Operation story: FC-3

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Victorian Guard B icon.png
Biting Officer
Nobleman A icon.png
Enthusiastic Merchant
Female Victorian icon.png
Overwrought Taran Refugee
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Solemn Officer
Male Victorian A icon.png
Tempersome Taran Refugee
Manor Hall
Village House
Quagmire Night
Victorian Manor Hall
Mansion Room

Before operation

Reed and Selmon have a disagreement over which way the group should go. Selmon has been distinct from the fleeing refugees the whole time; she wants to rescue more Tarans, just as Dublinn has.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
[As Seamus continues his conversation with the Earl of Warwick...]
Plain-Dressed Bard History records that out of a sense the war between the Draco and Aslan had become far too protracted and bitter, the final King Gaeil signed a peace treaty.
Legends say he opted to melt down his soldiers' weapons as a sign of his determination, but his subjects could hardly accept such a defeat. Thus they conspired to revolt, and assassinated the monarch.
But just as you've referenced in many a speech, a single assassination is not enough to extinguish the Red Dragon's whole bloodline.
Earl of Warwick No matter how the Victorians write the history books, they cannot change what facts we've seen with our own eyes.
The Aslan promised to share Victoria's kingship with the Draco, yet didn't hand over the crown for nearly a century.
With the lions' ambitions so conspicuous to this point, I wonder. Six blade marks stabbed King Gaeil through. How many of them were by Aslan hands?
Not to mention the Draco king fleeing the royal capital after, fate unknown. And the Kingdom of Tara without its ruler was subjugated under Victorian sovereign authority, as if a matter of course.
I presume it wasn't his own subjects who prevented the Draco's return to the city.
This is why I very much enjoy your works based on the Tarans' own ballads. You've led the people to see more of history's truth.
Plain-Dressed Bard Thank you for your appreciation.
To write this story, I saw plays performed in the country, and paid a visit to some wandering minstrels who'd inherited the Taran tradition.
–But what struck me most wasn't the endangerment of Taran culture. It was how so many lives were just slipping away.
Perhaps you believe the Tarans' ideal nation, and a border with Victoria, are necessary for the Taran people to be saved.
But I think, if we ourselves can live better, if we can plant seeds of ideas for the many Tarans who can't read...
Won't we have won then and there, against the Victorians who want us trapped in ignorance and poverty all our lives?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Selmon You want to bring that lot with you? Don't even think about it.
If you'll wait until they rest, if you'll share your own food with them, that I can accept.
But we've avoided the patrol out of pure luck the last two days. What if we don't the next time? Those kids must be seven or eight. Can't fight back with weapons, can't run fast enough. What do you do about that?
Reed I can fight... I'll protect them.
You want to cross through the uninhabited region, to completely escape Trent's jurisdiction. I can aid you, the whole way.
I contacted the organization I belong to, with the help of Bagpipe and Ch'en... my colleagues. I've confirmed the closest safehouse–is just along this way.
If all we need is some tents, and a small amount of emergency supplies for the countryside, they can transport it over without a problem.
And I know, the territory over there... belongs to a well-hearted Duke. Once we're there, the army won't be after you anymore, at the very least.
Selmon Really? There's an honest-to-God noble who'd smile on people like us?
Reed He has... reason to shelter the Tarans.
Selmon And how do you know?
Reed ...Before long, perhaps we'll all know.
We'll have ways to survive, bringing those people along.
Overwrought Taran Refugee But. Don't forget. They're Infected.
We've constantly been scarpering with our lives. What are we doing inviting death to our sides?
And we don't know when the sick'll have their flare-ups. Or when they'll just kick the bucket outright...
What's the point in you saving these sorts of people?
Reed ......
I don't know.
I only know, that when someone saved me... I wanted to ask her the same. Why?
Even though I was... so close to death.
Overwrought Taran Refugee What are you getting at?
Reed I'm an Infected too.
Selmon ......
Overwrought Taran Refugee Wha? Oh. Er...
*cough*. Alright. Doesn't mean much to be Infected. Wouldn't have lived much longer than Infected ourselves without your help anyway. Haha.
Reed Oripathy won't spread just because we're in the same place.
