Operator file: Blemishine

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Maria Nearl, a young knight from Kazimierz and younger sister to Operator Nearl, has experience with knight sports and has demonstrated excellence in combat across a variety of tests. She now serves as a Defender Operator alongside Operator Nearl, as per her wishes.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Blemishine
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Blemishine shows no signs of Originium infection at all.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.13u/L
Operator Blemishine rarely comes into contact with Originium.

The stark disparity between the Kazimierz city-state and its far-flung villages is almost unthinkable, and naturally, the Infected face ostracization and oppression. The frightening thing is most citizens know nothing about this. It can even be said that for some, they simply do not care at all.–Nearl
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Blemishine
"Nearl's sister." This is the first impression that most Rhodes Island operators have of Miss Blemishine. Indeed, though Miss Blemishine's personality seems much different from that of her magnanimous, upright sister, the heroic statures of the two knights on the battlefield as well as the intimacy they have in private speak to the familial love etched within their bloodline. However, perhaps due to her young age when Nearl was expelled from Kazimierz, Blemishine seems to have a deeper and more natural connection with Whislash, as opposed to the pure admiration and longing she carries for her older sister.
Blemishine is very outgoing, quickly striking it up with most operators. She even reveals her somewhat capricious side to those she is familiar with. When it comes to formal occasions or serious conversations, however, Blemishine is more than capable of conducting herself in the same way her sister does – noble and steady, with gravitas behind each sentence.
Though she now accompanies her sister on the front lines as a Defender Operator, protecting those who need it, Blemishine has another surprising interest. During her stay on the landship, Blemishine frequently made contact with Vulcan and Closure, and also visited other engineering enthusiasts such as Glaucus and Mayer. Reportedly, on several occasions, Blemishine wanted to ask if she could go to the Engineering Department to observe and study. Considering the prior times she was authorized and how she had gotten so engrossed with various workshops to the point of appearing MIA while being unable to extricate herself, these subsequent requests were tactfully rejected.
"Having her around feels just like having a sister around, but her passion for craftsmanship is a little overboard. After all, I'm no Kazimierz knight, and I can't answer a lot of her questions..."–Mayer
"Does this kid want to date an anvil or something?!"–Closure
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Blemishine
Before joining Rhodes Island, Miss Blemishine, also known as Maria Nearl, chose to become a competition knight in order to restore her family's name. Those at Rhodes Island may perhaps be familiar with the name, Nearl, as the code name of Margaret Nearl, the Radiant Knight. However, in Kazimierz, the word "Nearl" points to an enduring lineage of knights, a family line wreathed in boundless glory. For over a hundred years, this family has produced countless legendary knights – whether using tactical brilliance to subvert the ambitions of Leithanien nobles, or employing their outstanding talents to hold a border garrison that has never fallen. Even after the rise of the competition knights, legendary champions such as Margaret Nearl continued to defend the glory of the Nearl family – but the birth of the Radiant Knight would prove to be turning point for the Nearl family.
The Radiant Knight was exiled, and when the Knight Primus passed of old age, Młynar Nearl, the next in line to shoulder the burden of nobility, scoffed at Kazimierz's conception of "nobility" and refused to become a competition knight. And thus, the Nearl family was left with no Knight Primus. Faced with constant pressure from the Knights Association, as a last resort, the youngest member of the family, Maria Nearl, went with her aunt Zofia to walk the path of a competition knight. Due to her veneration of her sister and aunt, as well as the elder knights she had known since childhood, Maria always held an idealistic view of what it meant to be a knight. Of course, Maria was clever enough to recognize her naivete, often considering whether or not there was some darker undercurrent that was not yet clear to her. But the tortuous complexity of Kazimierz's knight sports far exceeded what the young girl was capable of conceiving.
In her brief career as a knight, Blemishine was exposed to many things she had never witnessed before. The young Maria actually never thought too deeply about what it meant to be a knight– after all, she was acting out of consideration for her family, and was reluctantly pushed into becoming a knight out of a sense of responsibility. She took the initiative to assume both the glory and the obligations of her role, a testimony to her virtue, but perhaps because of her noble upbringing, she never seriously considered the relationship between what she saw, thought, and did. In modern society, noble sacrifices and selfless dedication are not as harrowing as they are described in literature, but Maria Nearl nevertheless embraced the simple rationale of "seizing glory for the family" and called upon the spirit of dedication within her, becoming known as the "unsociable competition knight."
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Blemishine
Kazimierz's commercialization of its ancient class of knights once invited criticism from other countries. But the birth of Kazimierz's knight sports, as well as the existence of knighthood as a whole, are more complicated than most outsiders realize.
Roughly 120 years ago, Kazimierz's nomadic cities were far less developed than they are today. When a noble knight died without an heir, leaving behind a large swath of land, the Kazimierz National Council auctioned off his property. Specifically, the noble's castle and the mobile platform it was built upon. While this was certainly not an uncommon occurrence in Kazimierz, what made this event remarkable was the winning bidder: not a knight representing some proud noble, but rather a subordinate of the deceased nobleman. A single knight-retainer had put forth a huge sum that rendered all the nobles in the room speechless. Furthermore, following notarization by the National Council, each piece of copper plate with which the retainer had purchased the land and the castle was determined to be legitimate income – the knight had handed the family business over to the retainer, who then made the business flourish. In the modern era in which countries jockey to establish connections, one can tell from a glance who has the ability to create wealth. In the following decades, the relationship between the merchant class and the retainers became more closely interconnected. The retainers were the ones who could truly create benefit for the country, able to build walls and even move city-states to defend the country. Due to the volatility between Kazimierz, Ursus, and Leithania, as well as the intrigue among powerful nobles, the knights had to rely on extremely wealthy guards to consolidate their positions and ambitions. After decades of cruel, bloody change, Kazimierz has finally arrived where it is today.
