, who was wondering about presents to give Ifrit on her birthday, which surprised Ptilopsis.

Her recollection is interrupted by Ifrit, who quickly made herself busy with the goods she bought from the trip. She pondered the effects of her condition on her life and the significance of her diary. She realized that more than just not forgetting, she should try to really understand people she cared about.

Today's Kitchen

Matterhorn was cooking a Kjerag-style traditional dish for Gummy and a pair of logistics operator. He commented on the wide variety of food supplies Rhodes Island has access to, the result of the wide network of branches across the world. While Gummy was trying out his delicious dish, some of the food mysteriously disappear. It turned out to be Ethan, stealing food from the kitchen again, this time supposedly because Matterhorn's cooking is irresistible. Matterhorn gave him a dressing down for stealing food as well as for his unsanitary manners. While Matterhorn was preparing a proper meal for Ethan, their conversations revealed some aspects of his relationship with the SilverAsh siblings. In particular, his job of not only protecting Ensia but also serving as her personal chef.

Matterhorn ran off to deliver tea too the 'Young Lady' Ensia. On the way back he ran into Vulcan and Ethan, the latter hastily passed him a sandwich of his own making as a token of gratitude. Despite his clumsy technique, Vulcan seems to appreciate it and Matterhorn likewise probably do too, though he wouldn't show it.

The Wanderer's Home

Rhodes Island recently rescued a young but very fierce Perro girl in the wilderness of Leithanien. Although she seems completely illiterate, she has somehow learned Originium Arts and attacked passersby looking for food, including Lava's squad. Hibiscus and Lava was giving her a checkup when they suddenly remembered having to attend Dobermann's class, so they turned the girl over to Vulcan's care. Vulcan took the girl to her forge and inspected her weapon, finding unmistaken Minoan craftsmanship on a certain axe. The girl's name - Ceobe - was inscribed on the axe, although she cannot read it. Ceobe quickly adopted the name, and even insists that Vulcan came up with a nickname for her - "Kay." Then, a logistics operator came to give Vulcan the documents regarding Ceobe, revealing that Ceobe has been wandering a long way across Terra, looking for Minos. Through simple suggestions that Ceobe could understand, Vulcan convinced Ceobe to stay and become a Rhodes Island operator, promising her even more delicious honey biscuits and fixing up her weapons.

Although Ceobe made a mess of her tests and didn't follow orders, she passed her exams and with Vulcan's recommendation, officially became an operator. Still, her case gave the HR director of Rhodes Island quite a headache.

Asking for Trouble

Orchid had been applying to become a combat operative to RI. The Logistics Department was surprised that an office lady like her is willing to entered the battlefield. When being asked of her motivation, Orchid simply responded that she wants to experience life as a combatant. Given her look and her inexperience in combat, some of them requests her to think carefully before joining the combatant force.

Nevertheless, Orchid's real answer for her motivation seemed to be related with her team, the Op Reserve A6. She has to take care of Popukar who too has been a combatant despite her age. She also needs to be a mediator between Midnight and Spot when the two have argument, and she needs to be a supervisor of Catapult to monitor her naughty behaviour. Despite the trouble, Orchid has been willing to listen to her teammates. She also learnt of the unfair past of Midnight which made her relate to him in some ways

A few days later, Orchid continued her decision to join the combat force. Although she felt she might seeking trouble to herself, seeing her teammates being joyful all around, she was glad to take that trouble without regrets.

Moving Forward

Beagle, Kroos, and Fang just had combat training with Instructor Grace, and Grace was about to change his shift, with the upcoming training handling to Dobermann. The trio were anxious of Dobermann's strict instruction, but Grace assured that she had been mild ever since she joined RI. Compared with her past in the military, life in RI had molded her character.

Later on when Beagle and Fang handed their test result to Dobermann, they were given a chance to take a glance at her room and her past. Noticing that Dobermann's room was in a mess, the girls volunteered to help clean up. During the cleaning, they were interested to know her past after noticing her military uniform in her room. They learnt of Bolívar's current political unrest that is plagued by three warring factions, the Singas dynasty of Leithanien, the Columbian-sponsored Coalition Government, and the grassroot resistance force, the True Bolívarians. They were surpriesed that Dobermann once served both the Coalition and the True Bolívarians but later left both parties after being disappointed by their corruption. When the girls were given the chance to look at the name plates Dobermann held, she explained that the names on them were important comrades who once fought alongside her.

Beagle and Fang bade their farewell after the cleanup. As Dobermann glanced at the name plates in her hand, she wished that she could get a chance to revisit Bolívar.