It's okay. You can keep a bit of distance, if you're scared. I don't mind.
But take those Infected with you on your escape... Trust me.
Overwrought Taran Refugee ...Fine. I trust you! Selmon. You heard what she said...
Selmon –I'm not fleeing.
If you're gonna take the ones that can't fight, take 'em. Suit your own self.
But my aim isn't gonna change one bit. I'm returning to Dublinn.
<Background 3>
Solemn Officer ...These two units have gone unaccounted for a week by now. We may surmise these circumstances relate to Dublinn, being similar to past spectre force incidents.
Biting Officer Similar? No, the situation we're looking at now is completely unalike.
These rebels previously would muster a single armed force to surface somewhere, launch an attack, and that was it.
Now, violence which we suspect to be Dublinn-incited is blanketing every corner of southern Victoria.
Solemn Officer ...Is the Marquess of Trent sticking fast to his orders?
Biting Officer Obviously. No matter the volume of suspicious circumstances reported outside nomadic cities, we must have CLARITY on them. Get this entire region's state of affairs under control.
Solemn Officer But of all the small-scale conflicts, only the arson at Redridge seems truly suspect, and there was no follow-up on the fire there either.
Maybe we should set these particular dossiers aside for now? Or should we leave them?
[Fischer enters the room.]
Fischer Please lend said dossiers to me, officers.
Solemn Officer You're... j...
Fischer And refrain with the greetings.
Also, just as before, no need to make a record of access to these dossiers.
This arson... may be worth a deeper investigation.
<Background 4>
Fionn Have a sip of water, ould Breandán. I picked some berries too. This place can't be too far from a settlement, what with a grove this thick.
You want some berries too, Holly? Alright, you eat those, and then you walk on your own two legs this afternoon. Won't need anyone else carrying you, okay?
How about you, Moran? Wait, you don't eat stuff this sweet, do you...
Moran ...Thank you.
Fionn ...*sigh*.
Tempersome Taran Refugee Hey, how long are we stopping here for?
Fionn While Bagpipe and Ch'en are fetching things for us. We're all knackered as is, anyhow. Got a chance to catch our breaths.
Don't worry, I guarantee we'll find the closest village before lights-out.
We're far enough from all the trouble we made anyhow. If we hang around here and hole up for a few days, we oughtn't get caught.
Tempersome Taran Refugee Fine, pick me some berries too. First time seeing you happy in days.
Fionn Er, really? I've just been glad Reed's so reliable, and her two friends too. Kind souls, plus they can fight.
Tempersome Taran Refugee You sure? It's not just how your days of suffering are almost at an end?
We're going to keep pushing into the wastes, find Dublinn and join them. You, though, I bet you'd prefer to stay behind in village life.
Fionn ...Er, I can't say that for sure.
I... *sigh* I just can't get over you lot doing things this way.
We were all happy just with escaping at first, the further the better. That was before we ran into Selmon.
She only got to persuade you all to join Dublinn once stuff got tougher on us.
None of you've... even seen a real Dublinn army, have you?
<Background 2>
Bagpipe ......
Ch'en Are you still thinking about Reed?
She contacted Rhodes Island in full view of us after borrowing our comms equipment. Getting supplies has been smooth too. All signs indicate she's not out to trick us.
Bagpipe Haha, I'm not suspectin' her as much, I'm just a little concerned... Did she really make a recovery?
Granted, she's a Vouivre, but I'm still a little surprised at all the life in her... She gave my hands a right shock swingin' at me before we recognized each other.
Suppose that's a good thing, though. Just, I can't shake the feelin' there's weight on her mind. Whatever it is, she wants to do it, but it seems to hurt her so much.
Ch'en Plus what?
Bagpipe The way she fights just seems somehow familiar.
Did I meet her, even before Outcast brought her in, back at County Hillock?
[Reed joins in.]
Reed ......
Bagpipe Oh, aye, there you are, Reed! Perfect, me and Chenchen've been talkin'...
Ch'en ...We're talking about which way we're heading. This route happens to take us to a nearby settlement.
Reed No, we can't–keep going in this direction... I'll tell the others–to stop.
Bagpipe Are you sayin'...
Chenchen, on your nine!
