Operation story: DM-6

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Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior

Before operation

The war shifts overnight. Upon learning this information, Hoederer returns to the battlefield to find W on a vengeful rampage. Hoederer invites W to return to the team, and they head towards the frozen land of Ursus.
<Background black>
I know what I said. No one could just watch from the sidelines. There could be no bystanders.
And yet, I still wanted to escape from the war. From Babel, from W, and from Her Majesty...
So I ran.
...What a hypocrite.

Do I regret it? Maybe.
But even if I stayed there, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything.

<Background 1>
5:58 AM \ Light drizzle
Northernmost outskirts of Kazdel, mercenary camp at the edge of the warzone.
A few months after leaving Babel...
Hoederer This intel...
Ines ...
C'mon, say something. You're normally pretty glib.
Hoederer ...What's there to talk about?
Ines Why are you throwing a question back at me?
...This deadlock has been dragging on for ages. Do you think the scales will tip overnight?
What the hell happened these last six months? Aren't things moving way too quickly...?
Hoederer We all know something went wrong.
But as to exactly where, nobody knows.
I guess I shouldn't say nobody.
Her Majesty... and the people around her. That never should've happened to them. That's what we all think.
Ines But right now... what about us? Will the same thing happen to us?
Hoederer Too soon. This war ended too quickly.
Up until last month, we were still working our contract with Babel. Then, they went quiet. We stopped getting any news...
Everyone knew which side we were on, and it's not like we were even ready to leave.
...If that's really the end of things, we have nowhere to run.
Tell the Messenger to start pulling contacts and see what intel we can dig up.
Maybe we'll... have to return to the real battlefield.
Ines I also figured that day was coming.
We all knew it deep down, didn't we?
If we really wanted to wash our hands of the whole thing, we wouldn't have agreed to work with them in the first place.
We could've left on our own, crossed Lake Valendan, and made a killing somewhere else–
Hoederer Ines, I...
Ines Stop.
It'd be even harder for us to pull out of there. Too easy to get lost in that warmth. We'd get drunk on it.
Hoederer Maybe we should just abandon Babel and take our people away.
Ines You still have that same old problem. You're getting sentimental again.
Hoederer I can't tell you how long, but it feels like it's been ages since I've made a good decision that actually helped us.
Maybe we really don't belong on the battlefield anymore...
Ines Enough of that. Which one of us is the Sarkaz here?
Is there a single other place on Terra, like even a wooden shed over our heads, that can handle a bunch of bloodstained Sarkaz?
Don't always blame yourself. We all share the burden.
Also, looking back, I can say that you made the right decision to take in W.
She's made a lot of money for us. And offed a lot of people.
Hoederer ...Hope so.
W... Is she still alive?
Ines I don't think she'd die so easily.
Hoederer She spent a decent amount of time with Her Majesty as well. Who knows, maybe she learned a thing or two.
We need to get a grasp quick of the situation in Kazdel right now. If we can find her again, things might get a little easier.
Ines Do we really need her to back us up?
Hoederer ...
Ines Fine.
...What a damn shame.
<Background 2>
W –There you are. Ugh, you sure know how to run.
Sarkaz Warrior You look dead inside. I heard what you've been up to lately, W.
W Then, you should also know that you're the last one.
Sarkaz Warrior You're right. As you can see, a lot of people died in this battle.
All you're doing at this point is running up the score.
The way I see things, anyone who isn't dead yet has done a lot more than you ever have.
W Shut up.
Sarkaz Warrior Do you need another reminder?