If the overthrow of Kazimierz's Elder regime and the establishment of the knights as the ruling class is Kazimierz's first historical turning point, then the upending of their rule by the mercantile-retainers in a practical sense and the formation of Kazimierz's oligarchical ruling class can undoubtedly be seen as a second turning point. Even the knights and nobles who are quite critical of this development do concede that modern entrepreneurs have made outstanding contributions to Kazimierz – from the forested countryside to the towering spires of the city-states, countless people rely on Kazimierz's corporate economy for food, housing, and transportation – "It's the economy, stupid."
The current knight sports industry is the result of this bloody social upheaval – the warrior-knights guarding the frontier have all but lost their political status as "nobles." Instead, they became warriors directly operating under the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz. Any legal Kazimierz citizen, former noble knight or otherwise, has the right to participate in the knight competitions, win titles, and earn distinctions of nobility, regardless of background. This sporting event, derived from ancient knightly tests of skill, has become an inseparable part of Kazimierz's economy, politics, and culture. Nevertheless, these changes are not palatable for all knights, and undercurrents continue to surge within Kazimierz.
"Unreasonable, you say? Everyone who found it unreasonable has been eliminated, creating this thoroughly reasonable history. Fortunately, I've accepted this truth. You understand this, don't you?"–Spokesman Malkiewicz's conversation with the Doctor during the Major
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Blemishine
Maria herself chose to take the codename "Blemishine." Unlike Operator Whislash, who took on her title as a competition knight, and Operator Nearl, who adopted her family name, Blemishine discarded the shackles of her family and cast aside the intoxicating, gilded path of knighthood. Before her lies an expansive, but lonely, future. Maria understands her immaturity better than anyone else, so she has taken the name of "Blemishine" to reflect the incompleteness of her light.
Maria has a favorite knight novel. In the novel, the protagonist experiences bizarre adventures on the way to completing his quest, and this occupies 95% of the book. At the end of the book, the middle-aged knight, no longer needed by his family, no longer favored by the Knight Order, and no longer burdened by his love affair, decides to leave. In a distant seaside country, he once again finds his home as a knight, charging against the waves again and again until his voice becomes hoarse, and he is eventually consumed by the ocean– this abrupt ending was once lambasted by more conservative readers, and this novel is the subject of many intense discussions within the circles of Kazimierz's literary critics. Some say the novel is trash, but others consider the ending a completion of the sublimation of chivalry.
Maria likes the novel for one simple reason – though many think the tale of puritanical, almost crazed sacrifice incompatible with Maria's personality, Maria found an answer to her own questions in the old novel penned during the early days of Kazimierz's knight sports: the meaning of meaning.
While sitting alone with the Doctor and reflecting on the occurrences in Kazimierz, Maria suddenly smiled and said: "My sister is the knight who broke the waves." From the perspective of Maria, younger sister of the Radiant Knight, we gain a glimpse of why Nearl, who always despised knight sports, chose to become Kazimierz's Radiant Knight and why she decided to return to her homeland, only to be exiled again after defeating a powerful enemy. If we treat her pure faith as a prayer of sorts, the Radiant Knight's series of shocking behaviors may actually be the exact same as those of the ancient Wanderer Knight who went to pay homage to the ancestors in front of the grave at the Lone Mountain.
Maria eventually decided to become her sister's protector, using her exceptional crafting talents to provide assistance to the Radiant Knight. Even Mechanist praised her augmented knight armor. She acted like a little sister when vying for Margaret's attention, and acted like a knight when receiving Zofia's training. She learned to put behind her the things that burdened her in the past. Now, she only wants to know what they, the knights of Kazimeriz, can see hand-in-hand, after the waves have washed away their lances and shields.
Promotion Record
Promote Blemishine to Elite 2
After signing the requisite paperwork, Blemishine happened to meet Operator Platinum in the corridor. Having joined a few days before Blemishine, Platinum was leaning against the wall as if waiting for her.
When the eyes of the two Kazimierz operators met, even the HR personnel could feel the tension between them. But it doesn't seem like Platinum harbors any particular animus for Blemishine, and Blemishine has also made it clear that she has "no particular hostility" towards Platinum. The fact remains that Blemishine, who normally loves to laugh, has never smiled in front of Platinum. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the distance between them.
The internal situation within Rhodes Island is becoming more and more complex. While we are proud of our inclusivity, improper handling of interpersonal relationships can lead to conflict. It would be strange to expect the Knight-Assassin of the Armorless Union to develop bonds with Maria Nearl, who herself had been involved in this turmoil.
Since then, however, most of Platinum's attention seems to have been directed towards the Doctor. Though we still don't know what she wants from the Doctor and Rhodes Island, as long as she continues to maintain her current performance, she may be able to mend her relationship with a certain knight... maybe?

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