[Someone ambushes Ch'en from the shrubs.]
The cavalry saber concealed in the bushes snaps in two.
The one holding it doesn't shift an inch. Ch'en is sure her slash didn't harm anyone, but out from under the bush is still a hint of spilled blood. Blood deep and dark, old and dry.
Bagpipe Is this... dead patrol?
No, they're from the barracks. There's more over there.
Ch'en ......
Traces of bolts, sabers... and Arts.
This battle probably happened a week ago. This barracks unit was ambushed, and slaughtered to a man.
Bagpipe Who was the enemy, then? How come they didn't leave a single corpse behind?
Reed They've... left.
Bagpipe They've all left? But with a battle this fierce, both sides should've taken equal damages, right?
Ch'en Bagpipe, remember the group of soldiers we discovered before encountering Reed?
Bagpipe Mm... they had uncanny Arts planted in them, eyes full of fire...
Reed, you were in County Hillock too. Didn't you see soldiers like that?
Reed ...Yes, I know of them.
They're... parted souls.
Those with the misfortune of being deceased, yet unable to rest...
Bagpipe You're not sayin'–the ones who killed these soldiers are dead themselves, and they're still marchin' even after?
The traces of firefights we were chasin' before, it resembles those too.
Ch'en ...It's the only possibility.
Bagpipe Chenchen, I don't know what your thoughts are, but I... I can't quite accept it, if that's what this is.
What kind of person would–keep on controllin' them, even after they're dead? That's just far too cruel.
Reed ......
[Selmon reveals herself.]
Reed ...Selmon?
Selmon Like hell they're dead. You're all howling up the wrong tree.
Bagpipe But we saw, with our own eyes...
Selmon You saw something somewhere else. I only believe what I see myself.
Dublinn defeated a Victorian unit. They won, moved onto the next place, and now they're prepping to save more Tarans.
You know I'm gonna...
Reed ...Are you worried about something?
Selmon Don't act like my da.
If Fionn's lot want to go with you, suit their own selves, but I know you're not in with us. It's those two Vouivre you're with.
You just want to settle us someplace, ensure we're not going to die today. You'll make us live the same old life Victoria had for us, not knowing if we'll see tomorrow.
And after that, you'll abandon us.
Reed ......
Selmon Am I not right, "Leader"?
Reed No. No, don't call me that...
Selmon Right. "No." Single word I've heard most from you so far.
I'm heading off now, going the way you didn't want us to go. It's only war and death, isn't it? Like the Tarans haven't seen plenty of both?
I don't want to hear an outsider tell me "no" ever again.
[Selmon leaves.]
Bagpipe I know she's fumin', but truth is, it's not you who's pissin' her off.
Reed I know.
Bagpipe So, are you... um, are you alright?
Reed I want to go with her.
There might still be... unexploded mines, and lingering Arts, left on the battlefield. It'll be dangerous to keep–going that way.
Can you call the rest over for me?
Ch'en Didn't you want these Tarans to steer clear of the battlefield?
Reed Mm.
But–Selmon says, it's their choice.
And I... I promised, I'd escort them, until...
Until I'm no longer needed.

After operation

Everyone spends the night in a village, with a place found for the ill. Bagpipe and Reed chat about their pasts. Meanwhile, Harmonie doesn't expect to hear news of Reed's arson, and her split-second reaction when she does is caught by Fischer.
<Background 5>
Fionn *sigh* Never imagined we'd get a hot meal indoors safe and sound, after so many days on the run.
That Bagpipe girl must be the darling of everyone. We were all gushing to her about how good her stew was.
Ch'en Mm, she's definitely not bad on that front.
How's your discussion on settling down? Has it been smooth?
Fionn We're all decided. Anyone who can't handle rushing'll stay behind. They'll borrow two storehouses to tuck away in for the next two days.
Refugees scuffling with caravans but never actually stealing anything, that's dead common. The law won't get hung up on that.
In a few days, they won't be mentioning it on the radio anymore, and we won't need to hide. Then we can get to building our own houses.
Er, but the few with Oripathy'll be living a bit ways out from the village.
Ch'en The people here are very friendly.