Theresa is dead. All of Kazdel, all of Terra will know that Kazdel has a new king.
But that was just a decapitation strike. A lot of your core operators are still alive.
Like that commander of yours who never showed up again. They made the right call.
His Majesty didn't completely annihilate you because he wants to put a stop to the chaos. Kazdel needs him to pave a new path forward–
–But what about you? Who are you to lecture anyone about right or wrong?
Of course you won't say it, but I know that's what you're thinking. And while you're thinking, you're trying to erase all those faces from your memory, one by one.
After all, you're just here to vent. Just a petty little mercenary, drowning in her worthless revenge.
You can't beat anyone.
W I can definitely beat you, pretty easily too.
Sarkaz Warrior Killing me doesn't prove anything.
W All you do is run your mouth. Are you trying to read my mind, or just getting some last words out before you die?
Sarkaz Warrior A bit of both. I won't deny it.
Ever since that–[note 1] since I almost choked on the blood of my friends, I haven't been able to hold a weapon.
We've all bled. Splattered it across Babel's palace. What you've seen, I've seen so much more.
But since you found me, I guess my fate is sealed. Hah.
I know.
W Save your breath. To be honest... I just kinda wanna kill you. Call it a little relief from the stress of unemployment.
Sarkaz Warrior Bah... I really underestimated you, psycho.
Can you really pull that trigger without any anger behind it? Or, are you so far gone that you don't even feel anything?
You're alone now... How many of our people do you plan to hunt down?
Don't you realize... you're not even thinking about Her Majesty Theresa? You're helping him silence us, and...
W Will you shut it already? I thought you wanted to die?
If you ran back to your little Regent, do you really think I could butcher my way through Kazdel and drag all of you out one-by-one?
But you won't. None of you will. When you people killed her, you knew that you'd never be able to return to Kazdel again. You'll never go back to the way things were before.
Nobody who actually saw what she looked like would've been able to keep cool. Except for those real monsters.
So you're all waiting for one special person: me, your executioner. I'm here to finally set you free.
And I'm doing it for free too! How great is that?!
Sarkaz Warrior ...
Tch... Self-righteous lunatic...
But, what you said is true...
We... We stained our hands with her blood... But even then...
W You never should've call that man "His Majesty." Theresa is the only one who gets that title. You might've lived to speak a few more words.
I hope the usurper isn't rushing to get fitted for a crown. I mean, he'll be losing his head in a minute here. It'd be such a waste. Just wait 'til Theresa...
??? If you don't surrender, you get other mercs on you. Next time, you'll be the prey.
W –Well look who it is.
I thought you two left Kazdel ages ago... Long time no see.
[Hoederer and Ines appears.]
Hoederer ...Compared to how long this war has been going on, it was a weekend getaway. But I can't believe how you've grown.
W I spooked you? Your hands are shaking.
Hoederer Just a little rusty.
Ines Our intel did say that you'd be alone here–
But we're almost 200 kilometers out from Taba. What do you plan to do with that rickety corpse of yours?
Or, have you been dragging yourself around like this for months, all alone...?
W It wasn't that hard. But I guess there is a lot of stuff that's a pain in the ass to do by myself.
Ines Like if you're rushing to patch yourself up, you could suddenly find your infection getting a lot worse?
W It's whatever, as long as I don't die. And I don't die easy.
But that tower... looks familiar. Where are we?
Hoederer Here? We're on the western battlezone. The coordinates are–
–Oh, right. This is where "W" died.
And where you joined us.
Ines ...This place has been blasted into ruins.
What, were you feeling nostalgic?
