Operator overview: Blemishine

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Blemishine is a 6★ Guardian Defender who specializes in Defense and Healing, as well as — unusually for her branch — DPS. As a Guardian Defender, Blemishine initially can block two enemies, which is increased to three once she is promoted to Elite 1, and has innate RES, but lower HP and DEF when compared to Protector Defenders. However, Blemishine can attack enemies on the tile ahead of her (like that of most melee Operators) — she is the only Guardian Defender with this quirk — with the highest ATK of all Guardian Defenders, though her DEF is slightly lower.


  1. Knight of Sword and Shield causes all Operators with defensive SP recovery for their skills (including Blemishine herself) to restore 1 SP when attacking (like that of Operators with offensive SP recovery) while Blemishine is deployed.
    • With Knight of Sword and Shield, Operators with defensive SP recovery (including Blemishine herself) will rapidly recover SP so long as they remain in combat, since they will restore 1 SP both when they attack and are attacked!
  2. Mercy allows Blemishine to attack Sleeping enemies, which she will target over the others, and increases her ATK against Sleeping enemies.


All but one of Blemishine's skills has defensive SP recovery.

  1. Surging Brilliance causes Blemishine's attack to deal more damage and restore the HP of a friendly unit in the surrounding tiles by a portion of her ATK when charged, which can store multiple charges at higher levels and is Blemishine's only skill with automatic SP recovery.
  2. Deterring Radiance buffs Blemishine's ATK and gradually restores the HP of friendly units within a radius of 2 tiles around her by a small portion of her ATK, as well as putting enemies on the same tile as herself to Sleep while active.
    • In a similar vein to Sora's Hymn of Respite, Deterring Radiance is a good support/healing skill that can be used to temporarily stop enemies from advancing and aiding Blemishine's allies, giving the player and friendly units a breathing room. Unlike Hymn of Respite, though, Deterring Radiance also makes the pacified enemies sitting ducks for Blemishine who actually has deceptively high DPS against Sleeping enemies.
  3. Divine Avatar buffs Blemishine's ATK and DEF with the former being higher than the latter, and causes her attacks to inflict an additional instance of Arts damage by a portion of her ATK as well as healing another friendly unit in a radius of 2 tiles around her by a portion of her ATK while active.
    • Divine Avatar takes Blemishine's offensive healing role to a new level by not only allowing her to inflict more damage especially to enemies with high DEF and low RES, but also rejuvenating her allies which can be useful when they have to face groups (or even hordes) of hard-hitting enemies.

Operator Modules

  1. The GUA-X Module, "Knight Primus", increases the effectiveness of Blemishine's healing on friendly units whose HP had fallen below 50% by 15% in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Mercy's ATK buff is increased and it also temporarily put ground enemies on where Blemishine is deployed into Sleep when she is deployed.
  2. The GUA-Y Module, Echo of Craftsman's Guild, reduces the damage Blemishine took by 15% in addition to increasing her maximum HP, ATK, and DEF. Once upgraded, Knight of Sword and Shield also has Blemishine restore SP whenever another Kazimierzian Operator (including Pinus Sylvestris Operators) is deployed.

Base skills

Blemishine's base skills improve upgrade material processing efficiency while she is assigned to the Workshop.

  1. Careful Planning removes the LMD.png LMD cost of upgrade material processing.
  2. Passionate Tinker increases the byproduct rate of upgrade material processing by 40% and halving the morale drained when processing T5 upgrade materials.


Blemishine is a solid Guardian Defender who are more adept on the offensive while also capable of providing medical support to her allies and one who is not afraid to fight underhandedly by incapacitating her enemies and catching them with their pants down.

Even though her radiance is not as bright as her sister Margaret, Maria Nearl is a ray of hope that soothes her allies in the face of overwhelming odds.