Fionn *sigh* Yeah, they are. If anyone sheltered us while we were still running, we wouldn't be in this sty of a state now.
Not that it's anyone's fault. Didn't used to be much hassle taking in a bunch of refugees or the like, but life's getting scarier for everyone now.
Look at Selmon, the colleen. If she and her brother had someplace to take them in, she wouldn't be running from settlement to settlement, kicking up all this fuss.
She could spend the night in the village like us, but she's all stubborn about hiding outside. Since she stole a man's stockbeast here once, see, and now she's awkward about running into him...
...*sigh* You never heard it from me. You let her know, she'll be on my case about disrespecting her again.
[Moran enters the house.]
Moran Good evening...
Fionn Oh, Moran? What are you doing here, so dark out? I'll send you back while the lamps are still lit...
Moran Thank you, but I'm used to making my way in the dark by now...
...Is Reed here, if you don't mind?
Ch'en You're looking for her? She went out on her own.
Fionn Maybe Reed's got something on her mind... Selmon hasn't spoken so much as a word to her since she got here.
Ch'en Don't worry, Bagpipe's gone to find her.
Hm... actually, put it this way. Our bigger concern is if Reed gets annoyed by the noise.
<Background 6>
Bagpipe Whoa, sorry!
Reed ...It's alright.
Bagpipe Oh, I wasn't watchin' out, didn't think there'd be anyone here. It all goes pitch dark every time they sound the bell. Takes a moment for my eyes to adjust.
Lucky it's you I ran into. Might've knocked anyone else clean over.
Thought they said they wouldn't need anyone on watch tonight, though?
Reed I just... wanted to sit for a while outside.
Bagpipe Oh, it's the smell of the hay, isn't it? Wonderful, that.
Reed ...Hay?
Bagpipe Yeah, that's hay piles over there. Been ages since I was around the smell, so I came out to get a proper whiff of them.
Back when I was preppin' to get into military school, I'd have headaches from studyin' so much theory. So I'd just get onto a hay pile and lie back for a bit, and I'd feel right as rain again.
Mum always told me off for bein' lazy, said I shouldn't quit thinkin' about questions just because thinkin' gets too hard... but havin' too much stuff goin' on in your brain does wear a person out, y'know.
Reed ...Mm.
Bagpipe So, give me your hand a sec?
Reed Um...
Bagpipe Come on, here now, let's lie down together! Just for a bit!
I'm not so good at thinkin' over stuff, so I might not be of much help to you, but the hay will be, I'm sure of it!
Dragons Under the Night Sky.png
Bagpipe Hup–!
Bagpipe relaxes and lies back on the hay pile, lightly humming a folksong she learned just a while ago from the farmers.
A gentle night breeze passes by. Reed follows her suggestion, and takes a deep breath.
But what she smells isn't the aroma of hay–it is, instead, damp mud and ash.
Bagpipe When it hits me how I've spent three years without goin' home, it always feels so funny.
Think about it. The ground's waitin' for you to till it, the wheat's waitin' for you to reap it... Spend one year away, and you miss an entire go round of all the important stuff, every bit of it.
I can't even get my letters from home until the next time I'm back on Rhodes Island.
Reed Do you... miss home very much?
Bagpipe Course I do. You? Were you from County Hillock?
Reed ...No.
But I used to live in a city about the same as County Hillock... flushed red bricks, grey pavements. Buildings two or three floors high, flowering vines growing around the windows.
I... yearn after those peaceful times a lot.
There were so many old books at home, and some manuscripts too. I liked to hide away in the study, and lock the door, so I wouldn't have to hear anyone talk to me.
Bagpipe Oh, you had piles of family makin' a racket, then? Or was it visitors all the time?
Reed ...No, thankfully. Just–I could avoid so much trouble if I hid.
I could see into the street from the window in there. I'd see my parents come back after a day of work.
I would love to go back there, if I could.
Bagpipe Oh. So the place isn't...
Reed Mm.
Bagpipe I'm sorry... I'm makin' it worse for you, aren't I?
Reed It's okay. It was all so long ago.
I might not be much different–to the ordinary people whose lives were ruined at County Hillock, or to these refugees leaving their home behind.