W Do I look like the nostalgic type? My last target just happened to run over here.
I know you two came for a reason. Just like last time, let's cut to the chase.
Hoederer ...The Regent has united all of Kazdel's armed forces.
The remaining mercenaries will also be united to form a real standing army, to be sent to all throughout Terra.
W What a busybody.
Hoederer It's understandable.
Unless the big shots in Victoria and Laterano are useless pieces of shit with butter for brains, nobody is just going to sit back and let Kazdel rebuild after reunification.
W Maybe we can borrow a few of the folks here and stir up some unrest again.
Hoederer Bad idea, even if you're trying to get revenge.
W Don't forget how many of our people with us now fought side-by-side with Theresa.
Ines Sarkaz mercenaries like us never really had a dog in the fight. Most people don't like thinking. They just need someone to give them orders.
So if all the Sarkaz will listen to the Regent, then he's won.
W –Ines, did it hurt when you carved your horns to look all Sarkazy[sic]? Did they bleed?
Ines ...No.
W Then your little disguise isn't even skin deep. Keep playing the Sarkaz and you're gonna get yourself killed.
Ines Thanks for the concern. I can hardly contain my bile.
W I'm just not in the mood to hear you calling yourself a "Sarkaz" right now.
Ines I decided to go down this path, and it's the only one I can follow at this point.
Hoederer W, since Her Majesty Theresa disappeared, Kazdel has changed a lot, completely turned on its head.
Most Sarkaz don't have a choice. Not to mention, it's also a tempting proposition for many others.
W ...So let me guess, because you didn't have time to make it out, you accepted the murderer's proposal?
Hoederer We'd be a bunch of icy stiffs if we didn't.
W Looks like I'm not gonna be able to change your mind.
I'm not as cruel as you used to be. Why don't we let our swords do the talking... for old time's sake?
Hoederer Slow up a minute... You might be interested in what I have to say next.
...We're not going back to Kazdel. We're headed to Ursus.
W –Now that's a surprise. You should've said that earlier. I was this close to killing you.
But you've got my attention. Let's talk, Captain Hoederer.
Viva la Reunion.png
Hoederer Just outside Kazdel, there are some... Infected uprisings.
They're paying top dollar for mercs, and the Regent is looking to manipulate some of the Infected for his own goals...
W ...the power of the Infected?
Hoederer But most of their forces are still up in the frozen land of Ursus.
And the Regent's not interested in the dilapidated, vacant throne of Kazdel anymore. He's got his eye on someplace else.
The so-called "Reunion Movement" is gathering the oppressed and downtrodden of all races. It's a fine piece to put in play for the next required step.
<Background 2>
W So nobody would get suspicious if we joined this Reunion Movement and left Kazdel far, far behind.
And then what?
Hoederer ...We'll take things one step at a time, W.
You already know what I want. And I also might know what you want.
W ...
You're right. That does seem like a better move.
Mm. I am after a real monster here, after all.
And the old woman disappeared too... Maybe there really is no more reason to stay in Kazdel...
...But I'm not letting you two run the show this time. There's things I want to do, choices I want to make for myself. That cool with you?
Hoederer The Regent will send someone to muster the mercenary army. If it's just between our little group here... that's fine.
We will help you.
W Don't worry. I've always been good at "coping" with my boss.
Hoederer ...All right then.
Welcome back, "W."
W, the Renegade.png
...Getting away from Kazdel, huh.
W has changed a lot. She should have her own ideas now.
I pushed Ines down this path too, but she's stronger than I expected.
...As for me?
Occasionally, if you climb up somewhere high and look down, you can see the plumes of smoke rising from Kazdel.
Maybe I'm the one who wants to escape from this place the most.

After operation

The mercenary team encounters a Catastrophe during the transfer. While forced to retreat, W demonstrates a crazed desire to revel in the Catastrophe — her only cover to meet with the messenger.
<Background black>
What happened to Babel? Any Sarkaz in contact with Her Majesty Theresa at the time would've asked this question.
W definitely saw the truth, but she said nothing during the long journey.
I didn't ask, and neither did Ines. But, I think she's closer to the truth than I am.
Before I knew it, I found myself trailing behind everyone else.
<Background 3>
Hoederer ...Of course.
Yes, it'll be fine. I'll keep contact with the other teams.
...By your command.
<Background fades out and in>
Hoederer Phew...
Guys, it looks like we'll be stationed here for a while.
Ines What happened?
Hoederer The scouts spotted a Catastrophe brewing, with no Catastrophe Messengers nearby. We should stay as far away as possible, just in case.
We can't risk it, no matter what.
Ines ...A Catastrophe, huh?
Hoederer It's rare to see one raging in the wilderness.
But we have plenty of experience dealing with Originium in Kazdel, so no need to panic.
...Where's W?
Ines She's with her team.
...Need her for something?
Hoederer I'm... not sure. She's changed a lot.
Ines Do you think her personality would change that much just because Theresa is gone?
Hoederer She's too calm. It's unlike her.
But when we found her on the battlefield earlier, she still had that cynical, sarcastic expression.
Ines If anything, she's only gotten worse.
That's odd. I never thought you'd be perceptive enough to pick up on these subtle warning signs.
Hoederer ...Save the jabs. If W's being quiet, that warning sign's far from "subtle."
Ines W, she... Oh–
Ines Look, the clouds are converging on the other side of the mountain, and the air pressure has changed drastically... Is that a Catastrophe cloud?
Hoederer ...It might not be safe to station here given the size of that thing. Notify all our forces to retreat 50 kilometers along our original route.
Find W, and make it quick.
Ines ...I don't take orders from you.
You know, the feeling W gives off now... is just like that thing.
<Background 3>
W Ahah...
Ines W! What are you doing–!
The wind– is so strong here!
W I'm enjoying the Catastrophe, what else?!
Ines Are you insane–
W What'd you say? I– can't– hear– you–
Ines Tch... I forgot you were always a lunatic.
Don't get the Sarkaz on your team killed with you!
W I already told them to evacuate with Hoederer. I'm not stupid– Hah!
Ines W! I'm telling you, be careful! Damn it!
W You're the one who should stay back. You're not gonna make it if you fall down there–
Ines And you think you will? If you don't want to die, get your ass back here–!
<Background fades out and in>
Hoederer ...What the hell are you two doing?
Ines Ask her.
W She insists on clinging to me.
Hoederer ...*Sigh*.
Fortunately, we didn't lose anyone from W's team. Otherwise, we'd get court-martialed long before we get to join Reuinon[sic].
Ines ...
Hoederer Let's all head back and rest first, then wait for the news.
W What's wrong with fighting during a Catastrophe? Are you afraid of the storm? Or of Oripathy?
Ines I'd just rather not die an early death.
W Let's get ourselves ready.
It'll be a real special experience.
<Background fades out and in>
Hoederer Ines.
Ines What? I'm not upset. It's not like we're a couple of ornery kids you have to break apart.
I can say... that W did a good job taking care of her team.
Hoederer Rare to hear you say that.
Ines Say what? ...I have no idea if she's just a lunatic, or if she's... Goddamnit.
She's no damn storm cloud. She is the Catastrophe.
Hoederer (*Swears*...)
<Background fades out and in>
W Ahahaha~!
Sarkaz Warrior ...You're in a good mood.
W Of course.
There's some news, but you don't get to hear it until we're out of this trash heap of a country.
Sarkaz Warrior That can't be why you set our rendezvous point right under a Catastrophe, right...? Are you trying to get me killed?
W Hey, don't put it that way.
Do you know what the biggest perk of being a lunatic is?
Sarkaz Warrior I'm not sure I want to know. But, I already have a pretty good idea just from following you, boss.
W That's right.
It's this. The crazier shit you do, the less others question you.
Sarkaz Warrior *Sigh*...
W The "Rhodes Island's" already left Kazdel, right?
Sarkaz Warrior To be specific, we don't have any reports of a landship that big getting taken in by His Ma... by Theresis's.
W Good enough.
Mm, so we do have a lead after all.
<Background black>
We have more and more fresh faces on the team, but I feel better, knowing that I left Kazdel.
Among those traveling with me are both friends and enemies, but it's always been volatile like that.
Mercenaries don't care too much about the past because for our kind, life and death are easy come, easy go.
Maybe because the war ended too quickly, we immediately plunged first into the next battle without ever tasting a moment of peace.
...This kind of hope could just be another poison. Since the beginning, we've always needed war and conflict to ease this balance.
W is the best example of this. She's long become drunk on it.
Talulah ...Ah.
Warriors from afar.
War has never been something that can be avoided.
I've always known that, of course. But at that moment, I truly realized it.
War has permeated every corner of this world. It always has, ever since the first sentient thing was born.
And, we will become mired in it again.


  1. The original text has a word that is omitted in the EN translation: "自从那个凯——... (Ever since that Kal–...)"