They can all settle down here, and rebuild their houses... but–where is their homeland?
And the ones who are–forced out even farther... where are they fleeing to?
Bagpipe Hmm... You're havin' trouble answerin' these questions just on your lonesome, aren't you?
Reed Mm...
Bagpipe But I'm not sayin' it's no use thinkin' over them!
If you can't come up with an answer alone, we can think together. Whenever I had a question I couldn't fill in, I'd always bother Chenchen about it.
And later down the line, I'd prattle on at my captains... I mean, they found me annoyin' as flip, but still, they'd chat with me every time, help me solve issues.
What about you? You got anyone to speak your mind to? Like a sister or a schoolmate or someone in arms, that sort of...
Reed ......
There's... my older sister.
Bagpipe You don't get along much?
Reed ...No. I shouldn't be saying this. I shouldn't...
Bagpipe Y'know, Selmon was right about one thing, actually. You're always sayin' "no" out of habit.
But she misunderstood a little. It's when you're talkin' about yourself that you're most fond of sayin' "no", like... och, I can't put it into words. It's like you're strainin' to break away from somethin'.
Reed ...I've been told something like that before.
Bagpipe Oh, what? Really?
Reed She... saved me, and told me, I didn't have to seek death. That I could dodge destiny.
Bagpipe Outcast, eh. There's somethin' she would say.
Reed I regret... I regret not having it in me to say anything more to her.
I want to ask her so badly–why save me?
What... did she see in me?
Bagpipe Ohh. I'm not sure how she'd answer myself.
But, y'know, Reed, why not ask yourself before askin' her? What do you see in yourself?
Reed My... self?
[Bagpipe heard someone nearby.]
Bagpipe Oh, someone's over there.
Reed With the way they feel about, I think it's Moran... She can't see at night.
Bagpipe Gosh, why's she out here by herself, then?
Bagpipe Miss Moran! Need any help from us?
Oh, you just stand still there for a sec, we'll be right over.
<Background 6>
Moran ...Thank you.
Where's Reed, can I ask? They said, she'd gone out.
Reed I'm right here.
Moran ...Sorry. Excuse me, but am I able to go with you?
I don't mind where it is. I've still got some strength, I can work... and fight.
Reed ......
You want to... fight?
Moran I do. They all say I won't live much longer, that my only option's dying without a word in some corner.
I don't agree with that.
"If you want to survive as a Taran, then change workshops, and accept lower pay". "If you want to survive as with Oripathy, then move out, and get to the Infected neighborhood"...
I'm done listening to all that.
Reed, I used to not be this way, but then I met you.
They tell me you're an Infected too. It's you who convinced Selmon and the rest to bring us here.
Reed You... trust me, like Fionn does?
Moran Please, no pressure, I... I don't want to be a burden on you, or anyone.
I just want to do something, anything. People like me have nothing left to lose as is.
If I can bring something or other to the rest of the Tarans, then I want to do it. If my legs will still walk forward, then I want to go with you.
Reed ......
Bagpipe I think that's fine. Reed, for now, let's go together. How about it?
To the red-haired Vouivre, the question's not one Reed needs to respond to, because she starts pulling Reed along before an answer even comes.
Reed takes a glance back at their visitor. She knows Moran has night blindness, and needs someone to guide the way when darkness falls.
With little time to hesitate, Reed extends a hand to Moran.
Reed ...Let's go.
<Background 7>
Enthusiastic Merchant Here you finally are, Miss Harmonie. I was beginning to think I'd never see you today.
Harmonie A wine tasting courtesy of the Viscount? How could I ever miss it?
Enthusiastic Merchant But of course, but of course. A friend of the Marquess of Trent! You're the Viscount's guest of honor.
It's all thanks to your introducing me that I closed out that bit of prior business. I've been looking for an opportunity to thank you all this time.
Harmonie Oh, it was quite nothing, Mr. Hall.
I've no noble personage, or even property in my name. At most, I'm just a messenger, scampering around so the ones in charge don't have to.
Fischer (Toasts)
Harmonie Who might he be...?
Enthusiastic Merchant The council's pet. A Mr. Fischer.
Harmonie Oh? Well, I've certainly never heard of him before.
Enthusiastic Merchant He only transferred to this county a short while ago. Youngsters like him tend to have to break their backs a little if they want a quick promotion.
Harmonie Heheh. A universal truth, no?
Enthusiastic Merchant You're too modest.
Oh, yes, I hear from some friends that the Dukes' armies are very frequently on the move now. They've put every core city of their duchies under strict martial law.
You've always been on top of the news... could you lend me a sly word, whether war seems imminent?
Harmonie The papers certainly forecast it, don't they? After all, the Dukes' fleets did trundle up to Londinium's walls some while ago.
Enthusiastic Merchant I'm not much concerned with the Sarkaz. I'm referring to between the Dukes... ahem, based on hearsay, that is. Just hearsay.
There's been a lot of Originium fuel circulating into County Trent. The Marquess and the Duke of Caster have always been jolly with each other, but County Trent and the Iron Duke's duchy share a border...
Harmonie My, my, Mr. Hall, all intercity fuel trade requires inspection and approval. I presume you have some very good friends in municipal management, no?
Enthusiastic Merchant Ha... haha, just for business purposes.
Miss Harmonie, you might not follow the war too closely, but... you came in from another city, didn't you?
You've been fortunate not to run into any hassle when you did, but I do ask you take care on the return journey.
I hear it's hideous in the villages beyond the nomadic cities. There's rebel elements popping up now and then. Even a case of arson a few days ago.
Harmonie What sort of rebel elements are these to earn your attention?
Enthusiastic Merchant Attention is a strong word–similar things happen in spades anywhere the bumpkins live.
It's that fire that's strange... hahah. This might not be true, so pretend I'm just telling you about some country tale.
Eyewitnesses say that fire wasn't quite your ordinary one. It was ferocious as an explosion, but not a hint of Originium explosives was found where it happened. And the nightmarish effort it took to extinguish it...
A Glance 1.png
Harmonie ......
Unusual fire.
All too likely to be a coincidence, but all too familiar of a description to her.
Could it be... Loughshinny?
Harmonie is stunned.
"The Brigadier's" warning has certainly roused some anxieties deep in her heart. Ever since that Rhodes Island ship had sailed into Victoria, she'd been absent any hold of information on Loughshinny.
Someone, without a doubt, had been helping Rhodes Island cover their tracks. Clearly, this pharmaceutical company was not as simple as she first assumed.
And on the same coin, a Loughshinny aboard Rhodes Island would be a Loughshinny immensely difficult for the rest of Victoria's powers to find.
So why... why would Loughshinny leave the ship?
Why would she surface somewhere so close to Eblana?
A Glance 2.png
From behind Harmonie, there is a gaze.
Her every move has been closely watched since the second she stepped into the ballroom.
But it is this moment when the gaze truly focuses on her.
<Background 7>
Enthusiastic Merchant Miss Harmonie?
Harmonie ...Hm?
Harmonie I'm sorry... I was just thinking about the dance tonight. Say, what color earrings would I be best off wearing?
<Background 8>
Fischer ...Sir, I assume you've seen the relevant dossier, as well as all my reports.
I suggest we commence operation immediately...
Screened Woman's Voice Very well done, youngster. Have you tried the whiskey-filled chocolates out on the table?
Fischer –!
I hope you're well, Duke of Caster. I didn't expect you would grace this party, let alone be waiting here.
[The lady talking with Fischer from behind the curtains reveal herself to be the Duke of Caster, one of Victoria's Grand Dukes.]
Duke of Caster Who could miss such a grand soirée? Just listening to the chamber performance blows my cares away, even from behind my partition.
I do hope you're enjoying yourself too.
Fischer I'm... still on duty. I can't be complacent.
Duke of Caster Our every effort is made so that the masses can enjoy their serene lives.
Intelligence officers may be the lookouts, forced to keep a tense nerve even in times of peace, but you'll have your serenity one day.
Lest I forget. How's your health?
Fischer My gratitude for your concern, Duke. It floors me that you note the infection of an average intelligence officer like myself.
Duke of Caster Don't be nervous. You're not hiding anything. As I say, you've done very well.
By way of a reward, would you like a promotion after your mission is over, or would you like to quit?